+# This was modified from rpcMixin.py distributed with wxPython
+# Name: rpcMixin
+# Version: 0.2.0
+# Purpose: provides xmlrpc server functionality for wxPython
+# applications via a mixin class
+# Requires: (1) Python with threading enabled.
+# (2) xmlrpclib from PythonWare
+# (http://www.pythonware.com/products/xmlrpc/)
+# the code was developed and tested using version 0.9.8
+# Author: greg Landrum (Landrum@RationalDiscovery.com)
+# Copyright: (c) 2000, 2001 by Greg Landrum and Rational Discovery LLC
+# Licence: wxWindows license
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
+"""provides xmlrpc server functionality for wxPython applications via a mixin class
+**Some Notes:**
+ 1) The xmlrpc server runs in a separate thread from the main GUI
+ application, communication between the two threads using a custom
+ event (see the Threads demo in the wxPython docs for more info).
+ 2) Neither the server nor the client are particularly smart about
+ checking method names. So it's easy to shoot yourself in the foot
+ by calling improper methods. It would be pretty easy to add
+ either a list of allowed methods or a list of forbidden methods.
+ 3) Authentication of xmlrpc clients is *not* performed. I think it
+ would be pretty easy to do this in a hacky way, but I haven't done
+ it yet.
+ 4) See the bottom of this file for an example of using the class.
+**Obligatory disclaimer:**
+ This is my first crack at both using xmlrpc and multi-threaded
+ programming, so there could be huge horrible bugs or design
+ flaws. If you see one, I'd love to hear about them.
+""" ChangeLog
+23 May 2001: Version bumped to 0.2.0
+ Numerous code and design changes
+21 Mar. 2001: Version bumped to 0.1.4
+ Updated rpcMixin.OnExternal to support methods with further references
+ (i.e. now you can do rpcClient.foo.bar() and have it work)
+ This probably ain't super legal in xmlrpc land, but it works just fine here
+ and we need it.
+6 Mar. 2001: Version bumped to 0.1.3
+ Documentation changes to make this compatible with happydoc
+21 Jan. 2001: Version bumped to 0.1.2
+ OnExternal() method in the mixin class now uses getattr() to check if
+ a desired method is present. It should have been done this way in
+ the first place.
+14 Dec. 2000: Version bumped to 0.1.1
+ rearranged locking code and made other changes so that multiple
+ servers in one application are possible.
+from wxPython.wx import *
+import xmlrpcserver,xmlrpclib
+import threading
+import SocketServer
+import new
+import sys
+rpcPENDING = 0
+rpcDONE = 1
+rpcEXCEPT = 2
+class RPCRequest:
+ """A wrapper to use for handling requests and their responses"""
+ status = rpcPENDING
+ result = None
+# here's the ID for external events
+class ExternalEvent(wxPyEvent):
+ """The custom event class used to pass xmlrpc calls from
+ the server thread into the GUI thread
+ """
+ def __init__(self,method,args):
+ wxPyEvent.__init__(self)
+ self.SetEventType(wxEVT_EXTERNAL_EVENT)
+ self.method = method
+ self.args = args
+ self.rpcStatus = RPCRequest()
+ self.rpcStatusLock = threading.Lock()
+ self.rpcCondVar = threading.Condition()
+ def Destroy(self):
+ self.method=None
+ self.args=None
+ self.rpcStatus = None
+ self.rpcStatusLock = None
+ self.rpcondVar = None
+def EVT_EXTERNAL_EVENT(win,func):
+ win.Connect(-1,-1,wxEVT_EXTERNAL_EVENT,func)
+class Handler(xmlrpcserver.RequestHandler):
+ """The handler class that the xmlrpcserver actually calls
+ when a request comes in.
+ """
+ def log_message(self,*args):
+ """ causes the server to stop spewing messages every time a request comes in
+ """
+ pass
+ def call(self,method,params):
+ """When an xmlrpc request comes in, this is the method that
+ gets called.
