-msgstr " (hata %ld: %s)"
-#: ../src/common/prntbase.cpp:452
-msgid "|<<"
-msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Backward"
-#~ msgstr "Geriye"
-#~ msgid "GetUnusedColour:: No Unused Color in image "
-#~ msgstr "GetUnusedColour:: Ýmajda kullanýlmayan renk yok"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Can't create list control window, check that comctl32.dll is installed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Liste nesnesi yaratýlamýyor; comctl32.dll'nin yüklü olduðunu denetleyiniz."
-#~ msgid "Can't delete value of key '%s'"
-#~ msgstr "'%s' anahtarýnýn deðeri silinemiyor"
-#~ msgid "Failed to get the UTC system time."
-#~ msgstr "UTC sistem zamaný alýnamadý."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Unsupported flag in Gzip header"
-#~ msgstr "Desteklenmeyen pano biçemi."
-#~ msgid "Windows 3.1"
-#~ msgstr "Windows 3.1"
-#~ msgid "gmtime() failed"
-#~ msgstr "gmtime() baþarýsýz oldu"
-#~ msgid "mktime() failed"
-#~ msgstr "mktime() baþarýsýz"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<html><body><table><tr><td>Normal face<br>(and <u>underlined</u>. "
-#~ "<i>Italic face.</i> <b>Bold face.</b> <b><i>Bold italic face.</i></"
-#~ "b><br><font size=-2>font size -2</font><br><font size=-1>font size -1</"
-#~ "font><br><font size=+0>font size +0</font><br><font size=+1>font size +1</"
-#~ "font><br><font size=+2>font size +2</font><br><font size=+3>font size +3</"
-#~ "font><br><font size=+4>font size +4</font><br><td><p><tt>Fixed size face."
-#~ "<br> <b>bold</b> <i>italic</i> <b><i>bold italic <u>underlined</u></i></"
-#~ "b><br><font size=-2>font size -2</font><br><font size=-1>font size -1</"
-#~ "font><br><font size=+0>font size +0</font><br><font size=+1>font size +1</"
-#~ "font><br><font size=+2>font size +2</font><br><font size=+3>font size +3</"
-#~ "font><br><font size=+4>font size +4</font></tt></table></body></html>"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<html><body>Normal face<br>(and <u>underlined</u>. <i>Italic face.</i> "
-#~ "<b>Bold face.</b> <b><i>Bold italic face.</i></b><br><font size=-2>font "
-#~ "size -2</font><br><font size=-1>font size -1</font><br><font size=+0>font "
-#~ "size +0</font><br><font size=+1>font size +1</font><br><font size=+2>font "
-#~ "size +2</font><br><font size=+3>font size +3</font><br><font size=+4>font "
-#~ "size +4</font><br><p><tt>Fixed size face.<br> <b>bold</b> <i>italic</i> "
-#~ "<b><i>bold italic <u>underlined</u></i></b><br><font size=-2>font size -"
-#~ "2</font><br><font size=-1>font size -1</font><br><font size=+0>font size "
-#~ "+0</font><br><font size=+1>font size +1</font><br><font size=+2>font size "
-#~ "+2</font><br><font size=+3>font size +3</font><br><font size=+4>font size "
-#~ "+4</font></tt></body></html>"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Can't create dialog using memory template"
-#~ msgstr "'%s' þablonu kullanarak pencere yaratýlamýyor"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Can't create dialog using template '%ul'"
-#~ msgstr "'%s' þablonu kullanarak pencere yaratýlamýyor"
-#~ msgid "Date"
-#~ msgstr "Tarih"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Did you forget to include wx/os2/wx.rc in your resources?"
-#~ msgstr "Kaynaklarýnýza wx/msw/wx.rc'yi koymayý unuttunuz mu?"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Failed to create dialog. Incorrect DLGTEMPLATE?"
-#~ msgstr "Dizin yaratýlamadý"
-#~ msgid "Fatal error: exiting"
-#~ msgstr "Kritik hata: çýkýlýyor"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "HTML files (*.htm)|*.htm|HTML files (*.html)|*.html|Help books (*.htb)|*."
-#~ "htb|Help books (*.zip)|*.zip|HTML Help Project (*.hhp)|*.hhp|All files (*."
-#~ "*)|*"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "HTML dosyalarý (*.htm)|*.htm|HTML dosyalarý (*.html)|*.html|Yardým "
-#~ "kitaplarý (*.htb)|*.htb|Yardým kitaplarý (*.zip)|*.zip|HTML Yardým "
-#~ "Projesi (*.hhp)|*.hhp|Tüm dosyalar (*.*)|*"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Load file"
-#~ msgstr "%s dosyasýný yükle"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Save file"
-#~ msgstr "%s dosyasýný kaydet"
-#~ msgid "Time"
-#~ msgstr "Zaman"
-#~ msgid "<DIR> "
-#~ msgstr "<DÝZÝN>"
-#~ msgid "<LINK> "
-#~ msgstr "<KISA YOL>"
-#~ msgid "Can not create event object."
