A brush is a drawing tool for filling in areas. It is used for
painting the background of rectangles, ellipses, etc. when drawing on
a `wx.DC`. It has a colour and a style.
- :warning: Do not create instances of wx.Brush before the `wx.App`
- object has been created because, depending on the platform,
- required internal data structures may not have been initialized
- yet. Instead create your brushes in the app's OnInit or as they
- are needed for drawing.
- :note: On monochrome displays all brushes are white, unless the colour
- really is black.
- :see: `wx.BrushList`, `wx.DC`, `wx.DC.SetBrush`
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
__repr__ = _swig_repr
__init__(self, Colour colour, int style=SOLID) -> Brush
- Constructs a brush from a `wx.Colour` object and a style.The style parameter may be one of the following:
- =================== =============================
- Style Meaning
- =================== =============================
- wx.TRANSPARENT Transparent (no fill).
- wx.SOLID Solid.
- wx.STIPPLE Uses a bitmap as a stipple.
- wx.BDIAGONAL_HATCH Backward diagonal hatch.
- wx.CROSSDIAG_HATCH Cross-diagonal hatch.
- wx.FDIAGONAL_HATCH Forward diagonal hatch.
- wx.CROSS_HATCH Cross hatch.
- wx.HORIZONTAL_HATCH Horizontal hatch.
- wx.VERTICAL_HATCH Vertical hatch.
- =================== =============================
- :see: `wx.BrushFromBitmap`
+ Constructs a brush from a `wx.Colour` object and a style.
_gdi_.Brush_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_Brush(*args, **kwargs))
__swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_Brush
device context (instance of `wx.MemoryDC`). This enables the bitmap to
be copied to a window or memory device context using `wx.DC.Blit`, or
to be used as a drawing surface.
- The BMP and XMP image file formats are supported on all platforms by
- wx.Bitmap. Other formats are automatically loaded by `wx.Image` and
- converted to a wx.Bitmap, so any image file format supported by
- `wx.Image` can be used.
- :todo: Add wrappers and support for raw bitmap data access. Can this
- be be put into Python without losing the speed benefits of the
- teplates and iterators in rawbmp.h?
- :todo: Find a way to do very efficient PIL Image <--> wx.Bitmap
- converstions.
- :see: `wx.EmptyBitmap`, `wx.BitmapFromIcon`, `wx.BitmapFromImage`,
- `wx.BitmapFromXPMData`, `wx.BitmapFromBits`, `wx.BitmapFromBuffer`,
- `wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA`, `wx.Image`
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
__repr__ = _swig_repr
__init__(self, String name, int type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) -> Bitmap
Loads a bitmap from a file.
- :param name: Name of the file to load the bitmap from.
- :param type: The type of image to expect. Can be one of the following
- constants (assuming that the neccessary `wx.Image` handlers are
- loaded):
- :see: Alternate constructors `wx.EmptyBitmap`, `wx.BitmapFromIcon`,
- `wx.BitmapFromImage`, `wx.BitmapFromXPMData`, `wx.BitmapFromBits`,
- `wx.BitmapFromBuffer`, `wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA`,
_gdi_.Bitmap_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_Bitmap(*args, **kwargs))
__swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_Bitmap
return _gdi_.Bitmap_SetSize(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CopyFromBuffer(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CopyFromBuffer(self, buffer data)
+ Copy data from a RGB buffer object to replace the bitmap pixel data.
+ See `wxBitmapFromBuffer` for more .
+ """
+ return _gdi_.Bitmap_CopyFromBuffer(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CopyFromBufferRGBA(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CopyFromBufferRGBA(self, buffer data)
+ Copy data from a RGBA buffer object to replace the bitmap pixel data.
+ See `wxBitmapFromBufferRGBA` for more .
+ """
+ return _gdi_.Bitmap_CopyFromBufferRGBA(*args, **kwargs)
def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk()
def __eq__(*args, **kwargs):
"""__eq__(self, Bitmap other) -> bool"""
in X, rather than to set it globally as in MS Windows, although a
global `wx.SetCursor` function is also available for use on MS Windows.
- Stock Cursor IDs
- -----------------
- ======================== ======================================
- wx.CURSOR_ARROW A standard arrow cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW A standard arrow cursor pointing to the right.
- wx.CURSOR_BLANK Transparent cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_BULLSEYE Bullseye cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_CHAR Rectangular character cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_CROSS A cross cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_HAND A hand cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_IBEAM An I-beam cursor (vertical line).
- wx.CURSOR_LEFT_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the left button depressed.
- wx.CURSOR_MAGNIFIER A magnifier icon.
- wx.CURSOR_MIDDLE_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the middle button depressed.
- wx.CURSOR_NO_ENTRY A no-entry sign cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_PAINT_BRUSH A paintbrush cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_PENCIL A pencil cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_POINT_LEFT A cursor that points left.
- wx.CURSOR_POINT_RIGHT A cursor that points right.
- wx.CURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW An arrow and question mark.
- wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the right button depressed.
