+ def DrawDragHint(self, pc, tabIdx):
+ """
+ Draws tab drag hint, the default implementation is to do nothing.
+ You can override this function to provide a nice feedback to user.
+ """
+ pass
+ def NumberTabsCanFit(self, pageContainer, fr=-1):
+ pc = pageContainer
+ rect = pc.GetClientRect()
+ clientWidth = rect.width
+ vTabInfo = []
+ tabHeight = self.CalcTabHeight(pageContainer)
+ # The drawing starts from posx
+ posx = pc._pParent.GetPadding()
+ if fr < 0:
+ fr = pc._nFrom
+ for i in xrange(fr, len(pc._pagesInfoVec)):
+ tabWidth = self.CalcTabWidth(pageContainer, i, tabHeight)
+ if posx + tabWidth + self.GetButtonsAreaLength(pc) >= clientWidth:
+ break;
+ # Add a result to the returned vector
+ tabRect = wx.Rect(posx, VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING, tabWidth , tabHeight)
+ vTabInfo.append(tabRect)
+ # Advance posx
+ posx += tabWidth + FNB_HEIGHT_SPACER
+ return vTabInfo