import __builtin__
import sys
from types import *
+import logging
import xml.sax
import xml.sax.handler
-from xml.sax import saxutils
-import objutils
+import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
+from activegrid.util.lang import *
+import activegrid.util.aglogging as aglogging
MODULE_PATH = "__main__"
-### ToDO remove maxOccurs "unbounded" resolves to -1 hacks after bug 177 is fixed
+## ToDO remove maxOccurs "unbounded" resolves to -1 hacks after bug 177 is fixed
-More documentation later, but here are some special Python attributes
-that McLane recognizes:
+Special attributes that we recognize:
name: __xmlname__
type: string
name: __xmlattributes__
type: tuple or list
-description: the name(s) of the Python string attribute(s) to be
+description: the name(s) of the Lang string attribute(s) to be
marshalled as xml attributes instead of nested xml elements. currently
-these can only be strings since there's not a way to get the type
+these can only be strings since there"s not a way to get the type
information back when unmarshalling.
name: __xmlexclude__
type: tuple or list
-description: the name(s) of the python attribute(s) to skip when
+description: the name(s) of the lang attribute(s) to skip when
name: __xmlrename__
type: dict
-description: describes an alternate Python <-> XML name mapping.
+description: describes an alternate Lang <-> XML name mapping.
Normally the name mapping is the identity function. __xmlrename__
-overrides that. The keys are the Python names, the values are their
+overrides that. The keys are the Lang names, the values are their
associated XML names.
name: __xmlflattensequence__
type: dict, tuple, or list
-description: the name(s) of the Python sequence attribute(s) whose
+description: the name(s) of the Lang sequence attribute(s) whose
items are to be marshalled as a series of xml elements (with an
optional keyword argument that specifies the element name to use) as
opposed to containing them in a separate sequence element, e.g.:
myseq = (1, 2)
<!-- normal way of marshalling -->
- <item objtype='int'>1</item>
- <item objtype='int'>2</item>
+ <item objtype="int">1</item>
+ <item objtype="int">2</item>
-<!-- with __xmlflattensequence__ set to {'myseq': 'squish'} -->
-<squish objtype='int'>1</squish>
-<squish objtype='int'>2</squish>
+<!-- with __xmlflattensequence__ set to {"myseq": "squish"} -->
+<squish objtype="int">1</squish>
+<squish objtype="int">2</squish>
name: __xmlnamespaces__
type: dict
name: __xmlattrnamespaces__
type: dict
-description: a dict assigning the Python object's attributes to the namespaces
+description: a dict assigning the Lang object"s attributes to the namespaces
defined in __xmlnamespaces__. Each item in the dict should consist of a
prefix,attributeList combination where the key is the prefix and the value is
-a list of the Python attribute names. e.g.:
+a list of the Lang attribute names. e.g.:
__xmlattrnamespaces__ = { "ag":["firstName", "lastName", "addressLine1", "city"] }
+global xmlMarshallerLogger
+xmlMarshallerLogger = logging.getLogger("activegrid.util.xmlmarshaller.marshal")
+# INFO : low-level info
+# DEBUG : debugging info
+global knownGlobalTypes
# module exceptions
return "%s is not supported for marshalling." % str(self.typename)
class XMLAttributeIsNotStringType(Error):
- """Exception raised when an object's attribute is specified to be
+ """Exception raised when an object"s attribute is specified to be
marshalled as an XML attribute of the enclosing object instead of
a nested element.
self.typename = typename
def __str__(self):
return """%s was set to be marshalled as an XML attribute
- instead of a nested element, but the object's type is %s, not
+ instead of a nested element, but the object"s type is %s, not
string.""" % (self.attrname, self.typename)
+class MarshallerException(Exception):
+ pass
# constants and such
-XMLNS = 'xmlns'
+XMLNS = "xmlns"
+DICT_ITEM_NAME = "qqDictItem"
-# This list doesn't seem to be used.
+# This list doesn"t seem to be used.
# Internal documentation or useless? You make the call!
-MEMBERS_TO_SKIP = ('__module__', '__doc__', '__xmlname__', '__xmlattributes__',
- '__xmlexclude__', '__xmlflattensequence__', '__xmlnamespaces__',
- '__xmldefaultnamespace__', '__xmlattrnamespaces__',
- '__xmlattrgroups__')
+##MEMBERS_TO_SKIP = ("__module__", "__doc__", "__xmlname__", "__xmlattributes__",
+## "__xmlexclude__", "__xmlflattensequence__", "__xmlnamespaces__",
+## "__xmldefaultnamespace__", "__xmlattrnamespaces__",
+## "__xmlattrgroups__")
+def setattrignorecase(object, name, value):
+ if (name not in object.__dict__):
+ namelow = name.lower()
+ for attr in object.__dict__:
+ if attr.lower() == namelow:
+ object.__dict__[attr] = value
+ return
+ object.__dict__[name] = value
+def getComplexType(obj):
+ if (hasattr(obj, "__xsdcomplextype__")):
+ return obj.__xsdcomplextype__
+ return None
def _objectfactory(objname, objargs=None, xsname=None):
- '''dynamically create an object based on the objname and return
- it. look it up in the BASETYPE_ELEMENT_MAP first.
