if (canonical.IsEmpty())
return false;
- wxCHECK_MSG(m_watches.find(canonical) == m_watches.end(), false,
- wxString::Format("Path '%s' is already watched", canonical));
// adding a path in a platform specific way
wxFSWatchInfo watch(canonical, events, type, filespec);
if ( !m_service->Add(watch) )
return false;
- // on success, add path to our 'watch-list'
- wxFSWatchInfoMap::value_type val(canonical, watch);
- return m_watches.insert(val).second;
+ // on success, either add path to our 'watch-list'
+ // or, if already watched, inc the refcount. This may happen if
+ // a dir is Add()ed, then later AddTree() is called on a parent dir
+ wxFSWatchInfoMap::iterator it = m_watches.find(canonical);
+ if ( it == m_watches.end() )
+ {
+ wxFSWatchInfoMap::value_type val(canonical, watch);
+ m_watches.insert(val).second;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxFSWatchInfo& watch = it->second;
+ int count = watch.IncRef();
+ "'%s' is now watched %d times", canonical, count);
+ }
+ return true;
bool wxFileSystemWatcherBase::Remove(const wxFileName& path)
wxCHECK_MSG(it != m_watches.end(), false,
wxString::Format("Path '%s' is not watched", canonical));
- // remove from watch-list
- wxFSWatchInfo watch = it->second;
- m_watches.erase(it);
+ // Decrement the watch's refcount and remove from watch-list if 0
+ bool ret = true;
+ wxFSWatchInfo& watch = it->second;
+ if ( !watch.DecRef() )
+ {
+ // remove in a platform specific way
+ ret = m_service->Remove(watch);
- // remove in a platform specific way
- return m_service->Remove(watch);
+ m_watches.erase(it);
+ }
+ return ret;
bool wxFileSystemWatcherBase::AddTree(const wxFileName& path, int events,
- // CHECK we choose which files to delegate to Add(), maybe we should pass
- // all of them to Add() and let it choose? this is useful when adding a
- // file to a dir that is already watched, then not only should we know
- // about that, but Add() should also behave well then
- virtual wxDirTraverseResult OnFile(const wxString& filename)
+ virtual wxDirTraverseResult OnFile(const wxString& WXUNUSED(filename))
- if ( m_watcher->AddAny(wxFileName::FileName(filename),
- m_events, wxFSWPath_File) )
- {
- "--- AddTree adding file '%s' ---", filename);
- }
+ // There is no need to watch individual files as we watch the
+ // parent directory which will notify us about any changes in them.
return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
virtual wxDirTraverseResult OnDir(const wxString& dirname)
- // We can't currently watch only the files with the given filespec
- // in the subdirectories so we only watch subdirectories at all if
- // we want to watch everything.
- if ( m_filespec.empty() )
+ if ( m_watcher->AddAny(wxFileName::DirName(dirname),
+ m_events, wxFSWPath_Tree, m_filespec) )
- if ( m_watcher->AddAny(wxFileName::DirName(dirname),
- m_events, wxFSWPath_Dir) )
- {
- "--- AddTree adding directory '%s' ---", dirname);
- }
+ "--- AddTree adding directory '%s' ---", dirname);
return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
wxDir dir(path.GetFullPath());
+ // Prevent asserts or infinite loops in trees containing symlinks
+ int flags = wxDIR_DIRS;
+ if ( !path.ShouldFollowLink() )
+ {
+ flags |= wxDIR_NO_FOLLOW;
+ }
AddTraverser traverser(this, events, filespec);
- dir.Traverse(traverser, filespec);
+ dir.Traverse(traverser, filespec, flags);
// Add the path itself explicitly as Traverse() doesn't return it.
- AddAny(path.GetPathWithSep(), events, wxFSWPath_Dir, filespec);
+ AddAny(path.GetPathWithSep(), events, wxFSWPath_Tree, filespec);
return true;
- virtual wxDirTraverseResult OnFile(const wxString& filename)
+ virtual wxDirTraverseResult OnFile(const wxString& WXUNUSED(filename))
- m_watcher->Remove(wxFileName(filename));
+ // We never watch the individual files when watching the tree, so
+ // nothing to do here.
return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
virtual wxDirTraverseResult OnDir(const wxString& dirname)
- // Currently the subdirectories would have been added only if there
- // is no filespec.
- //
- // Notice that we still need to recurse into them even if we're
- // using a filespec because they can contain files matching it.
- if ( m_filespec.empty() )
- {
- m_watcher->Remove(wxFileName::DirName(dirname));
- }
+ m_watcher->Remove(wxFileName::DirName(dirname));
return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
#endif // __WINDOWS__
wxDir dir(path.GetFullPath());
+ // AddTree() might have used the wxDIR_NO_FOLLOW to prevent asserts or
+ // infinite loops in trees containing symlinks. We need to do the same
+ // or we'll try to remove unwatched items. Let's hope the caller used
+ // the same ShouldFollowLink() setting as in AddTree()...
+ int flags = wxDIR_DIRS;
+ if ( !path.ShouldFollowLink() )
+ {
+ flags |= wxDIR_NO_FOLLOW;
+ }
RemoveTraverser traverser(this, filespec);
- dir.Traverse(traverser, filespec);
+ dir.Traverse(traverser, filespec, flags);
// As in AddTree() above, handle the path itself explicitly.