+ ::FillRect(GetHdcOf(dc), &rc, hbr);
+void wxStaticBox::PaintForeground(wxDC& dc, const RECT& WXUNUSED(rc))
+ // NB: neither setting the text colour nor transparent background mode
+ // doesn't change anything: the static box def window proc still
+ // draws the label in its own colours, so if we want to have control
+ // over this we really have to draw everything ourselves
+ MSWDefWindowProc(WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)GetHdcOf(dc), 0);
+void wxStaticBox::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ RECT rc;
+ ::GetClientRect(GetHwnd(), &rc);
+ // draw the entire box in a memory DC
+ wxMemoryDC memdc;
+ wxBitmap bitmap(rc.right, rc.bottom);
+ memdc.SelectObject(bitmap);
+ PaintBackground(memdc, rc);
+ PaintForeground(memdc, rc);
+ // now only blit the static box border itself, not the interior, to avoid
+ // flicker when background is drawn below
+ //
+ // note that it seems to be faster to do 4 small blits here and then paint
+ // directly into wxPaintDC than painting background in wxMemoryDC and then
+ // blitting everything at once to wxPaintDC, this is why we do it like this
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ int borderTop, border;
+ GetBordersForSizer(&borderTop, &border);
+ // top
+ dc.Blit(border, 0, rc.right - border, borderTop,
+ &memdc, border, 0);
+ // bottom
+ dc.Blit(border, rc.bottom - border, rc.right - border, rc.bottom,
+ &memdc, border, rc.bottom - border);
+ // left
+ dc.Blit(0, 0, border, rc.bottom,
+ &memdc, 0, 0);
+ // right
+ dc.Blit(rc.right - border, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom,
+ &memdc, rc.right - border, 0);
+ // create the region excluding box children
+ AutoHRGN hrgn((HRGN)MSWGetRegionWithoutChildren());
+ RECT rcWin;
+ ::GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &rcWin);
+ ::OffsetRgn(hrgn, -rcWin.left, -rcWin.top);
+ // and also the box itself
+ MSWGetRegionWithoutSelf((WXHRGN) hrgn, rc.right, rc.bottom);
+ HDCClipper clipToBg(GetHdcOf(dc), hrgn);
+ // paint the inside of the box (excluding box itself and child controls)
+ PaintBackground(dc, rc);