#include "wx/menuitem.h"
#include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/dnd.h"
void wxCanvasInputEvent (Widget drawingArea, XtPointer data, XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct * cbs);
void wxCanvasMotionEvent (Widget, XButtonEvent * event);
void wxCanvasEnterLeave (Widget drawingArea, XtPointer clientData, XCrossingEvent * event);
+void wxScrollBarCallback(Widget widget, XtPointer clientData,
+ XmScaleCallbackStruct *cbs);
void wxPanelItemEventHandler (Widget wid,
XtPointer client_data,
XEvent* event,
m_caretWidth = 0; m_caretHeight = 0;
m_caretEnabled = FALSE;
m_caretShown = FALSE;
- m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW) ; ;
+ // m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW) ; ;
+ m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE) ;
m_foregroundColour = *wxBLACK;
- m_defaultForegroundColour = *wxBLACK ;
- m_defaultBackgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE) ;
m_pDropTarget = NULL;
m_drawingArea = (WXWidget) 0;
m_hScroll = FALSE;
m_vScroll = FALSE;
- m_hScrollingEnabled = FALSE;
- m_vScrollingEnabled = FALSE;
m_backingPixmap = (WXPixmap) 0;
m_pixmapWidth = 0;
m_pixmapHeight = 0;
m_lastTS = 0;
m_lastButton = 0;
m_canAddEventHandler = FALSE;
+ m_scrollPosX = 0;
+ m_scrollPosY = 0;
m_paintRegion = (WXRegion) 0;
// Destructor
- //// Motif-specific
+ //// Motif-specific
- if (m_paintRegion)
- XDestroyRegion ((Region) m_paintRegion);
- m_paintRegion = (WXRegion) 0;
+ if (m_paintRegion)
+ XDestroyRegion ((Region) m_paintRegion);
+ m_paintRegion = (WXRegion) 0;
- if (GetMainWidget())
- DetachWidget(GetMainWidget()); // Removes event handlers
+ if (GetMainWidget())
+ DetachWidget(GetMainWidget()); // Removes event handlers
- // If m_drawingArea, we're a fully-fledged window with drawing area, scrollbars etc. (what wxCanvas used to be)
- if (m_drawingArea)
- {
- // Destroy children before destroying self
- DestroyChildren();
+ // If m_drawingArea, we're a fully-fledged window with drawing area, scrollbars etc. (what wxCanvas used to be)
+ if (m_drawingArea)
+ {
+ // Destroy children before destroying self
+ DestroyChildren();
- if (m_backingPixmap)
- XFreePixmap (XtDisplay ((Widget) GetMainWidget()), (Pixmap) m_backingPixmap);
+ if (m_backingPixmap)
+ XFreePixmap (XtDisplay ((Widget) GetMainWidget()), (Pixmap) m_backingPixmap);
- Widget w = (Widget) m_drawingArea;
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable(w);
+ Widget w = (Widget) m_drawingArea;
+ wxDeleteWindowFromTable(w);
- if (w)
- XtDestroyWidget(w);
- m_mainWidget = (WXWidget) 0;
+ if (w)
+ XtDestroyWidget(w);
+ m_mainWidget = (WXWidget) 0;
- // Only if we're _really_ a canvas (not a dialog box/panel)
- if (m_scrolledWindow)
- {
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- }
+ // Only if we're _really_ a canvas (not a dialog box/panel)
+ if (m_scrolledWindow)
+ {
+ wxDeleteWindowFromTable((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
+ }
- if (m_hScrollBar)
- {
- XtUnmanageChild ((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
- XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
- }
- if (m_vScrollBar)
- {
- XtUnmanageChild ((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
- XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
- }
- if (m_scrolledWindow)
- {
- XtUnmanageChild ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- }
+ if (m_hScrollBar)
+ {
+ XtUnmanageChild ((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
+ XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
+ }
+ if (m_vScrollBar)
+ {
+ XtUnmanageChild ((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
+ XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
+ }
+ if (m_scrolledWindow)
+ {
+ XtUnmanageChild ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
+ XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
+ }
- if (m_borderWidget)
- {
- XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_borderWidget);
- m_borderWidget = (WXWidget) 0;
+ if (m_borderWidget)
+ {
+ XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_borderWidget);
+ m_borderWidget = (WXWidget) 0;
+ }
- }
- //// Generic stuff
+ //// Generic stuff
// Have to delete constraints/sizer FIRST otherwise
// sizers may try to look at deleted windows as they
// delete themselves.
