- void Clear();
- void Delete( int n );
- virtual int FindString( const wxString &item ) const;
- int GetSelection() const;
- wxString GetString( int n ) const;
- wxString GetStringSelection() const;
- int GetCount() const;
- int Number() const { return GetCount(); }
- void SetSelection( int n );
- void Select( int n ) { return SetSelection( n ); }
- bool SetStringSelection( const wxString &string );
- void SetString(int n, const wxString &text);
- wxString GetValue() const;
- void SetValue(const wxString& value);
- void Copy();
- void Cut();
- void Paste();
- bool CanCopy() const;
- bool CanCut() const;
- bool CanPaste() const;
- void SetInsertionPoint( long pos );
- void SetInsertionPointEnd() { SetInsertionPoint( -1 ); }
- long GetInsertionPoint() const;
- long GetLastPosition() const;
- void Remove(long from, long to) { Replace(from, to, wxEmptyString); }
- void Replace( long from, long to, const wxString& value );
- void SetSelection( long from, long to );
- void GetSelection( long* from, long* to ) const;
- void SetEditable( bool editable );
- void Undo() ;
- void Redo() ;
- bool CanUndo() const;
- bool CanRedo() const;
- void SelectAll();
- bool IsEditable() const { return !HasFlag(wxCB_READONLY); }
- bool HasSelection() const ;
+ // From wxItemContainerImmutable:
+ virtual unsigned int GetCount() const;
+ virtual wxString GetString(unsigned int n) const;
+ virtual void SetString(unsigned int n, const wxString &text);
+ virtual int FindString(const wxString& s, bool bCase = false) const;
+ virtual void SetSelection(int n);
+ virtual int GetSelection() const;
+ wxString GetStringSelection() const; // not a virtual in parent class
+ // From wxItemContainer:
+ virtual void DoClear();
+ virtual void DoDeleteOneItem(unsigned int n);
+ // From wxBomboBoxBase:
+ virtual wxString GetValue() const;
+ virtual void SetValue(const wxString& value);
+ virtual void Copy();
+ virtual void Cut();
+ virtual void Paste();
+ virtual void SetInsertionPoint( long pos );
+ virtual long GetInsertionPoint() const;
+ virtual wxTextPos GetLastPosition() const;
+ virtual void Replace( long from, long to, const wxString& value );
+ virtual void SetSelection( long from, long to );
+ virtual void SetEditable( bool editable );
+ virtual void SetInsertionPointEnd() { SetInsertionPoint( -1 ); }
+ virtual void Remove(long from, long to) { Replace(from, to, wxEmptyString); }
+ virtual bool IsEditable() const;
+ virtual void Undo();
+ virtual void Redo();
+ virtual void SelectAll();
+ virtual bool CanCopy() const;
+ virtual bool CanCut() const;
+ virtual bool CanPaste() const;
+ virtual bool CanUndo() const;
+ virtual bool CanRedo() const;