#include <math.h>
+ #include <windows.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
static const int MM_POINTS = 9;
static const int MM_METRIC = 10;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// macros
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Logical to device
-// Absolute
-#define XLOG2DEV(x) (x)
-#define YLOG2DEV(y) (y)
-// Relative
-#define XLOG2DEVREL(x) (x)
-#define YLOG2DEVREL(y) (y)
-// Device to logical
-// Absolute
-#define XDEV2LOG(x) (x)
-#define YDEV2LOG(y) (y)
-// Relative
-#define XDEV2LOGREL(x) (x)
-#define YDEV2LOGREL(y) (y)
- * Have the same macros as for XView but not for every operation:
- * just for calculating window/viewport extent (a better way of scaling).
- */
-// Logical to device
-// Absolute
-#define MS_XLOG2DEV(x) LogicalToDevice(x)
-#define MS_YLOG2DEV(y) LogicalToDevice(y)
-// Relative
-#define MS_XLOG2DEVREL(x) LogicalToDeviceXRel(x)
-#define MS_YLOG2DEVREL(y) LogicalToDeviceYRel(y)
-// Device to logical
-// Absolute
-#define MS_XDEV2LOG(x) DeviceToLogicalX(x)
-#define MS_YDEV2LOG(y) DeviceToLogicalY(y)
-// Relative
-#define MS_XDEV2LOGREL(x) DeviceToLogicalXRel(x)
-#define MS_YDEV2LOGREL(y) DeviceToLogicalYRel(y)
-#define YSCALE(y) (yorigin - (y))
-#define wx_round(a) (int)((a)+.5)
// ===========================================================================
// implementation
// ===========================================================================
HDC cdc = GetHdc();
HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( cdc );
HBITMAP hbitmap = (HBITMAP) bmp.GetHBITMAP( );
+ wxASSERT_MSG( hbitmap, _T("bitmap is ok but HBITMAP is NULL?") );
::SelectObject( memdc, hbitmap );
::BitBlt( cdc, x, y, bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight(), memdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
::DeleteDC( memdc );
if (m_textBackgroundColour.Ok())
(void)SetBkColor(GetHdc(), old_background);
+ // background colour is used only for DrawText, otherwise
+ // always TRANSPARENT, RR
+ SetBkMode(GetHdc(), TRANSPARENT);
CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
long w, h;
m_backgroundMode = mode;
+ // SetBackgroundColour now only refers to text background
+ // and m_backgroundMode is used there
if (m_backgroundMode == wxTRANSPARENT)
::SetBkMode(GetHdc(), TRANSPARENT);
- ::SetBkMode(GetHdc(), OPAQUE);
+ ::SetBkMode(GetHdc(), OPAQUE);
void wxDC::SetLogicalFunction(int function)