if (m_constraints)
m_sizerParent = NULL;
m_autoLayout = FALSE;
m_windowValidator = NULL;
m_pDropTarget = NULL;
m_caretWidth = 0; m_caretHeight = 0;
m_drawingArea = (WXWidget) 0;
m_hScroll = FALSE;
m_vScroll = FALSE;
- m_hScrollingEnabled = FALSE;
- m_vScrollingEnabled = FALSE;
m_backingPixmap = (WXPixmap) 0;
m_pixmapWidth = 0;
m_pixmapHeight = 0;
m_pixmapOffsetX = 0;
m_pixmapOffsetY = 0;
+ m_scrollPosX = 0;
+ m_scrollPosY = 0;
m_paintRegion = (WXRegion) 0;
if (!parent)
m_windowId = id;
- m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW) ; ;
+ // m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW) ; ;
+ m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE) ;
m_foregroundColour = *wxBLACK;
- m_defaultForegroundColour = *wxBLACK ;
- m_defaultBackgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE) ;
m_windowStyle = style;
XtAddEventHandler ((Widget) m_drawingArea, PointerMotionHintMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | FocusChangeMask,
False, (XtEventHandler) wxCanvasEnterLeave, (XtPointer) this);
- return TRUE;
+ // Add scrollbars if required
+ if (m_windowStyle & wxHSCROLL)
+ {
+ Widget hScrollBar = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("hsb",
+ xmScrollBarWidgetClass, (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
+ XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL,
+ NULL);
+ // XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
+ XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNdragCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
+ XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNincrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
+ XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNdecrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
+ XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNpageIncrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
+ XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNpageDecrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
+ XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNtoTopCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
+ XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNtoBottomCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
+ XtVaSetValues (hScrollBar,
+ XmNincrement, 1,
+ XmNvalue, 0,
+ NULL);
+ m_hScrollBar = (WXWidget) hScrollBar;
+ m_hScroll = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (m_windowStyle & wxVSCROLL)
+ {
+ Widget vScrollBar = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("vsb",
+ xmScrollBarWidgetClass, (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
+ XmNorientation, XmVERTICAL,
+ NULL);
+ // XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
+ XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNdragCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
+ XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNincrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
+ XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNdecrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
+ XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNpageIncrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
+ XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNpageDecrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
+ XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNtoTopCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
+ XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNtoBottomCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
+ XtVaSetValues (vScrollBar,
+ XmNincrement, 1,
+ XmNvalue, 0,
+ NULL);
+ m_vScrollBar = (WXWidget) vScrollBar;
+ m_vScroll = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (m_hScrollBar || m_vScrollBar)
+ XmScrolledWindowSetAreas ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, (Widget) m_hScrollBar, (Widget) m_vScrollBar, (Widget) m_drawingArea);
+ if (m_hScrollBar)
+ XtRealizeWidget ((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
+ if (m_vScrollBar)
+ XtRealizeWidget ((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
+ // Without this, the cursor may not be restored properly
+ // (e.g. in splitter sample).
+ SetCursor(*wxSTANDARD_CURSOR);
+ SetSize(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y);
+ return TRUE;
void wxWindow::SetFocus()
return NULL;
void wxWindow::SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget *pDropTarget)
void wxWindow::GetPosition(int *x, int *y) const
- if (m_drawingArea)
- {
- CanvasGetPosition(x, y);
- return;
- }
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
- Position xx, yy;
- XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNx, &xx, XmNy, &yy, NULL);
- *x = xx; *y = yy;
+ if (m_drawingArea)
+ {
+ CanvasGetPosition(x, y);
+ return;
+ }
+ Widget widget = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
+ Position xx, yy;
+ XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNx, &xx, XmNy, &yy, NULL);
+ // We may be faking the client origin.