- '''
- # split the objname into the typename and module path,
- # importing the module if need be.
+ "dynamically create an object based on the objname and return it."
if not isinstance(objargs, list):
objargs = [objargs]
- if (xsname):
- try:
- objname = knownGlobalTypes[xsname]
- except KeyError:
- pass
-## print "[objectfactory] creating an object of type %s and value %s, xsname=%s" % (objname, objargs, xsname)
- objtype = objname.split('.')[-1]
- pathlist = objname.split('.')
- modulename = '.'.join(pathlist[0:-1])
-## print "[objectfactory] object [%s] %s(%r)" % (objname, objtype, objargs)
- if objname == 'bool':
- return not objargs[0].lower() == 'false'
- elif objname == 'str': # don't strip strings - blanks are significant !!!
- if len(objargs) > 0:
- return saxutils.unescape(objargs[0]).encode()
- else:
- return ''
- elif objname == 'unicode': # don't strip strings - blanks are significant !!!
+## print "[objectfactory] xsname [%s]; objname [%s]" % (xsname, objname)
+ # (a) deal with tagName:knownTypes mappings
+ if (xsname != None):
+ objclass = knownGlobalTypes.get(xsname)
+ if (objclass != None):
+ if (objargs != None):
+ return objclass(*objargs)
+ else:
+ return objclass()
+ # (b) next with intrinisic types
+ if objname == "str" or objname == "unicode": # don"t strip: blanks are significant
if len(objargs) > 0:
return saxutils.unescape(objargs[0]).encode()
- return ''
- elif objtype in ('float', 'int', 'str', 'long'):
- objargs = [x.strip() for x in objargs]
+ return ""
+ elif objname == "bool":
+ return not objargs[0].lower() == "false"
+ elif objname in ("float", "int", "long"):
+## objargs = [x.strip() for x in objargs]
+ return __builtin__.__dict__[objname](*objargs)
+ elif objname == "None":
+ return None
+ # (c) objtype=path...module.class
+ # split the objname into the typename and module path,
+ # importing the module if need be.
+## print "[objectfactory] creating an object of type %s and value %s, xsname=%s" % (objname, objargs, xsname)
+ objtype = objname.split(".")[-1]
+ pathlist = objname.split(".")
+ modulename = ".".join(pathlist[0:-1])
+## print "[objectfactory] object [%s] %s(%r)" % (objname, objtype, objargs)
- if __builtin__.__dict__.has_key(objname):
- module = __builtin__
- elif knownGlobalModule:
- module = knownGlobalModule
- else:
- if modulename:
- module = __import__(modulename)
+ if modulename:
+ module = __import__(modulename)
for name in pathlist[1:-1]:
module = module.__dict__[name]
+ elif __builtin__.__dict__.has_key(objname):
+ module = __builtin__
+ else:
+ raise MarshallerException("Could not find class %s" % objname)
if objargs:
return module.__dict__[objtype](*objargs)
- if objtype == 'None':
- return None
return module.__dict__[objtype]()
except KeyError:
- raise KeyError("Could not find class %s" % objname)
+ raise MarshallerException("Could not find class %s" % objname)
class Element:
def __init__(self, name, attrs=None): = name
self.attrs = attrs
- self.content = ''
+ self.content = ""
self.children = []
def getobjtype(self):
- if self.attrs.has_key('objtype'):
- return self.attrs.getValue('objtype')
- else:
- return 'str'
- def toString(self):
+ objtype = self.attrs.get("objtype")
+ if (objtype == None):
+ if (len(self.children) > 0):
+ objtype = "dict"
+ else:
+ objtype = "str"
+ return objtype
+ def __str__(self):
print " name = ",, "; attrs = ", self.attrs, "number of children = ", len(self.children)
i = -1
for child in self.children:
self.elementstack = []
- def toString(self):
+ def __str__(self):
print "-----XMLObjectFactory Dump-------------------------------"
if (self.rootelement == None):
print "rootelement is None"
for e in self.elementstack:
i = i + 1
print "elementstack[", i, "]: "
- e.toString()
+ str(e)
print "-----end XMLObjectFactory--------------------------------"
## ContentHandler methods
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
## print "startElement for name: ", name
- if name.find(':') > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
- name = name[name.index(':') + 1:]
+ if name.find(":") > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
+ name = name[name.find(":") + 1:]
## for attrname in attrs.getNames():
## print "%s: %s" % (attrname, attrs.getValue(attrname))
element = Element(name, attrs.copy())
## print self.elementstack
def characters(self, content):
-## print "got content: %s" % content
- if content:
+## print "got content: %s (%s)" % (content, type(content))
+ if (content != None):
self.elementstack[-1].content += content
def endElement(self, name):
-## print "[endElement] name of element we're at the end of: %s" % name
+## print "[endElement] name of element we"re at the end of: %s" % name
xsname = name
- if name.find(':') > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
- name = name[name.index(':') + 1:]
