+ Flags for regex compilation to be used with Compile().
+ /** Use extended regex syntax. */
+ wxRE_EXTENDED = 0,
+ /** Use advanced RE syntax (built-in regex only). */
+ wxRE_ADVANCED = 1,
+ /** Use basic RE syntax. */
+ wxRE_BASIC = 2,
+ /** Ignore case in match. */
+ wxRE_ICASE = 4,
+ /** Only check match, don't set back references. */
+ wxRE_NOSUB = 8,
+ /**
+ If not set, treat '\n' as an ordinary character, otherwise it is
+ special: it is not matched by '.' and '^' and '$' always match
+ after/before it regardless of the setting of wxRE_NOT[BE]OL.
+ */
+ wxRE_NEWLINE = 16,
+ /** Default flags.*/
+ Flags for regex matching to be used with Matches().
+ These flags are mainly useful when doing several matches in a long string
+ to prevent erroneous matches for ¡¯¡¯ and ¡¯$¡¯:
+ /** '^' doesn't match at the start of line. */
+ wxRE_NOTBOL = 32,
+ /** '$' doesn't match at the end of line. */
+ wxRE_NOTEOL = 64