+ // So a window that's really at (0, 30) may appear
+ // (to wxWin apps) to be at (0, 0).
+ if (GetParent())
+ {
+ wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
+ xx -= pt.x;
+ yy -= pt.y;
+ }
+ *x = xx; *y = yy;
void wxWindow::ScreenToClient(int *x, int *y) const
- // TODO
+ Widget widget = (Widget) GetClientWidget();
+ Display *display = XtDisplay((Widget) GetMainWidget());
+ Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(widget));
+ Window thisWindow = XtWindow(widget);
+ Window childWindow;
+ int xx = *x;
+ int yy = *y;
+ XTranslateCoordinates(display, rootWindow, thisWindow, xx, yy, x, y, &childWindow);
void wxWindow::ClientToScreen(int *x, int *y) const
Widget widget = (Widget) GetClientWidget();
Display *display = XtDisplay(widget);
Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(widget));
- Window thisWindow;
- if (this->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame)))
- {
- wxFrame *fr = (wxFrame *)this;
- // TODO
- // thisWindow = XtWindow(fr->m_clientArea);
- }
- else
- thisWindow = XtWindow((Widget)widget);
+ Window thisWindow = XtWindow(widget);
Window childWindow;
int xx = *x;
m_windowCursor = cursor;
if (m_windowCursor.Ok())
- /* TODO when wxCursor implemented
WXDisplay *dpy = GetXDisplay();
- Cursor x_cursor = cursor.GetXCursor(dpy);
+ WXCursor x_cursor = ((wxCursor&)cursor).GetXCursor(dpy);
Widget w = (Widget) GetMainWidget();
Window win = XtWindow(w);
- XDefineCursor((Display*) dpy, win, x_cursor);
- */
+ XDefineCursor((Display*) dpy, win, (Cursor) x_cursor);
// Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar etc.
void wxWindow::GetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
+ Widget widget = (Widget) GetClientWidget();
Dimension xx, yy;
XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNwidth, &xx, XmNheight, &yy, NULL);
*x = xx; *y = yy;
if (managed)
+ int xx = x; int yy = y;
+ AdjustForParentClientOrigin(xx, yy, sizeFlags);
if (x > -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNx, x, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNx, xx, NULL);
if (y > -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNy, y, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNy, yy, NULL);
if (width > -1)
XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNwidth, width, NULL);
if (height > -1)
if (m_borderWidget || m_scrolledWindow)
+ if (m_drawingArea)
+ XtMapWidget((Widget) m_drawingArea);
XtMapWidget(m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
if (m_borderWidget || m_scrolledWindow)
+ if (m_drawingArea)
+ XtUnmapWidget((Widget) m_drawingArea);
XtUnmapWidget(m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
int wxWindow::GetCharHeight() const
- // TODO
+ if (!m_windowFont.Ok())
return 0;
+ WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = m_windowFont.GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
+ int direction, ascent, descent;
+ XCharStruct overall;
+ XTextExtents ((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, "x", 1, &direction, &ascent,
+ &descent, &overall);
+// return (overall.ascent + overall.descent);
+ return (ascent + descent);
int wxWindow::GetCharWidth() const
- // TODO
+ if (!m_windowFont.Ok())
return 0;
+ WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = m_windowFont.GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
+ int direction, ascent, descent;
+ XCharStruct overall;
+ XTextExtents ((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, "x", 1, &direction, &ascent,
+ &descent, &overall);
+ return overall.width;
+/* Helper function for 16-bit fonts */
+static int str16len(const char *s)
+ int count = 0;
+ while (s[0] && s[1]) {
+ count++;
+ s += 2;
+ }
+ return count;
void wxWindow::GetTextExtent(const wxString& string, int *x, int *y,
- int *descent, int *externalLeading, const wxFont *theFont, bool) const
+ int *descent, int *externalLeading, const wxFont *theFont, bool use16) const
wxFont *fontToUse = (wxFont *)theFont;
if (!fontToUse)
