#include "wx/utils.h"
-#include "wx/osx/cocoa/dataview.h"
#include "wx/osx/private.h"
+#include "wx/osx/cocoa/dataview.h"
#include "wx/renderer.h"
// ============================================================================
NSInteger result = NSOrderedSame;
for ( NSUInteger i = 0; i < count && result == NSOrderedSame; ++i )
- // constant definition for abbreviational purposes:
wxSortDescriptorObject* const
sortDescriptor = (wxSortDescriptorObject*)
[sortDescriptors objectAtIndex:i];
delete dataObjects;
+ return dragSuccessful;
-(id) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView
-(void) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView sortDescriptorsDidChange:(NSArray*)oldDescriptors
-// Warning: the new sort descriptors are guaranteed to be only of type NSSortDescriptor! Therefore, the
-// sort descriptors for the data source have to be converted.
+ // Warning: the new sort descriptors are guaranteed to be only of type
+ // NSSortDescriptor! Therefore, the sort descriptors for the data source
+ // have to be converted.
NSArray* newDescriptors;
NSMutableArray* wxSortDescriptors;
wxSortDescriptors = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:noOfDescriptors];
for (NSUInteger i=0; i<noOfDescriptors; ++i)
- // constant definition for abbreviational purposes:
NSSortDescriptor* const newDescriptor = [newDescriptors objectAtIndex:i];
[wxSortDescriptors addObject:[[[wxSortDescriptorObject alloc] initWithModelPtr:model
sortingColumnPtr:dvc->GetColumn([[newDescriptor key] intValue])
ascending:[newDescriptor ascending]] autorelease]];
- [[outlineView dataSource] setSortDescriptors:wxSortDescriptors];
+ [(wxCocoaOutlineDataSource*)[outlineView dataSource] setSortDescriptors:wxSortDescriptors];
- // send first the event to wxWidgets that the sorting has changed so that the program can do special actions before
- // the sorting actually starts:
+ // send first the event to wxWidgets that the sorting has changed so that
+ // the program can do special actions before the sorting actually starts:
wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_SORTED,dvc->GetId()); // variable defintion
if (noOfDescriptors > 0)
- // constant definition for abbreviational purposes:
wxDataViewColumn* const col = [[wxSortDescriptors objectAtIndex:0] columnPtr];
- CFDataRef osxData; // needed to convert internally used UTF-16 representation to a UTF-8 representation
+ // needed to convert internally used UTF-16 representation to a UTF-8
+ // representation
+ CFDataRef osxData;
wxDataObjectComposite* dataObjects (new wxDataObjectComposite());
wxTextDataObject* textDataObject(new wxTextDataObject());
-(BOOL) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView writeItems:(NSArray*)writeItems toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pasteboard
-// the pasteboard will be filled up with an array containing the data as returned by the events (including the data type)
-// and a concatenation of text (string) data; the text data will only be put onto the pasteboard if for all items a
-// string representation exists
+ // the pasteboard will be filled up with an array containing the data as
+ // returned by the events (including the data type) and a concatenation of
+ // text (string) data; the text data will only be put onto the pasteboard
+ // if for all items a string representation exists
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
wxDataViewItemArray dataViewItems;
NSMutableArray* dataArray = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[writeItems count]] retain]; // data of all items
wxString dataString; // contains the string data of all items
- // send a begin drag event for all selected items and proceed with dragging unless the event is vetoed:
+ // send a begin drag event for all selected items and proceed with
+ // dragging unless the event is vetoed:
// check if event has not been vetoed:
if (dvc->HandleWindowEvent(event) && event.IsAllowed() && (event.GetDataObject()->GetFormatCount() > 0))
- // constant definition for abbreviational purposes:
size_t const noOfFormats = event.GetDataObject()->GetFormatCount();
- // variable definition and initialization:
wxDataFormat* dataFormats(new wxDataFormat[noOfFormats]);
switch (idDataFormat)
case wxDF_TEXT:
- if (!itemStringAvailable) // otherwise wxDF_UNICODETEXT already filled up the string; and the UNICODE representation has priority
+ // otherwise wxDF_UNICODETEXT already filled up
+ // the string; and the UNICODE representation has
+ // priority
+ if (!itemStringAvailable)
CGFloat const cellSpace = cellFrame.size.width-[self cellSize].width;
- if (cellSpace <= 0) // if the cell's frame is smaller than its contents (at least in x-direction) make sure that the image is visible:
+ // if the cell's frame is smaller than its contents (at least
+ // in x-direction) make sure that the image is visible:
+ if (cellSpace <= 0)
else // otherwise center the image and text in the cell's frame
CGFloat const cellSpace = cellFrame.size.width-[self cellSize].width;
- if (cellSpace <= 0) // if the cell's frame is smaller than its contents (at least in x-direction) make sure that the image is visible:
+ // if the cell's frame is smaller than its contents (at least
+ // in x-direction) make sure that the image is visible:
+ if (cellSpace <= 0)
else // otherwise right align the image and text in the cell's frame
