-// Execute a command (e.g. another program) in a
-// system-independent manner.
-long wxExecute(char **argv, bool sync)
- if (*argv == NULL)
- return 0;
- char command[1024];
- command[0] = '\0';
- int argc;
- for (argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++)
- {
- if (argc)
- strcat(command, " ");
- strcat(command, argv[argc]);
- }
- return wxExecute((char *)command, sync);
-long wxExecute(const wxString& command, bool sync)
- if (command == "")
- return 0;
-#ifdef __WIN32__
- char * cl;
- char * argp;
- int clen;
- HINSTANCE result;
- DWORD dresult;
- // copy the command line
- clen = command.Length();
- if (!clen) return -1;
- cl = (char *) calloc( 1, 256);
- if (!cl) return -1;
- strcpy( cl, WXSTRINGCAST command);
- // isolate command and arguments
- argp = strchr( cl, ' ');
- if (argp)
- *argp++ = '\0';
- // execute the command
-#ifdef __GNUWIN32__
- result = ShellExecute( (HWND) (wxTheApp->GetTopWindow() ? (HWND) wxTheApp->GetTopWindow()->GetHWND() : NULL),
- (const wchar_t) "open", (const wchar_t) cl, (const wchar_t) argp, (const wchar_t) NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- result = ShellExecute( (HWND) (wxTheApp->GetTopWindow() ? wxTheApp->GetTopWindow()->GetHWND() : NULL),
- "open", cl, argp, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- if (((long)result) <= 32) {
- free(cl);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!sync)
- {
- free(cl);
- return dresult;
- }
- // waiting until command executed
- do {
- wxYield();
- dresult = GetModuleFileName( result, cl, 256);
- } while( dresult);
- /* long lastError = GetLastError(); */
- free(cl);
- return 0;
- long instanceID = WinExec((LPCSTR) WXSTRINGCAST command, SW_SHOW);
- if (instanceID < 32) return(0);
- if (sync) {
- int running;
- do {
- wxYield();
- running = GetModuleUsage((HANDLE)instanceID);
- } while (running);
- }
- return(instanceID);
int wxKill(long pid, int sig)
return 0;
+// Chris Breeze 27/5/98: revised WIN32 code to
+// detect WindowsNT correctly
int wxGetOsVersion(int *majorVsn, int *minorVsn)
extern char *wxOsVersion;
- if (majorVsn)
- *majorVsn = 0;
- if (minorVsn)
- *minorVsn = 0;
+ if (majorVsn) *majorVsn = 0;
+ if (minorVsn) *minorVsn = 0;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
+ info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
+ if (GetVersionEx(&info))
+ {
+ if (majorVsn) *majorVsn = info.dwMajorVersion;
+ if (minorVsn) *minorVsn = info.dwMinorVersion;
+ switch (info.dwPlatformId)
+ {
+ return wxWIN32S;
+ break;
+ return wxWIN95;
+ break;
+ return wxWINDOWS_NT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return wxWINDOWS; // error if we get here, return generic value
+ // Win16 code...
int retValue ;
-#ifndef __WIN32__
-#ifdef __WINDOWS_386__
+# ifdef __WINDOWS_386__
retValue = wxWIN386;
-#if !defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(__GNUWIN32__) && USE_PENWINDOWS
+# else
+# if !defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(GNUWIN32)
extern HANDLE hPenWin;
retValue = hPenWin ? wxPENWINDOWS : wxWINDOWS ;
- DWORD Version = GetVersion() ;
- WORD lowWord = LOWORD(Version) ;
- if (wxOsVersion)
- {
- if (strcmp(wxOsVersion, "Win95") == 0)
- return wxWIN95;
- else if (strcmp(wxOsVersion, "Win32s") == 0)
- return wxWIN32S;
- else if (strcmp(wxOsVersion, "Windows") == 0)
- return wxWINDOWS;
- else if (strcmp(wxOsVersion, "WinNT") == 0)
- return wxWINDOWS_NT;
- }
- bool Win32s = (( Version & 0x80000000 ) != 0);
- bool Win95 = (( Version & 0xFF ) >= 4);
- bool WinNT = Version < 0x80000000;
- // Get the version number
- if (majorVsn)
- *majorVsn = LOBYTE( lowWord );
- if (minorVsn)
- *minorVsn = HIBYTE( lowWord );
- if (Win95)
- return wxWIN95;
- else if (Win32s)
- return wxWIN32S;
- else if (WinNT)
- return wxWINDOWS_NT;
- else
- return wxWINDOWS;
-// retValue = ((high & 0x8000)==0) ? wxWINDOWS_NT : wxWIN32S ;
+# endif
+# endif
// @@@@ To be completed. I don't have the manual here...
if (majorVsn) *majorVsn = 3 ;
if (minorVsn) *minorVsn = 1 ;
return retValue ;
// Reading and writing resources (eg WIN.INI, .Xdefaults)