- char whereClause[DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN];
- whereClause[0] = 0;
- // Build a select statement to query the database
- wxStrcpy(pSqlStmt, "SELECT ");
- // SELECT DISTINCT values only?
- if (distinct)
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, "DISTINCT ");
- // Was a FROM clause specified to join tables to the base table?
- // Available for ::Query() only!!!
- bool appendFromClause = FALSE;
- if (typeOfSelect == DB_SELECT_WHERE && from && wxStrlen(from))
- appendFromClause = TRUE;
- // Add the column list
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < noCols; i++)
- {
- // If joining tables, the base table column names must be qualified to avoid ambiguity
- if (appendFromClause)
- {
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, queryTableName);
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, ".");
- }
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, colDefs[i].ColName);
- if (i + 1 < noCols)
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, ",");
- }
- // If the datasource supports ROWID, get this column as well. Exception: Don't retrieve
- // the ROWID if querying distinct records. The rowid will always be unique.
- if (!distinct && CanUpdByROWID())
- {
- // If joining tables, the base table column names must be qualified to avoid ambiguity
- if (appendFromClause)
- {
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, ",");
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, queryTableName);
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, ".ROWID");
- }
- else
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, ",ROWID");
- }
- // Append the FROM tablename portion
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, " FROM ");
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, queryTableName);
- // Sybase uses the HOLDLOCK keyword to lock a record during query.
- // The HOLDLOCK keyword follows the table name in the from clause.
- // Each table in the from clause must specify HOLDLOCK or
- // NOHOLDLOCK (the default). Note: The "FOR UPDATE" clause
- // is parsed but ignored in SYBASE Transact-SQL.
- if (selectForUpdate && (pDb->Dbms() == dbmsSYBASE_ASA || pDb->Dbms() == dbmsSYBASE_ASE))
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, " HOLDLOCK");
- if (appendFromClause)
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, from);
- // Append the WHERE clause. Either append the where clause for the class
- // or build a where clause. The typeOfSelect determines this.
- switch(typeOfSelect)
- {
- if (where && wxStrlen(where)) // May not want a where clause!!!
- {
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, " WHERE ");
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, where);
- }
- break;
- GetWhereClause(whereClause, DB_WHERE_KEYFIELDS);
- if (wxStrlen(whereClause))
- {
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, " WHERE ");
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, whereClause);
- }
- break;
- GetWhereClause(whereClause, DB_WHERE_MATCHING);
- if (wxStrlen(whereClause))
- {
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, " WHERE ");
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, whereClause);
- }
- break;
- }
- // Append the ORDER BY clause
- if (orderBy && wxStrlen(orderBy))
- {
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, " ORDER BY ");
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, orderBy);
- }
- // SELECT FOR UPDATE if told to do so and the datasource is capable. Sybase
- // parses the FOR UPDATE clause but ignores it. See the comment above on the
- // HOLDLOCK for Sybase.
- if (selectForUpdate && CanSelectForUpdate())
- wxStrcat(pSqlStmt, " FOR UPDATE");
-} // wxTable::GetSelectStmt()
-/********** wxTable::GetRowNum() **********/
-UWORD wxTable::GetRowNum(void)