[self determineCellParts:cellFrame imagePart:&imageFrame textPart:&textFrame];
// draw the image part by ourselves;
- // check if the cell has to draw its own background (checking is done by the parameter of the textfield's cell):
+ // check if the cell has to draw its own background (checking is done by
+ // the parameter of the textfield's cell):
if ([self drawsBackground])
[[self backgroundColor] set];
if (image != nil)
- // the image is slightly shifted (xImageShift) and has a fixed size but the image's frame might be larger and starts
- // currently on the left side of the cell's frame; therefore, the origin and the image's frame size have to be adjusted:
+ // the image is slightly shifted (xImageShift) and has a fixed size
+ // but the image's frame might be larger and starts currently on the
+ // left side of the cell's frame; therefore, the origin and the
+ // image's frame size have to be adjusted:
if (imageFrame.size.width >= xImageShift+imageSize.width+spaceImageText)
imageFrame.origin.x += imageFrame.size.width-imageSize.width-spaceImageText;
imageFrame.size.height = imageSize.height;
imageFrame.origin.y += ceil(0.5*(cellFrame.size.height-imageFrame.size.height));
- // according to the documentation the coordinate system should be flipped for NSTableViews (y-coordinate goes from top to bottom);
- // to draw an image correctly the coordinate system has to be transformed to a bottom-top coordinate system, otherwise the image's
+ // according to the documentation the coordinate system should be
+ // flipped for NSTableViews (y-coordinate goes from top to bottom); to
+ // draw an image correctly the coordinate system has to be transformed
+ // to a bottom-top coordinate system, otherwise the image's
// content is flipped:
NSAffineTransform* coordinateTransform([NSAffineTransform transform]);
[image drawInRect:imageFrame fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0]; // suggested method to draw the image
// instead of compositeToPoint:operation:
- // take back previous transformation (if the view is not flipped the coordinate transformation matrix contains the identity matrix
- // and the next two operations do not change the content's transformation matrix):
+ // take back previous transformation (if the view is not flipped the
+ // coordinate transformation matrix contains the identity matrix and
+ // the next two operations do not change the content's transformation
+ // matrix):
[coordinateTransform invert];
[coordinateTransform concat];
// let the textfield cell draw the text part:
- if (textFrame.size.width > [self cellTextSize].width) // for unknown reasons the alignment of the text cell is ignored; therefore change the size so that
- textFrame.size.width = [self cellTextSize].width; // alignment does not influence the visualization anymore
+ if (textFrame.size.width > [self cellTextSize].width)
+ {
+ // for unknown reasons the alignment of the text cell is ignored;
+ // therefore change the size so that alignment does not influence the
+ // visualization anymore
+ textFrame.size.width = [self cellTextSize].width;
+ }
[super drawWithFrame:textFrame inView:controlView];
if (imageFrame.size.height > imageSize.height)
imageFrame.size.height = imageSize.height;
imageFrame.origin.y += ceil(0.5*(cellFrame.size.height-imageFrame.size.height));
- // If the point is in the image rect, then it is a content hit (see documentation for hitTestForEvent:inRect:ofView):
+ // If the point is in the image rect, then it is a content hit (see
+ // documentation for hitTestForEvent:inRect:ofView):
if (NSMouseInRect(point, imageFrame, [controlView isFlipped]))
return NSCellHitContentArea;
// if the image was not hit let's try the text part:
- if (textFrame.size.width > [self cellTextSize].width) // for unknown reasons the alignment of the text cell is ignored; therefore change the size so that
- textFrame.size.width = [self cellTextSize].width; // alignment does not influence the visualization anymore
+ if (textFrame.size.width > [self cellTextSize].width)
+ {
+ // for unknown reasons the alignment of the text cell is ignored;
+ // therefore change the size so that alignment does not influence the
+ // visualization anymore
+ textFrame.size.width = [self cellTextSize].width;
+ }
return [super hitTestForEvent:event inRect:textFrame ofView:controlView];
// actions
-(void) actionDoubleClick:(id)sender
-// actually the documentation (NSTableView 2007-10-31) for doubleAction: and setDoubleAction: seems to be wrong as this action message is always sent
-// whether the cell is editable or not
+ // actually the documentation (NSTableView 2007-10-31) for doubleAction:
+ // and setDoubleAction: seems to be wrong as this action message is always
+ // sent whether the cell is editable or not
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
- wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED,dvc->GetId()); // variable definition
+ wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED,dvc->GetId());
// contextual menus
-(NSMenu*) menuForEvent:(NSEvent*)theEvent
-// this method does not do any special menu event handling but only sends an event message; therefore, the user
-// has full control if a context menu should be shown or not
+ // this method does not do any special menu event handling but only sends
+ // an event message; therefore, the user has full control if a context
