-#ifndef SWIG
- // Used to tell wxPGProperty to use label as name as well
- #define wxPG_LABEL (*wxPGProperty::sm_wxPG_LABEL)
- // This is the value placed in wxPGProperty::sm_wxPG_LABEL
- #define wxPG_LABEL_STRING wxS("@!")
- #define wxPG_NULL_BITMAP wxNullBitmap
- #define wxPG_COLOUR_BLACK (*wxBLACK)
- #define wxPG_NULL_BITMAP wxBitmap_NULL
- #define wxPG_COLOUR_BLACK wxColour_BLACK
-#endif // #ifndef SWIG
+// Used to tell wxPGProperty to use label as name as well
+#define wxPG_LABEL (*wxPGProperty::sm_wxPG_LABEL)
+// This is the value placed in wxPGProperty::sm_wxPG_LABEL
+#define wxPG_LABEL_STRING wxS("@!")
+#define wxPG_NULL_BITMAP wxNullBitmap
+#define wxPG_COLOUR_BLACK (*wxBLACK)