- Constructs a connection object. If no user-defined connection object is
- to be derived from wxTCPConnection, then the constructor should not be
- called directly, since the default connection object will be provided on
- requesting (or accepting) a connection. However, if the user defines his
- or her own derived connection object, the wxTCPServer::OnAcceptConnection
- and/or wxTCPClient::OnMakeConnection members should be replaced by
- functions which construct the new connection object. If the arguments of
- the wxTCPConnection constructor are void, then a default buffer is
- associated with the connection. Otherwise, the programmer must provide a
- a buffer and size of the buffer for the connection object to use in
+ Constructs a connection object.
+ If no user-defined connection object is to be derived from wxTCPConnection,
+ then the constructor should not be called directly, since the default
+ connection object will be provided on requesting (or accepting) a connection.
+ However, if the user defines his or her own derived connection object,
+ the wxTCPServer::OnAcceptConnection and/or wxTCPClient::OnMakeConnection
+ members should be replaced by functions which construct the new connection object.
+ If the arguments of the wxTCPConnection constructor are void, then a default
+ buffer is associated with the connection. Otherwise, the programmer must
+ provide a buffer and size of the buffer for the connection object to use in