+ '''wxString %s() const {
+ int msg = %s;
+ int len = SendMsg(msg, 0, (sptr_t)NULL);
+ if (!len) return wxEmptyString;
+ wxMemoryBuffer mbuf(len+1);
+ char* buf = (char*)mbuf.GetWriteBuf(len+1);
+ SendMsg(msg, 0, (sptr_t)buf);
+ mbuf.UngetWriteBuf(len);
+ mbuf.AppendByte(0);
+ return stc2wx(buf);''',
+ 0),
+ 'GetPunctuationChars' :
+ (0,
+ 'wxString %s() const;',
+ '''wxString %s() const {
+ int msg = %s;
+ int len = SendMsg(msg, 0, (sptr_t)NULL);
+ if (!len) return wxEmptyString;
+ wxMemoryBuffer mbuf(len+1);
+ char* buf = (char*)mbuf.GetWriteBuf(len+1);
+ SendMsg(msg, 0, (sptr_t)buf);
+ mbuf.UngetWriteBuf(len);
+ mbuf.AppendByte(0);
+ return stc2wx(buf);''',
+ 0),
+ 'PropertyNames' :
+ (0,
+ 'wxString %s() const;',
+ '''wxString %s() const {
+ int msg = %s;
+ int len = SendMsg(msg, 0, (sptr_t)NULL);
+ if (!len) return wxEmptyString;
+ wxMemoryBuffer mbuf(len+1);
+ char* buf = (char*)mbuf.GetWriteBuf(len+1);
+ SendMsg(msg, 0, (sptr_t)buf);
+ mbuf.UngetWriteBuf(len);
+ mbuf.AppendByte(0);
+ return stc2wx(buf);''',
+ 0),
+ 'DescribeProperty' :
+ (0,
+ 'wxString %s(const wxString& name) const;',
+ '''wxString %s(const wxString& name) const {
+ int msg = %s;
+ int len = SendMsg(msg, (sptr_t)(const char*)wx2stc(name), (sptr_t)NULL);
+ if (!len) return wxEmptyString;
+ wxMemoryBuffer mbuf(len+1);
+ char* buf = (char*)mbuf.GetWriteBuf(len+1);
+ SendMsg(msg, (sptr_t)(const char*)wx2stc(name), (sptr_t)buf);
+ mbuf.UngetWriteBuf(len);
+ mbuf.AppendByte(0);
+ return stc2wx(buf);''',
+ 0),
+ 'DescribeKeyWordSets' :
+ (0,
+ 'wxString %s() const;',
+ '''wxString %s() const {
+ int msg = %s;
+ int len = SendMsg(msg, 0, (sptr_t)NULL);
+ if (!len) return wxEmptyString;
+ wxMemoryBuffer mbuf(len+1);
+ char* buf = (char*)mbuf.GetWriteBuf(len+1);
+ SendMsg(msg, 0, (sptr_t)buf);
+ mbuf.UngetWriteBuf(len);
+ mbuf.AppendByte(0);
+ return stc2wx(buf);''',
+ 0),
+ 'MarkerDefineRGBAImage' :
+ (0,
+ 'void %s(int markerNumber, const unsigned char* pixels);',
+ '''void %s(int markerNumber, const unsigned char* pixels) {
+ SendMsg(%s, markerNumber, (sptr_t)pixels);''',
+ 0),
+ 'RegisterRGBAImage' :
+ (0,
+ 'void %s(int type, const unsigned char* pixels);',
+ '''void %s(int type, const unsigned char* pixels) {
+ SendMsg(%s, type, (sptr_t)pixels);''',
+ 0),
+ # I think these are only available on the native OSX backend, so
+ # don't add them to the wx API...
+ 'FindIndicatorShow' : (None, 0,0,0),
+ 'FindIndicatorFlash' : (None, 0,0,0),
+ 'FindIndicatorHide' : (None, 0,0,0),
+ 'CreateLoader' :
+ (0,
+ 'void* %s(int bytes) const;',
+ """void* %s(int bytes) const {
+ return (void*)(sptr_t)SendMsg(%s, bytes); """,
+ 0),
+ 'PrivateLexerCall' :
+ (0,
+ 'void* %s(int operation, void* pointer);',
+ """void* %s(int operation, void* pointer) {
+ return (void*)(sptr_t)SendMsg(%s, operation, (sptr_t)pointer); """,
+ 0),
+ 'GetMultiPaste' :
+ (0, 0, 0,
+ ('Retrieve the effect of pasting when there are multiple selections.',)),