id _lastToolTipOwner;
void* _lastUserData;
- NSTrackingArea* _trackingArea;
-- (void) updateTrackingArea;
-- (NSTrackingArea*) trackingArea;
@end // wxNSView
@interface NSView(PossibleMethods)
@interface NSEvent (DeviceDelta)
- (CGFloat)deviceDeltaX;
- (CGFloat)deviceDeltaY;
+// 10.7+
+- (BOOL)hasPreciseScrollingDeltas;
+- (CGFloat)scrollingDeltaX;
+- (CGFloat)scrollingDeltaY;
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::SetupMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent &wxevent , NSEvent * nsEvent )
wxevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL ) ;
- // see
- // for more details on why we have to look for the exact type
- const EventRef cEvent = (EventRef) [nsEvent eventRef];
- bool isMouseScrollEvent = false;
- if ( cEvent )
- isMouseScrollEvent = ::GetEventKind(cEvent) == kEventMouseScroll;
- if ( isMouseScrollEvent )
+ if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1070 )
- deltaX = [nsEvent deviceDeltaX];
- deltaY = [nsEvent deviceDeltaY];
+ if ( [nsEvent hasPreciseScrollingDeltas] )
+ {
+ deltaX = [nsEvent scrollingDeltaX];
+ deltaY = [nsEvent scrollingDeltaY];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deltaX = [nsEvent scrollingDeltaX] * 10;
+ deltaY = [nsEvent scrollingDeltaY] * 10;
+ }
- deltaX = ([nsEvent deltaX] * 10);
- deltaY = ([nsEvent deltaY] * 10);
+ const EventRef cEvent = (EventRef) [nsEvent eventRef];
+ // see
+ // for more details on why we have to look for the exact type
+ bool isMouseScrollEvent = false;
+ if ( cEvent )
+ isMouseScrollEvent = ::GetEventKind(cEvent) == kEventMouseScroll;
+ if ( isMouseScrollEvent )
+ {
+ deltaX = [nsEvent deviceDeltaX];
+ deltaY = [nsEvent deviceDeltaY];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deltaX = ([nsEvent deltaX] * 10);
+ deltaY = ([nsEvent deltaY] * 10);
+ }
wxevent.m_wheelDelta = 10;
if ( fabs(deltaX) > fabs(deltaY) )
- wxevent.m_wheelAxis = 1;
+ wxevent.m_wheelAxis = wxMOUSE_WHEEL_HORIZONTAL;
wxevent.m_wheelRotation = (int)deltaX;
-- (void) updateTrackingArea
- if (_trackingArea)
- {
- [self removeTrackingArea: _trackingArea];
- [_trackingArea release];
- }
- NSTrackingAreaOptions options = NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited|NSTrackingMouseMoved|NSTrackingActiveAlways;
- NSTrackingArea* area = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect: [self bounds] options: options owner: self userInfo: nil];
- [self addTrackingArea: area];
- _trackingArea = area;
-- (NSTrackingArea*) trackingArea
- return _trackingArea;
/* idea taken from webkit sources: overwrite the methods that (private) NSToolTipManager will use to attach its tracking rectangle
* then when changing the tooltip send fake view-exit and view-enter methods which will lead to a tooltip refresh
impl->mouseEvent(event, self, _cmd);
+void wxOSX_cursorUpdate(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent *event)
+ wxWidgetCocoaImpl* impl = (wxWidgetCocoaImpl* ) wxWidgetImpl::FindFromWXWidget( self );
+ if (impl == NULL)
+ return;
+ impl->cursorUpdate(event, self, _cmd);
BOOL wxOSX_acceptsFirstMouse(NSView* WXUNUSED(self), SEL WXUNUSED(_cmd), NSEvent *WXUNUSED(event))
// This is needed to support click through, otherwise the first click on a window
return impl->resignFirstResponder(self, _cmd);
-void wxOSX_resetCursorRects(NSView* self, SEL _cmd)
- wxWidgetCocoaImpl* impl = (wxWidgetCocoaImpl* ) wxWidgetImpl::FindFromWXWidget( self );
- if (impl == NULL)
- return;
- impl->resetCursorRects(self, _cmd);
BOOL wxOSX_isFlipped(NSView* self, SEL _cmd)
wxWidgetCocoaImpl* impl = (wxWidgetCocoaImpl* ) wxWidgetImpl::FindFromWXWidget( self );
if (impl == NULL)
-#ifdef wxUSE_THREADS
// OS X starts a NSUIHeartBeatThread for animating the default button in a
// dialog. This causes a drawRect of the active dialog from outside the
// main UI thread. This causes an occasional crash since the wx drawing
typedef void (*wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent *event);
typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent *event);
typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd);
-typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_ResetCursorRectsHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd);
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::mouseEvent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::cursorUpdate(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ NSCursor *cursor = (NSCursor*)GetWXPeer()->GetCursor().GetHCURSOR();
+ if (cursor == NULL)
+ {
+ wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd, event);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [cursor set];
+ }
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::keyEvent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
if ( [event type] == NSKeyDown )
return r;
-void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::resetCursorRects(WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
- wxWindow* wxpeer = GetWXPeer();
- if ( wxpeer )
- {
- NSCursor *cursor = (NSCursor*)wxpeer->GetCursor().GetHCURSOR();
- if (cursor == NULL)
- {
- wxOSX_ResetCursorRectsHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_ResetCursorRectsHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
- superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd);
- }
- else
- {
- [slf addCursorRect: [slf bounds]
- cursor: cursor];
- }
- }
bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::isFlipped(WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd))
return m_isFlipped;
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseEntered:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseExited:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(cursorUpdate:), (IMP) wxOSX_cursorUpdate, "v@:@" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(keyDown:), (IMP) wxOSX_keyEvent, "v@:@" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(keyUp:), (IMP) wxOSX_keyEvent, "v@:@" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(flagsChanged:), (IMP) wxOSX_keyEvent, "v@:@" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(acceptsFirstResponder), (IMP) wxOSX_acceptsFirstResponder, "c@:" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(becomeFirstResponder), (IMP) wxOSX_becomeFirstResponder, "c@:" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(resignFirstResponder), (IMP) wxOSX_resignFirstResponder, "c@:" )
- wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(resetCursorRects), (IMP) wxOSX_resetCursorRects, "v@:" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(isFlipped), (IMP) wxOSX_isFlipped, "c@:" )
wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(drawRect:), (IMP) wxOSX_drawRect, "v@:{_NSRect={_NSPoint=ff}{_NSSize=ff}}" )
NSRect r = wxToNSRect( [m_osxView superview], wxRect(x,y,width, height) );
[m_osxView setFrame:r];
[[m_osxView superview] setNeedsDisplayInRect:r];
- wxNSView* wxview = (wxNSView*)m_osxView;
- if ([wxview respondsToSelector:@selector(updateTrackingArea)] )
- [wxview updateTrackingArea];
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::GetPosition( int &x, int &y ) const
return true;
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget* target)
+ [m_osxView unregisterDraggedTypes];
+ if ( target == NULL )
+ return;
+ wxDataObject* dobj = target->GetDataObject();
+ if( dobj )
+ {
+ CFMutableArrayRef typesarray = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,0,&kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ dobj->AddSupportedTypes(typesarray);
+ NSView* targetView = m_osxView;
+ if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class] ] )
+ targetView = [(NSScrollView*) m_osxView documentView];
+ [targetView registerForDraggedTypes:(NSArray*)typesarray];
+ CFRelease(typesarray);
+ }
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::RemoveFromParent()
if ([cell respondsToSelector:@selector(setControlSize:)])
[cell setControlSize:size];
+ // we need to propagate this to inner views as well
+ if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class] ] )
+ {
+ NSView* targetView = [(NSScrollView*) m_osxView documentView];