- wx.CURSOR_SIZENESW A sizing cursor pointing NE-SW.
- wx.CURSOR_SIZENS A sizing cursor pointing N-S.
- wx.CURSOR_SIZENWSE A sizing cursor pointing NW-SE.
- wx.CURSOR_SIZEWE A sizing cursor pointing W-E.
- wx.CURSOR_SIZING A general sizing cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_SPRAYCAN A spraycan cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_WAIT A wait cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_WATCH A watch cursor.
- wx.CURSOR_ARROWWAIT A cursor with both an arrow and an hourglass, (windows.)
- ======================== ======================================
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
__repr__ = _swig_repr
Construct a Cursor from a file. Specify the type of file using
wx.BITAMP_TYPE* constants, and specify the hotspot if not using a .cur
- :see: Alternate constructors `wx.StockCursor`,`wx.CursorFromImage`
_gdi_.Cursor_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_Cursor(*args, **kwargs))
__swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_Cursor
Constructs a cursor from a `wx.Image`. The mask (if any) will be used
for setting the transparent portions of the cursor.
- In MSW the cursor is resized to 32x32 if it was larger.
- In GTK the cursor will be displayed at the size of the image.
- On MacOS the cursor is resized to 16x16 if it was larger.
val = _gdi_.new_CursorFromImage(*args, **kwargs)
return val
of a window's text.
You can retrieve the current system font settings with `wx.SystemSettings`.
- The possible values for the family parameter of wx.Font constructor are:
- ======================== =============================
- wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT Chooses a default font.
- wx.FONTFAMILY_DECORATIVE A decorative font.
- wx.FONTFAMILY_ROMAN A formal, serif font.
- wx.FONTFAMILY_SCRIPT A handwriting font.
- wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS A sans-serif font.
- wx.FONTFAMILY_MODERN Usually a fixed pitch font.
- wx.FONTFAMILY_TELETYPE A teletype font.
- ======================== =============================
- The possible values for the weight parameter are:
- ==================== ==
- ==================== ==
- The known font encodings are:
- =========================== ====================================
- wx.FONTENCODING_SYSTEM system default
- wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT current default encoding
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_1 West European (Latin1)
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_2 Central and East European (Latin2)
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_3 Esperanto (Latin3)
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_4 Baltic (old) (Latin4)
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_5 Cyrillic
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_6 Arabic
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_7 Greek
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_8 Hebrew
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_9 Turkish (Latin5)
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_10 Variation of Latin4 (Latin6)
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_11 Thai
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_12 doesn't exist currently, but put it
- here anyhow to make all ISO8859
- consecutive numbers
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_13 Baltic (Latin7)
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_14 Latin8
- wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_15 Latin9 (a.k.a. Latin0, includes euro)
- wx.FONTENCODING_KOI8 Cyrillic charset
- wx.FONTENCODING_BULGARIAN used under Linux in Bulgaria
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP437 original MS-DOS codepage
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP850 CP437 merged with Latin1
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP852 CP437 merged with Latin2
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP855 another cyrillic encoding
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP866 and another one
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP1250 WinLatin2
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP1251 WinCyrillic
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP1252 WinLatin1
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP1253 WinGreek (8859-7)
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP1254 WinTurkish
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP1255 WinHebrew
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP1256 WinArabic
- wx.FONTENCODING_CP1257 WinBaltic (same as Latin 7)
- wx.FONTENCODING_UTF7 UTF-7 Unicode encoding
- wx.FONTENCODING_UTF8 UTF-8 Unicode encoding
- =========================== ====================================
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
__repr__ = _swig_repr
Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current
pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the
- :see: `DrawEllipse`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawCircle(*args, **kwargs)
Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current
pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the
- :see: `DrawEllipse`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawCirclePoint(*args, **kwargs)
Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
- :see: `DrawCircle`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs)
Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
- :see: `DrawCircle`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawEllipseRect(*args, **kwargs)
Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
- :see: `DrawCircle`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawEllipsePointSize(*args, **kwargs)
*transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or
alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will
be drawn transparently.
- When drawing a mono-bitmap, the current text foreground colour will be
- used to draw the foreground of the bitmap (all bits set to 1), and the
- current text background colour to draw the background (all bits set to
- 0).
- :see: `SetTextForeground`, `SetTextBackground` and `wx.MemoryDC`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
*transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or
alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will
be drawn transparently.
- When drawing a mono-bitmap, the current text foreground colour will be
- used to draw the foreground of the bitmap (all bits set to 1), and the
- current text background colour to draw the background (all bits set to
- 0).
- :see: `SetTextForeground`, `SetTextBackground` and `wx.MemoryDC`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawBitmapPoint(*args, **kwargs)
**NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this
function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using
logical functions with this function in portable programs.
- :see: `DrawRotatedText`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawText(*args, **kwargs)
**NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this
function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using
logical functions with this function in portable programs.
