+"""Buffer class."""
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
+__author__ = "Patrick K. O'Brien <pobrien@orbtech.com>"
__cvsid__ = "$Id$"
__revision__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.py import buffer
-_rename(globals(), buffer.__dict__, modulename='py.buffer')
-del buffer
-del _rename
+from interpreter import Interpreter
+import imp
+import os
+import sys
+import document
+ True
+except NameError:
+ True = 1==1
+ False = 1==0
+class Buffer:
+ """Buffer class."""
+ id = 0
+ def __init__(self, filename=None):
+ """Create a Buffer instance."""
+ Buffer.id += 1
+ self.id = Buffer.id
+ self.interp = Interpreter(locals={})
+ self.name = ''
+ self.editors = {}
+ self.editor = None
+ self.modules = sys.modules.keys()
+ self.syspath = sys.path[:]
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.syspath.remove('')
+ except ValueError:
+ break
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.syspath.remove('.')
+ except ValueError:
+ break
+ self.open(filename)
+ def addEditor(self, editor):
+ """Add an editor."""
+ self.editor = editor
+ self.editors[editor.id] = editor
+ def hasChanged(self):
+ """Return True if text in editor has changed since last save."""
+ if self.editor:
+ return self.editor.hasChanged()
+ else:
+ return False
+ def new(self, filepath):
+ """New empty buffer."""
+ if not filepath:
+ return
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ self.confirmed = self.overwriteConfirm(filepath)
+ else:
+ self.confirmed = True
+ def open(self, filename):
+ """Open file into buffer."""
+ self.doc = document.Document(filename)
+ self.name = self.doc.filename or ('Untitled:' + str(self.id))
+ self.modulename = self.doc.filebase
+ # XXX This should really make sure filedir is first item in syspath.
+ # XXX Or maybe this should be moved to the update namespace method.
+ if self.doc.filedir and self.doc.filedir not in self.syspath:
+ # To create the proper context for updateNamespace.
+ self.syspath.insert(0, self.doc.filedir)
+ if self.doc.filepath and os.path.exists(self.doc.filepath):
+ self.confirmed = True
+ if self.editor:
+ text = self.doc.read()
+ self.editor._setBuffer(buffer=self, text=text)
+ def overwriteConfirm(filepath):
+ """Confirm overwriting an existing file."""
+ return False
+ def save(self):
+ """Save buffer."""
+ filepath = self.doc.filepath
+ if not filepath:
+ return # XXX Get filename
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ self.confirmed = True
+ if not self.confirmed:
+ self.confirmed = self.overwriteConfirm(filepath)
+ if self.confirmed:
+ self.doc.write(self.editor.getText())
+ if self.editor:
+ self.editor.setSavePoint()
+ def saveAs(self, filename):
+ """Save buffer."""
+ self.doc = document.Document(filename)
+ self.name = self.doc.filename
+ self.modulename = self.doc.filebase
+ self.save()
+ def updateNamespace(self):
+ """Update the namespace for autocompletion and calltips.
+ Return True if updated, False if there was an error."""
+ if not self.interp or not hasattr(self.editor, 'getText'):
+ return False
+ syspath = sys.path
+ sys.path = self.syspath
+ text = self.editor.getText()
+ text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
+ text = text.replace('\r', '\n')
+ name = self.modulename or self.name
+ module = imp.new_module(name)
+ newspace = module.__dict__.copy()
+ try:
+ try:
+ code = compile(text, name, 'exec')
+ except:
+ raise
+# return False
+ try:
+ exec code in newspace
+ except:
+ raise
+# return False
+ else:
+ # No problems, so update the namespace.
+ self.interp.locals.clear()
+ self.interp.locals.update(newspace)
+ return True
+ finally:
+ sys.path = syspath
+ for m in sys.modules.keys():
+ if m not in self.modules:
+ del sys.modules[m]