@li @ref page_class_cat_managedwnd
@li @ref page_class_cat_menus
@li @ref page_class_cat_ctrl
+@li @ref page_class_cat_validator
@li @ref page_class_cat_pickers
-@li @ref page_class_cat_miscwnd
@li @ref page_class_cat_aui
@li @ref page_class_cat_cmndlg
@li @ref page_class_cat_html
-@li @ref page_class_cat_richtext
-@li @ref page_class_cat_stc
+@li @ref page_class_cat_miscwnd
@li @ref page_class_cat_dc
@li @ref page_class_cat_gdi
+@li @ref page_class_cat_gc
+@li @ref page_class_cat_image
@li @ref page_class_cat_events
-@li @ref page_class_cat_validator
@li @ref page_class_cat_appmanagement
@li @ref page_class_cat_printing
@li @ref page_class_cat_dvf
@li @ref page_class_cat_dnd
@li @ref page_class_cat_vfs
+@li @ref page_class_cat_threading
@li @ref page_class_cat_rtti
@li @ref page_class_cat_debugging
@li @ref page_class_cat_logging
-@li @ref page_class_cat_threading
@li @ref page_class_cat_data
+@li @ref page_class_cat_conv
@li @ref page_class_cat_containers
@li @ref page_class_cat_smartpointers
@li @ref page_class_cat_file
@li @ref page_class_cat_streams
@li @ref page_class_cat_xml
-@li @ref page_class_cat_archive
@li @ref page_class_cat_xrc
@li @ref page_class_cat_net
+@li @ref page_class_cat_archive
@li @ref page_class_cat_ipc
@li @ref page_class_cat_help
@li @ref page_class_cat_media
@li wxWindow: base class for all windows and controls
@li wxControl: base class (mostly) for native controls/widgets
@li wxPanel: window which can smartly manage child windows
-@li wxScrolledWindow: Window with automatically managed scrollbars
-@li wxVScrolledWindow: As wxScrolledWindow but supports lines of variable
- height
+@li ::wxScrolledWindow: Window with automatically managed scrollbars (see
+ wxScrolled)
@li wxTopLevelWindow: Any top level window, dialog or frame
equally well on all platforms, the other is based on so-called constraints and
is deprecated, though still available.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_sizer, @ref overview_constraints
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_sizer
These are the classes relevant to sizer-based layout:
@li wxStaticBoxSizer: Same as wxBoxSizer, but with a surrounding static box
@li wxWrapSizer: A sizer which wraps its child controls as size permits
-These are the classes relevant to constraints-based window layout:
-@li wxIndividualLayoutConstraint: Represents a single constraint dimension
-@li wxLayoutConstraints: Represents the constraints for a window class
Other layout classes:
@li wxLayoutAlgorithm: An alternative window layout facility
@li wxButton: Push button control, displaying text
@li wxBitmapButton: Push button control, displaying a bitmap
@li wxBitmapComboBox: A combobox with bitmaps next to text items
-@li wxToggleButton: A button which stays pressed when clicked by user.
@li wxBitmapToggleButton: A toggle button with bitmaps.
@li wxCalendarCtrl: Control showing an entire calendar month
@li wxCheckBox: Checkbox control
@li wxComboCtrl: A combobox with application defined popup
@li wxDataViewCtrl: A control to tabular or tree like data
@li wxDataViewTreeCtrl: A specialized wxDataViewCtrl with wxTreeCtrl-like API
+@li wxEditableListBox: A listbox with editable items.
@li wxGauge: A control to represent a varying quantity, such as time remaining
@li wxGenericDirCtrl: A control for displaying a directory tree
+@li wxGrid: A control to display spread-sheet like data in tabular form
@li wxHtmlListBox: An abstract class for creating listboxes showing HTML
@li wxSimpleHtmlListBox: A listbox showing HTML content
multicolumn report view
@li wxListView: A simpler interface (façade) for wxListCtrl in report
+@li wxNotebook: A notebook class
@li wxOwnerDrawnComboBox: A combobox with owner-drawn list items
+@li wxPropertyGrid: A complex control to display hierachical, editable information
@li wxRichTextCtrl: Generic rich text editing control
@li wxTextCtrl: Single or multiline text editing control
+@li wxToggleButton: A button which stays pressed when clicked by user.