+ if ( [targetView respondsToSelector:@selector(setControlSize:)] )
+ [targetView setControlSize:size];
+ else if ([targetView respondsToSelector:@selector(cell)])
+ {
+ id cell = [(id)targetView cell];
+ if ([cell respondsToSelector:@selector(setControlSize:)])
+ [cell setControlSize:size];
+ }
+ }
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::SetFont(wxFont const& font, wxColour const&col, long, bool)
- if ([m_osxView respondsToSelector:@selector(setFont:)])
- [m_osxView setFont: font.OSXGetNSFont()];
- if ([m_osxView respondsToSelector:@selector(setTextColor:)])
- [m_osxView setTextColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:(CGFloat) (col.Red() / 255.0)
+ NSView* targetView = m_osxView;
+ if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class] ] )
+ targetView = [(NSScrollView*) m_osxView documentView];
+ if ([targetView respondsToSelector:@selector(setFont:)])
+ [targetView setFont: font.OSXGetNSFont()];
+ if ([targetView respondsToSelector:@selector(setTextColor:)])
+ [targetView setTextColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:(CGFloat) (col.Red() / 255.0)
green:(CGFloat) (col.Green() / 255.0)
blue:(CGFloat) (col.Blue() / 255.0)
alpha:(CGFloat) (col.Alpha() / 255.0)]];
+ NSTrackingAreaOptions options = NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited|NSTrackingCursorUpdate|NSTrackingMouseMoved|NSTrackingActiveAlways|NSTrackingInVisibleRect;
+ NSTrackingArea* area = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect: NSZeroRect options: options owner: m_osxView userInfo: nil];
+ [m_osxView addTrackingArea: area];
+ [area release];
+ }
bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::DoHandleCharEvent(NSEvent *event, NSString *text)
if ( !result )
- if ( IsUserPane() && [event type] == NSKeyDown)
+ if ( [event type] == NSKeyDown)
long keycode = wxOSXTranslateCocoaKey( event, wxEVT_CHAR );
// eventually we could setup a doCommandBySelector catcher and retransform this into the wx key chars
wxKeyEvent wxevent2(wxevent) ;
+ SetupKeyEvent( wxevent2, event );
wxevent2.m_keyCode = keycode;
result = GetWXPeer()->OSXHandleKeyEvent(wxevent2);
+ else if (wxevent.CmdDown())
+ {
+ wxKeyEvent wxevent2(wxevent) ;
+ wxevent2.SetEventType(wxEVT_CHAR);
+ SetupKeyEvent( wxevent2, event );
+ result = GetWXPeer()->OSXHandleKeyEvent(wxevent2);
+ }
- if ( !wxevent.CmdDown() )
+ if ( IsUserPane() && !wxevent.CmdDown() )
if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class] ] )
[[(NSScrollView*)m_osxView documentView] interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]];
wxMouseEvent wxevent(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN);
SetupMouseEvent(wxevent , event) ;
- wxWindow* wxp = GetWXPeer();
- wxToolTip::RelayEvent( wxp , wxevent);
- return wxp->HandleWindowEvent(wxevent);
+ return GetWXPeer()->HandleWindowEvent(wxevent);
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::DoNotifyFocusEvent(bool receivedFocus, wxWidgetImpl* otherWindow)
[(NSCursor*)cursor.GetHCURSOR() set];
- [[m_osxView window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:m_osxView];
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::CaptureMouse()
- [[m_osxView window] disableCursorRects];
+ // TODO remove if we don't get into problems with cursor settings
+ // [[m_osxView window] disableCursorRects];
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::ReleaseMouse()
- [[m_osxView window] enableCursorRects];
+ // TODO remove if we don't get into problems with cursor settings
+ // [[m_osxView window] enableCursorRects];
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::SetFlipped(bool flipped)
NSRect r = wxOSXGetFrameForControl( wxpeer, pos , size ) ;
wxNSView* v = [[wxNSView alloc] initWithFrame:r];
- // temporary hook for dnd
- [v registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
- NSStringPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, NSTIFFPboardType, NSPICTPboardType, NSPDFPboardType, nil]];
wxWidgetCocoaImpl* c = new wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxpeer, v, false, true );
return c;