@class wxHtmlHelpController
This help controller provides an easy way of displaying HTML help in your
- application (see @e test sample). The help system is based on @b books
- (see wxHtmlHelpController::AddBook). A book is a logical
- section of documentation (for example "User's Guide" or "Programmer's Guide" or
- "C++ Reference" or "wxWidgets Reference"). The help controller can handle as
- many books as you want.
+ application (see @sample{html}, test example).
- Although this class has an API compatible with other wxWidgets
- help controllers as documented by wxHelpController, it
- is recommended that you use the enhanced capabilities of wxHtmlHelpController's
- API.
+ The help system is based on @b books (see wxHtmlHelpController::AddBook).
+ A book is a logical section of documentation (for example "User's Guide" or
+ "Programmer's Guide" or "C++ Reference" or "wxWidgets Reference").
+ The help controller can handle as many books as you want.
+ Although this class has an API compatible with other wxWidgets help controllers
+ as documented by wxHelpController, it is recommended that you use the enhanced
+ capabilities of wxHtmlHelpController's API.
wxHTML uses Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop project files (.hhp, .hhk, .hhc) as
- its
- native format. The file format is described here().
- Have a look at docs/html/ directory where sample project files are stored.
+ its native format. The file format is described in @ref overview_html_helpformats.
+ The directory @c helpfiles in the @sample{html} contains sample project files.
- You can use Tex2RTF to produce these files when generating HTML, if you set @b
- htmlWorkshopFiles to @b @true in
- your tex2rtf.ini file. The commercial tool HelpBlocks (www.helpblocks.com) can
- also create these files.
+ Note that the Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop
+ (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=00535334-c8a6-452f-9aa0-d597d16580cc)
+ also runs on other platforms using WINE (http://www.winehq.org/) and it can
+ be used to create the .hpp, .hhk and .hhc files through a friendly GUI.
+ The commercial tool HelpBlocks (http://www.helpblocks.com) can also create these files.
- @category{help}
+ @category{help,html}
- @see @ref overview_wxhelpcontroller "Information about wxBestHelpController",
- wxHtmlHelpFrame, wxHtmlHelpDialog, wxHtmlHelpWindow, wxHtmlModalHelp
+ @see wxBestHelpController, wxHtmlHelpFrame, wxHtmlHelpDialog,
+ wxHtmlHelpWindow, wxHtmlModalHelp
class wxHtmlHelpController
+ @param style
+ This is a combination of these flags:
+ - wxHF_TOOLBAR: The help window has a toolbar.
+ - wxHF_FLAT_TOOLBAR: The help window has a toolbar with flat buttons (aka coolbar).
+ - wxHF_CONTENTS: The help window has a contents panel.
+ - wxHF_INDEX: The help window has an index panel.
+ - wxHF_SEARCH: The help window has a search panel.
+ - wxHF_BOOKMARKS: The help window has bookmarks controls.
+ - wxHF_OPEN_FILES: Allows user to open arbitrary HTML document.
+ - wxHF_PRINT: The toolbar contains "print" button.
+ - wxHF_MERGE_BOOKS: The contents pane does not show book nodes.
+ All books are merged together and appear as single book to the user.
+ - wxHF_ICONS_BOOK: All nodes in contents pane have a book icon.
+ This is how Microsoft's HTML help viewer behaves.
+ - wxHF_ICONS_FOLDER: Book nodes in contents pane have a book icon, book's
+ sections have a folder icon. This is the default.
+ - wxHF_ICONS_BOOK_CHAPTER: Both book nodes and nodes of top-level
+ sections of a book (i.e. chapters) have a book icon, all other sections
+ (sections, subsections, ...) have a folder icon.
+ - wxHF_EMBEDDED: Specifies that the help controller controls an embedded
+ window of class wxHtmlHelpWindow that should not be destroyed when
+ the controller is destroyed.
+ - wxHF_DIALOG: Specifies that the help controller should create a
+ dialog containing the help window.
+ - wxHF_FRAME: Specifies that the help controller should create a frame
+ containing the help window.
+ This is the default if neither wxHF_DIALOG nor wxHF_EMBEDDED is specified.
