+ @class AutoCaptureMechanism
+ AutoCaptureMechanism provides an easy-to-use and adjustable facility to take the screenshots
+ for all controls fully automaticly and correctly. It also provides an advanced feature to
+ union screenshots of different states/modes of a control.
+ @section tag_filename_convention Screenshot File Name Convention
+ All screenshots are generated as PNG files. For a control named wxName, its screenshot file
+ name would be "name.png", e.g. "button.png" for wxButton. This is the protocol with the
+ doxygen document of wxWidgets.
+ By default, screenshots are generated under the subdirectory "screenshots" of current working
+ directory. During updating or adding new screenshots, first make sure screenshots are generated
+ correctly, and then copy them to the following subdirectory of docs/doxygen/images:
+ "wxmsw" for MS Windows, "wxgtk" for Linux and "wxmac" for Mac OS.
+ @section tag_gui_assumption The Assumption of GUI
+ Unfortunately, this class have an assumption about the structure of GUI:
+ It must have the follwoing top-down structure:
+ wxNotebook->wxPanel->wxSizer->wxControl
+ That means, in the wxNotebook associated with this class, controls that needs to be
+ taken screenshots are placed on different panels(for grouping) and layed out by wxSizers.
+ @section tag_tutorial Tutorial
+ In the contruction, you should associate a wxNotebook with this class, in that wxNotebook,
+ controls that needs to be captured are placed on different panels(for grouping).
+ When you register controls, you should do it in order: Register the controls on the first
+ panel(using RegisterControl()), and then register a page turn(using RegisterPageTurn()),
+ so this class can turn a page of the wxNotebook to present the second page. And then
+ you register the controls on the second panel, then a page turn, and so on.