+ if name.find(":") > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
+ name = name[name.find(":") + 1:]
oldChildren = self.elementstack[-1].children
element = self.elementstack.pop()
if ((len(self.elementstack) > 1) and (self.elementstack[-1].getobjtype() == "None")):
## print "[endElement] %s: skipping a (objtype==None) end tag" % name
constructorarglist = []
- if element.content:
+ if (len(element.content) > 0):
strippedElementContent = element.content.strip()
- if strippedElementContent:
+ if (len(strippedElementContent) > 0):
## print "[endElement] calling objectfactory"
obj = _objectfactory(objtype, constructorarglist, xsname)
- complexType = None
- if hasattr(obj, '__xsdcomplextype__'):
- complexType = getattr(obj, '__xsdcomplextype__')
- if (hasattr(obj, '__xmlname__') and getattr(obj, '__xmlname__') == "sequence"):
-## print "[endElement] sequence found"
-## self.toString()
+ complexType = getComplexType(obj)
+ if (obj != None):
+ if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlname__") and getattr(obj, "__xmlname__") == "sequence"):
self.elementstack[-1].children = oldChildren
-## self.toString()
-## print "done moving sequence stuff; returning"
- if len(self.elementstack) > 0:
-## print "[endElement] appending child with name: ", name, "; objtype: ", objtype
- parentElement.children.append((name, obj))
-## print "parentElement now has ", len(parentElement.children), " children"
- else:
- self.rootelement = obj
- if element.attrs and not isinstance(obj, list):
+ if (len(element.attrs) > 0) and not isinstance(obj, list):
## print "[endElement] %s: element has attrs and the obj is not a list" % name
for attrname, attr in element.attrs.items():
if attrname == XMLNS or attrname.startswith(XMLNS_PREFIX):
ns = attrname[XMLNS_PREFIX_LENGTH:]
ns = ""
- if not hasattr(obj, '__xmlnamespaces__'):
+ if not hasattr(obj, "__xmlnamespaces__"):
obj.__xmlnamespaces__ = {ns:attr}
elif ns not in obj.__xmlnamespaces__:
- if (hasattr(obj.__class__, '__xmlnamespaces__')
- and obj.__xmlnamespaces__ is obj.__class__.__xmlnamespaces__):
- obj.__xmlnamespaces__ = dict(obj.__xmlnamespaces__)
+ if (hasattr(obj.__class__, "__xmlnamespaces__")
+ and (obj.__xmlnamespaces__ is obj.__class__.__xmlnamespaces__)):
+ obj.__xmlnamespaces__ = dict(obj.__xmlnamespaces__)
obj.__xmlnamespaces__[ns] = attr
- elif not attrname == 'objtype':
- if attrname.find(':') > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
- attrname = attrname[attrname.index(':') + 1:]
- if complexType:
+ elif not attrname == "objtype":
+ if attrname.find(":") > -1: # Strip namespace prefixes for now until actually looking them up in xsd
+ attrname = attrname[attrname.find(":") + 1:]
+ if (complexType != None):
xsdElement = complexType.findElement(attrname)
- if xsdElement:
+ if (xsdElement != None):
type = xsdElement.type
- if type:
- type = xsdToPythonType(type)
+ if (type != None):
+ type = xsdToLangType(type)
### ToDO remove maxOccurs hack after bug 177 is fixed
if attrname == "maxOccurs" and attr == "unbounded":
attr = "-1"
attr = _objectfactory(type, attr)
- objutils.setattrignorecase(obj, _toAttrName(obj, attrname), attr)
+ try:
+ setattrignorecase(obj, _toAttrName(obj, attrname), attr)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise MarshallerException("Error unmarshalling attribute \"%s\" of XML element \"%s\": object type not specified or known" % (attrname, name))
## obj.__dict__[_toAttrName(obj, attrname)] = attr
# stuff any child attributes meant to be in a sequence via the __xmlflattensequence__
flattenDict = {}
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlflattensequence__'):
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlflattensequence__"):
+ flatten = obj.__xmlflattensequence__
## print "[endElement] %s: obj has __xmlflattensequence__" % name
- if (isinstance(obj.__xmlflattensequence__,dict)):
-## print "[endElement] dict with obj.__xmlflattensequence__.items: ", obj.__xmlflattensequence__.items()
- for sequencename, xmlnametuple in obj.__xmlflattensequence__.items():
- for xmlname in xmlnametuple:
-## print "[endElement]: adding flattenDict[%s] = %s" % (xmlname, sequencename)
- flattenDict[xmlname] = sequencename
- # handle __xmlflattensequence__ list/tuple (i.e. no element rename)
- elif (isinstance(obj.__xmlflattensequence__,list) or isinstance(obj.__xmlflattensequence__,tuple)):
- for sequencename in obj.__xmlflattensequence__:
- flattenDict[sequencename] = sequencename
+ if (isinstance(flatten, dict)):
+## print "[endElement] dict with flatten.items: ", flatten.items()
+ for sequencename, xmlnametuple in flatten.items():
+ if (xmlnametuple == None):
+ flattenDict[sequencename] = sequencename
+ elif (not isinstance(xmlnametuple, (tuple, list))):
+ flattenDict[str(xmlnametuple)] = sequencename
+ else:
