Append a string to the end of the document without changing the selection.
- void AppendText(const wxString& text);
+ virtual void AppendText(const wxString& text);
Append a string to the end of the document without changing the selection.
Retrieve whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing
- bool AutoCompGetAutoHide();
+ bool AutoCompGetAutoHide() const;
Retrieve whether auto-completion cancelled by backspacing before start.
- bool AutoCompGetCancelAtStart();
+ bool AutoCompGetCancelAtStart() const;
Retrieve whether a single item auto-completion list automatically choose the
- bool AutoCompGetChooseSingle();
+ bool AutoCompGetChooseSingle() const;
Get currently selected item position in the auto-completion list
Retrieve whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters
after the inserted text upon completion.
- bool AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord();
+ bool AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord() const;
Retrieve state of ignore case flag.
- bool AutoCompGetIgnoreCase();
+ bool AutoCompGetIgnoreCase() const;
Set the maximum height, in rows, of auto-completion and user lists.
- int AutoCompGetMaxHeight();
+ int AutoCompGetMaxHeight() const;
Get the maximum width, in characters, of auto-completion and user lists.
- int AutoCompGetMaxWidth();
+ int AutoCompGetMaxWidth() const;
Retrieve the auto-completion list separator character.
- int AutoCompGetSeparator();
+ int AutoCompGetSeparator() const;
Retrieve the auto-completion list type-separator character.
- int AutoCompGetTypeSeparator();
+ int AutoCompGetTypeSeparator() const;
Retrieve the position of the caret when the auto-completion list was displayed.
Are there any redoable actions in the undo history?
- bool CanRedo();
+ virtual bool CanRedo() const;
Are there any undoable actions in the undo history?
- bool CanUndo();
+ virtual bool CanUndo() const;
Cancel any modes such as call tip or auto-completion list display.
Clear the selection.
- void Clear();
+ virtual void Clear();
Delete all text in the document.
Copy the selection to the clipboard.
- void Copy();
+ virtual void Copy();
Copy a range of text to the clipboard. Positions are clipped into the document.
Cut the selection to the clipboard.
- void Cut();
+ virtual void Cut();
Delete back from the current position to the start of the line.
Returns the position of the opposite end of the selection to the caret.
- int GetAnchor();
+ int GetAnchor() const;
Does a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindent?
- bool GetBackSpaceUnIndents();
+ bool GetBackSpaceUnIndents() const;
Is drawing done first into a buffer or direct to the screen?
- bool GetBufferedDraw();
+ bool GetBufferedDraw() const;
Get the foreground colour of the caret.
- wxColour GetCaretForeground();
+ wxColour GetCaretForeground() const;
Get the background alpha of the caret line.
- int GetCaretLineBackAlpha();
+ int GetCaretLineBackAlpha() const;
Get the colour of the background of the line containing the caret.
- wxColour GetCaretLineBackground();
+ wxColour GetCaretLineBackground() const;
Is the background of the line containing the caret in a different colour?
- bool GetCaretLineVisible();
+ bool GetCaretLineVisible() const;
Get the time in milliseconds that the caret is on and off.
- int GetCaretPeriod();
+ int GetCaretPeriod() const;
Can the caret preferred x position only be changed by explicit movement
- bool GetCaretSticky();
+ bool GetCaretSticky() const;
Returns the width of the insert mode caret.
- int GetCaretWidth();
+ int GetCaretWidth() const;
Returns the character byte at the position.
- int GetCharAt(int pos);
+ int GetCharAt(int pos) const;
Get the code page used to interpret the bytes of the document as characters.
- int GetCodePage();
+ int GetCodePage() const;
Retrieve the column number of a position, taking tab width into account.
- int GetColumn(int pos);
+ int GetColumn(int pos) const;
Get the way control characters are displayed.
- int GetControlCharSymbol();
+ int GetControlCharSymbol() const;
Returns the position of the caret.
- int GetCurrentPos();
+ int GetCurrentPos() const;
Retrieve a pointer to the document object.
Retrieve the current end of line mode - one of CRLF, CR, or LF.
- int GetEOLMode();
+ int GetEOLMode() const;
Retrieve the colour used in edge indication.
- wxColour GetEdgeColour();
+ wxColour GetEdgeColour() const;
Retrieve the column number which text should be kept within.
- int GetEdgeColumn();
+ int GetEdgeColumn() const;
Retrieve the edge highlight mode.
- int GetEdgeMode();
+ int GetEdgeMode() const;
Retrieve whether the maximum scroll position has the last
line at the bottom of the view.
- bool GetEndAtLastLine();
+ bool GetEndAtLastLine() const;
Retrieve the position of the last correctly styled character.
- int GetEndStyled();
+ int GetEndStyled() const;
Retrieve the display line at the top of the display.
