+/********** wxDbTable::Open() **********/
+bool wxDbTable::Open(bool checkPrivileges, bool checkTableExists)
+ if (!pDb)
+ return FALSE;
+ int i;
+ wxString sqlStmt;
+ wxString s;
+// int NumKeyCols=0;
+ // Calculate the maximum size of the concatenated
+ // keys for use with wxDbGrid
+ m_keysize = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < noCols; i++)
+ {
+ if (colDefs[i].KeyField)
+ {
+// NumKeyCols++;
+ m_keysize += colDefs[i].SzDataObj;
+ }
+ }
+ s.Empty();
+ // Verify that the table exists in the database
+ if (checkTableExists && !pDb->TableExists(tableName, pDb->GetUsername(), tablePath))
+ {
+ s = wxT("Table/view does not exist in the database");
+ if ( *(pDb->dbInf.accessibleTables) == wxT('Y'))
+ s += wxT(", or you have no permissions.\n");
+ else
+ s += wxT(".\n");
+ }
+ else if (checkPrivileges)
+ {
+ // Verify the user has rights to access the table.
+ // Shortcut boolean evaluation to optimize out call to
+ // TablePrivileges
+ //
+ // Unfortunately this optimization doesn't seem to be
+ // reliable!
+ if (// *(pDb->dbInf.accessibleTables) == 'N' &&
+ !pDb->TablePrivileges(tableName,wxT("SELECT"), pDb->GetUsername(), pDb->GetUsername(), tablePath))
+ s = wxT("Current logged in user does not have sufficient privileges to access this table.\n");
+ }
+ if (!s.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ wxString p;
+ if (!tablePath.IsEmpty())
+ p.Printf(wxT("Error opening '%s/%s'.\n"),tablePath.c_str(),tableName.c_str());
+ else
+ p.Printf(wxT("Error opening '%s'.\n"), tableName.c_str());
+ p += s;
+ pDb->LogError(p.GetData());
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ // Bind the member variables for field exchange between
+ // the wxDbTable object and the ODBC record.
+ if (!queryOnly)
+ {
+ if (!bindInsertParams()) // Inserts
+ return(FALSE);
+ if (!bindUpdateParams()) // Updates
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if (!bindCols(*hstmtDefault)) // Selects
+ return(FALSE);
+ if (!bindCols(hstmtInternal)) // Internal use only
+ return(FALSE);
+ /*
+ * Do NOT bind the hstmtCount cursor!!!
+ */
+ // Build an insert statement using parameter markers
+ if (!queryOnly && noCols > 0)
+ {
+ bool needComma = FALSE;
+ sqlStmt.Printf(wxT("INSERT INTO %s ("),
+ pDb->SQLTableName(tableName.c_str()).c_str());
+ for (i = 0; i < noCols; i++)
+ {
+ if (! colDefs[i].InsertAllowed)
+ continue;
+ if (needComma)
+ sqlStmt += wxT(",");
+ sqlStmt += pDb->SQLColumnName(colDefs[i].ColName);
+// sqlStmt += colDefs[i].ColName;
+ needComma = TRUE;
+ }
+ needComma = FALSE;
+ sqlStmt += wxT(") VALUES (");
+ int insertableCount = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < noCols; i++)
+ {
+ if (! colDefs[i].InsertAllowed)
+ continue;
+ if (needComma)
+ sqlStmt += wxT(",");
+ sqlStmt += wxT("?");
+ needComma = TRUE;
+ insertableCount++;
+ }
+ sqlStmt += wxT(")");
+ // Prepare the insert statement for execution
+ if (insertableCount)
+ {
+ if (SQLPrepare(hstmtInsert, (SQLTCHAR FAR *) sqlStmt.c_str(), SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ return(pDb->DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmtInsert));
+ }
+ else
+ insertable= FALSE;
+ }
+ // Completed successfully
+ return(TRUE);
+} // wxDbTable::Open()
+/********** wxDbTable::Query() **********/
+bool wxDbTable::Query(bool forUpdate, bool distinct)
+ return(query(DB_SELECT_WHERE, forUpdate, distinct));
+} // wxDbTable::Query()
+/********** wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt() **********/
+bool wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt(const wxString &pSqlStmt)
+ pDb->WriteSqlLog(pSqlStmt);
+ return(query(DB_SELECT_STATEMENT, FALSE, FALSE, pSqlStmt));
+} // wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt()
+/********** wxDbTable::QueryMatching() **********/
+bool wxDbTable::QueryMatching(bool forUpdate, bool distinct)