+ **Arguments**
+ - method: name of the method to be called
+ - params: arguments to that method
+ """
+ if method == '_rpcPing':
+ # we just acknowledge these without processing them
+ return 'ack'
+ # construct the event
+ evt = ExternalEvent(method,params)
+ # update the status variable
+ evt.rpcStatusLock.acquire()
+ evt.rpcStatus.status = rpcPENDING
+ evt.rpcStatusLock.release()
+ evt.rpcCondVar.acquire()
+ # dispatch the event to the GUI
+ wxPostEvent(self._app,evt)
+ # wait for the GUI to finish
+ while evt.rpcStatus.status == rpcPENDING:
+ evt.rpcCondVar.wait()
+ evt.rpcCondVar.release()
+ evt.rpcStatusLock.acquire()
+ if evt.rpcStatus.status == rpcEXCEPT:
+ # The GUI threw an exception, release the status lock
+ # and re-raise the exception
+ evt.rpcStatusLock.release()
+ raise evt.rpcStatus.result[0],evt.rpcStatus.result[1]
+ else:
+ # everything went through without problems
+ s = evt.rpcStatus.result
+ evt.rpcStatusLock.release()
+ evt.Destroy()
+ self._app = None
+ return s
+# this global Event is used to let the server thread
+# know when it should quit
+stopEvent = threading.Event()
+class _ServerThread(threading.Thread):
+ """ this is the Thread class which actually runs the server
+ """
+ def __init__(self,server,verbose=0):
+ self._xmlServ = server
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self,verbose=verbose)
+ def stop(self):
+ stopEvent.set()
+ def shouldStop(self):
+ return stopEvent.isSet()
+ def run(self):
+ while not self.shouldStop():
+ self._xmlServ.handle_request()
+ self._xmlServ = None
+class rpcMixin:
+ """A mixin class to provide xmlrpc server functionality to wxPython
+ frames/windows
+ If you want to customize this, probably the best idea is to
+ override the OnExternal method, which is what's invoked when an
+ RPC is handled.
+ """
+ # we'll try a range of ports for the server, this is the size of the
+ # range to be scanned
+ nPortsToTry=20
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ defPort = 800
+ else:
+ defPort = 8023
+ def __init__(self,host='',port=-1,verbose=0,portScan=1):
+ """Constructor
+ **Arguments**
+ - host: (optional) the hostname for the server
+ - port: (optional) the port the server will use
+ - verbose: (optional) if set, the server thread will be launched
+ in verbose mode
+ - portScan: (optional) if set, we'll scan across a number of ports
+ to find one which is avaiable
+ """
+ if port == -1:
+ port = self.defPort
+ self.verbose=verbose
+ EVT_EXTERNAL_EVENT(self,self.OnExternal)
+ if hasattr(self,'OnClose'):
+ self._origOnClose = self.OnClose
+ self.Disconnect(-1,-1,wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW)
+ else:
+ self._origOnClose = None
+ self.OnClose = self.RPCOnClose
+ EVT_CLOSE(self,self.RPCOnClose)
+ tClass = new.classobj('Handler%d'%(port),(Handler,),{})
+ tClass._app = self
+ if portScan:
+ self.rpcPort = -1
+ for i in xrange(self.nPortsToTry):
+ try:
+ xmlServ = SocketServer.TCPServer((host,port+i),tClass)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.rpcPort = port+i
+ else:
+ self.rpcPort = port
+ try:
+ xmlServ = SocketServer.TCPServer((host,port),tClass)
+ except:
+ self.rpcPort = -1
+ if self.rpcPort == -1:
+ raise 'RPCMixinError','Cannot initialize server'
+ self.servThread = _ServerThread(xmlServ,verbose=self.verbose)
+ self.servThread.setName('XML-RPC Server')
+ self.servThread.start()
+ def RPCOnClose(self,event):
+ """ callback for when the application is closed
+ be sure to shutdown the server and the server thread before
+ leaving
+ """
+ # by setting the global stopEvent we inform the server thread
+ # that it's time to shut down.