- int GetFirstVisibleLine();
+ int GetFirstVisibleLine() const;
Is a header line expanded?
- bool GetFoldExpanded(int line);
+ bool GetFoldExpanded(int line) const;
Retrieve the fold level of a line.
- int GetFoldLevel(int line);
+ int GetFoldLevel(int line) const;
Find the parent line of a child line.
- int GetFoldParent(int line);
+ int GetFoldParent(int line) const;
Get the highlighted indentation guide column.
- int GetHighlightGuide();
+ int GetHighlightGuide() const;
Retrieve indentation size.
- int GetIndent();
+ int GetIndent() const;
Are the indentation guides visible?
Find the last child line of a header line.
- int GetLastChild(int line, int level);
+ int GetLastChild(int line, int level) const;
Can be used to prevent the EVT_CHAR handler from adding the char
Retrieve the degree of caching of layout information.
- int GetLayoutCache();
+ int GetLayoutCache() const;
Returns the number of characters in the document.
- int GetLength();
+ int GetLength() const;
Retrieve the lexing language of the document.
- int GetLexer();
+ int GetLexer() const;
Retrieve the contents of a line.
- wxString GetLine(int line);
+ wxString GetLine(int line) const;
Returns the number of lines in the document. There is always at least one.
- int GetLineCount();
+ int GetLineCount() const;
Get the position after the last visible characters on a line.
- int GetLineEndPosition(int line);
+ int GetLineEndPosition(int line) const;
Retrieve the position before the first non indentation character on a line.
- int GetLineIndentPosition(int line);
+ int GetLineIndentPosition(int line) const;
Retrieve the number of columns that a line is indented.
- int GetLineIndentation(int line);
+ int GetLineIndentation(int line) const;
Retrieve the contents of a line.
Retrieve the extra styling information for a line.
- int GetLineState(int line);
+ int GetLineState(int line) const;
Is a line visible?
- bool GetLineVisible(int line);
+ bool GetLineVisible(int line) const;
Returns the size in pixels of the left margin.
- int GetMarginLeft();
+ int GetMarginLeft() const;
Retrieve the marker mask of a margin.
- int GetMarginMask(int margin);
+ int GetMarginMask(int margin) const;
Returns the size in pixels of the right margin.
- int GetMarginRight();
+ int GetMarginRight() const;
Retrieve the mouse click sensitivity of a margin.
- bool GetMarginSensitive(int margin);
+ bool GetMarginSensitive(int margin) const;
Retrieve the type of a margin.
- int GetMarginType(int margin);
+ int GetMarginType(int margin) const;
Retrieve the width of a margin in pixels.
- int GetMarginWidth(int margin);
+ int GetMarginWidth(int margin) const;
Retrieve the last line number that has line state.
- int GetMaxLineState();
+ int GetMaxLineState() const;
Get which document modification events are sent to the container.
- int GetModEventMask();
+ int GetModEventMask() const;
Is the document different from when it was last saved?
- bool GetModify();
+ bool GetModify() const;
Get whether mouse gets captured.
- bool GetMouseDownCaptures();
+ bool GetMouseDownCaptures() const;
Retrieve the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event.
- int GetMouseDwellTime();
+ int GetMouseDwellTime() const;
Returns @true if overtype mode is active otherwise @false is returned.
- bool GetOvertype();
+ bool GetOvertype() const;
Get convert-on-paste setting
- bool GetPasteConvertEndings();
+ bool GetPasteConvertEndings() const;
Returns the print colour mode.
- int GetPrintColourMode();
+ int GetPrintColourMode() const;
Returns the print magnification.
- int GetPrintMagnification();
+ int GetPrintMagnification() const;
Is printing line wrapped?
- int GetPrintWrapMode();
+ int GetPrintWrapMode() const;
Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty.
Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty,
interpreted as an int AFTER any '$()' variable replacement.
- int GetPropertyInt(const wxString& key);
+ int GetPropertyInt(const wxString& key) const;
In read-only mode?
- bool GetReadOnly();
+ bool GetReadOnly() const;
Get cursor type.
- int GetSTCCursor();
+ int GetSTCCursor() const;
Get internal focus flag.
- bool GetSTCFocus();
+ bool GetSTCFocus() const;
Retrieve the document width assumed for scrolling.
- int GetScrollWidth();
+ int GetScrollWidth() const;
Get the search flags used by SearchInTarget.
- int GetSearchFlags();
+ int GetSearchFlags() const;
Get the alpha of the selection.
- int GetSelAlpha();
+ int GetSelAlpha() const;
Retrieve the selected text.
Returns the position at the end of the selection.
- int GetSelectionEnd();
+ int GetSelectionEnd() const;
Get the mode of the current selection.
- int GetSelectionMode();
+ int GetSelectionMode() const;
Returns the position at the start of the selection.
