The top of the hierarchy is the buffer, a kind of wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox.
These boxes will allow flexible placement of text boxes on a page, but
- for now there will be a single box representing the document,
- and this box will a wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox which contains further
- wxRichTextParagraph objects, each of which can include text and images.
+ for now there is a single box representing the document, and this box is
+ a wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox which contains further wxRichTextParagraph
+ objects, each of which can include text and images.
Each object maintains a range (start and end position) measured
from the start of the main parent box.
a position relative to that text box. For now, we will not be dealing with
embedded objects but it's something to bear in mind for later.
+ Note that internally, a range (5,5) represents a range of one character.
+ In the public wx[Rich]TextCtrl API, this would be passed to e.g. SetSelection
+ as (5,6). A paragraph with one character might have an internal range of (0, 1)
+ since the end of the paragraph takes up one position.
in the vertical direction. The implementation of Layout can then
cache the calculated size and position within the parent.
- Note that position and size should be calculated separately, because
- for example inserting a paragraph may result in the following paragraphs
- moving down, but not changing in size.
- Need to determine how objects specify their position. Absolute coordinates,
- or relative to last object? May be hard to determine that. So should probably
- be in absolute coordinates, in which case we'll need a Move virtual function
- that allows quick movement of all elements without layout.
- Let's work through a simple example of layout. Say we're laying out
- a document with the buffer as the top box, with a wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox
- inside that that consists of wxRichTextParagraph objects.
- We're in a mode whereby changes of window size change the width of the
- page (useful for text editors, as opposed to word processors). The
- window width is 600.
- We pass (600, -1) to the top-level Layout (i.e. restrict size in horizontal
- direction only). The wxRichTextBuffer box doesn't currently have
- well-defined layout behaviour so we simply assume it has one child
- that fills its parent (later we can define sizer-like box layout behaviour).
- So it passes the same dimensions to the child, which is a wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox.
- This then looks at each child in turn (wxRichTextParagraph) and determines
- the size the paragraph will take up, setting the cached size, and
- splitting the paragraph into lines.
- When the layout for one paragraph returns, the next paragraph is
- fed the position of the previous, so it can position itself.
- Each time Layout is called, the cached list of lines for each paragraph
- is recreated, since it can change for example if the parent object width
- changes.
- Reporting size
- ==============
- Each object can report its size for a given range. It's important that
- it can report a partial size, so that wrapping can be implemented,
- hit test calculations performed, etc. So GetRangeSize must be implemented
- for each object.
#include "wx/cmdproc.h"
#include "wx/txtstrm.h"
+#include "wx/dataobj.h"
+// Compatibility
+#define wxRichTextAttr wxTextAttr
+#define wxTextAttrEx wxTextAttr
+// Setting wxRICHTEXT_USE_OWN_CARET to 1 implements a non-flashing
+// cursor reliably without using wxClientDC in case there
+// are platform-specific problems with the generic caret.
+// Switch off for binary compatibility, on for faster drawing
+// Note: this seems to be buggy (overzealous use of extents) so
+// don't use for now
- * File types
+ * Special characters
-#define wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY 0
-#define wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_XML 2
-#define wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_RTF 4
-#define wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_PDF 5
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT const wxChar wxRichTextLineBreakChar;
+ * File types in wxRichText context.
+ */
+enum wxRichTextFileType
* Forward declarations
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextObject;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextCacheObject;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextObjectList;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextParagraph;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextFragment;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextFileHandler;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextStyleSheet;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RICHTEXT wxRichTextCacheObject;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RICHTEXT wxRichTextObjectList;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RICHTEXT wxRichTextParagraph;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RICHTEXT wxRichTextFileHandler;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RICHTEXT wxRichTextStyleSheet;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RICHTEXT wxRichTextListStyleDefinition;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RICHTEXT wxRichTextRenderer;
* Flags determining the available space, passed to Layout
// the rect passed to Layout.
+ * Flags to pass to Draw
+ */
+// Ignore paragraph cache optimization, e.g. for printing purposes
+// where one line may be drawn higher (on the next page) compared
+// with the previous line
* Flags returned from hit-testing
+enum wxRichTextHitTestFlags
+ // The point was not on this object
+ // The point was before the position returned from HitTest
+ // The point was after the position returned from HitTest
-// The point was not on this object
-// The point was before the position returned from HitTest
-// The point was after the position returned from HitTest
-// The point was on the position returned from HitTest
-#define wxRICHTEXT_HITTEST_ON 0x08
+ // The point was on the position returned from HitTest
+ // The point was on space outside content
* Flags for GetRangeSize
+#define wxRICHTEXT_CACHE_SIZE 0x04
+#define wxRICHTEXT_HEIGHT_ONLY 0x08
- * Extra formatting flags not in wxTextAttr
+ * Flags for SetStyle/SetListStyle
-#define wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_AFTER 0x00000800
-#define wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_BEFORE 0x00001000
-#define wxTEXT_ATTR_LINE_SPACING 0x00002000
-#define wxTEXT_ATTR_CHARACTER_STYLE_NAME 0x00004000
-#define wxTEXT_ATTR_PARAGRAPH_STYLE_NAME 0x00008000
-#define wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE 0x00010000
-#define wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NUMBER 0x00020000
-#define wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_SYMBOL 0x00040000
+// Specifies that this operation should be undoable
+// Specifies that the style should not be applied if the
+// combined style at this point is already the style in question.
+// Specifies that the style should only be applied to paragraphs,
+// and not the content. This allows content styling to be
+// preserved independently from that of e.g. a named paragraph style.
+// Specifies that the style should only be applied to characters,
+// and not the paragraph. This allows content styling to be
+// preserved independently from that of e.g. a named paragraph style.
+// For SetListStyle only: specifies starting from the given number, otherwise
+// deduces number from existing attributes
+// For SetListStyle only: specifies the list level for all paragraphs, otherwise
+// the current indentation will be used
+// Resets the existing style before applying the new style
+// Removes the given style instead of applying it
- * Styles for wxTextAttrEx::SetBulletStyle
+ * Flags for text insertion
+#define wxRICHTEXT_INSERT_NONE 0x00
+// A special flag telling the buffer to keep the first paragraph style
+// as-is, when deleting a paragraph marker. In future we might pass a
+// flag to InsertFragment and DeleteRange to indicate the appropriate mode.
+#define wxTEXT_ATTR_KEEP_FIRST_PARA_STYLE 0x10000000
- * Line spacing values
+ * Default superscript/subscript font multiplication factor
+#define wxSCRIPT_MUL_FACTOR 1.5
+ * wxRichTextFontTable
+ * Manages quick access to a pool of fonts for rendering rich text
+ */
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextFontTable: public wxObject
+ wxRichTextFontTable();
+ wxRichTextFontTable(const wxRichTextFontTable& table);
+ virtual ~wxRichTextFontTable();
+ bool IsOk() const { return m_refData != NULL; }
+ wxFont FindFont(const wxTextAttr& fontSpec);
+ void Clear();
+ void operator= (const wxRichTextFontTable& table);
+ bool operator == (const wxRichTextFontTable& table) const;
+ bool operator != (const wxRichTextFontTable& table) const { return !(*this == table); }
* wxRichTextRange class declaration
* This stores beginning and end positions for a range of data.