+ for xmlname in xmlnametuple:
+ ## print "[endElement]: adding flattenDict[%s] = %s" % (xmlname, sequencename)
+ flattenDict[xmlname] = sequencename
- raise "Invalid type for __xmlflattensequence___ : it must be a dict, list, or tuple"
+ raise "Invalid type for __xmlflattensequence___ : it must be a dict"
- # reattach an object's attributes to it
+ # reattach an object"s attributes to it
for childname, child in element.children:
## print "[endElement] childname is: ", childname, "; child is: ", child
- if flattenDict.has_key(childname):
+ if (childname in flattenDict):
sequencename = _toAttrName(obj, flattenDict[childname])
## print "[endElement] sequencename is: ", sequencename
- try:
+ if (not hasattr(obj, sequencename)):
## print "[endElement] obj.__dict__ is: ", obj.__dict__
- sequencevalue = obj.__dict__[sequencename]
- except (AttributeError, KeyError):
- sequencevalue = None
- if sequencevalue == None:
- sequencevalue = []
- obj.__dict__[sequencename] = sequencevalue
+ obj.__dict__[sequencename] = []
+ sequencevalue = getattr(obj, sequencename)
+ if (sequencevalue == None):
+ obj.__dict__[sequencename] = []
+ sequencevalue = getattr(obj, sequencename)
- elif isinstance(obj, list):
-## print "appended childname = ", childname
+ elif (objtype == "list"):
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ if (childname == DICT_ITEM_NAME):
+ else:
+ obj[childname] = child
## print "childname = %s, obj = %s, child = %s" % (childname, repr(obj), repr(child))
- objutils.setattrignorecase(obj, _toAttrName(obj, childname), child)
- obj.__dict__[_toAttrName(obj, childname)] = child
+ try:
+ setattrignorecase(obj, _toAttrName(obj, childname), child)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise MarshallerException("Error unmarshalling child element \"%s\" of XML element \"%s\": object type not specified or known" % (childname, name))
+## obj.__dict__[_toAttrName(obj, childname)] = child
- if complexType:
+ if (complexType != None):
for element in complexType.elements:
if element.default:
elementName = _toAttrName(obj,
if ((elementName not in obj.__dict__) or (obj.__dict__[elementName] == None)):
- pythonType = xsdToPythonType(element.type)
- defaultValue = _objectfactory(pythonType, element.default)
+ langType = xsdToLangType(element.type)
+ defaultValue = _objectfactory(langType, element.default)
obj.__dict__[elementName] = defaultValue
+ ifDefPy()
+ if (isinstance(obj, list)):
+ if ((element.attrs.has_key("mutable")) and (element.attrs.getValue("mutable") == "false")):
+ obj = tuple(obj)
+ endIfDef()
+ if (len(self.elementstack) > 0):
+## print "[endElement] appending child with name: ", name, "; objtype: ", objtype
+ parentElement.children.append((name, obj))
+## print "parentElement now has ", len(parentElement.children), " children"
+ else:
+ self.rootelement = obj
def getRootObject(self):
return self.rootelement
## name = "_%s%s" % (obj.__class__.__name__, name)
return name
-__typeMappingXsdToPython = {
+__typeMappingXsdToLang = {
"string": "str",
"char": "str",
"varchar": "str",
- "date": "str", # ToDO Need to work out how to create python date types
+ "date": "str", # ToDO Need to work out how to create lang date types
"boolean": "bool",
"decimal": "float", # ToDO Does python have a better fixed point type?
"int": "int",
"double": "float",
-def xsdToPythonType(xsdType):
- try:
- return __typeMappingXsdToPython[xsdType]
- except KeyError:
+def xsdToLangType(xsdType):
+ langType = __typeMappingXsdToLang.get(xsdType)
+ if (langType == None):
raise Exception("Unknown xsd type %s" % xsdType)
+ return langType
-def _getXmlValue(pythonValue):
- if (isinstance(pythonValue, bool)):
- return str(pythonValue).lower()
- elif (isinstance(pythonValue, unicode)):
- return pythonValue.encode()
+def _getXmlValue(langValue):
+ if (isinstance(langValue, bool)):
+ return str(langValue).lower()
+ elif (isinstance(langValue, unicode)):
+ return langValue.encode()
- return str(pythonValue)
+ return str(langValue)
-def unmarshal(xmlstr, knownTypes=None, knownModule=None):
- global knownGlobalTypes, knownGlobalModule
+def unmarshal(xmlstr, knownTypes=None):
+ global knownGlobalTypes
if (knownTypes == None):
knownGlobalTypes = {}
knownGlobalTypes = knownTypes
- knownGlobalModule = knownModule
objectfactory = XMLObjectFactory()
xml.sax.parseString(xmlstr, objectfactory)
return objectfactory.getRootObject()
-def marshal(obj, elementName=None, prettyPrint=False, indent=0, knownTypes=None, withEncoding=True, encoding=None):
- xmlstr = ''.join(_marshal(obj, elementName, prettyPrint=prettyPrint, indent=indent, knownTypes=knownTypes))
- if withEncoding:
- if encoding is None:
- return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n%s' % (sys.getdefaultencoding(), xmlstr)
- else:
- return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n%s' % (encoding, xmlstr.encode(encoding))
- else:
+def marshal(obj, elementName=None, prettyPrint=False, indent=0, knownTypes=None, encoding=-1):
+ xmlstr = "".join(_marshal(obj, elementName, prettyPrint=prettyPrint, indent=indent, knownTypes=knownTypes))
+ if (isinstance(encoding, basestring)):
+ return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n%s' % (encoding, xmlstr.encode(encoding))
+ elif (encoding == None):
return xmlstr
+ else:
+ return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n%s' % (sys.getdefaultencoding(), xmlstr)
-def _marshal(obj, elementName=None, nameSpacePrefix='', nameSpaces=None, prettyPrint=False, indent=0, knownTypes=None):
+def _marshal(obj, elementName=None, nameSpacePrefix="", nameSpaces=None, prettyPrint=False, indent=0, knownTypes=None):
+ xmlMarshallerLogger.debug("--> _marshal: elementName=%s, type=%s, obj=%s" % (elementName, type(obj), str(obj)))
+ xmlString = None
if prettyPrint or indent:
- prefix = ' '*indent
- newline = '\n'
+ prefix = " "*indent
+ newline = "\n"
increment = 4
- prefix = ''
- newline = ''
+ prefix = ""
+ newline = ""
increment = 0
- ## Determine the XML element name. If it isn't specified in the
- ## parameter list, look for it in the __xmlname__ Python
+ ## Determine the XML element name. If it isn"t specified in the
+ ## parameter list, look for it in the __xmlname__ Lang
## attribute, else use the default generic BASETYPE_ELEMENT_NAME.
if not nameSpaces: nameSpaces = {} # Need to do this since if the {} is a default parameter it gets shared by all calls into the function
- nameSpaceAttrs = ''
+ nameSpaceAttrs = ""
if knownTypes == None:
knownTypes = {}
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlnamespaces__'):
- for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceUrl in getattr(obj, '__xmlnamespaces__').items():
- if nameSpaceUrl in nameSpaces:
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlnamespaces__"):
+ for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceUrl in getattr(obj, "__xmlnamespaces__").items():
+ if nameSpaceUrl in asDict(nameSpaces):
nameSpaceKey = nameSpaces[nameSpaceUrl]
-## # TODO: Wait to do this until there is shared state for use when going through the object graph
-## origNameSpaceKey = nameSpaceKey # Make sure there is no key collision, ie: same key referencing two different URL's
+## # TODO: Wait to do this until there is shared for use when going through the object graph
+## origNameSpaceKey = nameSpaceKey # Make sure there is no key collision, ie: same key referencing two different URL"s
## i = 1
## while nameSpaceKey in nameSpaces.values():
## nameSpaceKey = origNameSpaceKey + str(i)
## i += 1
nameSpaces[nameSpaceUrl] = nameSpaceKey
- if nameSpaceKey == '':
+ if nameSpaceKey == "":
nameSpaceAttrs += ' xmlns="%s" ' % (nameSpaceUrl)
nameSpaceAttrs += ' xmlns:%s="%s" ' % (nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceUrl)
nameSpaceAttrs = nameSpaceAttrs.rstrip()
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmldefaultnamespace__'):
- nameSpacePrefix = getattr(obj, '__xmldefaultnamespace__') + ':'
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmldefaultnamespace__"):
+ nameSpacePrefix = getattr(obj, "__xmldefaultnamespace__") + ":"
if not elementName:
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlname__'):
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlname__"):
elementName = nameSpacePrefix + obj.__xmlname__
elementName = nameSpacePrefix + BASETYPE_ELEMENT_NAME
elementName = nameSpacePrefix + elementName
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlsequencer__'):
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlsequencer__"):
elementAdd = obj.__xmlsequencer__
elementAdd = None
members_to_skip = []
## Add more members_to_skip based on ones the user has selected
## via the __xmlexclude__ attribute.
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlexclude__'):
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlexclude__"):
## print "marshal: found __xmlexclude__"
- members_to_skip += list(obj.__xmlexclude__)
+ members_to_skip.extend(obj.__xmlexclude__)
# Marshal the attributes that are selected to be XML attributes.
- objattrs = ''
- className = obj.__class__.__name__
+ objattrs = ""
+ className = ag_className(obj)
classNamePrefix = "_" + className
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlattributes__'):
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlattributes__"):
## print "marshal: found __xmlattributes__"
xmlattributes = obj.__xmlattributes__
- members_to_skip += xmlattributes
+ members_to_skip.extend(xmlattributes)
for attr in xmlattributes:
internalAttrName = attr
+ ifDefPy()
if (attr.startswith("__") and not attr.endswith("__")):
internalAttrName = classNamePrefix + attr
+ endIfDef()