fontToUse = (wxFont *) & m_windowFont;
- // TODO
+ if (!fontToUse->Ok())
+ return;
+ WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = theFont->GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
+ int direction, ascent, descent2;
+ XCharStruct overall;
+ int slen;
+ if (use16) slen = str16len(string); else slen = strlen(string);
+ if (use16)
+ XTextExtents16((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, (XChar2b *) (char*) (const char*) string, slen, &direction,
+ &ascent, &descent2, &overall);
+ else
+ XTextExtents((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, (char*) (const char*) string, slen, &direction,
+ &ascent, &descent2, &overall);
+ *x = (overall.width);
+ *y = (ascent + descent2);
+ if (descent)
+ *descent = descent2;
+ if (externalLeading)
+ *externalLeading = 0;
void wxWindow::Refresh(bool eraseBack, const wxRectangle *rect)
if (eraseBack)
wxClientDC dc(this);
+ wxBrush backgroundBrush(GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID);
+ dc.SetBackground(backgroundBrush);
wxFrame *frame = (wxFrame *)this;
+ Widget widget = (Widget) frame->GetShellWidget();
- /* Uncomment when wxFrame implemented
if (minW > -1)
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) frame->m_frameShell, XmNminWidth, minW, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNminWidth, minW, NULL);
if (minH > -1)
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) frame->m_frameShell, XmNminHeight, minH, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNminHeight, minH, NULL);
if (maxW > -1)
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) frame->m_frameShell, XmNmaxWidth, maxW, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNmaxWidth, maxW, NULL);
if (maxH > -1)
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) frame->m_frameShell, XmNmaxHeight, maxH, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNmaxHeight, maxH, NULL);
if (incW > -1)
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) frame->m_frameShell, XmNwidthInc, incW, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNwidthInc, incW, NULL);
if (incH > -1)
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) frame->m_frameShell, XmNheightInc, incH, NULL);
- */
+ XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNheightInc, incH, NULL);
void wxWindow::Centre(int direction)
int wxWindow::GetScrollPos(int orient) const
- // TODO
- return 0;
+ if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
+ return m_scrollPosX;
+ else
+ return m_scrollPosY;
+ Widget scrollBar = (Widget) ((orient == wxHORIZONTAL) ? m_hScrollBar : m_vScrollBar);
+ if (scrollBar)
+ {
+ int pos;
+ XtVaGetValues(scrollBar,
+ XmNvalue, &pos, NULL);
+ return pos;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
// This now returns the whole range, not just the number
// of positions that we can scroll.
int wxWindow::GetScrollRange(int orient) const
- // TODO
- return 0;
+ Widget scrollBar = (Widget) ((orient == wxHORIZONTAL) ? m_hScrollBar : m_vScrollBar);
+ if (scrollBar)
+ {
+ int range;
+ XtVaGetValues(scrollBar,
+ XmNmaximum, &range, NULL);
+ return range;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
int wxWindow::GetScrollThumb(int orient) const
- // TODO
- return 0;
+ Widget scrollBar = (Widget) ((orient == wxHORIZONTAL) ? m_hScrollBar : m_vScrollBar);
+ if (scrollBar)
+ {
+ int thumb;
+ XtVaGetValues(scrollBar,
+ XmNsliderSize, &thumb, NULL);
+ return thumb;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
-void wxWindow::SetScrollPos(int orient, int pos, bool refresh)
+void wxWindow::SetScrollPos(int orient, int pos, bool WXUNUSED(refresh))
- // TODO
- return;
+ Widget scrollBar = (Widget) ((orient == wxHORIZONTAL) ? m_hScrollBar : m_vScrollBar);
+ if (scrollBar)
+ {
+ XtVaSetValues (scrollBar,
+ XmNvalue, pos,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
+ m_scrollPosX = pos;
+ else
+ m_scrollPosY = pos;
// New function that will replace some of the above.
