+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # DynamicSashWindow methods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def SetupDSScrollBars(self):
+ # hook the scrollbars provided by the wxDynamicSashWindow
+ # to this view
+ v_bar = self._dynSash.GetVScrollBar(self)
+ h_bar = self._dynSash.GetHScrollBar(self)
+ v_bar.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnDSSBScroll)
+ h_bar.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnDSSBScroll)
+ v_bar.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnDSSBFocus)
+ h_bar.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnDSSBFocus)
+ # And set the wxStyledText to use these scrollbars instead
+ # of its built-in ones.
+ self.SetVScrollBar(v_bar)
+ self.SetHScrollBar(h_bar)
+ def OnDSSplit(self, evt):
+ newCtrl = self._dynSash._view.GetCtrlClass()(self._dynSash, -1, style=wx.NO_BORDER)
+ newCtrl.SetDocPointer(self.GetDocPointer()) # use the same document
+ self.SetupDSScrollBars()
+ if self == self._dynSash._view.GetCtrl(): # originally had focus
+ wx.CallAfter(self.SetFocus) # do this to set colors correctly. wxBug: for some reason, if we don't do a CallAfter, it immediately calls OnKillFocus right after our SetFocus.
+ def OnDSUnify(self, evt):
+ self.SetupDSScrollBars()
+ self.SetFocus() # do this to set colors correctly
+ def OnDSSBScroll(self, evt):
+ # redirect the scroll events from the _dynSash's scrollbars to the STC
+ self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
+ def OnDSSBFocus(self, evt):
+ # when the scrollbar gets the focus move it back to the STC
+ self.SetFocus()
+ def DSProcessEvent(self, event):
+ # wxHack: Needed for customized right mouse click menu items.
+ if hasattr(self, "_dynSash"):
+ if event.GetId() == wx.ID_SELECTALL:
+ # force focus so that select all occurs in the window user right clicked on.
+ self.SetFocus()
+ return self._dynSash._view.ProcessEvent(event)
+ return False
+ def DSProcessUpdateUIEvent(self, event):
+ # wxHack: Needed for customized right mouse click menu items.
+ if hasattr(self, "_dynSash"):
+ id = event.GetId()
+ if (id == wx.ID_SELECTALL # allow select all even in non-active window, then force focus to it, see above ProcessEvent
+ or id == wx.ID_UNDO
+ or id == wx.ID_REDO):
+ pass # allow these actions even in non-active window
+ else: # disallow events in non-active windows. Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete is too confusing user experience.
+ if self._dynSash._view.GetCtrl() != self:
+ event.Enable(False)
+ return True
+ return self._dynSash._view.ProcessUpdateUIEvent(event)
+ return False
+class TextPrintout(wx.lib.docview.DocPrintout):
+ """ for Print Preview and Print """
+ def OnPreparePrinting(self):
+ """ initialization """
+ dc = self.GetDC()
+ ppiScreenX, ppiScreenY = self.GetPPIScreen()
+ ppiPrinterX, ppiPrinterY = self.GetPPIPrinter()
+ scaleX = float(ppiPrinterX)/ppiScreenX
+ scaleY = float(ppiPrinterY)/ppiScreenY
+ pageWidth, pageHeight = self.GetPageSizePixels()
+ self._scaleFactorX = scaleX/pageWidth
+ self._scaleFactorY = scaleY/pageHeight
+ w, h = dc.GetSize()
+ overallScaleX = self._scaleFactorX * w
+ overallScaleY = self._scaleFactorY * h
+ txtCtrl = self._printoutView.GetCtrl()
+ font, color = txtCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig()
+ self._margin = 40
+ self._fontHeight = font.GetPointSize() + 1
+ self._pageLines = int((h/overallScaleY - (2 * self._margin))/self._fontHeight)
+ self._maxLines = txtCtrl.GetLineCount()
+ self._numPages, remainder = divmod(self._maxLines, self._pageLines)
+ if remainder != 0:
+ self._numPages += 1
+ spaces = 1
+ lineNum = self._maxLines
+ while lineNum >= 10:
+ lineNum = lineNum/10
+ spaces += 1
+ self._printFormat = "%%0%sd: %%s" % spaces
+ def OnPrintPage(self, page):
+ """ Prints the given page of the view """
+ dc = self.GetDC()
+ txtCtrl = self._printoutView.GetCtrl()
+ font, color = txtCtrl.GetFontAndColorFromConfig()
+ dc.SetFont(font)
+ w, h = dc.GetSize()
+ dc.SetUserScale(self._scaleFactorX * w, self._scaleFactorY * h)
+ dc.BeginDrawing()
+ dc.DrawText("%s - page %s" % (self.GetTitle(), page), self._margin, self._margin/2)
+ startY = self._margin
+ startLine = (page - 1) * self._pageLines
+ endLine = min((startLine + self._pageLines), self._maxLines)
+ for i in range(startLine, endLine):
+ text = txtCtrl.GetLine(i).rstrip()
+ startY += self._fontHeight
+ if txtCtrl.GetViewLineNumbers():
+ dc.DrawText(self._printFormat % (i+1, text), self._margin, startY)
+ else:
+ dc.DrawText(text, self._margin, startY)
+ dc.EndDrawing()
+ return True
+ def HasPage(self, pageNum):
+ return pageNum <= self._numPages
+ def GetPageInfo(self):
+ minPage = 1
+ maxPage = self._numPages
+ selPageFrom = 1
+ selPageTo = self._numPages
+ return (minPage, maxPage, selPageFrom, selPageTo)