import sys # for GetAutoCompleteKeywordList
import MessageService # for OnCheckCode
import OutlineService
+from UICommon import CaseInsensitiveCompare
import checker # for pychecker
class PythonView(CodeEditor.CodeView):
+ def GetCtrlClass(self):
+ """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
+ return PythonCtrl
def ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
if not self.GetCtrl():
return False
return CodeEditor.CodeView.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event)
- def GetCtrlClass(self):
- """ Used in split window to instantiate new instances """
- return PythonCtrl
def OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView):
STCTextEditor.TextView.OnActivateView(self, activate, activeView, deactiveView)
- if activate:
- wx.CallAfter(self.LoadOutline) # need CallAfter because document isn't loaded yet
+ if activate and self.GetCtrl():
+ if self.GetDocumentManager().GetFlags() & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ self.LoadOutline()
+ else:
+ wx.CallAfter(self.LoadOutline) # need CallAfter because document isn't loaded yet
def OnClose(self, deleteWindow = True):
filterkw = filter(lambda item: item.lower().startswith(lowerHint), kw) # remove variables and methods that don't match hint
kw = filterkw
- kw.sort(self.CaseInsensitiveCompare)
+ kw.sort(CaseInsensitiveCompare)
if hint:
replaceLen = len(hint)
# pychecker only works on files, doesn't take a stream or string input
if self.GetDocument().IsModified():
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetFrame(), _("'%s' has been modfied and must be saved first. Save file and check code?") % filename, _("Check Code"))
+ dlg.CenterOnParent()
val = dlg.ShowModal()
if val == wx.ID_OK:
if not foundView:
- doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filename, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
+ doc = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().CreateDocument(filename, wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT|wx.lib.docview.DOC_OPEN_ONCE)
foundView = doc.GetFirstView()
if foundView:
return True
+class PythonInterpreterDocument(wx.lib.docview.Document):
+ """ Generate Unique Doc Type """
+ pass
class PythonService(CodeEditor.CodeService):
def __init__(self):
+ docManager = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager()
+ pythonInterpreterTemplate = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
+ _("Python Interpreter"),
+ "*.Foobar",
+ "Foobar",
+ ".Foobar",
+ _("Python Interpreter Document"),
+ _("Python Interpreter View"),
+ PythonInterpreterDocument,
+ PythonInterpreterView,
+ flags = wx.lib.docview.TEMPLATE_INVISIBLE,
+ icon = getPythonIcon())
+ docManager.AssociateTemplate(pythonInterpreterTemplate)
def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
docManager = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager()
for doc in docManager.GetDocuments():
- if isinstance(doc.GetFirstView(), PythonInterpreterView):
+ if isinstance(doc, PythonInterpreterDocument):
return True
def OnViewPythonInterpreter(self, event):
for doc in wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments():
- if isinstance(doc.GetFirstView(), PythonInterpreterView):
- doc.GetFirstView().GetDocument().DeleteAllViews()
+ if isinstance(doc, PythonInterpreterDocument):
+ doc.DeleteAllViews()
- docManager = self.GetDocumentManager()
- template = wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate(docManager,
- _("Python Interpreter"),
- "*.Foobar",
- "Foobar",
- ".Foobar",
- _("Python Interpreter Document"),
- _("Python Interpreter View"),
- wx.lib.docview.Document,
- PythonInterpreterView,
- flags = wx.lib.docview.TEMPLATE_INVISIBLE)
- newDoc = template.CreateDocument('', wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT)
- if newDoc:
- newDoc.SetDocumentName(template.GetDocumentName())
- newDoc.SetDocumentTemplate(template)
- newDoc.OnNewDocument()
- newDoc.SetWriteable(False)
- newDoc.GetFirstView().GetFrame().SetTitle(_("Python Interpreter"))
+ for template in self.GetDocumentManager().GetTemplates():
+ if template.GetDocumentType() == PythonInterpreterDocument:
+ newDoc = template.CreateDocument('', wx.lib.docview.DOC_SILENT|wx.lib.docview.DOC_OPEN_ONCE)
+ if newDoc:
+ newDoc.SetDocumentName(template.GetDocumentName())
+ newDoc.SetDocumentTemplate(template)
+ newDoc.OnNewDocument()
+ newDoc.SetWriteable(False)
+ newDoc.GetFirstView().GetFrame().SetTitle(_("Python Interpreter"))
+ break
class PythonCtrl(CodeEditor.CodeCtrl):
- def __init__(self, parent, ID = -1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
- CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, style)
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE):
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style)
self.SetProperty("tab.timmy.whinge.level", "1")
self.SetProperty("fold.comment.python", "1")
self.SetProperty("fold.quotes.python", "1")
def SetViewDefaults(self):
- CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Python", hasWordWrap = False, hasTabs = True)
+ CodeEditor.CodeCtrl.SetViewDefaults(self, configPrefix = "Python", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True)
def GetFontAndColorFromConfig(self):
if doExtraIndent or len(textNoTrailingSpaces) and textNoTrailingSpaces[-1] == ':':
spaces = spaces + ' ' * self.GetIndent()
self.AddText('\n' + spaces)
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
# Callback for tokenizer in self.DoIndent
choosePathButton = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Browse..."))
pathSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- pathSizer.Add(pathLabel, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
- pathSizer.Add(self._pathTextCtrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.RIGHT, HALF_SPACE)
- pathSizer.Add(choosePathButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.LEFT, HALF_SPACE)
+ SPACE = 10
+ pathSizer.Add(pathLabel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.LEFT|wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
+ pathSizer.Add(self._pathTextCtrl, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
+ pathSizer.Add(choosePathButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP, HALF_SPACE)
wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, choosePathButton.GetId(), self.OnChoosePath)
mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- mainSizer.Add(pathSizer, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 10)
+ mainSizer.Add(pathSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP, SPACE)
- self._otherOptions = STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel(self, -1, configPrefix = "Python", label = "Python", hasWordWrap = False, hasTabs = True, addPage=False)
- mainSizer.Add(self._otherOptions)
+ self._otherOptions = STCTextEditor.TextOptionsPanel(self, -1, configPrefix = "Python", label = "Python", hasWordWrap = True, hasTabs = True, addPage=False)
+ mainSizer.Add(self._otherOptions, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM, SPACE)
parent.AddPage(self, _("Python"))
def OnChoosePath(self, event):
+ defaultDir = os.path.dirname(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue().strip())
+ defaultFile = os.path.basename(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue().strip())
- wildcard = _("*.exe")
+ wildcard = _("Executable (*.exe)|*.exe|All (*.*)|*.*")
+ if not defaultFile:
+ defaultFile = "python.exe"
wildcard = _("*")
- path = wx.FileSelector(_("Select a File"),
- _(""),
- _(""),
- wildcard = wildcard ,
- flags = wx.HIDE_READONLY,
- parent = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow())
- if path:
- self._pathTextCtrl.SetValue(path)
- self._pathTextCtrl.SetToolTipString(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue())
- self._pathTextCtrl.SetInsertionPointEnd()
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(),
+ _("Select a File"),
+ defaultDir=defaultDir,
+ defaultFile=defaultFile,
+ wildcard=wildcard,
+ # dlg.CenterOnParent() # wxBug: caused crash with wx.FileDialog
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ path = dlg.GetPath()
+ if path:
+ self._pathTextCtrl.SetValue(path)
+ self._pathTextCtrl.SetToolTipString(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue())
+ self._pathTextCtrl.SetInsertionPointEnd()
+ dlg.Destroy()
def OnOK(self, optionsDialog):
- if len(self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue()) > 0:
- config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
- config.Write("ActiveGridPythonLocation", self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue())
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ config.Write("ActiveGridPythonLocation", self._pathTextCtrl.GetValue().strip())
+ def GetIcon(self):
+ return getPythonIcon()
# Icon Bitmaps - generated by
from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
-from wx import EmptyIcon
import cStringIO
def getPythonData():
return \
-\x00\x00\xd5IDAT8\x8d\x8d\x93Y\x0e\xc3 \x0cD\x9fM\xcf\xddNr2.\x96\xb8\x1f\
+\xab\xf2\xcdApR#\xf1kp4b\xc9 \xf9\\\x0b\x80\xe4\xcdE\xaf\xdeqlW\xaeVL\xaf`~\
def getPythonBitmap():
return ImageFromStream(stream)
def getPythonIcon():
- icon = EmptyIcon()
- icon.CopyFromBitmap(getPythonBitmap())
- return icon
+ return wx.IconFromBitmap(getPythonBitmap())