+ stopEvent.set()
+ if event is not None:
+ # if we came in here from a user event (as opposed to an RPC event),
+ # then we'll need to kick the server one last time in order
+ # to get that thread to terminate. do so now
+ s1 = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:%d'%(self.rpcPort))
+ try:
+ s1._rpcPing()
+ except:
+ pass
+ if self._origOnClose is not None:
+ self._origOnClose(event)
+ def RPCQuit(self):
+ """ shuts down everything, including the rpc server
+ """
+ self.RPCOnClose(None)
+ def OnExternal(self,event):
+ """ this is the callback used to handle RPCs
+ **Arguments**
+ - event: an _ExternalEvent_ sent by the rpc server
+ Exceptions are caught and returned in the global _rpcStatus
+ structure. This allows the xmlrpc server to report the
+ exception to the client without mucking up any of the delicate
+ thread stuff.
+ """
+ event.rpcStatusLock.acquire()
+ doQuit = 0
+ try:
+ methsplit = event.method.split('.')
+ meth = self
+ for piece in methsplit:
+ meth = getattr(meth,piece)
+ except AttributeError,msg:
+ event.rpcStatus.result = 'No Such Method',msg
+ event.rpcStatus.status = rpcEXCEPT
+ else:
+ try:
+ res = apply(meth,event.args)
+ except:
+ import traceback
+ if self.verbose: traceback.print_exc()
+ event.rpcStatus.result = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ event.rpcStatus.status = rpcEXCEPT
+ else:
+ if res is None:
+ # returning None across the xmlrpc interface is problematic
+ event.rpcStatus.result = []
+ else:
+ event.rpcStatus.result = res
+ event.rpcStatus.status = rpcDONE
+ event.rpcStatusLock.release()
+ # broadcast (using the condition var) that we're done with the event
+ event.rpcCondVar.acquire()
+ event.rpcCondVar.notify()
+ event.rpcCondVar.release()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import time
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ port = 800
+ else:
+ port = 8023
+ class rpcFrame(wxFrame,rpcMixin):
+ """A simple wxFrame with the rpcMixin functionality added
+ """
+ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ """ rpcHost or rpcPort keyword arguments will be passed along to
+ the xmlrpc server.
+ """
+ mixinArgs = {}
+ if kwargs.has_key('rpcHost'):
+ mixinArgs['host'] = kwargs['rpcHost']
+ del kwargs['rpcHost']
+ if kwargs.has_key('rpcPort'):
+ mixinArgs['port'] = kwargs['rpcPort']
+ del kwargs['rpcPort']
+ if kwargs.has_key('rpcPortScan'):
+ mixinArgs['portScan'] = kwargs['rpcPortScan']
+ del kwargs['rpcPortScan']
+ apply(wxFrame.__init__,(self,)+args,kwargs)
+ apply(rpcMixin.__init__,(self,),mixinArgs)
+ EVT_CHAR(self,self.OnChar)
+ def TestFunc(self,args):
+ """a demo method"""
+ return args
+ def OnChar(self,event):
+ key = event.GetKeyCode()
+ if key == ord('q'):
+ self.OnQuit(event)
+ def OnQuit(self,event):
+ self.OnClose(event)
+ def OnClose(self,event):
+ self.Destroy()
+ class MyApp(wxApp):
+ def OnInit(self):
+ self.frame = rpcFrame(NULL, -1, "wxPython RPCDemo", wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300,300),
+ rpcHost='localhost',rpcPort=port)
+ self.frame.Show(True)
+ return True
+ def testcon(port):
+ s1 = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:%d'%(port))
+ s1.SetTitle('Munged')
+ s1._rpcPing()
+ if doQuit:
+ s1.RPCQuit()
+ doQuit = 1
+ if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] == '-q':
+ doQuit = 0
+ nT = threading.activeCount()
+ app = MyApp(0)
+ activePort = app.frame.rpcPort
+ t = threading.Thread(target=lambda x=activePort:testcon(x),verbose=0)
+ t.start()
+ app.MainLoop()
+ # give the threads time to shut down
+ if threading.activeCount() > nT:
+ print 'waiting for all threads to terminate'
+ while threading.activeCount() > nT:
+ time.sleep(0.5)
-__cvsid__ = "$Id$"
-__revision__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.lib import rpcMixin
-_rename(globals(), rpcMixin.__dict__, modulename='lib.rpcMixin')
-del rpcMixin
-del _rename