+ * TODO: consider renaming wxTextRange and using for all text controls.
void operator =(const wxRichTextRange& range) { m_start = range.m_start; m_end = range.m_end; }
bool operator ==(const wxRichTextRange& range) const { return (m_start == range.m_start && m_end == range.m_end); }
+ bool operator !=(const wxRichTextRange& range) const { return (m_start != range.m_start && m_end != range.m_end); }
wxRichTextRange operator -(const wxRichTextRange& range) const { return wxRichTextRange(m_start - range.m_start, m_end - range.m_end); }
wxRichTextRange operator +(const wxRichTextRange& range) const { return wxRichTextRange(m_start + range.m_start, m_end + range.m_end); }
/// Swaps the start and end
void Swap() { long tmp = m_start; m_start = m_end; m_end = tmp; }
+ /// Convert to internal form: (n, n) is the range of a single character.
+ wxRichTextRange ToInternal() const { return wxRichTextRange(m_start, m_end-1); }
+ /// Convert from internal to public API form: (n, n+1) is the range of a single character.
+ wxRichTextRange FromInternal() const { return wxRichTextRange(m_start, m_end+1); }
long m_start;
long m_end;
#define wxRICHTEXT_ALL wxRichTextRange(-2, -2)
#define wxRICHTEXT_NONE wxRichTextRange(-1, -1)
- * wxTextAttrEx is an extended version of wxTextAttr with more paragraph attributes.
- */
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxTextAttrEx: public wxTextAttr
- // ctors
- wxTextAttrEx(const wxTextAttrEx& attr);
- wxTextAttrEx(const wxTextAttr& attr) { Init(); (*this) = attr; }
- wxTextAttrEx() { Init(); }
- // Initialise this object.
- void Init();
- // Assignment from a wxTextAttrEx object
- void operator= (const wxTextAttrEx& attr);
- // Assignment from a wxTextAttr object.
- void operator= (const wxTextAttr& attr);
- // setters
- void SetCharacterStyleName(const wxString& name) { m_characterStyleName = name; }
- void SetParagraphStyleName(const wxString& name) { m_paragraphStyleName = name; }
- void SetParagraphSpacingAfter(int spacing) { m_paragraphSpacingAfter = spacing; }
- void SetParagraphSpacingBefore(int spacing) { m_paragraphSpacingBefore = spacing; }
- void SetLineSpacing(int spacing) { m_lineSpacing = spacing; }
- void SetBulletStyle(int style) { m_bulletStyle = style; }
- void SetBulletNumber(int n) { m_bulletNumber = n; }
- void SetBulletSymbol(wxChar symbol) { m_bulletSymbol = symbol; }
- const wxString& GetCharacterStyleName() const { return m_characterStyleName; }
- const wxString& GetParagraphStyleName() const { return m_paragraphStyleName; }
- int GetParagraphSpacingAfter() const { return m_paragraphSpacingAfter; }
- int GetParagraphSpacingBefore() const { return m_paragraphSpacingBefore; }
- int GetLineSpacing() const { return m_lineSpacing; }
- int GetBulletStyle() const { return m_bulletStyle; }
- int GetBulletNumber() const { return m_bulletNumber; }
- wxChar GetBulletSymbol() const { return m_bulletSymbol; }
- bool HasWeight() const { return (GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT) != 0; }
- bool HasSize() const { return (GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE) != 0; }
- bool HasItalic() const { return (GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC) != 0; }
- bool HasUnderlined() const { return (GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE) != 0; }
- bool HasFaceName() const { return (GetFlags() & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE) != 0; }
- bool HasParagraphSpacingAfter() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_AFTER); }
- bool HasParagraphSpacingBefore() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_BEFORE); }
- bool HasLineSpacing() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_LINE_SPACING); }
- bool HasCharacterStyleName() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_CHARACTER_STYLE_NAME); }
- bool HasParagraphStyleName() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_PARAGRAPH_STYLE_NAME); }
- bool HasBulletStyle() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE); }
- bool HasBulletNumber() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NUMBER); }
- bool HasBulletSymbol() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_SYMBOL); }
- // Is this a character style?
- bool IsCharacterStyle() const { return (0 != (GetFlags() & (wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT | wxTEXT_ATTR_BACKGROUND_COLOUR | wxTEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR))); }
- bool IsParagraphStyle() const { return (0 != (GetFlags() & (wxTEXT_ATTR_ALIGNMENT|wxTEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT|wxTEXT_ATTR_RIGHT_INDENT|wxTEXT_ATTR_TABS|
- // returns false if we have any attributes set, true otherwise
- bool IsDefault() const
- {
- return !HasTextColour() && !HasBackgroundColour() && !HasFont() && !HasAlignment() &&
- !HasTabs() && !HasLeftIndent() && !HasRightIndent() &&
- !HasParagraphSpacingAfter() && !HasParagraphSpacingBefore() && !HasLineSpacing() &&
- !HasCharacterStyleName() && !HasParagraphStyleName() && !HasBulletNumber() && !HasBulletStyle() && !HasBulletSymbol();
- }
- // return the attribute having the valid font and colours: it uses the
- // attributes set in attr and falls back first to attrDefault and then to
- // the text control font/colours for those attributes which are not set
- static wxTextAttrEx CombineEx(const wxTextAttrEx& attr,
- const wxTextAttrEx& attrDef,
- const wxTextCtrlBase *text);
- // Paragraph styles
- int m_paragraphSpacingAfter;
- int m_paragraphSpacingBefore;
- int m_lineSpacing;
- int m_bulletStyle;
- int m_bulletNumber;
- wxChar m_bulletSymbol;
- // Character style
- wxString m_characterStyleName;
- // Paragraph style
- wxString m_paragraphStyleName;
- * wxRichTextAttr stores attributes without a wxFont object, so is a much more
- * efficient way to query styles.
- */
- // ctors
- wxRichTextAttr(const wxTextAttrEx& attr);
- wxRichTextAttr() { Init(); }
- wxRichTextAttr(const wxColour& colText,
- const wxColour& colBack = wxNullColour,
- wxTextAttrAlignment alignment = wxTEXT_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT);
- // Initialise this object.
- void Init();
- // Assignment from a wxRichTextAttr object.
- void operator= (const wxRichTextAttr& attr);
- // Assignment from a wxTextAttrEx object.
- void operator= (const wxTextAttrEx& attr);
- // Making a wxTextAttrEx object.
- operator wxTextAttrEx () const ;
- // Copy to a wxTextAttr
- void CopyTo(wxTextAttrEx& attr) const;
- // Create font from font attributes.
- wxFont CreateFont() const;
- // Get attributes from font.