# Fail silently if a python attribute is specified to be
# an XML attribute but is missing.
## print "marshal: processing attribute ", internalAttrName
- try:
- value = obj.__dict__[internalAttrName]
- except KeyError:
- continue
-## # But, check and see if it is a property first:
-## if (objutils.hasPropertyValue(obj, attr)):
-## value = getattr(obj, attr)
-## else:
-## continue
+ attrs = obj.__dict__
+ value = attrs.get(internalAttrName)
xsdElement = None
- if hasattr(obj, '__xsdcomplextype__'):
+ complexType = getComplexType(obj)
+ if (complexType != None):
## print "marshal: found __xsdcomplextype__"
- complexType = getattr(obj, '__xsdcomplextype__')
xsdElement = complexType.findElement(attr)
- if xsdElement:
+ if (xsdElement != None):
default = xsdElement.default
- if default == value or default == _getXmlValue(value):
- continue
+ if (default != None):
+ if ((default == value) or (default == _getXmlValue(value))):
+ continue
+ else:
+ if (value == None):
+ continue
elif value == None:
value = "false"
- attrNameSpacePrefix = ''
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlattrnamespaces__'):
+ attrNameSpacePrefix = ""
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlattrnamespaces__"):
## print "marshal: found __xmlattrnamespaces__"
- for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceAttributes in getattr(obj, '__xmlattrnamespaces__').items():
- if nameSpaceKey == nameSpacePrefix[:-1]: # Don't need to specify attribute namespace if it is the same as it's element
+ for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceAttributes in getattr(obj, "__xmlattrnamespaces__").iteritems():
+ if nameSpaceKey == nameSpacePrefix[:-1]: # Don't need to specify attribute namespace if it is the same as its element
if attr in nameSpaceAttributes:
- attrNameSpacePrefix = nameSpaceKey + ':'
+ attrNameSpacePrefix = nameSpaceKey + ":"
-## if attr.startswith('_'):
+## if attr.startswith("_"):
## attr = attr[1:]
- if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlrename__") and attr in obj.__xmlrename__):
+ if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlrename__") and attr in asDict(obj.__xmlrename__)):
## print "marshal: found __xmlrename__ (and its attribute)"
attr = obj.__xmlrename__[attr]
- objattrs += ' %s%s="%s"' % (attrNameSpacePrefix, attr, value)
+ objattrs += ' %s%s="%s"' % (attrNameSpacePrefix, attr, str(value))
## print "marshal: new objattrs is: ", objattrs
- if isinstance(obj, NoneType):
- return ''
+ if (obj == None):
+ xmlString = [""]
elif isinstance(obj, bool):
- return ['%s<%s objtype="bool">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, obj, elementName, newline)]
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="bool">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, obj, elementName, newline)]
elif isinstance(obj, int):
- return ['''%s<%s objtype="int">%s</%s>%s''' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)]
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="int">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)]
elif isinstance(obj, long):
- return ['%s<%s objtype="long">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)]
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="long">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)]
elif isinstance(obj, float):
- return ['%s<%s objtype="float">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)]
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="float">%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, str(obj), elementName, newline)]
elif isinstance(obj, unicode): # have to check before basestring - unicode is instance of base string
- return ['''%s<%s>%s</%s>%s''' % (prefix, elementName, saxutils.escape(obj.encode()), elementName, newline)]
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s>%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, saxutils.escape(obj.encode()), elementName, newline)]
elif isinstance(obj, basestring):
- return ['''%s<%s>%s</%s>%s''' % (prefix, elementName, saxutils.escape(obj), elementName, newline)]
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s>%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, saxutils.escape(obj), elementName, newline)]
elif isinstance(obj, list):
if len(obj) < 1:
- return ''
- xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="list">%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)]
- for item in obj:
- xmlString.extend(_marshal(item, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment, knownTypes=knownTypes))
- xmlString.append('%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline))
- return xmlString
+ xmlString = ""
+ else:
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="list">%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)]
+ for item in obj:
+ xmlString.extend(_marshal(item, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment, knownTypes=knownTypes))
+ xmlString.append("%s</%s>%s" % (prefix, elementName, newline))
elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
if len(obj) < 1:
- return ''
- xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="list" mutable="false">%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)]
- for item in obj:
- xmlString.extend(_marshal(item, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment, knownTypes=knownTypes))
- xmlString.append('%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline))
- return xmlString
+ xmlString = ""
+ else:
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="list" mutable="false">%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)]
+ for item in obj:
+ xmlString.extend(_marshal(item, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment, knownTypes=knownTypes))
+ xmlString.append("%s</%s>%s" % (prefix, elementName, newline))
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
xmlString = ['%s<%s objtype="dict">%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline)]
- subprefix = prefix + ' '*increment
+ subprefix = prefix + " "*increment
subindent = indent + 2*increment
for key, val in obj.iteritems():
- xmlString.append("%s<key>%s" % (subprefix, newline))
- xmlString.extend(_marshal(key, indent=subindent, knownTypes=knownTypes))
- xmlString.append("%s</key>%s%s<value>%s" % (subprefix, newline, subprefix, newline))
- xmlString.extend(_marshal(val, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=subindent, knownTypes=knownTypes))
- xmlString.append("%s</value>%s" % (subprefix, newline))
- xmlString.append('%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline))
- return xmlString
+## if (isinstance(key, basestring) and key is legal identifier):
+## xmlString.extend(_marshal(val, elementName=key, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=subindent, knownTypes=knownTypes))
+## else:
+ xmlString.append("%s<%s>%s" % (subprefix, DICT_ITEM_NAME, newline))
+ xmlString.extend(_marshal(key, elementName=DICT_ITEM_KEY_NAME, indent=subindent, knownTypes=knownTypes))
+ xmlString.extend(_marshal(val, elementName=DICT_ITEM_VALUE_NAME, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=subindent, knownTypes=knownTypes))
+ xmlString.append("%s</%s>%s" % (subprefix, DICT_ITEM_NAME, newline))
+ xmlString.append("%s</%s>%s" % (prefix, elementName, newline))
- moduleName = obj.__class__.__module__
- if (moduleName == "activegrid.model.schema"):
- xmlString = ['%s<%s%s%s' % (prefix, elementName, nameSpaceAttrs, objattrs)]
+ # Only add the objtype if the element tag is unknown to us.
