+ isNumberedList = para->GetAttributes().HasBulletNumber();
+ // Search back
+ wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator initialNode = focusObject->GetChildren().Find(para);
+ if (initialNode)
+ {
+ wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator startNode = initialNode->GetPrevious();
+ while (startNode)
+ {
+ wxRichTextParagraph* p = wxDynamicCast(startNode->GetData(), wxRichTextParagraph);
+ if (p)
+ {
+ if (!p->GetAttributes().HasListStyleName() || p->GetAttributes().GetListStyleName() != listStyle)
+ break;
+ else
+ range.SetStart(p->GetRange().GetStart());
+ }
+ startNode = startNode->GetPrevious();
+ }
+ // Search forward
+ wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator endNode = initialNode->GetNext();
+ while (endNode)
+ {
+ wxRichTextParagraph* p = wxDynamicCast(endNode->GetData(), wxRichTextParagraph);
+ if (p)
+ {
+ if (!p->GetAttributes().HasListStyleName() || p->GetAttributes().GetListStyleName() != listStyle)
+ break;
+ else
+ range.SetEnd(p->GetRange().GetEnd());
+ }
+ endNode = endNode->GetNext();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return range;
+/// Deletes the content in the given range
+bool wxRichTextCtrl::Delete(const wxRichTextRange& range)
+ return GetFocusObject()->DeleteRangeWithUndo(range.ToInternal(), this, & GetBuffer());
+const wxArrayString& wxRichTextCtrl::GetAvailableFontNames()
+ if (sm_availableFontNames.GetCount() == 0)
+ {
+ sm_availableFontNames = wxFontEnumerator::GetFacenames();
+ sm_availableFontNames.Sort();
+ }
+ return sm_availableFontNames;
+void wxRichTextCtrl::ClearAvailableFontNames()
+ sm_availableFontNames.Clear();
+void wxRichTextCtrl::OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ //wxLogDebug(wxT("wxRichTextCtrl::OnSysColourChanged"));
+ wxTextAttrEx basicStyle = GetBasicStyle();
+ basicStyle.SetTextColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT));
+ SetBasicStyle(basicStyle);
+ SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW));
+ Refresh();
+// Refresh the area affected by a selection change
+bool wxRichTextCtrl::RefreshForSelectionChange(const wxRichTextSelection& oldSelection, const wxRichTextSelection& newSelection)
+ // If the selection is not part of the focus object, or we have multiple ranges, then the chances are that
+ // the selection contains whole containers rather than just text, so refresh everything
+ // for now as it would be hard to compute the rectangle bounding all selections.
+ // TODO: improve on this.
+ if ((oldSelection.IsValid() && (oldSelection.GetContainer() != GetFocusObject() || oldSelection.GetCount() > 1)) ||
+ (newSelection.IsValid() && (newSelection.GetContainer() != GetFocusObject() || newSelection.GetCount() > 1)))
+ {
+ Refresh(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ wxRichTextRange oldRange, newRange;
+ if (oldSelection.IsValid())
+ oldRange = oldSelection.GetRange();
+ else
+ if (newSelection.IsValid())
+ newRange = newSelection.GetRange();
+ else
+ // Calculate the refresh rectangle - just the affected lines
+ long firstPos, lastPos;
+ if (oldRange.GetStart() == -2 && newRange.GetStart() != -2)
+ {
+ firstPos = newRange.GetStart();
+ lastPos = newRange.GetEnd();
+ }
+ else if (oldRange.GetStart() != -2 && newRange.GetStart() == -2)
+ {
+ firstPos = oldRange.GetStart();
+ lastPos = oldRange.GetEnd();
+ }
+ else if (oldRange.GetStart() == -2 && newRange.GetStart() == -2)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ firstPos = wxMin(oldRange.GetStart(), newRange.GetStart());
+ lastPos = wxMax(oldRange.GetEnd(), newRange.GetEnd());
+ }
+ wxRichTextLine* firstLine = GetFocusObject()->GetLineAtPosition(firstPos);
+ wxRichTextLine* lastLine = GetFocusObject()->GetLineAtPosition(lastPos);
+ if (firstLine && lastLine)
+ {
+ wxSize clientSize = GetClientSize();
+ wxPoint pt1 = GetPhysicalPoint(GetScaledPoint(firstLine->GetAbsolutePosition()));
+ wxPoint pt2 = GetPhysicalPoint(GetScaledPoint(lastLine->GetAbsolutePosition())) + wxPoint(0, (int) (0.5 + lastLine->GetSize().y * GetScale()));
+ pt1.x = 0;
+ pt1.y = wxMax(0, pt1.y);
+ pt2.x = 0;
+ pt2.y = wxMin(clientSize.y, pt2.y);
+ wxRect rect(pt1, wxSize(clientSize.x, pt2.y - pt1.y));
+ RefreshRect(rect, false);
+ }
+ else
+ Refresh(false);
+ return true;
+// margins functions
+bool wxRichTextCtrl::DoSetMargins(const wxPoint& pt)
+ GetBuffer().GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMargins().GetLeft().SetValue(pt.x, wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS);
+ GetBuffer().GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMargins().GetRight().SetValue(pt.x, wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS);
+ GetBuffer().GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMargins().GetTop().SetValue(pt.y, wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS);