void wxWindow::SetScrollbar(int orient, int pos, int thumbVisible,
- int range, bool refresh)
+ int range, bool WXUNUSED(refresh))
- // TODO
+ Widget scrollBar = (Widget) ((orient == wxHORIZONTAL) ? m_hScrollBar : m_vScrollBar );
+ if (!scrollBar)
+ return;
+ if (range == 0)
+ range = 1;
+ if (thumbVisible == 0)
+ thumbVisible = 1;
+ XtVaSetValues(scrollBar,
+ XmNvalue, pos,
+ XmNminimum, 0,
+ XmNmaximum, range,
+ XmNsliderSize, thumbVisible,
+ NULL);
+ if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
+ m_scrollPosX = pos;
+ else
+ m_scrollPosY = pos;
// Does a physical scroll
void wxWindow::ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRectangle *rect)
- // TODO
- return;
+// cerr << "Scrolling. delta = " << dx << ", " << dy << endl;
+ int x, y, w, h;
+ if (rect)
+ {
+ // Use specified rectangle
+ x = rect->x; y = rect->y; w = rect->width; h = rect->height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Use whole client area
+ x = 0; y = 0;
+ GetClientSize(& w, & h);
+ }
-void wxWindow::SetFont(const wxFont& font)
- m_windowFont = font;
+ int x1 = (dx >= 0) ? x : x - dx ;
+ int y1 = (dy >= 0) ? y : y - dy;
+ int w1 = w - abs(dx);
+ int h1 = h - abs(dy);
+ int x2 = (dx >= 0) ? x + dx : x;
+ int y2 = (dy >= 0) ? y + dy : y;
- if (!m_windowFont.Ok())
- return;
- // TODO
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction (wxCOPY);
+ Widget widget = (Widget) GetMainWidget();
+ Window window = XtWindow(widget);
+ Display* display = XtDisplay(widget);
+ XCopyArea(display, window,
+ window, (GC) dc.GetGC(),
+ x1, y1,
+ w1, h1,
+ x2, y2);
+ dc.SetAutoSetting(TRUE);
+ wxBrush brush(GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID);
+ dc.SetBrush(brush); // ??
+ // We'll add rectangles to the list of update rectangles
+ // according to which bits we've exposed.
+ wxList updateRects;
+ if (dx > 0)
+ {
+ wxRect *rect = new wxRect;
+ rect->x = x;
+ rect->y = y;
+ rect->width = dx;
+ rect->height = h;
+ XFillRectangle(display, window,
+ (GC) dc.GetGC(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
+ rect->x = rect->x;
+ rect->y = rect->y;
+ rect->width = rect->width;
+ rect->height = rect->height;
+ updateRects.Append((wxObject*) rect);
+ }
+ else if (dx < 0)
+ {
+ wxRect *rect = new wxRect;
+ rect->x = x + w + dx;
+ rect->y = y;
+ rect->width = -dx;
+ rect->height = h;
+ XFillRectangle(display, window,
+ (GC) dc.GetGC(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width,
+ rect->height);
+ rect->x = rect->x;
+ rect->y = rect->y;
+ rect->width = rect->width;
+ rect->height = rect->height;
+ updateRects.Append((wxObject*) rect);
+ }
+ if (dy > 0)
+ {
+ wxRect *rect = new wxRect;
+ rect->x = x;
+ rect->y = y;
+ rect->width = w;
+ rect->height = dy;
+ XFillRectangle(display, window,
+ (GC) dc.GetGC(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
+ rect->x = rect->x;
+ rect->y = rect->y;
+ rect->width = rect->width;
+ rect->height = rect->height;
+ updateRects.Append((wxObject*) rect);
+ }
+ else if (dy < 0)
+ {
+ wxRect *rect = new wxRect;
+ rect->x = x;
+ rect->y = y + h + dy;
+ rect->width = w;
+ rect->height = -dy;
+ XFillRectangle(display, window,
+ (GC) dc.GetGC(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
+ rect->x = rect->x;
+ rect->y = rect->y;
+ rect->width = rect->width;
+ rect->height = rect->height;
+ updateRects.Append((wxObject*) rect);
+ }
+ dc.SetBrush(wxNullBrush);
+ // Now send expose events
+ wxNode* node = updateRects.First();
+ while (node)
+ {
+ wxRect* rect = (wxRect*) node->Data();
+ XExposeEvent event;
+ event.type = Expose;
+ event.display = display;
+ event.send_event = True;
+ event.window = window;
+ event.x = rect->x;
+ event.y = rect->y;
+ event.width = rect->width;
+ event.height = rect->height;
+ event.count = 0;
+ XSendEvent(display, window, False, ExposureMask, (XEvent *)&event);
+ node = node->Next();
+ }
void wxWindow::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event)
bool wxWindow::IsEnabled() const
- // TODO
+ // TODO. Is this right?