@li wxTreeCtrl: Tree (hierarchy) control
@li wxScrollBar: Scrollbar control
@li wxSpinButton: A spin or `up-down' control
-@li wxSpinCtrl: A spin control - i.e. spin button and text control
+@li wxSpinCtrl: A spin control - i.e. spin button and text control displaying
+ an integer
+@li wxSpinCtrlDouble: A spin control - i.e. spin button and text control displaying
+ a real number
@li wxStaticText: One or more lines of non-editable text
@li wxHyperlinkCtrl: A static text which opens an URL when clicked
@li wxStaticBitmap: A control to display a bitmap
@li wxRadioBox: A group of radio buttons
@li wxRadioButton: A round button to be used with others in a mutually
exclusive way
+@li wxStyledTextCtrl: A wxWidgets implementation of the Scintilla source code
+ editing component for plain text editing.
@li wxSlider: A slider that can be dragged by the user
@li wxVListBox: A listbox supporting variable height rows
+@section page_class_cat_validator Validators
+These are the window validators, used for filtering and validating user input.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_validator
+@li wxValidator: Base validator class
+@li wxTextValidator: Text control validator class
+@li wxGenericValidator: Generic control validator class
@section page_class_cat_pickers Picker Controls
A picker control is a control whose appearance and behaviour is highly
The following are a variety of classes that are derived from wxWindow.
+@li wxCollapsiblePane: A panel which can be shown/hidden by the user
@li wxPanel: A window whose colour changes according to current user settings
-@li wxScrolledWindow: Window with automatically managed scrollbars
+@li ::wxScrolledWindow: Window with automatically managed scrollbars (see
+ wxScrolled)
+@li wxHScrolledWindow: As ::wxScrolledWindow but supports columns of variable
+ widths
+@li wxVScrolledWindow: As ::wxScrolledWindow but supports rows of variable
+ heights
+@li wxHVScrolledWindow: As ::wxScrolledWindow but supports scroll units of
+ variable sizes.
@li wxGrid: A grid (table) window
@li wxSplitterWindow: Window which can be split vertically or horizontally
@li wxStatusBar: Implements the status bar on a frame
@li wxSashWindow: Window with four optional sashes that can be dragged
@li wxSashLayoutWindow: Window that can be involved in an IDE-like layout
-@li wxVScrolledWindow: As wxScrolledWindow but supports lines of variable
- height
@li wxWizardPage: A base class for the page in wizard dialog.
@li wxWizardPageSimple: A page in wizard dialog.
@li wxHtmlWinTagHandler: HTML tag handler, pluginable into wxHtmlWinParser
-@section page_class_cat_richtext Rich Text
-wxWidgets provides a set of generic classes to edit and print simple rich text
-with character and paragraph formatting.
-@li wxTextAttr: Attributes specifying text styling.
-@li wxRichTextCtrl: A rich text control.
-@li wxRichTextBuffer: The content of a rich text control.
-@li wxRichTextCharacterStyleDefinition: Definition of character styling.
-@li wxRichTextParagraphStyleDefinition: Definition of paragraph styling.
-@li wxRichTextListStyleDefinition: Definition of list styling.
-@li wxRichTextStyleSheet: A set of style definitions.
-@li wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl: A drop-down control for applying styles.
-@li wxRichTextStyleListBox: A listbox for applying styles.
-@li wxRichTextStyleOrganiserDialog: A dialog that can be used for managing or
- browsing styles.
-@li wxRichTextEvent: A rich text event.
-@li wxRichTextRange: Specification for ranges in a rich text control or buffer.
-@li wxRichTextFileHandler: File handler base class.
-@li wxRichTextHTMLHandler: A handler for converting rich text to HTML.
-@li wxRichTextXMLHandler: A handler for loading and saving rich text XML.
-@li wxRichTextFormattingDialog: A dialog for rich text formatting.
-@li wxRichTextPrinting: A class for easy printing of rich text buffers.
-@li wxRichTextPrintout: A class used by wxRichTextPrinting.
-@li wxRichTextHeaderFooterData: Header and footer data specification.
-@section page_class_cat_stc Scintilla Text Editor
-wxWidgets also provides a wrapper around the Scintilla text editor control,
-which is a control for plain-text editing with support for highlighting, smart
-indentation, etc.
-@li wxStyledTextCtrl: A wxWidgets implementation of the Scintilla source code
- editing component.
@section page_class_cat_dc Device Contexts
Device contexts are surfaces that may be drawn on, and provide an abstraction
+@section page_class_cat_gc Graphics Context classes
+These classes are related to drawing using a new vector based drawing API and
+are based on the modern drawing backend GDI+, CoreGraphics and Cairo.
+@li wxGraphicsRenderer: Represents a drawing engine.
+@li wxGraphicsContext: Represents a graphics context currently being drawn on.