- :see: `DrawRotatedText`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawTextPoint(*args, **kwargs)
function. In particular, a font different from ``wx.NORMAL_FONT``
should be used as the it is not normally a TrueType
font. ``wx.SWISS_FONT`` is an example of a font which is.
- :see: `DrawText`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawRotatedText(*args, **kwargs)
function. In particular, a font different from ``wx.NORMAL_FONT``
should be used as the it is not normally a TrueType
font. ``wx.SWISS_FONT`` is an example of a font which is.
- :see: `DrawText`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawRotatedTextPoint(*args, **kwargs)
coordinates, size of area to copy, source DC, source coordinates,
logical function, whether to use a bitmap mask, and mask source
- :param xdest: Destination device context x position.
- :param ydest: Destination device context y position.
- :param width: Width of source area to be copied.
- :param height: Height of source area to be copied.
- :param source: Source device context.
- :param xsrc: Source device context x position.
- :param ysrc: Source device context y position.
- :param rop: Logical function to use: see `SetLogicalFunction`.
- :param useMask: If true, Blit does a transparent blit using the mask
- that is associated with the bitmap selected into the
- source device context.
- :param xsrcMask: Source x position on the mask. If both xsrcMask and
- ysrcMask are -1, xsrc and ysrc will be assumed for
- the mask source position.
- :param ysrcMask: Source y position on the mask.
return _gdi_.DC_Blit(*args, **kwargs)
coordinates, size of area to copy, source DC, source coordinates,
logical function, whether to use a bitmap mask, and mask source
- :param destPt: Destination device context position.
- :param sz: Size of source area to be copied.
- :param source: Source device context.
- :param srcPt: Source device context position.
- :param rop: Logical function to use: see `SetLogicalFunction`.
- :param useMask: If true, Blit does a transparent blit using the mask
- that is associated with the bitmap selected into the
- source device context.
- :param srcPtMask: Source position on the mask.
return _gdi_.DC_BlitPointSize(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetAsBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetAsBitmap(self, Rect subrect=None) -> Bitmap"""
+ return _gdi_.DC_GetAsBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
def SetClippingRegion(*args, **kwargs):
SetClippingRegion(self, int x, int y, int width, int height)
restricted. Possible uses for the clipping region are for clipping
text or for speeding up window redraws when only a known area of the
screen is damaged.
- :see: `DestroyClippingRegion`, `wx.Region`
return _gdi_.DC_SetClippingRegion(*args, **kwargs)
restricted. Possible uses for the clipping region are for clipping
text or for speeding up window redraws when only a known area of the
screen is damaged.
- :see: `DestroyClippingRegion`, `wx.Region`
return _gdi_.DC_SetClippingRegionPointSize(*args, **kwargs)
restricted. Possible uses for the clipping region are for clipping
text or for speeding up window redraws when only a known area of the
screen is damaged.
- :see: `DestroyClippingRegion`, `wx.Region`
return _gdi_.DC_SetClippingRegionAsRegion(*args, **kwargs)
restricted. Possible uses for the clipping region are for clipping
text or for speeding up window redraws when only a known area of the
screen is damaged.
- :see: `DestroyClippingRegion`, `wx.Region`
return _gdi_.DC_SetClippingRect(*args, **kwargs)
Draw *text* within the specified rectangle, abiding by the alignment
flags. Will additionally emphasize the character at *indexAccel* if
it is not -1.
- :see: `DrawImageLabel`
return _gdi_.DC_DrawLabel(*args, **kwargs)
Sets the current font for the DC. It must be a valid font, in
particular you should not pass ``wx.NullFont`` to this method.
- :see: `wx.Font`
return _gdi_.DC_SetFont(*args, **kwargs)
If the argument is ``wx.NullPen``, the current pen is selected out of the
device context, and the original pen restored.
- :see: `wx.Pen`
return _gdi_.DC_SetPen(*args, **kwargs)
If the argument is ``wx.NullBrush``, the current brush is selected out
of the device context, and the original brush restored, allowing the
current brush to be destroyed safely.
- :see: `wx.Brush`
return _gdi_.DC_SetBrush(*args, **kwargs)
window or bitmap associated with the DC. If the argument is
``wx.NullPalette``, the current palette is selected out of the device
context, and the original palette restored.
- :see: `wx.Palette`
return _gdi_.DC_SetPalette(*args, **kwargs)
Destroys the current clipping region so that none of the DC is
- :see: `SetClippingRegion`
return _gdi_.DC_DestroyClippingRegion(*args, **kwargs)
Returns the current background mode, either ``wx.SOLID`` or
- :see: `SetBackgroundMode`
return _gdi_.DC_GetBackgroundMode(*args, **kwargs)
GetBackground(self) -> Brush
Gets the brush used for painting the background.
- :see: `SetBackground`
return _gdi_.DC_GetBackground(*args, **kwargs)
wx.MM_TEXT Each logical unit is 1 pixel.
================ =============================================
- Note that in X, text drawing isn't handled consistently with the
- mapping mode; a font is always specified in point size. However,
- setting the user scale (see `SetUserScale`) scales the text
- appropriately. In Windows, scalable TrueType fonts are always used; in
- X, results depend on availability of fonts, but usually a reasonable
- match is found.
