/* int lfEsc = */ getshort(handle); // 2 bytes
/* int lfOrient = */ getshort(handle); // 2 bytes
int lfWeight = getshort(handle); // 2 bytes
- char lfItalic = getc(handle); // 1 byte
- char lfUnderline = getc(handle); // 1 byte
+ char lfItalic = (char)getc(handle); // 1 byte
+ char lfUnderline = (char)getc(handle); // 1 byte
/* char lfStrikeout = */ getc(handle); // 1 byte
/* char lfCharSet = */ getc(handle); // 1 byte
/* char lfOutPrecision = */ getc(handle); // 1 byte
/* char lfClipPrecision = */ getc(handle); // 1 byte
/* char lfQuality = */ getc(handle); // 1 byte
- char lfPitchAndFamily = getc(handle); // 1 byte (18th)
+ char lfPitchAndFamily = (char)getc(handle); // 1 byte (18th)
char lfFacename[32];
// Read the rest of the record, which is total record size
// minus the number of bytes already read (18 record, 6 metarecord