+@li wxGraphicsBrush: Brush for drawing into a wxGraphicsContext
+@li wxGraphicsPen: Pen for drawing into a wxGraphicsContext
+@li wxGraphicsFont: Font for drawing text on a wxGraphicsContext
+@li wxGraphicsMatrix: Represents an affine matrix for drawing transformation
+@li wxGraphicsPath: Represents a path for drawing
@section page_class_cat_gdi Graphics Device Interface
These classes are related to drawing on device contexts and windows.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_bitmap
@li wxColour: Represents the red, blue and green elements of a colour
@li wxDCClipper: Wraps the operations of setting and destroying the clipping
-@li wxBitmap: Represents a bitmap
@li wxBrush: Used for filling areas on a device context
@li wxBrushList: The list of previously-created brushes
-@li wxCursor: A small, transparent bitmap representing the cursor
@li wxFont: Represents fonts
@li wxFontList: The list of previously-created fonts
-@li wxIcon: A small, transparent bitmap for assigning to frames and drawing on
- device contexts
-@li wxImage: A platform-independent image class
-@li wxImageList: A list of images, used with some controls
-@li wxMask: Represents a mask to be used with a bitmap for transparent drawing
@li wxPen: Used for drawing lines on a device context
@li wxPenList: The list of previously-created pens
@li wxPalette: Represents a table of indices into RGB values
@li wxRegion: Represents a simple or complex region on a window or device
-@li wxAnimation: Represents an animation
@li wxRendererNative: Abstracts high-level drawing primitives
+@section page_class_cat_image Image and bitmap classes
+These classes represent images and bitmap in various formats and ways
+to access and create them.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_bitmap
+@li wxAnimation: Represents an animation
+@li wxBitmap: Represents a platform dependent bitmap
+@li wxBitmapHandler: Class for loading a saving a wxBitmap in a specific format
+@li wxCursor: A small, transparent bitmap representing the cursor
+@li wxIcon: A small, transparent bitmap for assigning to frames and drawing on
+ device contexts
+@li wxImage: A platform-independent image class
+@li wxImageHandler: Class for loading a saving a wxImage in a specific format
+@li wxImageList: A list of images, used with some controls
+@li wxMask: Represents a mask to be used with a bitmap for transparent drawing
+@li wxMemoryDC: A device context for drawing into bitmaps
+@li wxPixelData: Class template for direct access to wxBitmap's and wxImage's internal data
@section page_class_cat_events Events
An event object contains information about a specific event. Event handlers
-@section page_class_cat_validator Validators
-These are the window validators, used for filtering and validating user input.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_validator
-@li wxValidator: Base validator class
-@li wxTextValidator: Text control validator class
-@li wxGenericValidator: Generic control validator class
@section page_class_cat_appmanagement Application and Process Management
@li wxApp: Application class
@li wxCmdLineParser: Command line parser class
-@li wxDllLoader: Class to work with shared libraries.
+@li wxDynamicLibrary: Class to work with shared libraries.
@li wxProcess: Process class
+@section page_class_cat_threading Threading
+wxWidgets provides a set of classes to make use of the native thread
+capabilities of the various platforms.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_thread
+@li wxThread: Thread class
+@li wxThreadHelper: Manages background threads easily
+@li wxMutex: Mutex class
+@li wxMutexLocker: Mutex locker utility class
+@li wxCriticalSection: Critical section class
+@li wxCriticalSectionLocker: Critical section locker utility class
+@li wxCondition: Condition class
+@li wxSemaphore: Semaphore class
@section page_class_cat_rtti Runtime Type Information (RTTI)
wxWidgets supports runtime manipulation of class information, and dynamic
-@section page_class_cat_threading Threading
-wxWidgets provides a set of classes to make use of the native thread
-capabilities of the various platforms.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_thread
-@li wxThread: Thread class
-@li wxThreadHelper: Manages background threads easily
-@li wxMutex: Mutex class
-@li wxMutexLocker: Mutex locker utility class
-@li wxCriticalSection: Critical section class
-@li wxCriticalSectionLocker: Critical section locker utility class
-@li wxCondition: Condition class
-@li wxSemaphore: Semaphore class
@section page_class_cat_data Data Structures
These are the data structure classes supported by wxWidgets.
+@section page_class_cat_conv Text Conversion
+These classes define objects for performing conversions between different
+multibyte and Unicode encodings and wide character strings.
+@li wxMBConv: Base class for all convertors, defines the API implemented by all
+ the other convertor classes.
+@li wxMBConvUTF7: Convertor for UTF-7
+@li wxMBConvUTF8: Convertor for UTF-8
+@li wxMBConvUTF16: Convertor for UTF-16
+@li wxMBConvUTF32: Convertor for UTF-32
+@li wxCSConv: Convertor for any system-supported encoding which can be
+ specified by name.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_mbconv
@section page_class_cat_containers Containers
These are classes, templates and class macros are used by wxWidgets. Most of