@class wxRichTextStyleListCtrl
- This class incorporates a wxRichTextStyleListBox and
- a choice control that allows the user to select the category of style to view.
+ This class incorporates a wxRichTextStyleListBox and a choice control that
+ allows the user to select the category of style to view.
It is demonstrated in the wxRichTextCtrl sample in @c samples/richtext.
To use wxRichTextStyleListCtrl, add the control to your window hierarchy and
- call wxRichTextStyleListCtrl::SetStyleType with
- one of wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_ALL,
+ call wxRichTextStyleListCtrl::SetStyleType with one of
+ wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_ALL,
wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_CHARACTER and
wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_LIST to set the current view.
Associate the control with a style sheet and rich text control with
- SetStyleSheet and SetRichTextCtrl,
- so that when a style is double-clicked, it is applied to the selection.
+ SetStyleSheet and SetRichTextCtrl, so that when a style is double-clicked,
+ it is applied to the selection.
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{richtext}
class wxRichTextStyleListCtrl : public wxControl
void SetStyleSheet(wxRichTextStyleSheet* styleSheet);
- Sets the style type to display. One of
- wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_ALL, wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_PARAGRAPH,
- wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_CHARACTER and
- wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_LIST.
+ Sets the style type to display.
+ One of
+ - wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_ALL,
+ - wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_PARAGRAPH,
+ - wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_CHARACTER
+ - wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_LIST.
void SetStyleType(wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRichTextStyleType styleType);
This is a base class for paragraph and character styles.
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{richtext}
class wxRichTextStyleDefinition : public wxObject
- ~wxRichTextStyleDefinition();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextStyleDefinition();
Returns the style on which this style is based.
- ~wxRichTextParagraphStyleDefinition();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextParagraphStyleDefinition();
Returns the style that should normally follow this style.
- @see wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl, @ref overview_wxrichtextctrloverview
- "wxRichTextCtrl overview"
+ @see wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl, @ref overview_richtextctrl
class wxRichTextStyleListBox : public wxHtmlListBox
- ~wxRichTextStyleListBox();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextStyleListBox();
Applies the @e ith style to the associated rich text control.
If the return value is @true, clicking on a style name in the list will
- immediately
- apply the style to the associated rich text control.
+ immediately apply the style to the associated rich text control.
bool GetApplyOnSelection() const;
If @a applyOnSelection is @true, clicking on a style name in the list will
- immediately
- apply the style to the associated rich text control.
+ immediately apply the style to the associated rich text control.
void SetApplyOnSelection(bool applyOnSelection);
Sets the style type to display. One of
- wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_ALL, wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_PARAGRAPH,
- wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_CHARACTER and
- wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_LIST.
+ - wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_ALL,
+ - wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_PARAGRAPH,
+ - wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_CHARACTER
+ - wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRICHTEXT_STYLE_LIST.
void SetStyleType(wxRichTextStyleListBox::wxRichTextStyleType styleType);
- @see wxRichTextStyleListBox, @ref overview_wxrichtextctrloverview
- "wxRichTextCtrl overview"
+ @see wxRichTextStyleListBox, @ref overview_richtextctrl
class wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl : public wxComboCtrl
- ~wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl();
Returns the wxRichTextCtrl associated with this control.
- ~wxRichTextCharacterStyleDefinition();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextCharacterStyleDefinition();
This class represents a list style definition, usually added to a
- The class inherits paragraph attributes from
- wxRichTextStyleParagraphDefinition, and adds 10 further attribute objects, one for each level of a list.
+ The class inherits paragraph attributes from wxRichTextStyleParagraphDefinition,
+ and adds 10 further attribute objects, one for each level of a list.
When applying a list style to a paragraph, the list style's base and
- appropriate level attributes are merged with the
- paragraph's existing attributes.
- You can apply a list style to one or more paragraphs using
- wxRichTextCtrl::SetListStyle. You
- can also use the functions wxRichTextCtrl::NumberList,
- wxRichTextCtrl::PromoteList and
- wxRichTextCtrl::ClearListStyle. As usual, there are wxRichTextBuffer versions
- of these functions
+ appropriate level attributes are merged with the paragraph's existing attributes.
+ You can apply a list style to one or more paragraphs using wxRichTextCtrl::SetListStyle.
+ You can also use the functions wxRichTextCtrl::NumberList, wxRichTextCtrl::PromoteList and
+ wxRichTextCtrl::ClearListStyle.
+ As usual, there are wxRichTextBuffer versions of these functions
so that you can apply them directly to a buffer without requiring a control.
- ~wxRichTextListStyleDefinition();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextListStyleDefinition();
This function combines the given paragraph style with the list style's base
attributes and level style matching the given indent, returning the combined attributes.
If @a styleSheet is specified, the base style for this definition will also be
included in the result.
This function combines the list style's base attributes and the level style
matching the given indent, returning the combined attributes.
If @a styleSheet is specified, the base style for this definition will also be
included in the result.
This function combines the list style's base attributes and the style for the
specified level, returning the combined attributes.
If @a styleSheet is specified, the base style for this definition will also be
included in the result.
A style sheet contains named paragraph and character styles that make it
easy for a user to apply combinations of attributes to a wxRichTextCtrl.
- You can use a wxRichTextStyleListBox in your
- user interface to show available styles to the user, and allow application
- of styles to the control.
+ You can use a wxRichTextStyleListBox in your user interface to show available
+ styles to the user, and allow application of styles to the control.
- ~wxRichTextStyleSheet();
+ virtual ~wxRichTextStyleSheet();
Adds a definition to the character style list.