-# HP-specific compiler library: an AIAI convenience
-# LDLIBS for specific GUIs
-# The following for LINUX and Motif 2.0:
-#MOTIFLDLIBS = -lwx_motif $(COMPLIBS) -lXm -lXmu -lXpm -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm
-#BASICMOTIFLDLIBS = -lwx_motif /aiai/packages/motif1.2.1/motif/sun4/lib/libXm.a /aiai/packages/motif1.2.1/motif/sun4/lib/libXmu.a /aiai/packages/motif1.2.1/motif/sun4/lib/libXt.a /aiai/packages/motif1.2.1/motif/sun4/lib/libX11.a -lm
-# Apparently libg++ (in COMPLIBS) should go before libXm because of a clash of
-# function name: re_create.
-#BASICMOTIFLDLIBS = -lwx_motif $(COMPLIBS) -lXm -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm
-#XVIEWLDLIBS = -lwx_ol -lxview -lolgx -lX11 -lm $(COMPLIBS)
-#HPLDLIBS=-lwx_hp -lXm -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm
-# Default LDLIBS for XView (don't change this)
-# _ol or _motif (don't need to change, the makefiles will take
-# care of it if you use motif/hp/xview targets)