- bool GetFontAttributes(const wxFont& font);
- // setters
- void SetTextColour(const wxColour& colText) { m_colText = colText; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR; }
- void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colBack) { m_colBack = colBack; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_BACKGROUND_COLOUR; }
- void SetAlignment(wxTextAttrAlignment alignment) { m_textAlignment = alignment; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_ALIGNMENT; }
- void SetTabs(const wxArrayInt& tabs) { m_tabs = tabs; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_TABS; }
- void SetLeftIndent(int indent, int subIndent = 0) { m_leftIndent = indent; m_leftSubIndent = subIndent; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT; }
- void SetRightIndent(int indent) { m_rightIndent = indent; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_RIGHT_INDENT; }
- void SetFontSize(int pointSize) { m_fontSize = pointSize; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE; }
- void SetFontStyle(int fontStyle) { m_fontStyle = fontStyle; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC; }
- void SetFontWeight(int fontWeight) { m_fontWeight = fontWeight; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT; }
- void SetFontFaceName(const wxString& faceName) { m_fontFaceName = faceName; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE; }
- void SetFontUnderlined(bool underlined) { m_fontUnderlined = underlined; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE; }
- void SetFlags(long flags) { m_flags = flags; }
- void SetCharacterStyleName(const wxString& name) { m_characterStyleName = name; }
- void SetParagraphStyleName(const wxString& name) { m_paragraphStyleName = name; }
- void SetParagraphSpacingAfter(int spacing) { m_paragraphSpacingAfter = spacing; }
- void SetParagraphSpacingBefore(int spacing) { m_paragraphSpacingBefore = spacing; }
- void SetLineSpacing(int spacing) { m_lineSpacing = spacing; }
- void SetBulletStyle(int style) { m_bulletStyle = style; }
- void SetBulletNumber(int n) { m_bulletNumber = n; }
- void SetBulletSymbol(wxChar symbol) { m_bulletSymbol = symbol; }
- const wxColour& GetTextColour() const { return m_colText; }
- const wxColour& GetBackgroundColour() const { return m_colBack; }
- wxTextAttrAlignment GetAlignment() const { return m_textAlignment; }
- const wxArrayInt& GetTabs() const { return m_tabs; }
- long GetLeftIndent() const { return m_leftIndent; }
- long GetLeftSubIndent() const { return m_leftSubIndent; }
- long GetRightIndent() const { return m_rightIndent; }
- long GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
- int GetFontSize() const { return m_fontSize; }
- int GetFontStyle() const { return m_fontStyle; }
- int GetFontWeight() const { return m_fontWeight; }
- bool GetFontUnderlined() const { return m_fontUnderlined; }
- const wxString& GetFontFaceName() const { return m_fontFaceName; }
- const wxString& GetCharacterStyleName() const { return m_characterStyleName; }
- const wxString& GetParagraphStyleName() const { return m_paragraphStyleName; }
- int GetParagraphSpacingAfter() const { return m_paragraphSpacingAfter; }
- int GetParagraphSpacingBefore() const { return m_paragraphSpacingBefore; }
- int GetLineSpacing() const { return m_lineSpacing; }
- int GetBulletStyle() const { return m_bulletStyle; }
- int GetBulletNumber() const { return m_bulletNumber; }
- wxChar GetBulletSymbol() const { return m_bulletSymbol; }
- // accessors
- bool HasTextColour() const { return m_colText.Ok() && HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR) ; }
- bool HasBackgroundColour() const { return m_colBack.Ok() && HasFlag(wxTEXT_ATTR_BACKGROUND_COLOUR) ; }
- bool HasAlignment() const { return (m_textAlignment != wxTEXT_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT) || ((m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_ALIGNMENT) != 0) ; }
- bool HasTabs() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_TABS) != 0 ; }
- bool HasLeftIndent() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT) != 0 ; }
- bool HasRightIndent() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_RIGHT_INDENT) != 0 ; }
- bool HasWeight() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT) != 0; }
- bool HasSize() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_SIZE) != 0; }
- bool HasItalic() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC) != 0; }
- bool HasUnderlined() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE) != 0; }
- bool HasFaceName() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT_FACE) != 0; }
- bool HasFont() const { return (m_flags & (wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT)) != 0; }
- bool HasParagraphSpacingAfter() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_AFTER) != 0; }
- bool HasParagraphSpacingBefore() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_PARA_SPACING_BEFORE) != 0; }
- bool HasLineSpacing() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_LINE_SPACING) != 0; }
- bool HasCharacterStyleName() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_CHARACTER_STYLE_NAME) != 0; }
- bool HasParagraphStyleName() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_PARAGRAPH_STYLE_NAME) != 0; }
- bool HasBulletStyle() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE) != 0; }
- bool HasBulletNumber() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_NUMBER) != 0; }
- bool HasBulletSymbol() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_SYMBOL) != 0; }
- bool HasFlag(long flag) const { return (m_flags & flag) != 0; }
- // Is this a character style?
- bool IsCharacterStyle() const { return (0 != (GetFlags() & (wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT | wxTEXT_ATTR_BACKGROUND_COLOUR | wxTEXT_ATTR_TEXT_COLOUR))); }
- bool IsParagraphStyle() const { return (0 != (GetFlags() & (wxTEXT_ATTR_ALIGNMENT|wxTEXT_ATTR_LEFT_INDENT|wxTEXT_ATTR_RIGHT_INDENT|wxTEXT_ATTR_TABS|
- // returns false if we have any attributes set, true otherwise
- bool IsDefault() const
- {
- return !HasTextColour() && !HasBackgroundColour() && !HasFont() && !HasAlignment() &&
- !HasTabs() && !HasLeftIndent() && !HasRightIndent() &&
- !HasParagraphSpacingAfter() && !HasParagraphSpacingBefore() && !HasLineSpacing() &&
- !HasCharacterStyleName() && !HasParagraphStyleName() && !HasBulletNumber() && !HasBulletStyle() && !HasBulletSymbol();
- }
- // return the attribute having the valid font and colours: it uses the
- // attributes set in attr and falls back first to attrDefault and then to
- // the text control font/colours for those attributes which are not set
- static wxRichTextAttr Combine(const wxRichTextAttr& attr,
- const wxRichTextAttr& attrDef,
- const wxTextCtrlBase *text);
- long m_flags;
- // Paragraph styles
- wxArrayInt m_tabs; // array of int: tab stops in 1/10 mm
- int m_leftIndent; // left indent in 1/10 mm
- int m_leftSubIndent; // left indent for all but the first
- // line in a paragraph relative to the
- // first line, in 1/10 mm
- int m_rightIndent; // right indent in 1/10 mm
- wxTextAttrAlignment m_textAlignment;
- int m_paragraphSpacingAfter;
- int m_paragraphSpacingBefore;
- int m_lineSpacing;
- int m_bulletStyle;
- int m_bulletNumber;
- wxChar m_bulletSymbol;
- // Character styles
- wxColour m_colText,
- m_colBack;
- int m_fontSize;
- int m_fontStyle;
- int m_fontWeight;
- bool m_fontUnderlined;
- wxString m_fontFaceName;
- // Character style
- wxString m_characterStyleName;
- // Paragraph style
- wxString m_paragraphStyleName;
* wxRichTextObject class declaration
* This is the base for drawable objects.
// Constructors
wxRichTextObject(wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL);
- ~wxRichTextObject();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextObject();
// Overrideables
/// Get the object size for the given range. Returns false if the range
/// is invalid for this object.
- virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0)) const = 0;
+ virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0), wxArrayInt* partialExtents = NULL) const = 0;
/// Do a split, returning an object containing the second part, and setting
/// the first part in 'this'.
virtual int GetBottomMargin() const { return m_bottomMargin; }
/// Set attributes object
- void SetAttributes(const wxTextAttrEx& attr) { m_attributes = attr; }
- const wxTextAttrEx& GetAttributes() const { return m_attributes; }
- wxTextAttrEx& GetAttributes() { return m_attributes; }
+ void SetAttributes(const wxTextAttr& attr) { m_attributes = attr; }
+ const wxTextAttr& GetAttributes() const { return m_attributes; }
+ wxTextAttr& GetAttributes() { return m_attributes; }
/// Set/get stored descent
void SetDescent(int descent) { m_descent = descent; }
int GetDescent() const { return m_descent; }
+ /// Gets the containing buffer
+ wxRichTextBuffer* GetBuffer() const;
// Operations
/// Clone the object
void Reference() { m_refCount ++; }
void Dereference();
- /// Convert units in tends of a millimetre to device units
+ /// Convert units in tenths of a millimetre to device units
int ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(wxDC& dc, int units);
+ static int ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(int ppi, int units);
wxSize m_size;
int m_bottomMargin;
/// Attributes
- wxTextAttrEx m_attributes;
+ wxTextAttr m_attributes;
WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL( wxRichTextObject, wxRichTextObjectList, class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT );
// Constructors
wxRichTextCompositeObject(wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL);
- ~wxRichTextCompositeObject();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextCompositeObject();
// Overrideables
/// Copy
void Copy(const wxRichTextCompositeObject& obj);
+ /// Assignment
+ void operator= (const wxRichTextCompositeObject& obj) { Copy(obj); }
/// Append a child, returning the position
size_t AppendChild(wxRichTextObject* child) ;
bool DeleteChildren() ;
/// Recursively merge all pieces that can be merged.
