// if present, intercepts wxPB_USE_TEXTCTRL style and creates the text control
// The 3rd argument is the initial wxString to display in the text control
- bool CreateBase(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxString& text = wxEmptyString,
- const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
- const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0,
- const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
- const wxString& name = wxButtonNameStr);
+ bool CreateBase(wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxString& text = wxEmptyString,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxButtonNameStr);
public: // public API
int GetInternalMargin() const
{ return GetTextCtrlItem()->GetBorder(); }
- // proportion of the text control respect the picker
- // (which has a fixed proportion value of 1)
+ // proportion of the text control
void SetTextCtrlProportion(int prop)
{ GetTextCtrlItem()->SetProportion(prop); m_sizer->Layout(); }
int GetTextCtrlProportion() const
{ return GetTextCtrlItem()->GetProportion(); }
+ // proportion of the picker control
+ void SetPickerCtrlProportion(int prop)
+ { GetPickerCtrlItem()->SetProportion(prop); m_sizer->Layout(); }
+ int GetPickerCtrlProportion() const
+ { return GetPickerCtrlItem()->GetProportion(); }
bool IsTextCtrlGrowable() const
{ return (GetTextCtrlItem()->GetFlag() & wxGROW) != 0; }
void SetTextCtrlGrowable(bool grow = true)