+ objname = knownTypes.get(elementName)
+ if (objname != None):
+ xmlString = ["%s<%s%s%s" % (prefix, elementName, nameSpaceAttrs, objattrs)]
- # Only add the objtype if the element tag is unknown to us.
- try:
- objname = knownTypes[elementName]
- xmlString = ['%s<%s%s%s' % (prefix, elementName, nameSpaceAttrs, objattrs)]
- except KeyError:
- xmlString = ['%s<%s%s%s objtype="%s.%s"' % (prefix, elementName, nameSpaceAttrs, objattrs, moduleName, className)]
-## print "UnknownTypeException: Unknown type (%s.%s) passed to marshaller" % (moduleName, className)
- # get the member, value pairs for the object, filtering out the types we don't support
+ xmlString = ['%s<%s%s%s objtype="%s.%s"' % (prefix, elementName, nameSpaceAttrs, objattrs, obj.__class__.__module__, className)]
+ # get the member, value pairs for the object, filtering out the types we don"t support
if (elementAdd != None):
- prefix += increment*' '
+ prefix += increment*" "
indent += increment
xmlMemberString = []
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlbody__'):
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlbody__"):
xmlbody = getattr(obj, obj.__xmlbody__)
if xmlbody != None:
- entryList = obj.__dict__.items()
-## # Add in properties
-## for key in obj.__class__.__dict__.iterkeys():
-## if (key not in members_to_skip and key not in obj.__dict__
-## and objutils.hasPropertyValue(obj, key)):
-## value = getattr(obj, key)
-## entryList.append((key, value))
- entryList.sort()
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlattrgroups__'):
- attrGroups = obj.__xmlattrgroups__
- if (not isinstance(attrGroups,dict)):
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlattrgroups__"):
+ attrGroups = obj.__xmlattrgroups__.copy()
+ if (not isinstance(attrGroups, dict)):
raise "__xmlattrgroups__ is not a dict, but must be"
- for n in attrGroups:
- v = attrGroups[n]
- members_to_skip += v
+ for n in attrGroups.iterkeys():
+ members_to_skip.extend(attrGroups[n])
attrGroups = {}
# add the list of all attributes to attrGroups
- eList = []
- for x, z in entryList:
- eList.append(x)
- attrGroups['__nogroup__'] = eList
+ eList = obj.__dict__.keys()
+ eList.sort()
+ attrGroups["__nogroup__"] = eList
- for eName in attrGroups:
- eList = attrGroups[eName]
- if (eName != '__nogroup__'):
- prefix += increment*' '
+ for eName, eList in attrGroups.iteritems():
+ if (eName != "__nogroup__"):
+ prefix += increment*" "
indent += increment
xmlMemberString.append('%s<%s objtype="None">%s' % (prefix, eName, newline))
for name in eList:
value = obj.__dict__[name]
-## print " ", name, " = ", value
-## # special name handling for private "__*" attributes:
-## # remove the _<class-name> added by Python
-## if name.startswith(classNamePrefix): name = name[len(classNamePrefix):]
- if eName == '__nogroup__' and name in members_to_skip: continue
- if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'): continue
-## idx = name.find('__')
-## if idx > 0:
-## newName = name[idx+2:]
-## if newName:
-## name = newName
-## print "marshal: processing subElement ", name
+ if eName == "__nogroup__" and name in members_to_skip: continue
+ if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__"): continue
subElementNameSpacePrefix = nameSpacePrefix
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlattrnamespaces__'):
- for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceValues in getattr(obj, '__xmlattrnamespaces__').items():
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlattrnamespaces__"):
+ for nameSpaceKey, nameSpaceValues in getattr(obj, "__xmlattrnamespaces__").iteritems():
if name in nameSpaceValues:
- subElementNameSpacePrefix = nameSpaceKey + ':'
+ subElementNameSpacePrefix = nameSpaceKey + ":"
