+"""PyAlaCarte is a simple programmer's editor."""
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
+__author__ = "Patrick K. O'Brien <pobrien@orbtech.com>"
__cvsid__ = "$Id$"
__revision__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.py import PyAlaCarte
-_rename(globals(), PyAlaCarte.__dict__, modulename='py.PyAlaCarte')
-del PyAlaCarte
-del _rename
+import wx
+from wx import py
+import os
+import sys
+class App(wx.App):
+ """PyAlaCarte standalone application."""
+ def __init__(self, filename=None):
+ self.filename = filename
+ wx.App.__init__(self, redirect=False)
+ def OnInit(self):
+ wx.InitAllImageHandlers()
+ self.frame = py.editor.EditorFrame(filename=self.filename)
+ self.frame.Show()
+ self.SetTopWindow(self.frame)
+ return True
+def main(filename=None):
+ if not filename and len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ filename = sys.argv[1]
+ if filename:
+ filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
+ app = App(filename)
+ app.MainLoop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()