+ GetBuffer().GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMargins().GetBottom().SetValue(pt.y, wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS);
+ return true;
+wxPoint wxRichTextCtrl::DoGetMargins() const
+ return wxPoint(GetBuffer().GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMargins().GetLeft().GetValue(),
+ GetBuffer().GetAttributes().GetTextBoxAttr().GetMargins().GetTop().GetValue());
+bool wxRichTextCtrl::SetFocusObject(wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox* obj, bool setCaretPosition)
+ if (obj && !obj->AcceptsFocus())
+ return false;
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox* oldContainer = GetFocusObject();
+ bool changingContainer = (m_focusObject != obj);
+ if (changingContainer && HasSelection())
+ SelectNone();
+ m_focusObject = obj;
+ if (!obj)
+ m_focusObject = & m_buffer;
+ if (setCaretPosition && changingContainer)
+ {
+ m_selection.Reset();
+ m_selectionAnchor = -2;
+ m_selectionAnchorObject = NULL;
+ m_selectionState = wxRichTextCtrlSelectionState_Normal;
+ long pos = -1;
+ m_caretAtLineStart = false;
+ MoveCaret(pos, m_caretAtLineStart);
+ SetDefaultStyleToCursorStyle();
+ wxRichTextEvent cmdEvent(
+ GetId());
+ cmdEvent.SetEventObject(this);
+ cmdEvent.SetPosition(m_caretPosition+1);
+ cmdEvent.SetOldContainer(oldContainer);
+ cmdEvent.SetContainer(m_focusObject);
+ GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(cmdEvent);
+ }
+ return true;
+void wxRichTextCtrl::OnDrop(wxCoord WXUNUSED(x), wxCoord WXUNUSED(y), wxDragResult def, wxDataObject* DataObj)
+ m_preDrag = false;
+ if ((def != wxDragCopy) && (def != wxDragMove))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!GetSelection().IsValid())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox* originContainer = GetSelection().GetContainer();
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox* destContainer = GetFocusObject(); // This will be the drop container, not necessarily the same as the origin one
+ wxRichTextBuffer* richTextBuffer = ((wxRichTextBufferDataObject*)DataObj)->GetRichTextBuffer();
+ if (richTextBuffer)
+ {
+ long position = GetCaretPosition();
+ wxRichTextRange selectionrange = GetInternalSelectionRange();
+ if (selectionrange.Contains(position) && (def == wxDragMove))
+ {
+ // It doesn't make sense to move onto itself
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we're moving, and the data is being moved forward, we need to drop first, then delete the selection
+ // If moving backwards, we need to delete then drop. If we're copying (or doing nothing) we don't delete anyway
+ bool DeleteAfter = (def == wxDragMove) && (position > selectionrange.GetEnd());
+ if ((def == wxDragMove) && !DeleteAfter)
+ {
+ // We can't use e.g. DeleteSelectedContent() as it uses the focus container
+ originContainer->DeleteRangeWithUndo(selectionrange, this, &GetBuffer());
+ }
+ destContainer->InsertParagraphsWithUndo(&GetBuffer(), position+1, *richTextBuffer, this, 0);
+ ShowPosition(position + richTextBuffer->GetOwnRange().GetEnd());
+ delete richTextBuffer;
+ if (DeleteAfter)
+ {
+ // We can't use e.g. DeleteSelectedContent() as it uses the focus container
+ originContainer->DeleteRangeWithUndo(selectionrange, this, &GetBuffer());
+ }
+ SelectNone();
+ Refresh();
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP
+bool wxRichTextDropSource::GiveFeedback(wxDragResult WXUNUSED(effect))
+ wxCHECK_MSG(m_rtc, false, wxT("NULL m_rtc"));
+ long position = 0;
+ int hit = 0;
+ wxRichTextObject* hitObj = NULL;
+ wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox* container = m_rtc->FindContainerAtPoint(m_rtc->GetUnscaledPoint(m_rtc->ScreenToClient(wxGetMousePosition())), position, hit, hitObj);
+ if (!(hit & wxRICHTEXT_HITTEST_NONE) && container && container->AcceptsFocus())
+ {
+ m_rtc->StoreFocusObject(container);
+ m_rtc->SetCaretPositionAfterClick(container, position, hit);
+ }
+ return false; // so that the base-class sets a cursor
+#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP
+bool wxRichTextCtrl::CanDeleteRange(wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& WXUNUSED(container), const wxRichTextRange& WXUNUSED(range)) const
+ return true;
+bool wxRichTextCtrl::CanInsertContent(wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& WXUNUSED(container), long WXUNUSED(pos)) const
+ return true;
+void wxRichTextCtrl::EnableVerticalScrollbar(bool enable)
+ m_verticalScrollbarEnabled = enable;
+ SetupScrollbars();
+void wxRichTextCtrl::SetFontScale(double fontScale, bool refresh)
+ GetBuffer().SetFontScale(fontScale);
+ if (refresh)
+ {
+ GetBuffer().Invalidate(wxRICHTEXT_ALL);
+ Refresh();
+ }
+void wxRichTextCtrl::SetDimensionScale(double dimScale, bool refresh)
+ GetBuffer().SetDimensionScale(dimScale);
+ if (refresh)
+ {
+ GetBuffer().Invalidate(wxRICHTEXT_ALL);
+ Refresh();
+ }
+// Sets an overall scale factor for displaying and editing the content.
