-## if not BUILD_GLCANVAS:
-## wxext.sources = wxext.sources + ['contrib/glcanvas/stub.cpp']
-## else:
-## print 'Preparing GLCANVAS...'
-## location = 'contrib/glcanvas'
-## swig_files = ['glcanvas.i']
-## swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
-## USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
-## gl_libs = []
-## if os.name == 'posix':
-## if '-D__WXDEBUG__' in cflags:
-## gl_libs = ['wx_gtkd_gl', 'GL', 'GLU']
-## else:
-## gl_libs = ['wx_gtk_gl', 'GL', 'GLU']
-## wxext.sources = wxext.sources + swig_sources
-## wxext.libraries = wxext.libraries + gl_libs
-## if not BUILD_OGL:
-## wxext.sources = wxext.sources + ['contrib/ogl/stub.cpp']
-## else:
-## print 'Preparing OGL...'
-## location = 'contrib/ogl'
-## OGLLOC = location + '/contrib/src/ogl'
-## OGLINC = location + '/contrib/include'
-## swig_files = ['ogl.i', 'oglbasic.i', 'oglshapes.i', 'oglshapes2.i',
-## 'oglcanvas.i']
-## swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
-## USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
-## # make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
-## if IN_CVS_TREE:
-## contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/include/wx/ogl', OGLINC+'/wx/ogl')
-## contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/src/ogl', OGLLOC)
-## # add items to the core extension module definition
-## wxext.sources = wxext.sources + [location + '/oglhelpers.cpp',
-## '%s/basic.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/bmpshape.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/composit.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/divided.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/lines.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/misc.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/basic2.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/canvas.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/constrnt.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/drawn.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/mfutils.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## '%s/ogldiag.cpp' % OGLLOC,
-## ] + swig_sources
-## wxext.include_dirs = wxext.include_dirs + [OGLINC]
-## if not BUILD_STC:
-## wxext.sources = wxext.sources + ['contrib/stc/stub.cpp']
-## else:
-## print 'Preparing STC...'
-## location = 'contrib/stc'
-## STCLOC = location + '/contrib/src/stc'
-## STCINC = location + '/contrib/include'
-## STC_H = location + '/contrib/include/wx/stc'
-## # make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
-## if IN_CVS_TREE:
-## contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/include/wx/stc', STCINC+'/wx/stc')
-## contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/src/stc', STCLOC)
-## swig_files = ['stc_.i']
-## swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
-## USE_SWIG, swig_force,
-## swig_args + ['-I'+STC_H, '-I'+location],
-## swig_deps + [STC_H+'/stc.h'])
-## # copy a project specific py module to the main package dir
-## copy_file(location+'/stc.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=1)
-## # add some include dirs to the standard set
-## stc_includes = [ '%s/scintilla/include' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src' % STCLOC,
-## STCINC ]
-## # and some macro definitions
-## stc_defines = [ ('__WX__', None),
-## ('SCI_LEXER', None) ]
-## # add items to the core extension module definition
-## wxext.sources = wxext.sources + [
-## '%s/scintilla/src/AutoComplete.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/CallTip.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/CellBuffer.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/ContractionState.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/Document.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/Editor.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/Indicator.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/KeyMap.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/KeyWords.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LineMarker.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/PropSet.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/ScintillaBase.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/Style.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/ViewStyle.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LexCPP.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LexHTML.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LexLua.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LexOthers.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LexPerl.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LexPython.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LexSQL.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/LexVB.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/DocumentAccessor.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/UniConversion.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/WindowAccessor.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/scintilla/src/PosRegExp.cxx' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/PlatWX.cpp' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/ScintillaWX.cpp' % STCLOC,
-## '%s/stc.cpp' % STCLOC,
-## ] + swig_sources
-## wxext.include_dirs = wxext.include_dirs + stc_includes
-## wxext.define_macros = wxext.define_macros + stc_defines