# handle sequences listed in __xmlflattensequence__
# specially: instead of listing the contained items inside
- # of a separate list, as god intended, list them inside
+ # of a separate list, as God intended, list them inside
# the object containing the sequence.
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlflattensequence__') and name in obj.__xmlflattensequence__ and value:
- try:
- xmlnametuple = obj.__xmlflattensequence__[name]
- xmlname = None
- if len(xmlnametuple) == 1:
- xmlname = xmlnametuple[0]
- except:
- xmlname = name
-## xmlname = name.lower()
+ if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlflattensequence__") and (value != None) and (name in asDict(obj.__xmlflattensequence__))):
+ xmlnametuple = obj.__xmlflattensequence__[name]
+ if (xmlnametuple == None):
+ xmlnametuple = [name]
+ elif (not isinstance(xmlnametuple, (tuple,list))):
+ xmlnametuple = [str(xmlnametuple)]
+ xmlname = None
+ if (len(xmlnametuple) == 1):
+ xmlname = xmlnametuple[0]
+## ix = 0
for seqitem in value:
+## xmlname = xmlnametuple[ix]
+## ix += 1
+## if (ix >= len(xmlnametuple)):
+## ix = 0
xmlMemberString.extend(_marshal(seqitem, xmlname, subElementNameSpacePrefix, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment, knownTypes=knownTypes))
- if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlrename__") and name in obj.__xmlrename__):
+ if (hasattr(obj, "__xmlrename__") and name in asDict(obj.__xmlrename__)):
xmlname = obj.__xmlrename__[name]
xmlname = name
-## if (indent > 30):
-## print "getting pretty deep, xmlname = ", xmlname
xmlMemberString.extend(_marshal(value, xmlname, subElementNameSpacePrefix, nameSpaces=nameSpaces, indent=indent+increment, knownTypes=knownTypes))
- if (eName != '__nogroup__'):
-## print "marshal: Completing attrGroup ", eName
- xmlMemberString.append('%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, eName, newline))
+ if (eName != "__nogroup__"):
+ xmlMemberString.append("%s</%s>%s" % (prefix, eName, newline))
prefix = prefix[:-increment]
indent -= increment
# if we have nested elements, add them here, otherwise close the element tag immediately.
- xmlMemberString = filter(lambda x: len(x)>0, xmlMemberString)
+ newList = []
+ for s in xmlMemberString:
+ if (len(s) > 0): newList.append(s)
+ xmlMemberString = newList
if len(xmlMemberString) > 0:
- xmlString.append('>')
- if hasattr(obj, '__xmlbody__'):
+ xmlString.append(">")
+ if hasattr(obj, "__xmlbody__"):
- xmlString.append('</%s>%s' % (elementName, newline))
+ xmlString.append("</%s>%s" % (elementName, newline))
if (elementAdd != None):
- xmlString.append('%s<%s>%s' % (prefix, elementAdd, newline))
+ xmlString.append("%s<%s>%s" % (prefix, elementAdd, newline))
if (elementAdd != None):
- xmlString.append('%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementAdd, newline))
+ xmlString.append("%s</%s>%s" % (prefix, elementAdd, newline))
prefix = prefix[:-increment]
indent -= increment
- xmlString.append('%s</%s>%s' % (prefix, elementName, newline))
+ xmlString.append("%s</%s>%s" % (prefix, elementName, newline))
- xmlString.append('/>%s' % newline)
- return xmlString
+ xmlString.append("/>%s" % newline)
+## return xmlString
+ xmlMarshallerLogger.debug("<-- _marshal: %s" % str(xmlString))
+ return xmlString
+# A simple test, to be executed when the xmlmarshaller is run standalone
+class MarshallerPerson:
+ __xmlname__ = "person"
+ __xmlexclude__ = ["fabulousness",]
+ __xmlattributes__ = ("nonSmoker",)
+ __xmlrename__ = {"_phoneNumber": "telephone"}
+ __xmlflattensequence__ = {"favoriteWords": ("vocabulary",)}
+ __xmlattrgroups__ = {"name": ["firstName", "lastName"], "address": ["addressLine1", "city", "state", "zip"]}
+ def setPerson(self):
+ self.firstName = "Albert"
+ self.lastName = "Camus"
+ self.addressLine1 = "23 Absurd St."
+ = "Ennui"
+ self.state = "MO"
+ = "54321"
+ self._phoneNumber = "808-303-2323"
+ self.favoriteWords = ["angst", "ennui", "existence"]
+ self.phobias = ["war", "tuberculosis", "cars"]
+ self.weight = 150
+ self.fabulousness = "tres tres"
+ self.nonSmoker = False
+if isMain(__name__):
+ p1 = MarshallerPerson()
+ p1.setPerson()
+ xmlP1 = marshal(p1, prettyPrint=True, encoding="utf-8")
+ print "\n########################"
+ print "# testPerson test case #"
+ print "########################"
+ print xmlP1
+ p2 = unmarshal(xmlP1)
+ xmlP2 = marshal(p2, prettyPrint=True, encoding="utf-8")
+ if xmlP1 == xmlP2:
+ print "Success: repeated marshalling yields identical results"
+ else:
+ print "Failure: repeated marshalling yields different results"
+ print xmlP2