+void wxRichTextCtrl::SetScale(double scale, bool refresh)
+ m_scale = scale;
+ if (refresh)
+ {
+ GetBuffer().Invalidate(wxRICHTEXT_ALL);
+ Refresh();
+ }
+// Get an unscaled point
+wxPoint wxRichTextCtrl::GetUnscaledPoint(const wxPoint& pt) const
+ if (GetScale() == 1.0)
+ return pt;
+ else
+ return wxPoint((int) (0.5 + double(pt.x) / GetScale()), (int) (0.5 + double(pt.y) / GetScale()));
+// Get a scaled point
+wxPoint wxRichTextCtrl::GetScaledPoint(const wxPoint& pt) const
+ if (GetScale() == 1.0)
+ return pt;
+ else
+ return wxPoint((int) (0.5 + double(pt.x) * GetScale()), (int) (0.5 + double(pt.y) * GetScale()));
+// Get an unscaled size
+wxSize wxRichTextCtrl::GetUnscaledSize(const wxSize& sz) const
+ if (GetScale() == 1.0)
+ return sz;
+ else
+ return wxSize((int) (0.5 + double(sz.x) / GetScale()), (int) (0.5 + double(sz.y) / GetScale()));
+// Get a scaled size
+wxSize wxRichTextCtrl::GetScaledSize(const wxSize& sz) const
+ if (GetScale() == 1.0)
+ return sz;
+ else
+ return wxSize((int) (0.5 + double(sz.x) * GetScale()), (int) (0.5 + double(sz.y) * GetScale()));
+// Get an unscaled rect
+wxRect wxRichTextCtrl::GetUnscaledRect(const wxRect& rect) const
+ if (GetScale() == 1.0)
+ return rect;
+ else
+ return wxRect((int) (0.5 + double(rect.x) / GetScale()), (int) (0.5 + double(rect.y) / GetScale()),
+ (int) (0.5 + double(rect.width) / GetScale()), (int) (0.5 + double(rect.height) / GetScale()));
+// Get a scaled rect
+wxRect wxRichTextCtrl::GetScaledRect(const wxRect& rect) const
+ if (GetScale() == 1.0)
+ return rect;
+ else
+ return wxRect((int) (0.5 + double(rect.x) * GetScale()), (int) (0.5 + double(rect.y) * GetScale()),
+ (int) (0.5 + double(rect.width) * GetScale()), (int) (0.5 + double(rect.height) * GetScale()));
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// initialization and destruction
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxRichTextCaret::Init()
+ m_hasFocus = true;
+ m_refreshEnabled = true;
+ m_xOld =
+ m_yOld = -1;
+ m_richTextCtrl = NULL;
+ m_needsUpdate = false;
+ m_flashOn = true;
+ if (m_timer.IsRunning())
+ m_timer.Stop();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// showing/hiding/moving the caret (base class interface)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxRichTextCaret::DoShow()
+ m_flashOn = true;
+ if (!m_timer.IsRunning() && GetBlinkTime() > 0)
+ m_timer.Start(GetBlinkTime());
+ Refresh();
+void wxRichTextCaret::DoHide()
+ if (m_timer.IsRunning())
+ m_timer.Stop();
+ Refresh();
+void wxRichTextCaret::DoMove()
+ if (IsVisible())
+ {
+ Refresh();
+ if (m_xOld != -1 && m_yOld != -1)
+ {
+ if (m_richTextCtrl && m_refreshEnabled)
+ {
+ wxRect rect(wxPoint(m_xOld, m_yOld), GetSize());
+ wxRect scaledRect = m_richTextCtrl->GetScaledRect(rect);
+ m_richTextCtrl->RefreshRect(scaledRect, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_xOld = m_x;
+ m_yOld = m_y;
+void wxRichTextCaret::DoSize()
+ int countVisible = m_countVisible;
+ if (countVisible > 0)
+ {
+ m_countVisible = 0;
+ DoHide();
+ }
+ if (countVisible > 0)
+ {
+ m_countVisible = countVisible;
+ DoShow();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// handling the focus
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxRichTextCaret::OnSetFocus()
+ m_hasFocus = true;
+ if ( IsVisible() )
+ Refresh();
+void wxRichTextCaret::OnKillFocus()
+ m_hasFocus = false;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// drawing the caret
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxRichTextCaret::Refresh()
+ if (m_richTextCtrl && m_refreshEnabled)
+ {
+ wxRect rect(GetPosition(), GetSize());
+ wxRect rectScaled = m_richTextCtrl->GetScaledRect(rect);
+ m_richTextCtrl->RefreshRect(rectScaled, false);
+ }
+void wxRichTextCaret::DoDraw(wxDC *dc)
+ wxBrush brush(m_caretBrush);
