- (see '@ref arcnoseek_overview').
- @b See also
- #wxFileSystem
- @ref arccreate_overview
- @ref arcextract_overview
- @ref arcmodify_overview
- @ref arcbyname_overview
- @ref arcgeneric_overview
- @ref arcnoseek_overview
- @section wxarccreate Creating an archive
- @ref arc_overview
- Call #PutNextEntry() to
- create each new entry in the archive, then write the entry's data.
+ (see @ref overview_arc_noseek).
+ See also #wxFileSystem.
+ @li @ref overview_arc_create
+ @li @ref overview_arc_extract
+ @li @ref overview_arc_modify
+ @li @ref overview_arc_byname
+ @li @ref overview_arc_generic
+ @li @ref overview_arc_noseek
+ <hr>
+ @section overview_arc_create Creating an archive
+ Call #PutNextEntry() to create each new entry in the archive, then write the entry's data.