@param menu
The menu to add. Do not deallocate this menu after calling Append().
@param title
- The title of the menu.
+ The title of the menu, must be non-empty.
@return @true on success, @false if an error occurred.
@section menu_allocation Allocation strategy
- All menus except the popup ones must be created on the @b heap.
- All menus attached to a menubar or to another menu will be deleted by their
- parent when it is deleted.
+ All menus must be created on the @b heap because all menus attached to a
+ menubar or to another menu will be deleted by their parent when it is
+ deleted. The only exception to this rule are the popup menus (i.e. menus
+ used with wxWindow::PopupMenu()) as wxWidgets does not destroy them to
+ allow reusing the same menu more than once. But the exception applies only
+ to the menus themselves and not to any submenus of popup menus which are
+ still destroyed by wxWidgets as usual and so must be heap-allocated.
As the frame menubar is deleted by the frame itself, it means that normally
all menus used are deleted automatically.
The menu command identifier.
@param item
The string to appear on the menu item.
+ See wxMenuItem::SetItemLabel() for more details.
@param helpString
An optional help string associated with the item.
- By default, the handler for the wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT event displays
+ By default, the handler for the @c wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT event displays
this string in the status line.
@param kind
+ Example:
+ @code
+ m_pFileMenu->Append(ID_NEW_FILE, "&New file\tCTRL+N", "Creates a new XYZ document");
+ @endcode
+ or even better for stock menu items (see wxMenuItem::wxMenuItem):
+ @code
+ m_pFileMenu->Append(wxID_NEW, "", "Creates a new XYZ document");
+ @endcode
This command can be used after the menu has been shown, as well as on
initial creation of a menu or menubar.
- The item string for the normal menu items (not submenus or separators)
- may include the accelerator which can be used to activate the menu item
- from keyboard.
- The accelerator string follows the item label and is separated from it
- by a TAB character ('\\t').
- Its general syntax is any combination of "CTRL", "ALT" and "SHIFT" strings
- (case doesn't matter) separated by either '-' or '+' characters and followed
- by the accelerator itself.
- The accelerator may be any alphanumeric character, any function key
- (from F1 to F12) or one of the special characters listed in the table
- below (again, case doesn't matter):
- - DEL or DELETE: Delete key
- - INS or INSERT: Insert key
- - ENTER or RETURN: Enter key
- - PGUP: PageUp key
- - PGDN: PageDown key
- - LEFT: Left cursor arrow key
- - RIGHT: Right cursor arrow key
- - UP: Up cursor arrow key
- - DOWN: Down cursor arrow key
- - HOME: Home key
- - END: End key
- - SPACE: Space
- - TAB: Tab key
- - ESC: or ESCAPE Escape key (Windows only)
@see AppendSeparator(), AppendCheckItem(), AppendRadioItem(),
AppendSubMenu(), Insert(), SetLabel(), GetHelpString(),
SetHelpString(), wxMenuItem