+ wxPen pen(m_caretPen);
+ if (m_richTextCtrl && m_richTextCtrl->GetBasicStyle().HasTextColour())
+ {
+ brush = wxBrush(m_richTextCtrl->GetBasicStyle().GetTextColour());
+ pen = wxPen(m_richTextCtrl->GetBasicStyle().GetTextColour());
+ }
+ dc->SetBrush((m_hasFocus ? brush : *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH));
+ dc->SetPen(pen);
+ wxPoint pt(m_x, m_y);
+ if (m_richTextCtrl)
+ {
+ pt = m_richTextCtrl->GetLogicalPoint(pt);
+ }
+ if (IsVisible() && m_flashOn)
+ dc->DrawRectangle(pt.x, pt.y, m_width, m_height);
+void wxRichTextCaret::Notify()
+ m_flashOn = !m_flashOn;
+ Refresh();
+void wxRichTextCaretTimer::Notify()
+ m_caret->Notify();
+// Add an item
+bool wxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo::AddItem(const wxString& label, wxRichTextObject* obj)
+ if (GetCount() < 3)
+ {
+ m_labels.Add(label);
+ m_objects.Add(obj);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+// Returns number of menu items were added.
+int wxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo::AddMenuItems(wxMenu* menu, int startCmd) const
+ wxMenuItem* item = menu->FindItem(startCmd);
+ // If none of the standard properties identifiers are in the menu, add them if necessary.
+ // If no items to add, just set the text to something generic
+ if (GetCount() == 0)
+ {
+ if (item)
+ {
+ menu->SetLabel(startCmd, _("&Properties"));
+ // Delete the others if necessary
+ int i;
+ for (i = startCmd+1; i < startCmd+3; i++)
+ {
+ if (menu->FindItem(i))
+ {
+ menu->Delete(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int i;
+ int pos = -1;
+ // Find the position of the first properties item
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) menu->GetMenuItemCount(); i++)
+ {
+ wxMenuItem* item = menu->FindItemByPosition(i);
+ if (item && item->GetId() == startCmd)
+ {
+ pos = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ int insertBefore = pos+1;
+ for (i = startCmd; i < startCmd+GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ if (menu->FindItem(i))
+ {
+ menu->SetLabel(i, m_labels[i - startCmd]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (insertBefore >= (int) menu->GetMenuItemCount())
+ menu->Append(i, m_labels[i - startCmd]);
+ else
+ menu->Insert(insertBefore, i, m_labels[i - startCmd]);
+ }
+ insertBefore ++;
+ }
+ // Delete any old items still left on the menu
+ for (i = startCmd + GetCount(); i < startCmd+3; i++)
+ {
+ if (menu->FindItem(i))
+ {
+ menu->Delete(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No existing property identifiers were found, so append to the end of the menu.
+ menu->AppendSeparator();
+ for (i = startCmd; i < startCmd+GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ menu->Append(i, m_labels[i - startCmd]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return GetCount();
+// Add appropriate menu items for the current container and clicked on object
+// (and container's parent, if appropriate).
+int wxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo::AddItems(wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl, wxRichTextObject* container, wxRichTextObject* obj)
+ Clear();
+ if (obj && ctrl->CanEditProperties(obj))
+ AddItem(ctrl->GetPropertiesMenuLabel(obj), obj);
+ if (container && container != obj && ctrl->CanEditProperties(container) && m_labels.Index(ctrl->GetPropertiesMenuLabel(container)) == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ AddItem(ctrl->GetPropertiesMenuLabel(container), container);
+ if (container && container->GetParent() && ctrl->CanEditProperties(container->GetParent()) && m_labels.Index(ctrl->GetPropertiesMenuLabel(container->GetParent())) == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ AddItem(ctrl->GetPropertiesMenuLabel(container->GetParent()), container->GetParent());
+ return GetCount();