- if ( m_windowStyle & wxBU_TOP )
- {
- y1 = y + marginY;
- }
- else if ( m_windowStyle & wxBU_BOTTOM )
- {
- y1 = y + (height - hBmp) - marginY;
- }
- else
- {
- y1 = y + (height - hBmp) / 2;
- }
- // draw the bitmap
- wxClientDC dst;
- dst.SetHDC((WXHDC) hDC, false);
- dst.DrawBitmap(*bitmap, x1, y1, true);
- return true;
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME
- int x1,y1;
- if(m_windowStyle & wxBU_LEFT)
- x1 = x + (FOCUS_MARGIN+1);
- else if(m_windowStyle & wxBU_RIGHT)
- x1 = x + (width - wBmp) - (FOCUS_MARGIN+1);
- else
- x1 = x + (width - wBmp) / 2;
- if(m_windowStyle & wxBU_TOP)
- y1 = y + (FOCUS_MARGIN+1);
- else if(m_windowStyle & wxBU_BOTTOM)
- y1 = y + (height - hBmp) - (FOCUS_MARGIN+1);
- else
- y1 = y + (height - hBmp) / 2;
- if ( isSelected && autoDraw )
- {
- x1++;
- y1++;
- }
- // draw the face, if auto-drawing
- if ( autoDraw )
- {
- DrawFace((WXHDC) hDC,
- lpDIS->rcItem.left, lpDIS->rcItem.top,
- lpDIS->rcItem.right, lpDIS->rcItem.bottom,
- isSelected);
- }
- // draw the bitmap
- wxDCTemp dst((WXHDC)hDC);
- dst.DrawBitmap(*bitmap, x1, y1, true);
- // draw focus / disabled state, if auto-drawing
- if ( (state & ODS_DISABLED) && autoDraw )
- {
- DrawButtonDisable((WXHDC) hDC,
- lpDIS->rcItem.left, lpDIS->rcItem.top,
- lpDIS->rcItem.right, lpDIS->rcItem.bottom,
- true);
- }
- else if ( (state & ODS_FOCUS) && autoDraw )
- {
- DrawButtonFocus((WXHDC) hDC,
- lpDIS->rcItem.left,
- lpDIS->rcItem.top,
- lpDIS->rcItem.right,
- lpDIS->rcItem.bottom,
- isSelected);
- }
- return true;
-// GRG Feb/2000, support for bmp buttons with Win95/98 standard LNF
-void wxBitmapButton::DrawFace( WXHDC dc, int left, int top,
- int right, int bottom, bool sel )
- HPEN oldp;
- HPEN penHiLight;
- HPEN penLight;
- HPEN penShadow;
- HPEN penDkShadow;
- HBRUSH brushFace;
- // create needed pens and brush
- penHiLight = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT));
- penLight = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DLIGHT));
- penShadow = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- penDkShadow = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW));
- brushFace = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
- // draw the rectangle
- RECT rect;
- rect.left = left;
- rect.right = right;
- rect.top = top;
- rect.bottom = bottom;
- FillRect((HDC) dc, &rect, brushFace);
- // draw the border
- oldp = (HPEN) SelectObject( (HDC) dc, sel? penDkShadow : penHiLight);
- wxDrawLine((HDC) dc, left, top, right-1, top);
- wxDrawLine((HDC) dc, left, top+1, left, bottom-1);
- SelectObject( (HDC) dc, sel? penShadow : penLight);
- wxDrawLine((HDC) dc, left+1, top+1, right-2, top+1);
- wxDrawLine((HDC) dc, left+1, top+2, left+1, bottom-2);
- SelectObject( (HDC) dc, sel? penLight : penShadow);
- wxDrawLine((HDC) dc, left+1, bottom-2, right-1, bottom-2);
- wxDrawLine((HDC) dc, right-2, bottom-3, right-2, top);
- SelectObject( (HDC) dc, sel? penHiLight : penDkShadow);
- wxDrawLine((HDC) dc, left, bottom-1, right+2, bottom-1);
- wxDrawLine((HDC) dc, right-1, bottom-2, right-1, top-1);
- // delete allocated resources
- SelectObject((HDC) dc,oldp);
- DeleteObject(penHiLight);
- DeleteObject(penLight);
- DeleteObject(penShadow);
- DeleteObject(penDkShadow);
- DeleteObject(brushFace);
-void wxBitmapButton::DrawButtonFocus( WXHDC dc, int left, int top, int right,
- int bottom, bool WXUNUSED(sel) )
- RECT rect;
- rect.left = left;
- rect.top = top;
- rect.right = right;
- rect.bottom = bottom;
- InflateRect( &rect, - FOCUS_MARGIN, - FOCUS_MARGIN );
- // GRG: the focus rectangle should not move when the button is pushed!
- if ( sel )
- OffsetRect( &rect, 1, 1 );
- DrawFocusRect( (HDC) dc, &rect );
-wxBitmapButton::DrawButtonDisable( WXHDC dc,
- int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
- bool with_marg )
- if ( !m_brushDisabled.Ok() )
- {
- // draw a bitmap with two black and two background colour pixels
- wxBitmap bmp(2, 2);
- wxMemoryDC dc;
- dc.SelectObject(bmp);
- dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- dc.DrawPoint(0, 0);
- dc.DrawPoint(1, 1);
- dc.SetPen(GetBackgroundColour());
- dc.DrawPoint(0, 1);
- dc.DrawPoint(1, 0);
- m_brushDisabled = wxBrush(bmp);
- }
- SelectInHDC selectBrush((HDC)dc, GetHbrushOf(m_brushDisabled));
- // ROP for "dest |= pattern" operation -- as it doesn't have a standard
- // name, give it our own
- static const DWORD PATTERNPAINT = 0xFA0089UL;
- if ( with_marg )
- {
- left += m_marginX;
- top += m_marginY;
- right -= 2 * m_marginX;
- bottom -= 2 * m_marginY;
- }
- ::PatBlt( (HDC) dc, left, top, right, bottom, PATTERNPAINT);
-void wxBitmapButton::SetDefault()
- wxButton::SetDefault();
-wxSize wxBitmapButton::DoGetBestSize() const
- if ( m_bmpNormal.Ok() )
- {
- if ( wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive() )
- {
- wxUxThemeHandle theme((wxBitmapButton *)this, L"BUTTON");
- MARGINS margins;
- wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->GetThemeMargins(theme, NULL,
- &margins);
- // the margins we get are too small, part of the bitmap is
- // truncated if we use them -- so add a little extra space
- wxSize best(m_bmpNormal.GetWidth() +
- margins.cxLeftWidth + margins.cxRightWidth + 5,
- m_bmpNormal.GetHeight() +
- margins.cyTopHeight + margins.cyBottomHeight + 2);
- CacheBestSize(best);
- return best;
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME
- wxSize best(m_bmpNormal.GetWidth() + 2*m_marginX,
- m_bmpNormal.GetHeight() + 2*m_marginY);
- CacheBestSize(best);
- return best;