+ // return XtGetSensitive((Widget) GetMainWidget());
return FALSE;
void wxWindow::DestroyChildren()
- if (GetChildren()) {
+ if (GetChildren())
+ {
+ wxNode *node = GetChildren()->First();
+ while (node)
+ {
+ wxNode* next = node->Next();
+ wxWindow* child = (wxWindow*) node->Data();
+ delete child;
+ node = next;
+ }
+ GetChildren()->Clear();
+#if 0
wxNode *node;
while ((node = GetChildren()->First()) != (wxNode *)NULL) {
wxWindow *child;
delete node;
} /* while */
void wxWindow::Clear()
- wxClientDC dc(this);
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
wxBrush brush(GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID);
void wxWindow::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event)
-/* TODO: you may need to do something like this
- * if your GUI doesn't generate enter/leave events
- // Check if we need to send a LEAVE event
- if (m_mouseInWindow)
- {
- POINT pt;
- ::GetCursorPos(&pt);
- if (::WindowFromPoint(pt) != (HWND) GetHWND())
- {
- // Generate a LEAVE event
- m_mouseInWindow = FALSE;
- MSWOnMouseLeave(pt.x, pt.y, 0);
- }
- }
// This calls the UI-update mechanism (querying windows for
// menu/toolbar/control state information)
- UpdateWindowUI();
+ UpdateWindowUI();
// Raise the window to the top of the Z order
+ wxevent.m_x = local_event.xbutton.x;
+ wxevent.m_y = local_event.xbutton.y;
canvas->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (wxevent);
if (eventType == wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW ||
XtUnmanageChild (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_drawingArea, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_ANY, NULL);
+ int xx = x; int yy = y;
+ AdjustForParentClientOrigin(xx, yy, sizeFlags);
if (x > -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
XtVaSetValues (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNx, x, NULL);
+ XmNx, xx, NULL);
if (y > -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
XtVaSetValues (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNy, y, NULL);
+ XmNy, yy, NULL);
if (w > -1)
void wxWindow::CanvasGetPosition (int *x, int *y) const
- Position xx, yy;
- XtVaGetValues (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNx, &xx, XmNy, &yy, NULL);
- *x = xx;
- *y = yy;
+ Position xx, yy;
+ XtVaGetValues (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNx, &xx, XmNy, &yy, NULL);
+ // We may be faking the client origin.
+ // So a window that's really at (0, 30) may appear
+ // (to wxWin apps) to be at (0, 0).
+ if (GetParent())
+ {
+ wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
+ xx -= pt.x;
+ yy -= pt.y;
+ }
+ *x = xx;
+ *y = yy;
// Add to hash table, add event handler
*continueToDispatch = True;
+void wxScrollBarCallback(Widget scrollbar, XtPointer clientData,
+ XmScaleCallbackStruct *cbs)
+ Widget scrolledWindow = XtParent (scrollbar);
+ wxWindow *win = (wxWindow *) wxWidgetHashTable->Get ((long) scrolledWindow);
+ int orientation = (int) clientData;
+ wxEventType eventType = wxEVT_NULL;
+ switch (cbs->reason)
+ {
+ {
+ eventType = wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ eventType = wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP;
+ break;
+ }
+ case XmCR_DRAG:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // TODO: Should this be intercepted too, or will it cause
+ // duplicate events?
