is defined as int on 32-bit architectures) so that you cannot use long. To avoid
problems (here and elsewhere), make use of wxInt32, wxUint32 and similar types.
+If you're scanning through a file using wxTextInputStream, you should check for EOF {\bf before}
+reading the next item (word / number), because otherwise the last item may get lost.
+You should however be prepared to receive an empty item (empty string / zero number) at the
+end of file, especially on Windows systems. This is unavoidable because most (but not all) files end
+with whitespace (i.e. usually a newline).
For example:
-\func{}{wxTextInputStream}{\param{wxInputStream\&}{ stream}}
+\func{}{wxTextInputStream}{\param{wxInputStream\&}{ stream}, \param{const wxString\&}{ sep=" $\backslash$t"},
+ \param{wxMBConv\&}{ conv = wxConvUTF8} }
-Constructs a text stream object from an input stream. Only read methods will
-be available.
+Constructs a text stream associated to the given input stream.
-\docparam{stream}{The input stream.}
+\docparam{stream}{The underlying input stream.}
+\docparam{sep}{The initial string separator characters.}
+\docparam{conv}{{\it In Unicode build only:} The encoding converter used to convert the bytes in the
+ underlying input stream to characters.}
Destroys the wxTextInputStream object.
+\func{wxUint8}{Read8}{\param{int}{ base = 10}}
+Reads a single unsigned byte from the stream, given in base {\it base}.
+The value of {\it base} must be comprised between $2$ and $36$, inclusive, or
+be a special value $0$ which means that the usual rules of {\tt C} numbers are
+applied: if the number starts with {\tt 0x} it is considered to be in base
+$16$, if it starts with {\tt 0} - in base $8$ and in base $10$ otherwise. Note
+that you may not want to specify the base $0$ if you are parsing the numbers
+which may have leading zeroes as they can yield unexpected (to the user not
+familiar with C) results.
-Reads a single byte from the stream.
+\func{wxInt8}{Read8S}{\param{int}{ base = 10}}
+Reads a single signed byte from the stream.
+See \helpref{wxTextInputStream::Read8}{wxtextinputstreamread8} for the
+description of the {\it base} parameter.
+\func{wxUint16}{Read16}{\param{int}{ base = 10}}
+Reads a unsigned 16 bit integer from the stream.
+See \helpref{wxTextInputStream::Read8}{wxtextinputstreamread8} for the
+description of the {\it base} parameter.
-Reads a 16 bit integer from the stream.
+\func{wxInt16}{Read16S}{\param{int}{ base = 10}}
+Reads a signed 16 bit integer from the stream.
+See \helpref{wxTextInputStream::Read8}{wxtextinputstreamread8} for the
+description of the {\it base} parameter.
+\func{wxUint32}{Read32}{\param{int}{ base = 10}}
+Reads a 32 bit unsigned integer from the stream.
+See \helpref{wxTextInputStream::Read8}{wxtextinputstreamread8} for the
+description of the {\it base} parameter.
+\func{wxInt32}{Read32S}{\param{int}{ base = 10}}
-Reads a 32 bit integer from the stream.
+Reads a 32 bit signed integer from the stream.
+See \helpref{wxTextInputStream::Read8}{wxtextinputstreamread8} for the
+description of the {\it base} parameter.
+Reads a character, returns $0$ if there are no more characters in the stream.
-\func{}{wxTextOutputStream}{\param{wxOutputStream\&}{ stream}, \param{wxEOL}{ mode = wxEOL\_NATIVE}}
+\func{}{wxTextOutputStream}{\param{wxOutputStream\&}{ stream}, \param{wxEOL}{ mode = wxEOL\_NATIVE}, \param{wxMBConv\&}{ conv = wxConvUTF8}}
-Constructs a text stream object from an output stream. Only write methods will
-be available.
+Constructs a text stream object associated to the given output stream.
\docparam{mode}{The end-of-line mode. One of {\bf wxEOL\_NATIVE}, {\bf wxEOL\_DOS}, {\bf wxEOL\_MAC} and {\bf wxEOL\_UNIX}.}
+\docparam{conv}{{\it In Unicode build only:} The object used to convert
+Unicode text into ASCII characters written to the output stream.}
\func{virtual void}{wxTextOutputStream::WriteString}{{\param const wxString\& }{string}}
-Writes {\it string} as a line. Depending on the end-of-line mode, it adds
-$\backslash$n, $\backslash$r or $\backslash$r$\backslash$n.
+Writes {\it string} as a line. Depending on the end-of-line mode the end of
+line ('$\backslash$n') characters in the string are converted to the correct
+line ending terminator.