- bool Defragment();
+ bool Defragment(const wxRichTextRange& range = wxRICHTEXT_ALL);
wxRichTextObjectList m_children;
/// Get/set the object size for the given range. Returns false if the range
/// is invalid for this object.
- virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0)) const;
+ virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0), wxArrayInt* partialExtents = NULL) const;
// Accessors
// Constructors
wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox(wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL);
- wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox(const wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& obj):wxRichTextBox() { Init(); Copy(obj); }
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox(const wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& obj): wxRichTextBox() { Init(); Copy(obj); }
// Overrideables
/// Get/set the object size for the given range. Returns false if the range
/// is invalid for this object.
- virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0)) const;
+ virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0), wxArrayInt* partialExtents = NULL) const;
/// Delete range
virtual bool DeleteRange(const wxRichTextRange& range);
/// Get the associated control.
wxRichTextCtrl* GetRichTextCtrl() const { return m_ctrl; }
+ /// Get/set whether the last paragraph is partial or complete
+ void SetPartialParagraph(bool partialPara) { m_partialParagraph = partialPara; }
+ bool GetPartialParagraph() const { return m_partialParagraph; }
+ /// If this is a buffer, returns the current style sheet. The base layout box
+ /// class doesn't have an associated style sheet.
+ virtual wxRichTextStyleSheet* GetStyleSheet() const { return NULL; }
// Operations
/// Initialize the object.
virtual void Reset();
/// Convenience function to add a paragraph of text
- virtual wxRichTextRange AddParagraph(const wxString& text);
+ virtual wxRichTextRange AddParagraph(const wxString& text, wxTextAttr* paraStyle = NULL);
/// Convenience function to add an image
- virtual wxRichTextRange AddImage(const wxImage& image);
+ virtual wxRichTextRange AddImage(const wxImage& image, wxTextAttr* paraStyle = NULL);
/// Adds multiple paragraphs, based on newlines.
- virtual wxRichTextRange AddParagraphs(const wxString& text);
+ virtual wxRichTextRange AddParagraphs(const wxString& text, wxTextAttr* paraStyle = NULL);
/// Get the line at the given position. If caretPosition is true, the position is
/// a caret position, which is normally a smaller number.
virtual int GetParagraphLength(long paragraphNumber) const;
/// Get the number of paragraphs
- virtual int GetParagraphCount() const { return GetChildCount(); }
+ virtual int GetParagraphCount() const { return static_cast<int>(GetChildCount()); }
/// Get the number of visible lines
virtual int GetLineCount() const;
virtual bool PositionToXY(long pos, long* x, long* y) const;
/// Set text attributes: character and/or paragraph styles.
- virtual bool SetStyle(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextAttr& style, bool withUndo = true);
- virtual bool SetStyle(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxTextAttrEx& style, bool withUndo = true);
+ virtual bool SetStyle(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxTextAttr& style, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO);
+ /// Get the conbined text attributes for this position.
+ virtual bool GetStyle(long position, wxTextAttr& style);
- /// Get the text attributes for this position.
- virtual bool GetStyle(long position, wxTextAttrEx& style) const;
- virtual bool GetStyle(long position, wxRichTextAttr& style) const;
+ /// Get the content (uncombined) attributes for this position.
+ virtual bool GetUncombinedStyle(long position, wxTextAttr& style);
+ /// Implementation helper for GetStyle. If combineStyles is true, combine base, paragraph and
+ /// context attributes.
+ virtual bool DoGetStyle(long position, wxTextAttr& style, bool combineStyles = true);
+ /// Get the combined style for a range - if any attribute is different within the range,
+ /// that attribute is not present within the flags
+ virtual bool GetStyleForRange(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxTextAttr& style);
+ /// Combines 'style' with 'currentStyle' for the purpose of summarising the attributes of a range of
+ /// content.
+ bool CollectStyle(wxTextAttr& currentStyle, const wxTextAttr& style, long& multipleStyleAttributes, int& multipleTextEffectAttributes, int& absentStyleAttributes, int& absentTextEffectAttributes);
+ /// Set list style
+ virtual bool SetListStyle(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxRichTextListStyleDefinition* def, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, int startFrom = 1, int specifiedLevel = -1);
+ virtual bool SetListStyle(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxString& defName, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, int startFrom = 1, int specifiedLevel = -1);
+ /// Clear list for given range
+ virtual bool ClearListStyle(const wxRichTextRange& range, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO);
+ /// Number/renumber any list elements in the given range.
+ /// def/defName can be NULL/empty to indicate that the existing list style should be used.
+ virtual bool NumberList(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxRichTextListStyleDefinition* def = NULL, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, int startFrom = 1, int specifiedLevel = -1);
+ virtual bool NumberList(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxString& defName, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, int startFrom = 1, int specifiedLevel = -1);
+ /// Promote the list items within the given range. promoteBy can be a positive or negative number, e.g. 1 or -1
+ /// def/defName can be NULL/empty to indicate that the existing list style should be used.
+ virtual bool PromoteList(int promoteBy, const wxRichTextRange& range, wxRichTextListStyleDefinition* def = NULL, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, int specifiedLevel = -1);
+ virtual bool PromoteList(int promoteBy, const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxString& defName, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, int specifiedLevel = -1);
+ /// Helper for NumberList and PromoteList, that does renumbering and promotion simultaneously
+ /// def/defName can be NULL/empty to indicate that the existing list style should be used.
+ virtual bool DoNumberList(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextRange& promotionRange, int promoteBy, wxRichTextListStyleDefinition* def, int flags = wxRICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, int startFrom = 1, int specifiedLevel = -1);
+ /// Fills in the attributes for numbering a paragraph after previousParagraph.
+ virtual bool FindNextParagraphNumber(wxRichTextParagraph* previousParagraph, wxTextAttr& attr) const;
/// Test if this whole range has character attributes of the specified kind. If any
/// of the attributes are different within the range, the test fails. You
/// can use this to implement, for example, bold button updating. style must have
/// flags indicating which attributes are of interest.
- virtual bool HasCharacterAttributes(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxTextAttrEx& style) const;
- virtual bool HasCharacterAttributes(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextAttr& style) const;
+ virtual bool HasCharacterAttributes(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxTextAttr& style) const;
/// Test if this whole range has paragraph attributes of the specified kind. If any
/// of the attributes are different within the range, the test fails. You
/// can use this to implement, for example, centering button updating. style must have
/// flags indicating which attributes are of interest.
- virtual bool HasParagraphAttributes(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxTextAttrEx& style) const;
- virtual bool HasParagraphAttributes(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxRichTextAttr& style) const;
+ virtual bool HasParagraphAttributes(const wxRichTextRange& range, const wxTextAttr& style) const;
/// Clone
virtual wxRichTextObject* Clone() const { return new wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox(*this); }
/// Insert fragment into this box at the given position. If partialParagraph is true,
/// it is assumed that the last (or only) paragraph is just a piece of data with no paragraph
/// marker.
- virtual bool InsertFragment(long position, wxRichTextFragment& fragment);
+ virtual bool InsertFragment(long position, wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& fragment);
/// Make a copy of the fragment corresponding to the given range, putting it in 'fragment'.
- virtual bool CopyFragment(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxRichTextFragment& fragment);
+ virtual bool CopyFragment(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& fragment);
+ /// Apply the style sheet to the buffer, for example if the styles have changed.