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ eventType = wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ eventType = wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP;
+ break;
+ }
+ case XmCR_TO_TOP:
+ {
+ eventType = wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP;
+ break;
+ }
+ case XmCR_TO_BOTTOM:
+ {
+ eventType = wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Should never get here
+ wxFAIL_MSG("Unknown scroll event.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ wxScrollEvent event(eventType, win->GetId());
+ event.SetEventObject(win);
+ event.SetPosition(cbs->value);
+ event.SetOrientation( (orientation == XmHORIZONTAL) ? wxHORIZONTAL : wxVERTICAL );
+ win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
bool wxTranslateMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& wxevent, wxWindow *win, Widget widget, XEvent *xevent)
switch (xevent->xany.type)
return FALSE;
-// TODO From wxWin 1.68. What does it do exactly?
#define YAllocColor XAllocColor
-XColor itemColors[5];
-int wxComputeColors (Display *display, wxColour * back, wxColour * fore)
+XColor g_itemColors[5];
+int wxComputeColours (Display *display, wxColour * back, wxColour * fore)
int result;
static XmColorProc colorProc;
if (back)
- itemColors[0].red = (((long) back->Red ()) << 8);
- itemColors[0].green = (((long) back->Green ()) << 8);
- itemColors[0].blue = (((long) back->Blue ()) << 8);
- itemColors[0].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ g_itemColors[0].red = (((long) back->Red ()) << 8);
+ g_itemColors[0].green = (((long) back->Green ()) << 8);
+ g_itemColors[0].blue = (((long) back->Blue ()) << 8);
+ g_itemColors[0].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
if (colorProc == (XmColorProc) NULL)
// Get a ptr to the actual function
// And set it back to motif.
XmSetColorCalculation (colorProc);
- (*colorProc) (&itemColors[wxBACK_INDEX],
- &itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX],
- &itemColors[wxSELE_INDEX],
- &itemColors[wxTOPS_INDEX],
- &itemColors[wxBOTS_INDEX]);
+ (*colorProc) (&g_itemColors[wxBACK_INDEX],
+ &g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX],
+ &g_itemColors[wxSELE_INDEX],
+ &g_itemColors[wxTOPS_INDEX],
+ &g_itemColors[wxBOTS_INDEX]);
result = wxBACK_COLORS;
if (fore)
- itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].red = (((long) fore->Red ()) << 8);
- itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].green = (((long) fore->Green ()) << 8);
- itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].blue = (((long) fore->Blue ()) << 8);
- itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].red = (((long) fore->Red ()) << 8);
+ g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].green = (((long) fore->Green ()) << 8);
+ g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].blue = (((long) fore->Blue ()) << 8);
+ g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
if (result == wxNO_COLORS)
result = wxFORE_COLORS;
/* 5 Colours to allocate */
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- if (!YAllocColor (dpy, cmap, &itemColors[i]))
+ if (!YAllocColor (dpy, cmap, &g_itemColors[i]))
result = wxNO_COLORS;
else if (fore)
/* Only 1 colour to allocate */
- if (!YAllocColor (dpy, cmap, &itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX]))
+ if (!YAllocColor (dpy, cmap, &g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX]))
result = wxNO_COLORS;
-void wxWindow::ChangeColour(WXWidget widget)
+// Changes the foreground and background colours to be derived
+// from the current background colour.
+// To change the foreground colour, you must call SetForegroundColour
+// explicitly.
+void wxWindow::ChangeBackgroundColour()
- // TODO
-#if 0
- int change;
+ if (GetMainWidget())
+ DoChangeBackgroundColour(GetMainWidget(), m_backgroundColour);
- // TODO: how to determine whether we can change this item's colours?
- // We used to have wxUSER_COLOURS. Now perhaps we assume we always
- // can change it.
