#pragma hdrstop
-#include "wx/log.h"
+#include "wx/defs.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <time.h>
+// Watcom C++ gives a linker error if this is compiled in.
+// With Borland C++, all samples crash if this is compiled in.
+#if !defined(__WATCOMC__) && !(defined(__BORLANDC__) && (__BORLANDC__ < 0x520)) && !defined(__CYGWIN10__)
+#include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/msw/ole/automtn.h"
#include "wx/msw/private.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <wtypes.h>
+#include <unknwn.h>
+#include <ole2.h>
+#define _huge
#include <ole2ver.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
static int rgMonthDays[13] =
{0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365};
static BOOL OleDateFromTm(WORD wYear, WORD wMonth, WORD wDay,
WORD wHour, WORD wMinute, WORD wSecond, DATE& dtDest);
static BOOL TmFromOleDate(DATE dtSrc, struct tm& tmDest);
-static void TmConvertToStandardFormat(struct tm& tmSrc);
-static double DoubleFromDate(DATE dt);
-static DATE DateFromDouble(double dbl);
+#endif // wxUSE_TIMEDATE
static void ClearVariant(VARIANTARG *pvarg) ;
static void ReleaseVariant(VARIANTARG *pvarg) ;
wxVariant retVariant;
if (Invoke(property, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, retVariant, noArgs, args))
- if (retVariant.GetType() == "void*")
+ if (retVariant.GetType() == wxT("void*"))
return (WXIDISPATCH*) retVariant.GetVoidPtr();
- else
- {
- }
- else
// A way of initialising another wxAutomationObject with a dispatch object
CLSID clsId;
IUnknown * pUnk = NULL;
- BasicString unicodeName((const char*) classId);
+ BasicString unicodeName(classId.mb_str());
if (FAILED(CLSIDFromProgID((BSTR) unicodeName, &clsId)))
- wxLogWarning("Cannot obtain CLSID from ProgID");
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot obtain CLSID from ProgID"));
return FALSE;
if (FAILED(GetActiveObject(clsId, NULL, &pUnk)))
- wxLogWarning("Cannot find an active object");
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot find an active object"));
return FALSE;
if (pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID*) &m_dispatchPtr) != S_OK)
- wxLogWarning("Cannot find IDispatch interface");
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot find IDispatch interface"));
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
CLSID clsId;
- IUnknown * pUnk = NULL;
- BasicString unicodeName((const char*) classId);
+ BasicString unicodeName(classId.mb_str());
if (FAILED(CLSIDFromProgID((BSTR) unicodeName, &clsId)))
- wxLogWarning("Cannot obtain CLSID from ProgID");
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot obtain CLSID from ProgID"));
return FALSE;
// start a new copy of Excel, grab the IDispatch interface
if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(clsId, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, (void**)&m_dispatchPtr)))
- wxLogWarning("Cannot start an instance of this class.");
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot start an instance of this class."));
return FALSE;
wxString type(variant.GetType());
- if (type == "long")
+ if (type == wxT("long"))
oleVariant.vt = VT_I4;
oleVariant.lVal = variant.GetLong() ;
- else if (type == "double")
+ else if (type == wxT("double"))
oleVariant.vt = VT_R8;
oleVariant.dblVal = variant.GetDouble();
- else if (type == "bool")
+ else if (type == wxT("bool"))
oleVariant.vt = VT_BOOL;
// 'bool' required for VC++ 4 apparently
oleVariant.boolVal = variant.GetBool();
- else if (type == "string")
+ else if (type == wxT("string"))
wxString str( variant.GetString() );
oleVariant.vt = VT_BSTR;
oleVariant.bstrVal = ConvertStringToOle(str);
- else if (type == "date")
+// For some reason, Watcom C++ can't link variant.cpp with time/date classes compiled
+#if wxUSE_TIMEDATE && !defined(__WATCOMC__)
+ else if (type == wxT("date"))
wxDate date( variant.GetDate() );
oleVariant.vt = VT_DATE;
0, 0, 0, oleVariant.date))
return FALSE;
- else if (type == "time")
+ else if (type == wxT("time"))
wxTime time( variant.GetTime() );
oleVariant.vt = VT_DATE;
time.GetHour(), time.GetMinute(), time.GetSecond(), oleVariant.date))
return FALSE;
- else if (type == "void*")
+ else if (type == wxT("void*"))
oleVariant.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
oleVariant.pdispVal = (IDispatch*) variant.GetVoidPtr();
- else if (type == "list" || type == "stringlist")
+ else if (type == wxT("list") || type == wxT("stringlist"))
oleVariant.vt = VT_VARIANT | VT_ARRAY;
case VT_DATE:
- struct tm tmTemp;
+ struct tm tmTemp;
if (!TmFromOleDate(oleVariant.date, tmTemp))
return FALSE;
wxTime time(date, tmTemp.tm_hour, tmTemp.tm_min, tmTemp.tm_sec);
variant = time;
- break;
+ break;
case VT_I4:
case VT_BOOL:
-#if defined(__WATCOMC__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1000)) //GC
+#if defined(__WATCOMC__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1000) && !defined(__MWERKS__) ) //GC
#ifndef HAVE_BOOL // Can't use bool operator if no native bool type
variant = (long) (oleVariant.bool != 0);
variant = (bool) (oleVariant.bool != 0);
+#ifndef HAVE_BOOL // Can't use bool operator if no native bool type
+ variant = (long) (oleVariant.boolVal != 0);
variant = (bool) (oleVariant.boolVal != 0);
- wxLogError("wxAutomationObject::ConvertOleToVariant: Unknown variant value type");
+ wxLogError(wxT("wxAutomationObject::ConvertOleToVariant: Unknown variant value type"));
return FALSE;
for (i=0; i < len; i++)
s[i*2] = str[i];
- BasicString bstr((const char*) str);
+ BasicString bstr(str.mb_str());
return bstr.Get();
int len = SysStringLen(bStr) + 1;
char *buf = new char[len];
- int i = wcstombs( buf, bStr, len);
+ (void)wcstombs( buf, bStr, len);
wxString str(buf);
delete[] buf;
return TRUE;
+// this function is not used
+#if 0
void TmConvertToStandardFormat(struct tm& tmSrc)
// Convert afx internal tm to format expected by runtimes (_tcsftime, etc)
double temp = floor(dbl); // dbl is now whole part
return temp + (temp - dbl);
+#endif // 0
* ClearVariant
- wxLogWarning("ReleaseVariant: Array contains non-variant type");
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("ReleaseVariant: Array contains non-variant type"));
// Free the array itself.
- wxLogWarning("ReleaseVariant: Unknown type");
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("ReleaseVariant: Unknown type"));
+#endif // __WATCOMC__