- The coordinate origin is always at the top left of the screen/printer.
- Drawing to a Windows printer device context uses the current mapping
- mode, but mapping mode is currently ignored for PostScript output.
return _gdi_.DC_SetMapMode(*args, **kwargs)
+class DCTextColourChanger(object):
+ """
+ wx.DCTextColourChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC text
+ colour and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self, DC dc, Colour col) -> DCTextColourChanger
+ wx.DCTextColourChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC text
+ colour and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
+ """
+ _gdi_.DCTextColourChanger_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_DCTextColourChanger(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_DCTextColourChanger
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+class DCPenChanger(object):
+ """
+ wx.DCPenChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC pen and
+ restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self, DC dc, Pen pen) -> DCPenChanger
+ wx.DCPenChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC pen and
+ restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
+ """
+ _gdi_.DCPenChanger_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_DCPenChanger(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_DCPenChanger
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+class DCBrushChanger(object):
+ """
+ wx.DCBrushChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC brush and
+ restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self, DC dc, Brush brush) -> DCBrushChanger
+ wx.DCBrushChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC brush and
+ restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
+ """
+ _gdi_.DCBrushChanger_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_DCBrushChanger(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_DCBrushChanger
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+class DCClipper(object):
+ """
+ wx.wxDCClipper sets the DC's clipping region when it is constructed,
+ and then automatically destroys the clipping region when the clipper
+ goes out of scope.
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ """
+ __init__(self, DC dc, Region r) -> DCClipper
+ __init__(self, DC dc, Rect r) -> DCClipper
+ __init__(self, DC dc, int x, int y, int w, int h) -> DCClipper
+ wx.wxDCClipper sets the DC's clipping region when it is constructed,
+ and then automatically destroys the clipping region when the clipper
+ goes out of scope.
+ """
+ _gdi_.DCClipper_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_DCClipper(*args))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_DCClipper
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
class MemoryDC(DC):
A memory device context provides a means to draw graphics onto a
creating a usable device context. If a bitmap is not given to this
constructor then don't forget to select a bitmap into the DC before
drawing on it.
- :see: `MemoryDCFromDC`
_gdi_.MemoryDC_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_MemoryDC(*args, **kwargs))
def SelectObject(*args, **kwargs):
return _gdi_.MemoryDC_SelectObject(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SelectObjectAsSource(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SelectObjectAsSource(self, Bitmap bmp)"""
+ return _gdi_.MemoryDC_SelectObjectAsSource(*args, **kwargs)
def MemoryDCFromDC(*args, **kwargs):
This simple class provides a simple way to avoid flicker: when drawing
on it, everything is in fact first drawn on an in-memory buffer (a
`wx.Bitmap`) and then copied to the screen only once, when this object
- is destroyed.
+ is destroyed. You can either provide a buffer bitmap yourself, and
+ reuse it the next time something needs painted, or you can let the
+ buffered DC create and provide a buffer bitmap itself.
- It can be used in the same way as any other device context.
+ Buffered DCs can be used in the same way as any other device context.
wx.BufferedDC itself typically replaces `wx.ClientDC`, if you want to
use it in your EVT_PAINT handler, you should look at
- `wx.BufferedPaintDC`.
+ `wx.BufferedPaintDC`. You can also use a wx.BufferedDC without
+ providing a target DC. In this case the operations done on the dc
+ will only be written to the buffer bitmap and *not* to any window, so
+ you will want to have provided the buffer bitmap and then reuse it
+ when it needs painted to the window.
Please note that GTK+ 2.0 and OS X provide double buffering themselves
- natively. wxBufferedDC is aware of this however, and will bypass the buffering
- unless an explicit buffer bitmap is given.
+ natively. You may want to use `wx.Window.IsDoubleBuffered` to
+ determine whether you need to use buffering or not, or use
+ `wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC` to avoid needless double buffering on systems
+ that already do it automatically.
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
__init__(self, DC dc, Size area, int style=BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA) -> BufferedDC
Constructs a buffered DC.
- :param dc: The underlying DC: everything drawn to this object will
- be flushed to this DC when this object is destroyed. You may
- pass ``None`` in order to just initialize the buffer, and not
- flush it.
- :param buffer: If a `wx.Size` object is passed as the 2nd arg then
- it is the size of the bitmap that will be created internally
- and used for an implicit buffer. If the 2nd arg is a
- `wx.Bitmap` then it is the explicit buffer that will be
- used. Using an explicit buffer is the most efficient solution
- as the bitmap doesn't have to be recreated each time but it
- also requires more memory as the bitmap is never freed. The
- bitmap should have appropriate size, anything drawn outside of
- its bounds is clipped. If wx.NullBitmap is used then a new
- buffer will be allocated that is the same size as the dc.