+ virtual bool ApplyStyleSheet(wxRichTextStyleSheet* styleSheet);
/// Copy
void Copy(const wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& obj);
+ /// Assignment
+ void operator= (const wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& obj) { Copy(obj); }
/// Calculate ranges
virtual void UpdateRanges() { long end; CalculateRange(0, end); }
/// Set default style for new content. Setting it to a default attribute
/// makes new content take on the 'basic' style.
- virtual bool SetDefaultStyle(const wxTextAttrEx& style);
+ virtual bool SetDefaultStyle(const wxTextAttr& style);
/// Get default style
- virtual const wxTextAttrEx& GetDefaultStyle() const { return m_defaultAttributes; }
+ virtual const wxTextAttr& GetDefaultStyle() const { return m_defaultAttributes; }
/// Set basic (overall) style
- virtual void SetBasicStyle(const wxTextAttrEx& style) { m_attributes = style; }
- virtual void SetBasicStyle(const wxRichTextAttr& style) { style.CopyTo(m_attributes); }
+ virtual void SetBasicStyle(const wxTextAttr& style) { m_attributes = style; }
/// Get basic (overall) style
- virtual const wxTextAttrEx& GetBasicStyle() const { return m_attributes; }
+ virtual const wxTextAttr& GetBasicStyle() const { return m_attributes; }
/// Invalidate the buffer. With no argument, invalidates whole buffer.
void Invalidate(const wxRichTextRange& invalidRange = wxRICHTEXT_ALL);
wxRichTextCtrl* m_ctrl;
- wxTextAttrEx m_defaultAttributes;
+ wxTextAttr m_defaultAttributes;
/// The invalidated range that will need full layout
- wxRichTextRange m_invalidRange;
- * wxRichTextFragment class declaration
- * This is a lind of paragraph layout box used for storing
- * paragraphs for Undo/Redo, for example.
- */
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextFragment: public wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox
-// Constructors
- wxRichTextFragment() { Init(); }
- wxRichTextFragment(const wxRichTextFragment& obj):wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox() { Init(); Copy(obj); }
-// Accessors
- /// Get/set whether the last paragraph is partial or complete
- void SetPartialParagraph(bool partialPara) { m_partialParagraph = partialPara; }
- bool GetPartialParagraph() const { return m_partialParagraph; }
-// Overrideables
-// Operations
- /// Initialise
- void Init();
- /// Copy
- void Copy(const wxRichTextFragment& obj);
- /// Clone
- virtual wxRichTextObject* Clone() const { return new wxRichTextFragment(*this); }
+ wxRichTextRange m_invalidRange;
// Is the last paragraph partial or complete?
- bool m_partialParagraph;
+ bool m_partialParagraph;
void SetDescent(int descent) { m_descent = descent; }
int GetDescent() const { return m_descent; }
+ wxArrayInt& GetObjectSizes() { return m_objectSizes; }
+ const wxArrayInt& GetObjectSizes() const { return m_objectSizes; }
// Operations
/// Initialisation
// The parent object
wxRichTextParagraph* m_parent;
+ wxArrayInt m_objectSizes;
// Constructors
- wxRichTextParagraph(wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL, wxTextAttrEx* style = NULL);
- wxRichTextParagraph(const wxString& text, wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL, wxTextAttrEx* style = NULL);
- ~wxRichTextParagraph();
- wxRichTextParagraph(const wxRichTextParagraph& obj):wxRichTextBox() { Copy(obj); }
+ wxRichTextParagraph(wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL, wxTextAttr* style = NULL);
+ wxRichTextParagraph(const wxString& text, wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL, wxTextAttr* paraStyle = NULL, wxTextAttr* charStyle = NULL);
+ virtual ~wxRichTextParagraph();
+ wxRichTextParagraph(const wxRichTextParagraph& obj): wxRichTextBox() { Copy(obj); }
// Overrideables
/// Get/set the object size for the given range. Returns false if the range
/// is invalid for this object.
- virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0)) const;
+ virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0), wxArrayInt* partialExtents = NULL) const;
/// Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character position
virtual bool FindPosition(wxDC& dc, long index, wxPoint& pt, int* height, bool forceLineStart);
// Implementation
/// Apply paragraph styles such as centering to the wrapped lines
- virtual void ApplyParagraphStyle(const wxRect& rect);
+ virtual void ApplyParagraphStyle(const wxTextAttr& attr, const wxRect& rect, wxDC& dc);
/// Insert text at the given position
virtual bool InsertText(long pos, const wxString& text);
/// Find a suitable wrap position. wrapPosition is the last position in the line to the left
/// of the split.
- bool FindWrapPosition(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxDC& dc, int availableSpace, long& wrapPosition);
+ bool FindWrapPosition(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxDC& dc, int availableSpace, long& wrapPosition, wxArrayInt* partialExtents);
/// Find the object at the given position
wxRichTextObject* FindObjectAtPosition(long position);
/// Clear remaining unused line objects, if any
bool ClearUnusedLines(int lineCount);
+ /// Get combined attributes of the base style, paragraph style and character style. We use this to dynamically
+ /// retrieve the actual style.
+ wxTextAttr GetCombinedAttributes(const wxTextAttr& contentStyle) const;
+ /// Get combined attributes of the base style and paragraph style.
+ wxTextAttr GetCombinedAttributes() const;
+ /// Get the first position from pos that has a line break character.
+ long GetFirstLineBreakPosition(long pos);
+ /// Create default tabstop array
+ static void InitDefaultTabs();
+ /// Clear default tabstop array
+ static void ClearDefaultTabs();
+ /// Get default tabstop array
+ static const wxArrayInt& GetDefaultTabs() { return sm_defaultTabs; }
/// The lines that make up the wrapped paragraph
wxRichTextLineList m_cachedLines;
+ /// Default tabstops
+ static wxArrayInt sm_defaultTabs;
// Constructors
- wxRichTextPlainText(const wxString& text = wxEmptyString, wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL, wxTextAttrEx* style = NULL);
- wxRichTextPlainText(const wxRichTextPlainText& obj):wxRichTextObject() { Copy(obj); }
+ wxRichTextPlainText(const wxString& text = wxEmptyString, wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL, wxTextAttr* style = NULL);
+ wxRichTextPlainText(const wxRichTextPlainText& obj): wxRichTextObject() { Copy(obj); }
// Overrideables
/// Get/set the object size for the given range. Returns false if the range
/// is invalid for this object.
- virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position/* = wxPoint(0,0)*/) const;
+ virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0), wxArrayInt* partialExtents = NULL) const;
/// Get any text in this object for the given range
virtual wxString GetTextForRange(const wxRichTextRange& range) const;
/// Dump to output stream for debugging
virtual void Dump(wxTextOutputStream& stream);
+ /// Get the first position from pos that has a line break character.
+ long GetFirstLineBreakPosition(long pos);
// Accessors
/// Get the text
/// Clone
virtual wxRichTextObject* Clone() const { return new wxRichTextPlainText(*this); }
- bool DrawTabbedString(wxDC& dc,const wxRect& rect,wxString& str, wxCoord& x, wxCoord& y, bool selected);
+ bool DrawTabbedString(wxDC& dc, const wxTextAttr& attr, const wxRect& rect, wxString& str, wxCoord& x, wxCoord& y, bool selected);
wxString m_text;
* wxRichTextImageBlock stores information about an image, in binary in-memory form
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDataInputStream;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDataOutputStream;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxDataInputStream;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxDataOutputStream;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextImageBlock: public wxObject
wxRichTextImageBlock(const wxRichTextImageBlock& block);
- ~wxRichTextImageBlock();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextImageBlock();
void Init();
void Clear();
// to conserve space.
