+\latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Function groups}}}
+\membersection{File name format}
+wxFileName currently supports the file names in the Unix, DOS/Windows, Mac OS
+and VMS formats. Although these formats are quite different, wxFileName tries
+to treat them all in the sam generic way. It supposes that all file names
+consist of the following parts: the volume (also known as drive under Windows
+or device under VMS), the path which is a sequence of directory names separated
+by the \helpref{path separators}{wxfilenamegetpathseparators} and the full
+filename itself which, in turn, is composed from the base file name and the
+extension. All of the individual components of the file name may be empty and,
+for example, the volume name is always empty under Unix, but if they are all
+empty simultaneously, the filename object is considered to be in an invalid
+state and \helpref{IsOk}{wxfilenameisok} returns {\tt FALSE} for it.
+File names can be case-sensitive or not, the function\rtfsp
+\helpref{IsCaseSensitive}{wxfilenameiscasesensitive} allows to determine this.
+The rules for determining if the file name is absolute or relative also depends
+on the file name format and the only portable way to answer to this question is
+to use \helpref{IsAbsolute}{wxfilenameisabsolute} method. To ensure that the
+filename is absolute you may use \helpref{Normalize}{wxfilenamenormalize}. There
+is also an inverse function \helpref{MakeRelativeTo}{wxfilenamemakerelativeto}
+which undoes what \helpref{Normalize(wxPATH\_NORM\_DOTS}{wxfilenamenormalize}
+Other functions returning information about the file format provided by this
+class are \helpref{GetVolumeSeparator}{wxfilenamegetvolumeseparator},\rtfsp
+\membersection{File name construction}
+\membersection{File tests}
+Before doing the other tests you should use \helpref{IsOk}{wxfilenameisok} to
+verify that the filename is well defined. If it is,
+\helpref{FileExists}{wxfilenamefileexists} can be used to test if a file with
+such name exists and \helpref{DirExists}{wxfilenamedirexists} - if a directory
+with this name exists.
+File names should be compared using \helpref{SameAs}{wxfilenamesameas} method
+or \helpref{$==$}{wxfilenameoperatorequal}.
+\membersection{File name components}
+These functions allow to examine and modify the directories of the path:
+To change the components of the file name individually you can use the
+following functions:
+These methods allow to work with the file creation, access and modification
+times. Note that not all filesystems under all platforms implement these times
+in the same way. For example, the access time under Windows has a resolution of
+one day (so it is really the access date and not time). The access time may be
+updated when the file is executed or not depending on the platform.
+Other file system operations functions are:
Default constructor.
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filename}}
Copy constructor.
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-from a full filename: if it terminates with a '/', a directory path
+From a full filename: if it terminates with a '/', a directory path
is contructed (the name will be empty), otherwise a file name and
extension are extracted from it
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-from a directory name and a file name
+Constructor from a directory name and a file name.
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-from a directory name, file base name and extension
+Constructor from a directory name, base file name and extension
+\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume}, \param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Constructor from a volume name, a directory name, base file name and extension
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filepath}}
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume}, \param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\func{void}{AssignCwd}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume = ""}}
+Makes this object refer to the current working directory on the specified
+volume (or current volume if {\it volume} is empty).
-various file/dir operations
-retrieve the value of the current working directory
+\wxheading{See also}
\func{void}{AssignDir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-empty volume
+Set this file name object to the given directory name. The name and extension
+will be empty.
-get the value of user home (Unix only mainly)
+Set this file name object to the home directory.
-\func{void}{AssignTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}}
-get a temp file name starting with thespecified prefix
+\func{void}{AssignTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}, \param{wxFile *}{fileTemp = {\tt NULL}}}
+The function calls \helpref{CreateTempFileName}{wxfilenamecreatetempfilename} to
+create a temporary file and sets this object to the name of the file. If a
+temporary file couldn't be created, the object is put into the\rtfsp
+\helpref{invalid}{wxfilenameisok} state.
-reset all components to default, uninitialized state
+Reset all components to default, uninitialized state.
+\func{static wxString}{CreateTempFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{prefix}, \param{wxFile *}{fileTemp = {\tt NULL}}}
+Returns a temporary file name starting with the given {\it prefix}. If
+the {\it prefix} is an absolute path, the temporary file is created in this
+directory, otherwise it is created in the default system directory for the
+temporary files or in the current directory.
+If the function succeeds, the temporary file is actually created. If\rtfsp
+{\it fileTemp} is not {\tt NULL}, this file will be opened using the name of
+the temporary file. When possible, this is done in an atomic way ensuring that
+no race condition occurs between the temporary file name generation and opening
+it which could often lead to security compromise on the multiuser systems.
+If {\it fileTemp} is {\tt NULL}, the file is only created, but not opened.
+Under Unix, the temporary file will have read and write permissions for the
+owner only to minimize the security problems.
-does the directory with this name exists?
+\docparam{prefix}{Prefix to use for the temporary file name construction}
+\docparam{fileTemp}{The file to open or {\tt NULL} to just get the name}
+\wxheading{Return value}
+The full temporary file name or an empty string on error.
\func{bool}{DirExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
+Does the directory with this name exists?
\func{wxFileName}{DirName}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
-does the file with this name exists?
\func{bool}{FileExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{file}}
+Does the file with this name exists?
static pseudo constructors
+\func{wxString}{GetCwd}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume = ""}}
+Retrieve the value of the current working directory on the specified volume. If
+the volume is empty, the programs current working directory is returned for the
+current volume.