- :param style: The style parameter indicates whether the supplied buffer is
- intended to cover the entire virtual size of a `wx.ScrolledWindow` or
- if it only covers the client area. Acceptable values are
self.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self
return _gdi_.BufferedDC_UnMask(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetStyle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetStyle(self, int style)"""
+ return _gdi_.BufferedDC_SetStyle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetStyle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetStyle(self) -> int"""
+ return _gdi_.BufferedDC_GetStyle(*args, **kwargs)
class BufferedPaintDC(BufferedDC):
-class GraphicsPath(object):
+class GraphicsObject(_core.Object):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsObject class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self, GraphicsRenderer renderer=None) -> GraphicsObject"""
+ _gdi_.GraphicsObject_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GraphicsObject(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsObject
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def IsNull(*args, **kwargs):
+ """IsNull(self) -> bool"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsObject_IsNull(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetRenderer(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetRenderer(self) -> GraphicsRenderer"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsObject_GetRenderer(*args, **kwargs)
+class GraphicsPen(GraphicsObject):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsPen class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> GraphicsPen"""
+ _gdi_.GraphicsPen_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GraphicsPen(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsPen
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+class GraphicsBrush(GraphicsObject):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsBrush class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> GraphicsBrush"""
+ _gdi_.GraphicsBrush_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GraphicsBrush(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsBrush
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+class GraphicsFont(GraphicsObject):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsFont class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> GraphicsFont"""
+ _gdi_.GraphicsFont_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GraphicsFont(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsFont
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+class GraphicsMatrix(GraphicsObject):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsMatrix class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> GraphicsMatrix"""
+ _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GraphicsMatrix(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsMatrix
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def Concat(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Concat(self, GraphicsMatrix t)
+ concatenates the matrix
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_Concat(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Copy(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Copy(self, GraphicsMatrix t)
+ Copy the passed in matrix to this one.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_Copy(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Set(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Set(self, Double a=1.0, Double b=0.0, Double c=0.0, Double d=1.0,
+ Double tx=0.0, Double ty=0.0)
+ sets the matrix to the respective values
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_Set(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Invert(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Invert(self)
+ makes this the inverse matrix
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_Invert(*args, **kwargs)
+ def IsEqual(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ IsEqual(self, GraphicsMatrix t) -> bool
+ returns true if the elements of the transformation matrix are equal
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_IsEqual(*args, **kwargs)
+ def IsIdentity(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ IsIdentity(self) -> bool
+ return true if this is the identity matrix
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_IsIdentity(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Translate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Translate(self, Double dx, Double dy)
+ add the translation to this matrix
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_Translate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Scale(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Scale(self, Double xScale, Double yScale)
+ add the scale to this matrix
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_Scale(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Rotate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Rotate(self, Double angle)
+ add the rotation to this matrix (radians)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_Rotate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def TransformPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ TransformPoint(self, x, y) --> (x, y)
+ applies that matrix to the point
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_TransformPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def TransformDistance(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ TransformDistance(self, dx, dy) --> (dx, dy)
+ applies the matrix except for translations
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_TransformDistance(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetNativeMatrix(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetNativeMatrix(self) -> void
+ returns the native representation
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsMatrix_GetNativeMatrix(*args, **kwargs)
+class GraphicsPath(GraphicsObject):
"""Proxy of C++ GraphicsPath class"""
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
- def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
__repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> GraphicsPath"""
+ _gdi_.GraphicsPath_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GraphicsPath(*args, **kwargs))
__swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsPath
__del__ = lambda self : None;
- def MoveToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ def MoveToPoint(*args):
MoveToPoint(self, Double x, Double y)
+ MoveToPoint(self, Point2D p)
Begins a new subpath at (x,y)
- return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_MoveToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_MoveToPoint(*args)
- def AddLineToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ def AddLineToPoint(*args):
AddLineToPoint(self, Double x, Double y)
+ AddLineToPoint(self, Point2D p)
Adds a straight line from the current point to (x,y)
- return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddLineToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddLineToPoint(*args)
- def AddCurveToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ def AddCurveToPoint(*args):
AddCurveToPoint(self, Double cx1, Double cy1, Double cx2, Double cy2, Double x,
Double y)
+ AddCurveToPoint(self, Point2D c1, Point2D c2, Point2D e)
Adds a cubic Bezier curve from the current point, using two control
points and an end point
- return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddCurveToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddCurveToPoint(*args)
+ def AddPath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddPath(self, GraphicsPath path)
