-Most constraints are initially set to have the relationship wxUnconstrained, which means that their values should be calculated by looking at known constraints. The exceptions are width and height, which are set to wxAsIs to ensure that if the user does not specify a constraint, the existing width and height will be used, to be compatible with panel items which often have take a default size. If the constraint is wxAsIs, the dimension will not be changed.
+Most constraints are initially set to have the relationship
+wxUnconstrained, which means that their values should be calculated by
+looking at known constraints. The exceptions are width and height,
+which are set to wxAsIs to ensure that if the user does not specify a
+constraint, the existing width and height will be used, to be
+compatible with panel items which often have take a default size. If
+the constraint is wxAsIs, the dimension will not be changed.