- // if (!(parent->GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxUSER_COLOURS))
- // return;
+void wxWindow::ChangeForegroundColour()
+ if (GetMainWidget())
+ DoChangeForegroundColour(GetMainWidget(), m_foregroundColour);
- change = wxComputeColors (XtDisplay((Widget)widget), panel->GetBackgroundColour(),
- panel->GetLabelColour());
- if (change == wxBACK_COLORS)
- XtVaSetValues ((Widget) widget,
- XmNbackground, itemColors[wxBACK_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNtopShadowColor, itemColors[wxTOPS_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNbottomShadowColor, itemColors[wxBOTS_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNforeground, itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].pixel,
- NULL);
- else if (change == wxFORE_COLORS)
- XtVaSetValues (formWidget,
- XmNforeground, itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].pixel,
- NULL);
+// Change a widget's foreground and background colours.
- change = wxComputeColors (XtDisplay((Widget)formWidget), GetBackgroundColour(), GetLabelColour());
- if (change == wxBACK_COLORS)
- XtVaSetValues (labelWidget,
- XmNbackground, itemColors[wxBACK_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNtopShadowColor, itemColors[wxTOPS_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNbottomShadowColor, itemColors[wxBOTS_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNarmColor, itemColors[wxSELE_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNforeground, itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].pixel,
- NULL);
- else if (change == wxFORE_COLORS)
- XtVaSetValues (labelWidget,
- XmNforeground, itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].pixel,
+void wxWindow::DoChangeForegroundColour(WXWidget widget, wxColour& foregroundColour)
+ // When should we specify the foreground, if it's calculated
+ // by wxComputeColours?
+ // Solution: say we start with the default (computed) foreground colour.
+ // If we call SetForegroundColour explicitly for a control or window,
+ // then the foreground is changed.
+ // Therefore SetBackgroundColour computes the foreground colour, and
+ // SetForegroundColour changes the foreground colour. The ordering is
+ // important.
+ XtVaSetValues ((Widget) widget,
+ XmNforeground, foregroundColour.AllocColour(XtDisplay((Widget) widget)),
-void wxWindow::ChangeFont(WXWidget widget)
+void wxWindow::DoChangeBackgroundColour(WXWidget widget, wxColour& backgroundColour, bool changeArmColour)
- /* TODO
- if (widget && GetFont() && GetFont()->IsOk())
+ wxComputeColours (XtDisplay((Widget) widget), & backgroundColour,
+ (wxColour*) NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues ((Widget) widget,
+ XmNbackground, g_itemColors[wxBACK_INDEX].pixel,
+ XmNtopShadowColor, g_itemColors[wxTOPS_INDEX].pixel,
+ XmNbottomShadowColor, g_itemColors[wxBOTS_INDEX].pixel,
+ XmNforeground, g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].pixel,
+ NULL);
+ if (changeArmColour)
XtVaSetValues ((Widget) widget,
- XmNfontList, GetFont()->GetInternalFont (),
+ XmNarmColor, g_itemColors[wxSELE_INDEX].pixel,
+ NULL);
+void wxWindow::SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col)
+ m_backgroundColour = col;
+ ChangeBackgroundColour();
+void wxWindow::SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& col)
+ m_foregroundColour = col;
+ ChangeForegroundColour();
+void wxWindow::ChangeFont(bool keepOriginalSize)
+ // Note that this causes the widget to be resized back
+ // to its original size! We therefore have to set the size
+ // back again. TODO: a better way in Motif?
+ Widget w = (Widget) GetLabelWidget(); // Usually the main widget
+ if (w && m_windowFont.Ok())
+ {
+ int width, height, width1, height1;
+ GetSize(& width, & height);
+ XtVaSetValues (w,
+ XmNfontList, (XmFontList) m_windowFont.GetFontList(1.0, XtDisplay(w)),
- */
+ GetSize(& width1, & height1);
+ if (keepOriginalSize && (width != width1 || height != height1))
+ {
+ SetSize(-1, -1, width, height);
+ }
+ }
+void wxWindow::SetFont(const wxFont& font)
+ m_windowFont = font;
+ ChangeFont();