- #! first column is filename, second is type, third is flags
- if ( $fields[1] eq "C" ) {
- $wxCommon{$fields[0]} = $fields[2];
- } elsif ( $fields[1] eq "G" ) {
- $wxGeneric{$fields[0]} = $fields[2];
- } elsif ( $fields[1] eq "M" ) {
- $wxMSW{$fields[0]} = $fields[2];
- } elsif ( $fields[1] eq "R" ) {
- $wxGTK{$fields[0]} = $fields[2];
- } elsif ( $fields[1] eq "H" ) {
- $wxHTML{$fields[0]} = $fields[2];
- } elsif ( $fields[1] eq "U" ) {
- $wxUNIX{$fields[0]} = $fields[2];
- } elsif ( $fields[1] eq "I" ) {
- $wxINCLUDE{$fields[0]} = $fields[2];
+ #! this is a bit stupid but all templates are written using the old
+ #! single letter flags which became so unreadable that I decided to
+ #! replace them with more readable strings, but it was easier to do
+ #! the translation here instead of changing all *.t files
+ $fileflags =~ s/Base/B/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/NotWin32/16/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/Win32Only/32/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/Generic/G/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/OLE/O/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/Socket/S/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/NotMSW/U/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/NotGTK/R/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/NotX/X/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/NotOS2/P/;
+ $fileflags =~ s/LowLevel/L/;
+ if ( $filetype eq "Common" ) {
+ $wxCommon{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "Generic" ) {
+ $wxGeneric{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "MSW" ) {
+ $wxMSW{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "Motif" ) {
+ $wxMOTIF{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "GTK" ) {
+ $wxGTK{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "Univ" ) {
+ $wxUNIV{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "MGL" ) {
+ $wxMGL{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "OS2" ) {
+ $wxOS2PM{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "HTML" ) {
+ $wxHTML{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "Unix" ) {
+ $wxUNIX{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "BaseOnly" ) {
+ $wxBase{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "WXH" ) {
+ $wxWXINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "ProtoH" ) {
+ $wxPROTOCOLINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "HtmlH" ) {
+ $wxHTMLINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "MotifH" ) {
+ $wxMOTIFINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "MSWH" ) {
+ $wxMSWINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "GTKH" ) {
+ $wxGTKINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "OS2H" ) {
+ $wxOS2PMINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "UnivH" ) {
+ $wxUNIVINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "UnixH" ) {
+ $wxUNIXINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;
+ } elsif ( $filetype eq "GenericH" ) {
+ $wxGENERICINCLUDE{$filename} = $fileflags;