// If it's not a JPEG we can make use of 'image', already scaled, so we don't have to
// load the image a 2nd time.
- virtual bool MakeImageBlock(const wxString& filename, int imageType, wxImage& image, bool convertToJPEG = true);
+ virtual bool MakeImageBlock(const wxString& filename, wxBitmapType imageType,
+ wxImage& image, bool convertToJPEG = true);
// Make an image block from the wxImage in the given
// format.
- virtual bool MakeImageBlock(wxImage& image, int imageType, int quality = 80);
+ virtual bool MakeImageBlock(wxImage& image, wxBitmapType imageType, int quality = 80);
// Write to a file
bool Write(const wxString& filename);
bool WriteHex(wxOutputStream& stream);
// Read data in hex from a stream
- bool ReadHex(wxInputStream& stream, int length, int imageType);
+ bool ReadHex(wxInputStream& stream, int length, wxBitmapType imageType);
// Copy from 'block'
void Copy(const wxRichTextImageBlock& block);
unsigned char* GetData() const { return m_data; }
size_t GetDataSize() const { return m_dataSize; }
- int GetImageType() const { return m_imageType; }
+ wxBitmapType GetImageType() const { return m_imageType; }
void SetData(unsigned char* image) { m_data = image; }
void SetDataSize(size_t size) { m_dataSize = size; }
- void SetImageType(int imageType) { m_imageType = imageType; }
+ void SetImageType(wxBitmapType imageType) { m_imageType = imageType; }
+ bool Ok() const { return IsOk(); }
+ bool IsOk() const { return GetData() != NULL; }
- bool Ok() const { return GetData() != NULL; }
+ // Gets the extension for the block's type
+ wxString GetExtension() const;
/// Implementation
- /// Allocate and read from stream as a block of memory
+ // Allocate and read from stream as a block of memory
static unsigned char* ReadBlock(wxInputStream& stream, size_t size);
static unsigned char* ReadBlock(const wxString& filename, size_t size);
// This is in the raw, original form such as a JPEG file.
unsigned char* m_data;
size_t m_dataSize;
- int m_imageType; // wxWin type id
+ wxBitmapType m_imageType;
// Constructors
- wxRichTextImage(wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL):wxRichTextObject(parent) { }
- wxRichTextImage(const wxImage& image, wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL);
- wxRichTextImage(const wxRichTextImageBlock& imageBlock, wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL);
- wxRichTextImage(const wxRichTextImage& obj):wxRichTextObject() { Copy(obj); }
+ wxRichTextImage(wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL): wxRichTextObject(parent) { }
+ wxRichTextImage(const wxImage& image, wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL, wxTextAttr* charStyle = NULL);
+ wxRichTextImage(const wxRichTextImageBlock& imageBlock, wxRichTextObject* parent = NULL, wxTextAttr* charStyle = NULL);
+ wxRichTextImage(const wxRichTextImage& obj): wxRichTextObject() { Copy(obj); }
// Overrideables
/// Get the object size for the given range. Returns false if the range
/// is invalid for this object.
- virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0)) const;
+ virtual bool GetRangeSize(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxSize& size, int& descent, wxDC& dc, int flags, wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0), wxArrayInt* partialExtents = NULL) const;
/// Returns true if the object is empty
virtual bool IsEmpty() const { return !m_image.Ok(); }
* This is a kind of box, used to represent the whole buffer
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextCommand;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextAction;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RICHTEXT wxRichTextCommand;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextBuffer: public wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox
// Constructors
wxRichTextBuffer() { Init(); }
- wxRichTextBuffer(const wxRichTextBuffer& obj):wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox() { Init(); Copy(obj); }
- ~wxRichTextBuffer() ;
+ wxRichTextBuffer(const wxRichTextBuffer& obj): wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox() { Init(); Copy(obj); }
+ virtual ~wxRichTextBuffer() ;
// Accessors
/// Set style sheet, if any.
void SetStyleSheet(wxRichTextStyleSheet* styleSheet) { m_styleSheet = styleSheet; }
- wxRichTextStyleSheet* GetStyleSheet() const { return m_styleSheet; }
+ virtual wxRichTextStyleSheet* GetStyleSheet() const { return m_styleSheet; }
+ /// Set style sheet and notify of the change
+ bool SetStyleSheetAndNotify(wxRichTextStyleSheet* sheet);
+ /// Push style sheet to top of stack
+ bool PushStyleSheet(wxRichTextStyleSheet* styleSheet);
+ /// Pop style sheet from top of stack
+ wxRichTextStyleSheet* PopStyleSheet();
+ /// Set/get table storing fonts
+ wxRichTextFontTable& GetFontTable() { return m_fontTable; }
+ const wxRichTextFontTable& GetFontTable() const { return m_fontTable; }
+ void SetFontTable(const wxRichTextFontTable& table) { m_fontTable = table; }
// Operations
/// Initialisation
void Init();
- /// Clears the buffer and resets the command processor
- virtual void Clear();
- /// The same as Clear, and adds an empty paragraph.
- virtual void Reset();
+ /// Clears the buffer, adds an empty paragraph, and clears the command processor.
+ virtual void ResetAndClearCommands();
/// Load a file
- virtual bool LoadFile(const wxString& filename, int type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY);
+ virtual bool LoadFile(const wxString& filename, wxRichTextFileType type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY);
/// Save a file
- virtual bool SaveFile(const wxString& filename, int type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY);
+ virtual bool SaveFile(const wxString& filename, wxRichTextFileType type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY);
/// Load from a stream
- virtual bool LoadFile(wxInputStream& stream, int type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY);
+ virtual bool LoadFile(wxInputStream& stream, wxRichTextFileType type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY);
/// Save to a stream
- virtual bool SaveFile(wxOutputStream& stream, int type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY);
+ virtual bool SaveFile(wxOutputStream& stream, wxRichTextFileType type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY);
+ /// Set the handler flags, controlling loading and saving
+ void SetHandlerFlags(int flags) { m_handlerFlags = flags; }
+ /// Get the handler flags, controlling loading and saving
+ int GetHandlerFlags() const { return m_handlerFlags; }
/// Convenience function to add a paragraph of text
- virtual wxRichTextRange AddParagraph(const wxString& text) { Modify(); return wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::AddParagraph(text); }
+ virtual wxRichTextRange AddParagraph(const wxString& text, wxTextAttr* paraStyle = NULL) { Modify(); return wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::AddParagraph(text, paraStyle); }
/// Begin collapsing undo/redo commands. Note that this may not work properly
/// if combining commands that delete or insert content, changing ranges for
virtual bool CanPasteFromClipboard() const;
/// Begin using a style
- virtual bool BeginStyle(const wxTextAttrEx& style);
+ virtual bool BeginStyle(const wxTextAttr& style);
/// End the style
virtual bool EndStyle();
bool EndNumberedBullet() { return EndStyle(); }
/// Begin symbol bullet
- bool BeginSymbolBullet(wxChar symbol, int leftIndent, int leftSubIndent, int bulletStyle = wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL);
+ bool BeginSymbolBullet(const wxString& symbol, int leftIndent, int leftSubIndent, int bulletStyle = wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL);
/// End symbol bullet
bool EndSymbolBullet() { return EndStyle(); }
+ /// Begin standard bullet
+ bool BeginStandardBullet(const wxString& bulletName, int leftIndent, int leftSubIndent, int bulletStyle = wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_STANDARD);
+ /// End standard bullet
+ bool EndStandardBullet() { return EndStyle(); }
/// Begin named character style
bool BeginCharacterStyle(const wxString& characterStyle);
/// End named character style
bool EndParagraphStyle() { return EndStyle(); }
+ /// Begin named list style
+ bool BeginListStyle(const wxString& listStyle, int level = 1, int number = 1);
+ /// End named character style
+ bool EndListStyle() { return EndStyle(); }
+ /// Begin URL
+ bool BeginURL(const wxString& url, const wxString& characterStyle = wxEmptyString);
+ /// End URL
+ bool EndURL() { return EndStyle(); }
+// Event handling
+ /// Add an event handler
+ bool AddEventHandler(wxEvtHandler* handler);
+ /// Remove an event handler
+ bool RemoveEventHandler(wxEvtHandler* handler, bool deleteHandler = false);
+ /// Clear event handlers
+ void ClearEventHandlers();
+ /// Send event to event handlers. If sendToAll is true, will send to all event handlers,
+ /// otherwise will stop at the first successful one.