- int GetSelectionStart();
+ int GetSelectionStart() const;
Get error status.
- int GetStatus();
+ int GetStatus() const;
Returns the style byte at the position.
- int GetStyleAt(int pos);
+ int GetStyleAt(int pos) const;
Retrieve number of bits in style bytes used to hold the lexical state.
- int GetStyleBits();
+ int GetStyleBits() const;
Retrieve the number of bits the current lexer needs for styling.
- int GetStyleBitsNeeded();
+ int GetStyleBitsNeeded() const;
Retrieve a buffer of cells.
Does a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indent?
- bool GetTabIndents();
+ bool GetTabIndents() const;
Retrieve the visible size of a tab.
- int GetTabWidth();
+ int GetTabWidth() const;
Get the position that ends the target.
- int GetTargetEnd();
+ int GetTargetEnd() const;
Get the position that starts the target.
- int GetTargetStart();
+ int GetTargetStart() const;
Retrieve all the text in the document.
- wxString GetText();
+ wxString GetText() const;
Retrieve the number of characters in the document.
- int GetTextLength();
+ int GetTextLength() const;
Retrieve a range of text.
Is drawing done in two phases with backgrounds drawn before foregrounds?
- bool GetTwoPhaseDraw();
+ bool GetTwoPhaseDraw() const;
Is undo history being collected?
- bool GetUndoCollection();
+ bool GetUndoCollection() const;
Returns the current UseAntiAliasing setting.
Is the horizontal scroll bar visible?
- bool GetUseHorizontalScrollBar();
+ bool GetUseHorizontalScrollBar() const;
Retrieve whether tabs will be used in indentation.
- bool GetUseTabs();
+ bool GetUseTabs() const;
Is the vertical scroll bar visible?
- bool GetUseVerticalScrollBar();
+ bool GetUseVerticalScrollBar() const;
Are the end of line characters visible?
- bool GetViewEOL();
+ bool GetViewEOL() const;
Are white space characters currently visible?
Returns one of SCWS_* constants.
- int GetViewWhiteSpace();
+ int GetViewWhiteSpace() const;
Retrieve whether text is word wrapped.
- int GetWrapMode();
+ int GetWrapMode() const;
Retrive the start indent for wrapped lines.
- int GetWrapStartIndent();
+ int GetWrapStartIndent() const;
Retrive the display mode of visual flags for wrapped lines.
- int GetWrapVisualFlags();
+ int GetWrapVisualFlags() const;
Retrive the location of visual flags for wrapped lines.
- int GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation();
+ int GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation() const;
- int GetXOffset();
+ int GetXOffset() const;
Retrieve the zoom level.
- int GetZoom();
+ int GetZoom() const;
Set caret to start of a line and ensure it is visible.
Retrieve the foreground colour of an indicator.
- wxColour IndicatorGetForeground(int indic);
+ wxColour IndicatorGetForeground(int indic) const;
Retrieve the style of an indicator.
- int IndicatorGetStyle(int indic);
+ int IndicatorGetStyle(int indic) const;
Set the foreground colour of an indicator.
Retrieve the line containing a position.
- int LineFromPosition(int pos);
+ int LineFromPosition(int pos) const;
How many characters are on a line, not including end of line characters?
- int LineLength(int line);
+ int LineLength(int line) const;
Scroll horizontally and vertically.
Retrieves the number of lines completely visible.
- int LinesOnScreen();
+ int LinesOnScreen() const;
Split the lines in the target into lines that are less wide than pixelWidth
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document replacing the selection.
- void Paste();
+ virtual void Paste();
Retrieve the point in the window where a position is displayed.
Retrieve the position at the start of a line.
- int PositionFromLine(int line);
+ int PositionFromLine(int line) const;
Find the position from a point within the window.
- int PositionFromPoint(wxPoint pt);
+ int PositionFromPoint(wxPoint pt) const;
Find the position from a point within the window but return
Redoes the next action on the undo history.
- void Redo();
+ virtual void Redo();
Register an image for use in autocompletion lists.
Select all the text in the document.
- void SelectAll();
+ virtual void SelectAll();
Duplicate the selection. If selection empty duplicate the line containing the
Is the selection rectangular? The alternative is the more common stream
- bool SelectionIsRectangle();
+ bool SelectionIsRectangle() const;
Send a message to Scintilla
more of the following comma separated elements:
bold turns on bold
italic turns on italics
- fore:[name or #RRGGBB] sets the foreground colour
- back:[name or #RRGGBB] sets the background colour
+ fore:[name or \#RRGGBB] sets the foreground colour
+ back:[name or \#RRGGBB] sets the background colour
face:[facename] sets the font face name to use
size:[num] sets the font size in points
eol turns on eol filling
Undo one action in the undo history.
- void Undo();
+ virtual void Undo();
Transform the selection to upper case.