+ return(query(DB_SELECT_MATCHING, forUpdate, distinct));
+} // wxDbTable::QueryMatching()
+/********** wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields() **********/
+bool wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields(bool forUpdate, bool distinct)
+ return(query(DB_SELECT_KEYFIELDS, forUpdate, distinct));
+} // wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields()
+/********** wxDbTable::GetPrev() **********/
+bool wxDbTable::GetPrev(void)
+ if (pDb->FwdOnlyCursors())
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("GetPrev()::Backward scrolling cursors are not enabled for this instance of wxDbTable"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_PRIOR));
+} // wxDbTable::GetPrev()
+/********** wxDbTable::operator-- **********/
+bool wxDbTable::operator--(int)
+ if (pDb->FwdOnlyCursors())
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("operator--:Backward scrolling cursors are not enabled for this instance of wxDbTable"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_PRIOR));
+} // wxDbTable::operator--
+/********** wxDbTable::GetFirst() **********/
+bool wxDbTable::GetFirst(void)
+ if (pDb->FwdOnlyCursors())
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("GetFirst():Backward scrolling cursors are not enabled for this instance of wxDbTable"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_FIRST));
+} // wxDbTable::GetFirst()
+/********** wxDbTable::GetLast() **********/
+bool wxDbTable::GetLast(void)
+ if (pDb->FwdOnlyCursors())
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("GetLast()::Backward scrolling cursors are not enabled for this instance of wxDbTable"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_LAST));
+} // wxDbTable::GetLast()
+/********** wxDbTable::BuildDeleteStmt() **********/
+void wxDbTable::BuildDeleteStmt(wxString &pSqlStmt, int typeOfDel, const wxString &pWhereClause)
+ wxASSERT(!queryOnly);
+ if (queryOnly)
+ return;
+ wxString whereClause;
+ whereClause.Empty();
+ // Handle the case of DeleteWhere() and the where clause is blank. It should
+ // delete all records from the database in this case.
+ if (typeOfDel == DB_DEL_WHERE && (pWhereClause.Length() == 0))
+ {
+ pSqlStmt.Printf(wxT("DELETE FROM %s"),
+ pDb->SQLTableName(tableName.c_str()).c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ pSqlStmt.Printf(wxT("DELETE FROM %s WHERE "),
+ pDb->SQLTableName(tableName.c_str()).c_str());
+ // Append the WHERE clause to the SQL DELETE statement
+ switch(typeOfDel)
+ {
+ // If the datasource supports the ROWID column, build
+ // the where on ROWID for efficiency purposes.
+ // e.g. DELETE FROM PARTS WHERE ROWID = '111.222.333'
+ if (CanUpdByROWID())
+ {
+ SDWORD cb;
+ wxChar rowid[wxDB_ROWID_LEN+1];
+ // Get the ROWID value. If not successful retreiving the ROWID,
+ // simply fall down through the code and build the WHERE clause
+ // based on the key fields.
+ if (SQLGetData(hstmt, (UWORD)(noCols+1), SQL_C_CHAR, (UCHAR*) rowid, wxDB_ROWID_LEN, &cb) == SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ pSqlStmt += wxT("ROWID = '");
+ pSqlStmt += rowid;
+ pSqlStmt += wxT("'");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Unable to delete by ROWID, so build a WHERE
+ // clause based on the keyfields.
+ BuildWhereClause(whereClause, DB_WHERE_KEYFIELDS);
+ pSqlStmt += whereClause;
+ break;
+ case DB_DEL_WHERE:
+ pSqlStmt += pWhereClause;
+ break;
+ BuildWhereClause(whereClause, DB_WHERE_MATCHING);
+ pSqlStmt += whereClause;
+ break;
+ }
+} // BuildDeleteStmt()
+/***** DEPRECATED: use wxDbTable::BuildDeleteStmt(wxString &....) form *****/
+void wxDbTable::BuildDeleteStmt(wxChar *pSqlStmt, int typeOfDel, const wxString &pWhereClause)
+ wxString tempSqlStmt;
+ BuildDeleteStmt(tempSqlStmt, typeOfDel, pWhereClause);
+ wxStrcpy(pSqlStmt, tempSqlStmt);
+} // wxDbTable::BuildDeleteStmt()