+ bool SendEvent(wxEvent& event, bool sendToAll = true);
// Implementation
/// Copy
- void Copy(const wxRichTextBuffer& obj) { wxRichTextBox::Copy(obj); }
+ void Copy(const wxRichTextBuffer& obj);
/// Clone
virtual wxRichTextObject* Clone() const { return new wxRichTextBuffer(*this); }
+ /// Submit command to insert paragraphs
+ bool InsertParagraphsWithUndo(long pos, const wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& paragraphs, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl, int flags = 0);
/// Submit command to insert the given text
- bool InsertTextWithUndo(long pos, const wxString& text, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl);
+ bool InsertTextWithUndo(long pos, const wxString& text, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl, int flags = 0);
/// Submit command to insert a newline
- bool InsertNewlineWithUndo(long pos, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl);
+ bool InsertNewlineWithUndo(long pos, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl, int flags = 0);
/// Submit command to insert the given image
- bool InsertImageWithUndo(long pos, const wxRichTextImageBlock& imageBlock, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl);
+ bool InsertImageWithUndo(long pos, const wxRichTextImageBlock& imageBlock, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl, int flags = 0);
/// Submit command to delete this range
- bool DeleteRangeWithUndo(const wxRichTextRange& range, long initialCaretPosition, long newCaretPositon, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl);
+ bool DeleteRangeWithUndo(const wxRichTextRange& range, wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl);
/// Mark modified
void Modify(bool modify = true) { m_modified = modify; }
bool IsModified() const { return m_modified; }
+ /// Get the style that is appropriate for a new paragraph at this position.
+ /// If the previous paragraph has a paragraph style name, look up the next-paragraph
+ /// style.
+ wxTextAttr GetStyleForNewParagraph(long pos, bool caretPosition = false, bool lookUpNewParaStyle=false) const;
/// Dumps contents of buffer for debugging purposes
virtual void Dump();
virtual void Dump(wxTextOutputStream& stream) { wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox::Dump(stream); }
static wxRichTextFileHandler *FindHandler(const wxString& name);
/// Finds a handler by extension and type
- static wxRichTextFileHandler *FindHandler(const wxString& extension, int imageType);
+ static wxRichTextFileHandler *FindHandler(const wxString& extension, wxRichTextFileType imageType);
/// Finds a handler by filename or, if supplied, type
- static wxRichTextFileHandler *FindHandlerFilenameOrType(const wxString& filename, int imageType);
+ static wxRichTextFileHandler *FindHandlerFilenameOrType(const wxString& filename,
+ wxRichTextFileType imageType);
/// Finds a handler by type
- static wxRichTextFileHandler *FindHandler(int imageType);
+ static wxRichTextFileHandler *FindHandler(wxRichTextFileType imageType);
/// Gets a wildcard incorporating all visible handlers. If 'types' is present,
/// will be filled with the file type corresponding to each filter. This can be
/// Initialise the standard handlers
static void InitStandardHandlers();
+ /// Get renderer
+ static wxRichTextRenderer* GetRenderer() { return sm_renderer; }
+ /// Set renderer, deleting old one
+ static void SetRenderer(wxRichTextRenderer* renderer);
+ /// Minimum margin between bullet and paragraph in 10ths of a mm
+ static int GetBulletRightMargin() { return sm_bulletRightMargin; }
+ static void SetBulletRightMargin(int margin) { sm_bulletRightMargin = margin; }
+ /// Factor to multiply by character height to get a reasonable bullet size
+ static float GetBulletProportion() { return sm_bulletProportion; }
+ static void SetBulletProportion(float prop) { sm_bulletProportion = prop; }
+ /// Scale factor for calculating dimensions
+ double GetScale() const { return m_scale; }
+ void SetScale(double scale) { m_scale = scale; }
/// Command processor
wxCommandProcessor* m_commandProcessor;
+ /// Table storing fonts
+ wxRichTextFontTable m_fontTable;
/// Has been modified?
bool m_modified;
/// Style sheet, if any
wxRichTextStyleSheet* m_styleSheet;
+ /// List of event handlers that will be notified of events
+ wxList m_eventHandlers;
/// Stack of attributes for convenience functions
wxList m_attributeStack;
+ /// Flags to be passed to handlers
+ int m_handlerFlags;
/// File handlers
static wxList sm_handlers;
+ /// Renderer
+ static wxRichTextRenderer* sm_renderer;
+ /// Minimum margin between bullet and paragraph in 10ths of a mm
+ static int sm_bulletRightMargin;
+ /// Factor to multiply by character height to get a reasonable bullet size
+ static float sm_bulletProportion;
+ /// Scaling factor in use: needed to calculate correct dimensions when printing
+ double m_scale;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextAction;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextCommand: public wxCommand
// Ctor for multiple actions
wxRichTextCommand(const wxString& name);
- ~wxRichTextCommand();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextCommand();
bool Do();
bool Undo();
wxRichTextAction(wxRichTextCommand* cmd, const wxString& name, wxRichTextCommandId id, wxRichTextBuffer* buffer,
wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl, bool ignoreFirstTime = false);
- ~wxRichTextAction();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextAction();
bool Do();
bool Undo();
/// Update the control appearance
- void UpdateAppearance(long caretPosition, bool sendUpdateEvent = false);
+ void UpdateAppearance(long caretPosition, bool sendUpdateEvent = false,
+ wxArrayInt* optimizationLineCharPositions = NULL, wxArrayInt* optimizationLineYPositions = NULL, bool isDoCmd = true);
/// Replace the buffer paragraphs with the given fragment.
- void ApplyParagraphs(const wxRichTextFragment& fragment);
+ void ApplyParagraphs(const wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& fragment);
/// Get the fragments
- wxRichTextFragment& GetNewParagraphs() { return m_newParagraphs; }
- wxRichTextFragment& GetOldParagraphs() { return m_oldParagraphs; }
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& GetNewParagraphs() { return m_newParagraphs; }
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& GetOldParagraphs() { return m_oldParagraphs; }
+ /// Calculate arrays for refresh optimization
+ void CalculateRefreshOptimizations(wxArrayInt& optimizationLineCharPositions, wxArrayInt& optimizationLineYPositions);
/// Set/get the position used for e.g. insertion
void SetPosition(long pos) { m_position = pos; }
wxRichTextCtrl* m_ctrl;
// Stores the new paragraphs
- wxRichTextFragment m_newParagraphs;
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox m_newParagraphs;
// Stores the old paragraphs
- wxRichTextFragment m_oldParagraphs;
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox m_oldParagraphs;
// The affected range
wxRichTextRange m_range;
wxRichTextCommandId m_cmdId;
+ * Handler flags
+ */
+// Include style sheet when loading and saving
+// Save images to memory file system in HTML handler
+// Save images to files in HTML handler
+// Save images as inline base64 data in HTML handler
+// Don't write header and footer (or BODY), so we can include the fragment
+// in a larger document
+// Convert the more common face names to names that will work on the current platform
+// in a larger document
* wxRichTextFileHandler
* Base class for file handlers
wxRichTextFileHandler(const wxString& name = wxEmptyString, const wxString& ext = wxEmptyString, int type = 0)
- : m_name(name), m_extension(ext), m_type(type), m_visible(true)
+ : m_name(name), m_extension(ext), m_type(type), m_flags(0), m_visible(true)
{ }
{ return DoSaveFile(buffer, stream); }
- bool LoadFile(wxRichTextBuffer *buffer, const wxString& filename);
- bool SaveFile(wxRichTextBuffer *buffer, const wxString& filename);
+ virtual bool LoadFile(wxRichTextBuffer *buffer, const wxString& filename);
+ virtual bool SaveFile(wxRichTextBuffer *buffer, const wxString& filename);
+#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS && wxUSE_STREAMS
/// Can we handle this filename (if using files)? By default, checks the extension.