+ adds another path
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddPath(*args, **kwargs)
def CloseSubpath(*args, **kwargs):
return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_GetCurrentPoint(*args, **kwargs)
- def AddArc(*args, **kwargs):
+ def AddArc(*args):
AddArc(self, Double x, Double y, Double r, Double startAngle, Double endAngle,
bool clockwise)
+ AddArc(self, Point2D c, Double r, Double startAngle, Double endAngle,
+ bool clockwise)
Adds an arc of a circle centering at (x,y) with radius (r) from
startAngle to endAngle
- return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddArc(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddArc(*args)
def AddQuadCurveToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddArcToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddEllipse(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddEllipse(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ appends an ellipse
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddEllipse(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddRoundedRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h, Double radius)
+ appends a rounded rectangle
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetNativePath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetNativePath(self) -> void
+ returns the native path
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_GetNativePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def UnGetNativePath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ UnGetNativePath(self, void p)
+ give the native path returned by GetNativePath() back (there might be some
+ deallocations necessary)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_UnGetNativePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Transform(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Transform(self, GraphicsMatrix matrix)
+ transforms each point of this path by the matrix
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_Transform(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetBox(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetBox(self) -> wxRect2DDouble
+ gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control points)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_GetBox(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Contains(*args):
+ """
+ Contains(self, Double x, Double y, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) -> bool
+ Contains(self, wxPoint2DDouble c, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) -> bool
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_Contains(*args)
-class GraphicsContext(object):
+class GraphicsContext(GraphicsObject):
"""Proxy of C++ GraphicsContext class"""
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
__repr__ = _swig_repr
__swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsContext
__del__ = lambda self : None;
- def Create(*args, **kwargs):
- """Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext"""
- val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Create(*args, **kwargs)
- val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self
+ def Create(*args):
+ """
+ Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext
+ Create(Window window) -> GraphicsContext
+ """
+ val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Create(*args)
+ val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the dc will not be deleted before self
return val
Create = staticmethod(Create)
+ def CreateFromNative(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateFromNative(void context) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(*args, **kwargs)
+ CreateFromNative = staticmethod(CreateFromNative)
+ def CreateFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateFromNativeWindow(void window) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs)
+ CreateFromNativeWindow = staticmethod(CreateFromNativeWindow)
def CreatePath(*args, **kwargs):
- """CreatePath(self) -> GraphicsPath"""
+ """
+ CreatePath(self) -> GraphicsPath
+ creates a path instance that corresponds to the type of graphics context, ie GDIPlus, Cairo, CoreGraphics ...
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreatePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreatePen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreatePen(self, Pen pen) -> GraphicsPen"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreatePen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateBrush(self, Brush brush) -> GraphicsBrush"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateLinearGradientBrush(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Colour c1,
+ Colour c2) -> GraphicsBrush
+ sets the brush to a linear gradient, starting at (x1,y1) with color c1
+ to (x2,y2) with color c2
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateRadialGradientBrush(self, Double xo, Double yo, Double xc, Double yc, Double radius,
+ Colour oColor, Colour cColor) -> GraphicsBrush
+ sets the brush to a radial gradient originating at (xo,yc) with color
+ oColor and ends on a circle around (xc,yc) with radius r and color
+ cColor
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateFont(self, Font font, Colour col=*wxBLACK) -> GraphicsFont
+ sets the font
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFont(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateMatrix(self, Double a=1.0, Double b=0.0, Double c=0.0, Double d=1.0,
+ Double tx=0.0, Double ty=0.0) -> GraphicsMatrix
+ create a 'native' matrix corresponding to these values
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs)
def PushState(*args, **kwargs):
- """PushState(self)"""
+ """
+ PushState(self)
+ push the current state of the context, ie the transformation matrix on a stack
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_PushState(*args, **kwargs)
def PopState(*args, **kwargs):
- """PopState(self)"""
+ """
+ PopState(self)
+ pops a stored state from the stack
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_PopState(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ClipRegion(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ClipRegion(self, Region region)
+ clips drawings to the region
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_ClipRegion(*args, **kwargs)
def Clip(*args, **kwargs):
- """Clip(self, Region region)"""
+ """
+ Clip(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ clips drawings to the rect
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Clip(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ResetClip(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ResetClip(self)
+ resets the clipping to original extent
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_ResetClip(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetNativeContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetNativeContext(self) -> void
+ returns the native context
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetNativeContext(*args, **kwargs)
def Translate(*args, **kwargs):
- """Translate(self, Double dx, Double dy)"""
+ """
+ Translate(self, Double dx, Double dy)
+ translate the current transformation matrix CTM of the context
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Translate(*args, **kwargs)
def Scale(*args, **kwargs):
- """Scale(self, Double xScale, Double yScale)"""
+ """
+ Scale(self, Double xScale, Double yScale)
+ scale the current transformation matrix CTM of the context
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Scale(*args, **kwargs)
def Rotate(*args, **kwargs):
- """Rotate(self, Double angle)"""
+ """
+ Rotate(self, Double angle)
+ rotate (radians) the current transformation matrix CTM of the context