+ - wxHF_MODAL: Specifies that the help controller should create a modal
+ dialog containing the help window (used with the wxHF_DIALOG style).
+ @param parentWindow
+ This is an optional window to be used as the parent for the help window.
wxHtmlHelpController(int style = wxHF_DEFAULT_STYLE,
wxWindow* parentWindow = NULL);
- //@{
- Adds book (@ref overview_helpformat ".hhp file" - HTML Help Workshop project
- file) into the list of loaded books.
- This must be called at least once before displaying any help.
- @a bookFile or @a bookUrl may be either .hhp file or ZIP archive
- that contains arbitrary number of .hhp files in
- top-level directory. This ZIP archive must have .zip or .htb extension
- (the latter stands for "HTML book"). In other words, @c
+ Adds a book (i.e. a @ref overview_html_helpformats ".hhp file"; an HTML Help
+ Workshop project file) into the list of loaded books.
+ This must be called at least once before displaying any help.
+ @a bookFile or @a bookUrl may be either @c ".hhp" file or a ZIP archive
+ that contains an arbitrary number of @c ".hhp" files in its top-level
+ directory.
+ This ZIP archive must have @c ".zip" or @c ".htb" extension (the latter
+ stands for "HTML book"). In other words,
+ @code
+ @endcode
is possible and is the recommended way.
- @param showWaitMsg
- If @true then a decoration-less window with progress message is displayed.
@param bookFile
Help book filename. It is recommended to use this prototype
instead of the one taking URL, because it is less error-prone.
- @param bookUrl
- Help book URL (note that syntax of filename and URL is
- different on most platforms)
+ @param showWaitMsg
+ If @true then a decoration-less window with progress message is displayed.
- bool AddBook(const wxFileName& bookFile, bool showWaitMsg);
- bool AddBook(const wxString& bookUrl, bool showWaitMsg);
- //@}
+ bool AddBook(const wxFileName& bookFile, bool showWaitMsg = false);
- This protected virtual method may be overridden so that when specifying the
- wxHF_DIALOG style, the controller
- uses a different dialog.
+ Adds a book (i.e. a @ref overview_html_helpformats ".hhp file"; an HTML Help
+ Workshop project file) into the list of loaded books.
+ See the other overload for additional info.
+ @param bookUrl
+ Help book URL (note that syntax of filename and URL is
+ different on most platforms).
+ @param showWaitMsg
+ If @true then a decoration-less window with progress message is displayed.
- virtual wxHtmlHelpDialog* CreateHelpDialog(wxHtmlHelpData* data);
+ bool AddBook(const wxString& bookUrl, bool showWaitMsg = false);
- This protected virtual method may be overridden so that the controller
- uses a different frame.
+ Displays page @a x.
+ This is THE important function - it is used to display the help in application.
+ You can specify the page in many ways:
+ - as direct filename of HTML document
+ - as chapter name (from contents) or as a book name
+ - as some word from index
+ - even as any word (will be searched)
+ Looking for the page runs in these steps:
+ -# try to locate file named x (if x is for example "doc/howto.htm")
+ -# try to open starting page of book named x
+ -# try to find x in contents (if x is for example "How To ...")
+ -# try to find x in index (if x is for example "How To ...")
+ -# switch to Search panel and start searching
- virtual wxHtmlHelpFrame* CreateHelpFrame(wxHtmlHelpData* data);
+ bool Display(const wxString& x);
- //@{
+ @overload
This alternative form is used to search help contents by numeric IDs.
- void Display(const wxString& x);
- void Display(const int id);
- //@}
+ bool Display(int id);
Displays help window and focuses contents panel.
- void DisplayContents();
+ virtual bool DisplayContents();
Displays help window and focuses index panel.
- void DisplayIndex();
+ bool DisplayIndex();
- Displays help window, focuses search panel and starts searching. Returns @true
- if the keyword was found. Optionally it searches through the index (mode =
- wxHELP_SEARCH_INDEX), default the content (mode = wxHELP_SEARCH_ALL).
- @b Important: KeywordSearch searches only pages listed in .hhc file(s).
- You should list all pages in the contents file.
+ Displays the help window, focuses search panel and starts searching.
