# new stuff
('Recent Additions/Updates', [
+ 'AUI_DockingWindowMgr',
+ 'AUI_Notebook',
+ 'ComboTreeBox',
+ 'Pickers',
+ 'PseudoDC',
+ 'RichTextCtrl',
+ 'BitmapFromBuffer',
+ 'RawBitmapAccess',
+ 'DragScroller',
+ 'DelayedResult',
+ 'ExpandoTextCtrl',
+ 'ButtonPanel',
+ 'FlatNotebook',
+ 'CustomTreeCtrl',
+ 'AboutBox',
+ 'AnimateCtrl',
+ 'AlphaDrawing',
+ 'GraphicsContext',
+ 'CollapsiblePane',
+ 'ComboCtrl',
# managed windows == things with a (optional) caption you can close
('Frames and Dialogs', [
+ 'AUI_DockingWindowMgr',
# the common dialogs
('Common Dialogs', [
+ 'AboutBox',
+ 'ComboCtrl',
('"Book" Controls', [
+ 'AUI_Notebook',
('Custom Controls', [
+ 'ButtonPanel',
+ 'ComboTreeBox',
+ 'CustomTreeCtrl',
+ 'FlatNotebook',
+ 'CollapsiblePane',
+ 'ComboCtrl',
+ 'ExpandoTextCtrl',
- 'GIFAnimationCtrl',
+ 'Pickers',
+ 'RichTextCtrl',
# ditto
('Process and Events', [
+ 'DelayedResult',
# Images
('Using Images', [
+ 'AlphaDrawing',
+ 'AnimateCtrl',
+ 'BitmapFromBuffer',
- 'GIFAnimationCtrl',
+ 'RawBitmapAccess',
# Other stuff
('Miscellaneous', [
+ 'AlphaDrawing',
##'DialogUnits', # needs more explanations
+ 'DragScroller',
+ 'GraphicsContext',
+ 'PseudoDC',
if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
'fore:#000000,back:#FFFFFF,face:Courier New,size:9')
+ elif wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
+ # TODO: if this looks fine on Linux too, remove the Mac-specific case
+ # and use this whenever OS != MSW.
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT,
+ 'fore:#000000,back:#FFFFFF,face:Courier')
- 'fore:#000000,back:#FFFFFF,face:Courier,size:12')
+ 'fore:#000000,back:#FFFFFF,face:Courier,size:9')
# Clear styles and revert to default.
icon = images.getWXPdemoIcon()
- self.tbicon = DemoTaskBarIcon(self)
+ try:
+ self.tbicon = DemoTaskBarIcon(self)
+ except:
+ self.tbicon = None
self.otherWin = None
menu.AppendMenu(wx.NewId(), item[0], submenu)
self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&Demo')
- # Make a Demo Code menu
- #TODO: Add new menu items
- # Like the option-enabled entries to select the
- # active module
- #TODO: should we bother?
- #menu = wx.Menu()
- #saveID = wx.NewId()
- #restoreID = wx.NewId()
- #
- #menu.Append(saveID, '&Save\tCtrl-S', 'Save edited demo')
- #menu.Append(restoreID, '&Delete Modified\tCtrl-R', 'Delete modified copy')
- #self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.codePage.OnSave, id=saveID)
- #self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.codePage.OnRestore, id=restoreID)
- #self.mainmenu.Append(menu, 'Demo &Code')
- #
# Make a Help menu
menu = wx.Menu()
shellItem = menu.Append(-1, 'Open Py&Shell Window\tF5',
'An interactive interpreter window with the demo app and frame objects in the namesapce')
- helpItem = menu.Append(-1, '&About\tCtrl-H', 'wxPython RULES!!!')
+ helpItem = menu.Append(-1, '&About wxPython Demo', 'wxPython RULES!!!')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOpenShellWindow, shellItem)
# Create a TreeCtrl
tID = wx.NewId()
+ leftPanel = wx.Panel(splitter)
+ self.filter = wx.TextCtrl(leftPanel)
+ self.filter.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.RecreateTree)
self.treeMap = {}
- self.tree = wx.TreeCtrl(splitter, tID, style =
+ self.tree = wx.TreeCtrl(leftPanel, tID, style =
- root = self.tree.AddRoot("wxPython Overview")
- firstChild = None
- for item in _treeList:
- child = self.tree.AppendItem(root, item[0])
- if not firstChild: firstChild = child
- for childItem in item[1]:
- theDemo = self.tree.AppendItem(child, childItem)
- self.treeMap[childItem] = theDemo
- self.tree.Expand(root)
- self.tree.Expand(firstChild)
+ self.root = self.tree.AddRoot("wxPython Overview")
+ self.RecreateTree()
self.tree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED, self.OnItemExpanded, id=tID)
self.tree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED, self.OnItemCollapsed, id=tID)
self.tree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, self.OnSelChanged, id=tID)
self.tree.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTreeLeftDown)
# Set up a wx.html.HtmlWindow on the Overview Notebook page
# we put it in a panel first because there seems to be a
# refresh bug of some sort (wxGTK) when it is directly in
# add the windows to the splitter and split it.
splitter2.SplitHorizontally(self.nb, self.log, -160)
- splitter.SplitVertically(self.tree, splitter2, 200)
+ leftBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ leftBox.Add(self.tree, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ leftBox.Add(wx.StaticText(leftPanel, label = "Filter Demos:"), 0, wx.TOP|wx.LEFT, 5)
+ leftBox.Add(self.filter, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5)
+ leftPanel.SetSizer(leftBox)
+ splitter.SplitVertically(leftPanel, splitter2, 220)
# select initial items
- self.tree.SelectItem(root)
+ self.tree.SelectItem(self.root)
# Load 'Main' module
+ def RecreateTree(self, evt=None):
+ self.tree.DeleteAllItems()
+ self.root = self.tree.AddRoot("wxPython Overview")
+ firstChild = None
+ filter = self.filter.GetValue()
+ for category, items in _treeList:
+ if filter:
+ items = [item for item in items if filter in item.lower()]
+ if items:
+ child = self.tree.AppendItem(self.root, category)
+ if not firstChild: firstChild = child
+ for childItem in items:
+ theDemo = self.tree.AppendItem(child, childItem)
+ self.treeMap[childItem] = theDemo
+ self.tree.Expand(self.root)
+ if firstChild:
+ self.tree.Expand(firstChild)
def WriteText(self, text):
if text[-1:] == '\n':
text = text[:-1]
self.demoPage = None
self.codePage = None
self.mainmenu = None
- self.tbicon.Destroy()
+ if self.tbicon is not None:
+ self.tbicon.Destroy()