virtual bool CanHandle(const wxString& filename) const;
void SetType(int type) { m_type = type; }
int GetType() const { return m_type; }
+ /// Flags controlling how loading and saving is done
+ void SetFlags(int flags) { m_flags = flags; }
+ int GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
/// Encoding to use when saving a file. If empty, a suitable encoding is chosen
void SetEncoding(const wxString& encoding) { m_encoding = encoding; }
const wxString& GetEncoding() const { return m_encoding; }
wxString m_encoding;
wxString m_extension;
int m_type;
+ int m_flags;
bool m_visible;
- wxRichTextPlainTextHandler(const wxString& name = wxT("Text"), const wxString& ext = wxT("txt"), int type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_TEXT)
+ wxRichTextPlainTextHandler(const wxString& name = wxT("Text"),
+ const wxString& ext = wxT("txt"),
+ wxRichTextFileType type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_TEXT)
: wxRichTextFileHandler(name, ext, type)
{ }
+ * The data object for a wxRichTextBuffer
+ */
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextBufferDataObject: public wxDataObjectSimple
+ // ctor doesn't copy the pointer, so it shouldn't go away while this object
+ // is alive
+ wxRichTextBufferDataObject(wxRichTextBuffer* richTextBuffer = NULL);
+ virtual ~wxRichTextBufferDataObject();
+ // after a call to this function, the buffer is owned by the caller and it
+ // is responsible for deleting it
+ wxRichTextBuffer* GetRichTextBuffer();
+ // Returns the id for the new data format
+ static const wxChar* GetRichTextBufferFormatId() { return ms_richTextBufferFormatId; }
+ // base class pure virtuals
+ virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat(Direction dir) const;
+ virtual size_t GetDataSize() const;
+ virtual bool GetDataHere(void *pBuf) const;
+ virtual bool SetData(size_t len, const void *buf);
+ // prevent warnings
+ virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat&) const { return GetDataSize(); }
+ virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat&, void *buf) const { return GetDataHere(buf); }
+ virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat&, size_t len, const void *buf) { return SetData(len, buf); }
+ wxDataFormat m_formatRichTextBuffer; // our custom format
+ wxRichTextBuffer* m_richTextBuffer; // our data
+ static const wxChar* ms_richTextBufferFormatId; // our format id
+ * wxRichTextRenderer isolates common drawing functionality
+ */
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextRenderer: public wxObject
+ wxRichTextRenderer() {}
+ virtual ~wxRichTextRenderer() {}
+ /// Draw a standard bullet, as specified by the value of GetBulletName
+ virtual bool DrawStandardBullet(wxRichTextParagraph* paragraph, wxDC& dc, const wxTextAttr& attr, const wxRect& rect) = 0;
+ /// Draw a bullet that can be described by text, such as numbered or symbol bullets
+ virtual bool DrawTextBullet(wxRichTextParagraph* paragraph, wxDC& dc, const wxTextAttr& attr, const wxRect& rect, const wxString& text) = 0;
+ /// Draw a bitmap bullet, where the bullet bitmap is specified by the value of GetBulletName
+ virtual bool DrawBitmapBullet(wxRichTextParagraph* paragraph, wxDC& dc, const wxTextAttr& attr, const wxRect& rect) = 0;
+ /// Enumerate the standard bullet names currently supported
+ virtual bool EnumerateStandardBulletNames(wxArrayString& bulletNames) = 0;
+ * wxRichTextStdRenderer: standard renderer
+ */
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextStdRenderer: public wxRichTextRenderer
+ wxRichTextStdRenderer() {}
+ /// Draw a standard bullet, as specified by the value of GetBulletName
+ virtual bool DrawStandardBullet(wxRichTextParagraph* paragraph, wxDC& dc, const wxTextAttr& attr, const wxRect& rect);
+ /// Draw a bullet that can be described by text, such as numbered or symbol bullets
+ virtual bool DrawTextBullet(wxRichTextParagraph* paragraph, wxDC& dc, const wxTextAttr& attr, const wxRect& rect, const wxString& text);
+ /// Draw a bitmap bullet, where the bullet bitmap is specified by the value of GetBulletName
+ virtual bool DrawBitmapBullet(wxRichTextParagraph* paragraph, wxDC& dc, const wxTextAttr& attr, const wxRect& rect);
+ /// Enumerate the standard bullet names currently supported
+ virtual bool EnumerateStandardBulletNames(wxArrayString& bulletNames);
* Utilities
/// Compare two attribute objects
-bool wxTextAttrEq(const wxTextAttrEx& attr1, const wxTextAttrEx& attr2);
-bool wxTextAttrEq(const wxTextAttr& attr1, const wxRichTextAttr& attr2);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxTextAttrEq(const wxTextAttr& attr1, const wxTextAttr& attr2);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxTextAttrEq(const wxTextAttr& attr1, const wxTextAttr& attr2);
/// Compare two attribute objects, but take into account the flags
/// specifying attributes of interest.
-bool wxTextAttrEqPartial(const wxTextAttrEx& attr1, const wxTextAttrEx& attr2, int flags);
-bool wxTextAttrEqPartial(const wxTextAttrEx& attr1, const wxRichTextAttr& attr2, int flags);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxTextAttrEqPartial(const wxTextAttr& attr1, const wxTextAttr& attr2, int flags);
/// Apply one style to another
-bool wxRichTextApplyStyle(wxTextAttrEx& destStyle, const wxTextAttrEx& style);
-bool wxRichTextApplyStyle(wxRichTextAttr& destStyle, const wxTextAttrEx& style);
-bool wxRichTextApplyStyle(wxTextAttrEx& destStyle, const wxRichTextAttr& style);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxRichTextApplyStyle(wxTextAttr& destStyle, const wxTextAttr& style, wxTextAttr* compareWith = NULL);
+// Remove attributes
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxRichTextRemoveStyle(wxTextAttr& destStyle, const wxTextAttr& style);
+/// Combine two bitlists
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxRichTextCombineBitlists(int& valueA, int valueB, int& flagsA, int flagsB);
+/// Compare two bitlists
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxRichTextBitlistsEqPartial(int valueA, int valueB, int flags);
+/// Split into paragraph and character styles
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxRichTextSplitParaCharStyles(const wxTextAttr& style, wxTextAttr& parStyle, wxTextAttr& charStyle);
+/// Compare tabs
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT bool wxRichTextTabsEq(const wxArrayInt& tabs1, const wxArrayInt& tabs2);
+/// Convert a decimal to Roman numerals
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxString wxRichTextDecimalToRoman(long n);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT void wxRichTextModuleInit();