+\wxheading{Return value}
+The string containing the current working directory or an empty string on
+\wxheading{See also}
-\constfunc{wxString}{GetPath}{\param{bool }{add\_separator = FALSE}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\constfunc{wxString}{GetPath}{\param{int }{flags = $0$}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Return the path part of the filename (without the name nor extension). The
+possible flags values are:
+\twocolitem{\tt wxPATH\_GET\_VOLUME}{Return the path with the volume (does
+nothing for the filename formats without volumes)}
+\twocolitem{\tt wxPATH\_GET\_SEPARATOR}{Return the path with the trailing
+separator, if this flag is not given there will be no separator at the end of
+the path.}
-Construct path only - possibly with the trailing separator
+\func{wxChar}{GetPathSeparator}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Return the usually used path separator for this format. For all formats but
+{\tt wxPATH\_DOS} there is only one path separator anyhow, but for DOS there
+are two of them and the native one, i.e. the backslash is returned by this
+\wxheading{See also}
\func{wxString}{GetPathSeparators}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-get the string of path separators for this format
+Get the string containing all the path separators for this format. For all
+formats but {\tt wxPATH\_DOS} this string contains only one character but for
+DOS and Windows both {\tt '/'} and {\tt '\backslash'} may be used as
+\wxheading{See also}
-\constfunc{bool}{GetTimes}{\param{wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtMod}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtChange}}
+\constfunc{bool}{GetTimes}{\param{wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtMod}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtCreate}}
-return the last access, last modification and last change times
+return the last access, last modification and creation times
(any of the pointers may be NULL)
-file tests
-is the filename valid at all?
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if the filename is valid, {\tt FALSE} if it is not
+initialized yet. The assignment functions and
+\helpref{Clear}{wxfilenameclear} may reset the object to the uninitialized,
+invalid state (the former only do it on failure).
\func{bool}{IsPathSeparator}{\param{wxChar }{ch}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-is the char a path separator for this format?
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if the char is a path separator for this format.
\func{bool}{IsRelative}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-is this filename relative?
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if this filename is not absolute.
-\func{bool}{IsWild}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if this object represents a directory, {\tt FALSE} otherwise
+(i.e. if it is a file). Note that this method doesn't test whether the
+directory or file really exists, you should use
+\helpref{DirExists}{wxfilenamedirexists} or
+\helpref{FileExists}{wxfilenamefileexists} for this.
-FIXME: what exactly does this do?
+\func{bool}{MakeRelativeTo}{\param{const wxString\& }{pathBase = ""}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+This function tries to put this file name in a form relative to {\it pathBase}.
+In other words, it returns the file name which should be used to access this
+file if the current directory were {\it pathBase}.
-\func{bool}{Mkdir}{\param{int }{perm = 0777}, \param{bool }{full = FALSE}}
+\docparam{pathBase}{the directory to use as root, current directory is used by
-directory creation and removal.
-if full is TRUE, will try to make each directory in the path.
+\docparam{format}{the file name format, native by default}
+\wxheading{Return value}
+{\tt TRUE} if the file name has been changed, {\tt FALSE} if we failed to do
+anything with it (currently this only happens if the file name is on a volume
+different from the volume specified by {\it pathBase}).
+\wxheading{See also}
-\func{bool}{Mkdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int }{perm = 0777}, \param{bool }{full = FALSE}}
+\func{bool}{Mkdir}{\param{int }{perm = 0777}, \param{int }{flags = $0$}}
+\func{static bool}{Mkdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int }{perm = 0777}, \param{int }{flags = $0$}}
+\docparam{dir}{the directory to create}
+\docparam{parm}{the permissions for the newly created directory}
+\docparam{flags}{if the flags contain {\tt wxPATH\_MKDIR\_FULL} flag,
+try to create each directory in the path and also don't return an error
+if the target directory already exists.}
+\wxheading{Return value}
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if the directory was successfully created, {\tt FALSE}
-\func{bool}{Normalize}{\param{wxPathNormalize }{flags = wxPATH\_NORM\_ALL}, \param{const wxString\& }{cwd = wxEmptyString}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\func{bool}{Normalize}{\param{int }{flags = wxPATH\_NORM\_ALL}, \param{const wxString\& }{cwd = wxEmptyString}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
operations on the path
normalize the path: with the default flags value, the path will be
+\func{static bool}{Rmdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
-\func{bool}{Rmdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
+Deletes the specified directory.
\func{bool}{SameAs}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filepath}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-compares with the rules of this platform
+Compares the filename using the rules of this platform
-change the current working directory
-\func{bool}{SetCwd}{\param{const wxString\& }{cwd}}
+\func{static bool}{SetCwd}{\param{const wxString\& }{cwd}}
+change the current working directory
-\func{bool}{SetTimes}{\param{const wxDateTime* }{dtCreate}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtMod}}
+\func{bool}{SetTimes}{\param{const wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtMod}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtCreate}}
set the file creation and last access/mod times
(any of the pointers may be NULL)
\func{wxFileName\& operator}{operator=}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filename}}
\func{wxFileName\& operator}{operator=}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Assigns the new value to this filename object.
\func{bool operator}{operator==}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filename}}
-uses the current platform settings
\func{bool operator}{operator==}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if the filenames are equal for the native file format.