- wxPrintf("%s in a worker thread -- aborting.",
- FormatAssertMessage(file, line, func, cond, msg));
- fflush(stdout);
- _exit(-1);
+ // Exceptions thrown from worker threads are not caught currently and
+ // so we'd just die without any useful information -- abort instead.
+ abortReason << assertMessage << "in a worker thread.";
+ }
+ else if ( uncaught_exception() )
+ {
+ // Throwing while already handling an exception would result in
+ // terminate() being called and we wouldn't get any useful information
+ // about why the test failed then.
+ if ( s_lastAssertMessage.empty() )
+ {
+ abortReason << assertMessage << "while handling an exception";
+ }
+ else // In this case the exception is due to a previous assert.
+ {
+ abortReason << s_lastAssertMessage << "\n and another "
+ << assertMessage << " while handling it.";
+ }