+ // we must set the default extension because otherwise Windows would check
+ // for the existing of a wrong file with wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT (i.e. if the
+ // user types "foo" and the default extension is ".bar" we should force it
+ // to check for "foo.bar" existence and not "foo")
+ wxString defextBuffer; // we need it to be alive until GetSaveFileName()!
+ if (m_dialogStyle & wxSAVE)
+ {
+ const wxChar* extension = filterBuffer;
+ int maxFilter = (int)(of.nFilterIndex*2L) - 1;
+ for( int i = 0; i < maxFilter; i++ ) // get extension
+ extension = extension + wxStrlen( extension ) + 1;
+ // use dummy name a to avoid assert in AppendExtension
+ defextBuffer = AppendExtension(wxT("a"), extension);
+ if (defextBuffer.StartsWith(wxT("a.")))
+ {
+ defextBuffer.Mid(2);
+ of.lpstrDefExt = defextBuffer.c_str();
+ }
+ }
+ //== Execute FileDialog >>=================================================