+ /**
+ Set the scrollbar visibility.
+ By default the scrollbar in the corresponding direction is only shown
+ if it is needed, i.e. if the virtual size of the scrolled window in
+ this direction is greater than the current physical window size. Using
+ this function the scrollbar visibility can be changed to be:
+ - wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS: To always show the scrollbar, even if it is
+ not needed currently (wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB style can be used during
+ the window creation to achieve the same effect but it applies
+ in both directions).
+ - wxSHOW_SB_NEVER: To never show the scrollbar at all. In this case
+ the program should presumably provide some other way for the
+ user to scroll the window.
+ - wxSHOW_SB_DEFAULT: To restore the default behaviour described
+ above.
+ @param horz
+ The desired visibility for the horizontal scrollbar.
+ @param vert
+ The desired visibility for the vertical scrollbar.
+ @since 2.9.0
+ */
+ void ShowScrollbars(wxScrollbarVisibility horz, wxScrollbarVisibility vert);