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Rotate(*args, **kwargs)
- def SetPen(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetPen(self, Pen pen)"""
- return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetPen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ConcatTransform(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ConcatTransform(self, GraphicsMatrix matrix)
- def SetBrush(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetBrush(self, Brush brush)"""
- return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ concatenates this transform with the current transform of this context
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_ConcatTransform(*args, **kwargs)
- def SetLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ def SetTransform(*args, **kwargs):
- SetLinearGradientBrush(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Colour c1,
- Colour c2)
+ SetTransform(self, GraphicsMatrix matrix)
+ sets the transform of this context
- return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetTransform(*args, **kwargs)
- def SetRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ def GetTransform(*args, **kwargs):
- SetRadialGradientBrush(self, Double xo, Double yo, Double xc, Double yc, Double radius,
- Colour oColor, Colour cColor)
+ GetTransform(self) -> GraphicsMatrix
+ gets the matrix of this context
- return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetTransform(*args, **kwargs)
- def SetFont(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFont(self, Font font)"""
- return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetFont(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetPen(*args):
+ """
+ SetPen(self, GraphicsPen pen)
+ SetPen(self, Pen pen)
- def SetTextColor(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetTextColor(self, Colour col)"""
- return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetTextColor(*args, **kwargs)
+ sets the stroke pen
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetPen(*args)
+ def SetBrush(*args):
+ """
+ SetBrush(self, GraphicsBrush brush)
+ SetBrush(self, Brush brush)
+ sets the brush for filling
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetBrush(*args)
+ def SetFont(*args):
+ """
+ SetFont(self, GraphicsFont font)
+ SetFont(self, Font font, Colour colour=*wxBLACK)
+ sets the font
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetFont(*args)
def StrokePath(*args, **kwargs):
- """StrokePath(self, GraphicsPath path)"""
+ """
+ StrokePath(self, GraphicsPath path)
+ strokes along a path with the current pen
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokePath(*args, **kwargs)
def FillPath(*args, **kwargs):
- """FillPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=WINDING_RULE)"""
+ """
+ FillPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE)
+ fills a path with the current brush
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_FillPath(*args, **kwargs)
def DrawPath(*args, **kwargs):
- """DrawPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=WINDING_RULE)"""
+ """
+ DrawPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE)
+ draws a path by first filling and then stroking
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawPath(*args, **kwargs)
def DrawText(*args, **kwargs):
"""DrawRotatedText(self, String str, Double x, Double y, Double angle)"""
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawRotatedText(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetFullTextExtent(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetFullTextExtent(self, text) --> (width, height, descent, externalLeading)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetFullTextExtent(*args, **kwargs)
def GetTextExtent(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetTextExtend(self, text) --> (width, height, descent, externalLeading)"""
+ """GetTextExtent(self, text) --> (width, height)"""
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetTextExtent(*args, **kwargs)
def GetPartialTextExtents(*args, **kwargs):
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawIcon(*args, **kwargs)
def StrokeLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """StrokeLine(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2)"""
+ """
+ StrokeLine(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2)
+ strokes a single line
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokeLine(*args, **kwargs)
def StrokeLines(*args, **kwargs):
- """StrokeLines(self, List points)"""
+ """
+ StrokeLines(self, List points)
+ stroke lines connecting each of the points
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokeLines(*args, **kwargs)
def StrokeLineSegements(*args, **kwargs):
- """StrokeLineSegements(self, PyObject beginPoints, PyObject endPoints)"""
+ """
+ StrokeLineSegements(self, PyObject beginPoints, PyObject endPoints)
+ stroke disconnected lines from begin to end points
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokeLineSegements(*args, **kwargs)
def DrawLines(*args, **kwargs):
- """DrawLines(self, size_t points, int fillStyle=WINDING_RULE)"""
+ """
+ DrawLines(self, size_t points, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE)
+ draws a polygon
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawLines(*args, **kwargs)
def DrawRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
- """DrawRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)"""
+ """
+ DrawRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ draws a rectangle
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
def DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs):
- """DrawEllipse(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)"""
+ """
+ DrawEllipse(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ draws an ellipse
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs)
def DrawRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
- """DrawRoundedRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h, Double radius)"""
+ """
+ DrawRoundedRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h, Double radius)
+ draws a rounded rectangle
+ """
return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ShouldOffset(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ShouldOffset(self) -> bool
+ helper to determine if a 0.5 offset should be applied for the drawing operation
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_ShouldOffset(*args, **kwargs)
+cvar = _gdi_.cvar
+NullGraphicsPen = cvar.NullGraphicsPen
+NullGraphicsBrush = cvar.NullGraphicsBrush
+NullGraphicsFont = cvar.NullGraphicsFont
+NullGraphicsMatrix = cvar.NullGraphicsMatrix
+NullGraphicsPath = cvar.NullGraphicsPath
-def GraphicsContext_Create(*args, **kwargs):
- """GraphicsContext_Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext"""
- val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Create(*args, **kwargs)
- val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self
+def GraphicsContext_Create(*args):
+ """
+ Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext
+ GraphicsContext_Create(Window window) -> GraphicsContext
+ """
+ val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Create(*args)
+ val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the dc will not be deleted before self
return val
+def GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(void context) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(*args, **kwargs)
+def GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(void window) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs)
+class GraphicsRenderer(_core.Object):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsRenderer class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsRenderer
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def GetDefaultRenderer(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetDefaultRenderer() -> GraphicsRenderer"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetDefaultRenderer = staticmethod(GetDefaultRenderer)
+ def CreateContext(*args):
+ """
+ CreateContext(self, WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext
+ CreateContext(self, Window window) -> GraphicsContext
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateContext(*args)
+ def CreateContextFromNativeContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateContextFromNativeContext(self, void context) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateContextFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateContextFromNativeWindow(self, void window) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreatePath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreatePath(self) -> GraphicsPath"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreatePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateMatrix(self, Double a=1.0, Double b=0.0, Double c=0.0, Double d=1.0,
+ Double tx=0.0, Double ty=0.0) -> GraphicsMatrix
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreatePen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreatePen(self, Pen pen) -> GraphicsPen"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreatePen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateBrush(self, Brush brush) -> GraphicsBrush"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateLinearGradientBrush(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Colour c1,
+ Colour c2) -> GraphicsBrush
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateRadialGradientBrush(self, Double xo, Double yo, Double xc, Double yc, Double radius,
+ Colour oColor, Colour cColor) -> GraphicsBrush
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateFont(self, Font font, Colour col=*wxBLACK) -> GraphicsFont"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateFont(*args, **kwargs)
+def GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer(*args):
+ """GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer() -> GraphicsRenderer"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer(*args)
class GCDC(DC):
"""Proxy of C++ GCDC class"""
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
__swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GCDC
__del__ = lambda self : None;
- def GetGraphicContext(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetGraphicContext(self) -> GraphicsContext"""
- return _gdi_.GCDC_GetGraphicContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetGraphicsContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetGraphicsContext(self) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GCDC_GetGraphicsContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetGraphicsContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetGraphicsContext(self, GraphicsContext ctx)"""
+ return _gdi_.GCDC_SetGraphicsContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ GraphicsContext = property(GetGraphicsContext,SetGraphicsContext)
class Overlay(object):
__swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GDIObjListBase
__del__ = lambda self : None;
-cvar = _gdi_.cvar
NullBitmap = cvar.NullBitmap
NullIcon = cvar.NullIcon
NullCursor = cvar.NullCursor
Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current
pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the
- :see: `DrawEllipse`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawCircle(*args, **kwargs)
Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current
pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the
- :see: `DrawEllipse`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawCirclePoint(*args, **kwargs)
Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
- :see: `DrawCircle`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs)
Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
- :see: `DrawCircle`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawEllipseRect(*args, **kwargs)
Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
- :see: `DrawCircle`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawEllipsePointSize(*args, **kwargs)
*transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or
alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will
be drawn transparently.
- When drawing a mono-bitmap, the current text foreground colour will be
- used to draw the foreground of the bitmap (all bits set to 1), and the
- current text background colour to draw the background (all bits set to
- 0).
- :see: `SetTextForeground`, `SetTextBackground` and `wx.MemoryDC`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
*transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or
alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will
be drawn transparently.
- When drawing a mono-bitmap, the current text foreground colour will be
- used to draw the foreground of the bitmap (all bits set to 1), and the
- current text background colour to draw the background (all bits set to
- 0).
- :see: `SetTextForeground`, `SetTextBackground` and `wx.MemoryDC`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawBitmapPoint(*args, **kwargs)
**NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this
function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using
logical functions with this function in portable programs.
- :see: `DrawRotatedText`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawText(*args, **kwargs)
**NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this
function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using
logical functions with this function in portable programs.
- :see: `DrawRotatedText`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawTextPoint(*args, **kwargs)
function. In particular, a font different from ``wx.NORMAL_FONT``
should be used as the it is not normally a TrueType
font. ``wx.SWISS_FONT`` is an example of a font which is.
- :see: `DrawText`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawRotatedText(*args, **kwargs)
function. In particular, a font different from ``wx.NORMAL_FONT``
should be used as the it is not normally a TrueType
font. ``wx.SWISS_FONT`` is an example of a font which is.
- :see: `DrawText`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawRotatedTextPoint(*args, **kwargs)
Draw *text* within the specified rectangle, abiding by the alignment
flags. Will additionally emphasize the character at *indexAccel* if
it is not -1.
- :see: `DrawImageLabel`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawLabel(*args, **kwargs)
Sets the current font for the DC. It must be a valid font, in
particular you should not pass ``wx.NullFont`` to this method.
- :see: `wx.Font`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_SetFont(*args, **kwargs)
If the argument is ``wx.NullPen``, the current pen is selected out of the
device context, and the original pen restored.
- :see: `wx.Pen`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_SetPen(*args, **kwargs)
If the argument is ``wx.NullBrush``, the current brush is selected out
of the device context, and the original brush restored, allowing the
current brush to be destroyed safely.
- :see: `wx.Brush`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_SetBrush(*args, **kwargs)
window or bitmap associated with the DC. If the argument is
``wx.NullPalette``, the current palette is selected out of the device
context, and the original palette restored.
- :see: `wx.Palette`
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_SetPalette(*args, **kwargs)