+ Returns @true if the keyword was found. Optionally it searches through the
+ index (mode = @c wxHELP_SEARCH_INDEX), default the content
+ (mode = @c wxHELP_SEARCH_ALL).
+ @note
+ KeywordSearch() searches only pages listed in @c ".hhc" file(s).
+ You should list all pages in the contents file.
- bool KeywordSearch(const wxString& keyword,
- wxHelpSearchMode mode = wxHELP_SEARCH_ALL);
+ virtual bool KeywordSearch(const wxString& keyword,
+ wxHelpSearchMode mode = wxHELP_SEARCH_ALL);
Reads the controller's setting (position of window, etc.)
- void ReadCustomization(wxConfigBase* cfg,
- wxString path = wxEmptyString);
+ virtual void ReadCustomization(wxConfigBase* cfg,
+ const wxString& path = wxEmptyString);
Sets the path for storing temporary files - cached binary versions of index and
- contents files. These binary
- forms are much faster to read. Default value is empty string (empty string means
- that no cached data are stored). Note that these files are @e not
- deleted when program exits.
+ contents files.
+ These binary forms are much faster to read. Default value is empty string
+ (empty string means that no cached data are stored). Note that these files
+ are @e not deleted when program exits.
Once created these cached files will be used in all subsequent executions
- of your application. If cached files become older than corresponding .hhp
+ of your application. If cached files become older than corresponding @c ".hhp"
file (e.g. if you regenerate documentation) it will be refreshed.
void SetTempDir(const wxString& path);
- Sets format of title of the frame. Must contain exactly one "%s"
- (for title of displayed HTML page).
+ Sets format of title of the frame.
+ Must contain exactly one "%s" (for title of displayed HTML page).
void SetTitleFormat(const wxString& format);
- Associates @a config object with the controller.
+ Associates the @a config object with the controller.
If there is associated config object, wxHtmlHelpController automatically
reads and writes settings (including wxHtmlWindow's settings) when needed.
- The only thing you must do is create wxConfig object and call UseConfig.
- If you do not use @e UseConfig, wxHtmlHelpController will use
- default wxConfig object if available (for details see
- wxConfigBase::Get and
+ The only thing you must do is create wxConfig object and call UseConfig().
+ If you do not use UseConfig(), wxHtmlHelpController will use the default
+ wxConfig object if available (for details see wxConfigBase::Get and
void UseConfig(wxConfigBase* config,
Stores controllers setting (position of window etc.)
- void WriteCustomization(wxConfigBase* cfg,
- wxString path = wxEmptyString);
+ virtual void WriteCustomization(wxConfigBase* cfg,
+ const wxString& path = wxEmptyString);
+ /**
+ This protected virtual method may be overridden so that when specifying the
+ @c wxHF_DIALOG style, the controller uses a different dialog.
+ */
+ virtual wxHtmlHelpDialog* CreateHelpDialog(wxHtmlHelpData* data);
+ /**
+ This protected virtual method may be overridden so that the controller
+ uses a different frame.
+ */
+ virtual wxHtmlHelpFrame* CreateHelpFrame(wxHtmlHelpData* data);
@class wxHtmlModalHelp
- This class uses wxHtmlHelpController
- to display help in a modal dialog. This is useful on platforms such as wxMac
- where if you display help from a modal dialog, the help window must itself be a
- modal
- dialog.
+ This class uses wxHtmlHelpController to display help in a modal dialog.
+ This is useful on platforms such as wxMac where if you display help from a
+ modal dialog, the help window must itself be a modal dialog.
Create objects of this class on the stack, for example:
- // The help can be browsed during the lifetime of this object; when the user
- quits
- // the help, program execution will continue.
+ // The help can be browsed during the lifetime of this object; when the
+ // user quits the help, program execution will continue.
wxHtmlModalHelp help(parent, wxT("help"), wxT("My topic"));
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{help,html}
class wxHtmlModalHelp
+ The ctor.
@param parent
is the parent of the dialog.
@param helpFile
is an optional topic. If this is empty, the help contents will be shown.
@param style
is a combination of the flags described in the wxHtmlHelpController
- documentation.
+ documentation.
wxHtmlModalHelp(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& helpFile,
const wxString& topic = wxEmptyString,