-#~ msgstr "Oluþ objesi yaratýlamadý."
-#~ msgid "Can't create the inter-process read pipe"
-#~ msgstr "Süreç-arasý okuma borusu yaratýlamýyor"
-#~ msgid "Can't create the inter-process write pipe"
-#~ msgstr "Süreç-arasý yazma borusu yaratýlamýyor"
-#~ msgid "Can't find the serialization object '%s' for the object '%s'."
-#~ msgstr "'%s' diziselleþtirme nesnesi '%s' nesnesi için bulunamýyor."
-#~ msgid "Can't load wxSerial dynamic library."
-#~ msgstr "wxSerial devingen kitaplýðý yüklenemiyor."
-#~ msgid "Cannot find XML I/O handler capable of loading this format."
-#~ msgstr "Bu biçemi yükleyebilecek XML I/O iþleyici bulunamýyor."
-#~ msgid "Cannot find XML I/O handler capable of saving in this format."
-#~ msgstr "Bu biçemi kaydedebilecek XML I/O iþleyici bulunamýyor."
-#~ msgid "ChoosePixelFormat failed."
-#~ msgstr "ChoosePixelFormat baþarýsýz oldu."
-#~ msgid "Connection to wxHelp timed out in %d seconds"
-#~ msgstr "wxHelp'e baðlantý %d saniyede zamanaþýmýna uðradý"
-#~ msgid "DIB Header: Cannot deal with 4bit encoded yet."
-#~ msgstr "DIB baþlýðý: 4ikili kodlamaya henüz ulaþýlamýyor."
-#~ msgid "Don't know how to convert to/from charset '%s'."
-#~ msgstr "'%s' karakter kümesi(ne/nden) nasýl çevrileceði bilinmiyor."
-#~ msgid "Etcetera"
-#~ msgstr "Ve benzeri"
-#~ msgid "Font"
-#~ msgstr "Yazý tipi"
-#~ msgid "ICO: Error calculating size of DIB ."
-#~ msgstr "ICO: Hata: DIB boyutu hesaplama."
-#~ msgid "ICO: Error calculating size of Mask DIB ."
-#~ msgstr "ICO: Hata: Maske DIB boyutu hesaplama."
-#~ msgid "ICO: Error calculating size of XOR DIB ."
-#~ msgstr "ICO: Hata: XOR DIB boyutu hesaplama."
-#~ msgid "ICO: Error writing ICONDIR header."
-#~ msgstr "ICO: Hata: ICONDIR baþlýðý yazma."
-#~ msgid "ICO: Error writing ICONDIRENTRY header."
-#~ msgstr "ICO: Hata: ICONDIRENTRY baþlýðý yazma."
-#~ msgid "ICO: Error writing Mask DIB ."
-#~ msgstr "ICO: Hata: Maske DIB yazma."
-#~ msgid "ICO: Error writing XOR DIB ."
-#~ msgstr "ICO: Hata: XOR DIB yazma."
-#~ msgid "Incorrect version of HTML help book"
-#~ msgstr "Hatalý HTML yardým kitabý sürümü"
-#~ msgid "Loading DIB : Couldn't allocate memory."
-#~ msgstr "DIB yükleme: Bellek alýnamadý."
-#~ msgid "Mounted Devices"
-#~ msgstr "Baðlý Araçlar"
-#~ msgid "My Harddisk"
-#~ msgstr "Sabit diskim"
-#~ msgid "New..."
-#~ msgstr "Yeni..."
-#~ msgid "Please wait..."
-#~ msgstr "Lütfen bekleyiniz..."
-#~ msgid "PostScript"
-#~ msgstr "PostScript"
-#~ msgid "PostScript:"
-#~ msgstr "PostScript:"
-#~ msgid "Preview Only"
-#~ msgstr "Sadece önizleme"
-#~ msgid "Printer Command: "
-#~ msgstr "Yazdýrma komutu:"
-#~ msgid "Printer Options: "
-#~ msgstr "Yazýcý Seçenekleri:"
-#~ msgid "Printer Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Yazýcý Ayarlarý:"
-#~ msgid "Send to Printer"
-#~ msgstr "Yazýcýya gönder"
-#~ msgid "SetPixelFormat failed."
-#~ msgstr "SetPixelFormat baþarýsýz oldu."
-#~ msgid "Temporary"
-#~ msgstr "Geçici"
-#~ msgid "The Computer"
-#~ msgstr "Bilgisayar"
-#~ msgid "User"
-#~ msgstr "Kullanýcý"