+void wxConvertVectorFontSize(
+ FIXED fxPointSize
+, PFATTRS pFattrs
+ HPS hPS;
+ HDC hDC;
+ LONG lXFontResolution;
+ LONG lYFontResolution;
+ SIZEF vSizef;
+ hPS = WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP); // Screen presentation space
+ //
+ // Query device context for the screen and then query
+ // the resolution of the device for the device context.
+ //
+ hDC = GpiQueryDevice(hPS);
+ DevQueryCaps( hDC, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES, (LONG)1, &lXFontResolution);
+ DevQueryCaps( hDC, CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, (LONG)1, &lYFontResolution);
+ //
+ // Calculate the size of the character box, based on the
+ // point size selected and the resolution of the device.
+ // The size parameters are of type FIXED, NOT int.
+ // NOTE: 1 point == 1/72 of an inch.
+ //
+ vSizef.cx = (FIXED)(((fxPointSize) / 72 ) * lXFontResolution );
+ vSizef.cy = (FIXED)(((fxPointSize) / 72 ) * lYFontResolution );
+ pFattrs->lMaxBaselineExt = MAKELONG( HIUSHORT( vSizef.cy ), 0 );
+ pFattrs->lAveCharWidth = MAKELONG( HIUSHORT( vSizef.cx ), 0 );
+ WinReleasePS(hPS);
+} // end of wxConvertVectorPointSize
+void wxFillLogFont( LOGFONT* pFattrs, // OS2 GPI FATTRS
+ HPS* phPS,
+ bool* pbInternalPS,
+ long* pflId,
+ wxString& sFaceName,
+ wxFont* pFont )
+ LONG lNumFonts = 0L; // For system font count
+ ERRORID vError; // For logging API errors
+ LONG lTemp = 0L;
+ bool bInternalPS = false; // if we have to create one
+ //
+ // Initial house cleaning to free data buffers and ensure we have a
+ // functional PS to work with
+ //
+ if (!*phPS)
+ {
+ *phPS = ::WinGetPS(HWND_DESKTOP);
+ bInternalPS = true;
+ }
+ //
+ // Determine the number of fonts.
+ //
+ if((lNumFonts = ::GpiQueryFonts( *phPS
+ ,&lTemp
+ )) < 0L)
+ {
+ ERRORID vError;
+ wxString sError;
+ vError = ::WinGetLastError(wxGetInstance());
+ sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError);
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // Allocate space for the font metrics.
+ //
+ pFM = new FONTMETRICS[lNumFonts + 1];
+ //
+ // Retrieve the font metrics.
+ //
+ lTemp = lNumFonts;
+ lTemp = ::GpiQueryFonts( *phPS
+ ,&lTemp
+ ,pFM
+ );
+ pFont->SetFM( pFM
+ ,(int)lNumFonts
+ );
+ //
+ // Initialize FATTR and FACENAMEDESC
+ //
+ pFattrs->usRecordLength = sizeof(FATTRS);
+ pFattrs->fsFontUse = FATTR_FONTUSE_OUTLINE; // only outline fonts allowed
+ pFattrs->fsType = 0;
+ pFattrs->lMaxBaselineExt = pFattrs->lAveCharWidth = 0;
+ pFattrs->idRegistry = 0;
+ pFattrs->lMatch = 0;
+ pFaceName->usSize = sizeof(FACENAMEDESC);
+ pFaceName->usWeightClass = FWEIGHT_DONT_CARE;
+ pFaceName->usWidthClass = FWIDTH_DONT_CARE;
+ pFaceName->usReserved = 0;
+ pFaceName->flOptions = 0;
+ //
+ // This does the actual selection of fonts
+ //
+ wxOS2SelectMatchingFontByName( pFattrs
+ ,pFaceName
+ ,pFM
+ ,(int)lNumFonts
+ ,pFont
+ );
+ //
+ // We should now have the correct FATTRS set with the selected
+ // font, so now we need to generate an ID
+ //
+ long lNumLids = ::GpiQueryNumberSetIds(*phPS);
+ if(lNumLids )
+ {
+ long alTypes[255];
+ STR8 azNames[255];
+ long alIds[255];
+ memset(alIds, 0, sizeof(long) * 255);
+ if(!::GpiQuerySetIds( *phPS
+ ,lNumLids
+ ,alTypes
+ ,azNames
+ ,alIds
+ ))
+ {
+ if (bInternalPS)
+ ::WinReleasePS(*phPS);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*pflId == 0L)
+ *pflId = 1L;
+ for(unsigned long LCNum = 0; LCNum < (unsigned long)lNumLids; LCNum++)
+ if(alIds[LCNum] == *pflId)
+ ++*pflId;
+ if(*pflId > 254) // wow, no id available!
+ {
+ if (bInternalPS)
+ ::WinReleasePS(*phPS);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ *pflId = 1L;
+ //
+ // Release and delete the current font
+ //
+ ::GpiSetCharSet(*phPS, LCID_DEFAULT);/* release the font before deleting */
+ ::GpiDeleteSetId(*phPS, 1L); /* delete the logical font */
+ //
+ // Now build a facestring
+ //
+ char zFacename[128];
+ strcpy(zFacename, pFattrs->szFacename);
+ if(::GpiQueryFaceString( *phPS
+ ,zFacename
+ ,pFaceName
+ ,pFattrs->szFacename
+ ) == GPI_ERROR)
+ {
+ vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain);
+ }
+ sFaceName = (wxChar*)zFacename;
+ *pbInternalPS = bInternalPS;
+ //
+ // That's it, we now have everything we need to actually create the font
+ //
+} // end of wxFillLogFont
+void wxOS2SelectMatchingFontByName(
+ PFATTRS pFattrs