// Author: Benjamin I. Williams
// Modified by:
// Created: 2005-10-03
-// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (C) Copyright 2005, Kirix Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
// Licence: wxWindows Library Licence, Version 3.1
wxBitmap tb2_bmp1 = wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_QUESTION, wxART_OTHER, wxSize(16,16));
- tb2->AddTool(ID_SampleItem+6, wxT("Test"), tb2_bmp1);
+ tb2->AddTool(ID_SampleItem+6, wxT("Disabled"), tb2_bmp1);
tb2->AddTool(ID_SampleItem+7, wxT("Test"), tb2_bmp1);
tb2->AddTool(ID_SampleItem+8, wxT("Test"), tb2_bmp1);
tb2->AddTool(ID_SampleItem+9, wxT("Test"), tb2_bmp1);
tb2->AddTool(ID_SampleItem+14, wxT("Test"), tb2_bmp1);
tb2->AddTool(ID_SampleItem+15, wxT("Test"), tb2_bmp1);
tb2->SetCustomOverflowItems(prepend_items, append_items);
+ tb2->EnableTool(ID_SampleItem+6, false);
wxWindow* wnd10 = CreateTextCtrl(wxT("This pane will prompt the user before hiding."));
+ // Give this pane an icon, too, just for testing.
+ int iconSize = m_mgr.GetArtProvider()->GetMetric(wxAUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE);
+ // Make it even to use 16 pixel icons with default 17 caption height.
+ iconSize &= ~1;
m_mgr.AddPane(wnd10, wxAuiPaneInfo().
Name(wxT("test10")).Caption(wxT("Text Pane with Hide Prompt")).
- Bottom().Layer(1).Position(1));
+ Bottom().Layer(1).Position(1).
+ Icon(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_WARNING,
+ wxSize(iconSize, iconSize))));
m_mgr.AddPane(CreateSizeReportCtrl(), wxAuiPaneInfo().
Name(wxT("test11")).Caption(wxT("Fixed Pane")).
static int n = 0;
wxString text;
- if (ctrl_text.Length() > 0)
+ if ( !ctrl_text.empty() )
text = ctrl_text;
text.Printf(wxT("This is text box %d"), ++n);
wxBitmap page_bmp = wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_NORMAL_FILE, wxART_OTHER, wxSize(16,16));
ctrl->AddPage(CreateHTMLCtrl(ctrl), wxT("Welcome to wxAUI") , false, page_bmp);
+ ctrl->SetPageToolTip(0, "Welcome to wxAUI (this is a page tooltip)");
wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel( ctrl, wxID_ANY );
wxFlexGridSizer *flex = new wxFlexGridSizer( 4, 2, 0, 0 );
ctrl->AddPage( new wxTextCtrl( ctrl, wxID_ANY, wxT("Some more text"),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxNO_BORDER) , wxT("wxTextCtrl 7 (longer title)") );
+ ctrl->SetPageToolTip(ctrl->GetPageCount()-1,
+ "wxTextCtrl 7: and the tooltip message can be even longer!");
ctrl->AddPage( new wxTextCtrl( ctrl, wxID_ANY, wxT("Some more text"),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxNO_BORDER) , wxT("wxTextCtrl 8") );
"<li>Native, dockable floating frames</li>"
"<li>Perspective saving and loading</li>"
"<li>Native toolbars incorporating real-time, "spring-loaded" dragging</li>"
- "<li>Customizable floating/docking behavior</li>"
+ "<li>Customizable floating/docking behaviour</li>"
"<li>Completely customizable look-and-feel</li>"
"<li>Optional transparent window effects (while dragging or docking)</li>"
"<li>Splittable notebook control</li>"