+ // menu should be shown or not
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU,dvc->GetId());
// get the item information;
- // theoretically more than one ID can be returned but the event can only handle one item, therefore only the first
- // item of the array is returned:
+ // theoretically more than one ID can be returned but the event can only
+ // handle one item, therefore only the first item of the array is
+ // returned:
if (dvc->GetSelections(selectedItems) > 0)
// now, check if the click may have had an influence on sorting, too;
- // the sorting setup has to be done only if the clicked table column is sortable and has not been used for
- // sorting before the click; if the column is already responsible for sorting the native control changes
- // the sorting direction automatically and informs the data source via outlineView:sortDescriptorsDidChange:
+ // the sorting setup has to be done only if the clicked table column is
+ // sortable and has not been used for sorting before the click; if the
+ // column is already responsible for sorting the native control changes
+ // the sorting direction automatically and informs the data source via
+ // outlineView:sortDescriptorsDidChange:
if (col->IsSortable() && ([tableColumn sortDescriptorPrototype] == nil))
- // remove the sort order from the previously sorted column table (it can also be that
- // no sorted column table exists):
+ // remove the sort order from the previously sorted column table (it
+ // can also be that no sorted column table exists):
UInt32 const noOfColumns = [outlineView numberOfColumns];
for (UInt32 i=0; i<noOfColumns; ++i)
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
- wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_COLLAPSING,dvc->GetId()); // variable definition
+ wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_COLLAPSING,dvc->GetId());
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
- wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EXPANDING,dvc->GetId()); // variable definition
+ wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EXPANDING,dvc->GetId());
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
- wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED,dvc->GetId()); // variable definition
+ wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED,dvc->GetId());
- event.SetModel (dvc->GetModel());
+ event.SetModel(dvc->GetModel());
+ event.SetItem(dvc->GetSelection());
-(void) textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification*)notification
-// this notification is only sent if the user started modifying the cell (not when the user clicked into the cell
-// and the cell's editor is called!)
- // call method of superclass (otherwise editing does not work correctly - the outline data source class is not
- // informed about a change of data):
+ // this notification is only sent if the user started modifying the cell
+ // (not when the user clicked into the cell and the cell's editor is
+ // called!)
+ // call method of superclass (otherwise editing does not work correctly -
+ // the outline data source class is not informed about a change of data):
[super textDidBeginEditing:notification];
// remember the column being edited, it will be used in textDidEndEditing:
// now, send the event:
- event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_STARTED,dvc->GetId()); // variable definition
-(void) textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification*)notification
- // call method of superclass (otherwise editing does not work correctly - the outline data source class is not
- // informed about a change of data):
+ // call method of superclass (otherwise editing does not work correctly -
+ // the outline data source class is not informed about a change of data):
[super textDidEndEditing:notification];
- // under OSX an event indicating the end of an editing session can be sent even if no event indicating a start of an
- // editing session has been sent (see Documentation for NSControl controlTextDidEndEditing:); this is not expected by a user
- // of the wxWidgets library and therefore an wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_DONE event is only sent if a corresponding
- // has been sent the last edited column/row are valid:
+ // under OSX an event indicating the end of an editing session can be sent
+ // even if no event indicating a start of an editing session has been sent
+ // (see Documentation for NSControl controlTextDidEndEditing:); this is
+ // not expected by a user of the wxWidgets library and therefore an
+ // wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_DONE event is only sent if a
+ // corresponding wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_STARTED has been sent
+ // before; to check if a wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_STARTED has
+ // been sent the last edited column/row are valid:
if ( currentlyEditedColumn != -1 && currentlyEditedRow != -1 )
wxDataViewColumn* const col =
// send event to wxWidgets:
- event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_DONE,dvc->GetId()); // variable definition
// selection related methods (inherited from wxDataViewWidgetImpl)
+wxDataViewItem wxCocoaDataViewControl::GetCurrentItem() const
+ return wxDataViewItem([[m_OutlineView itemAtRow:[m_OutlineView selectedRow]] pointer]);
+void wxCocoaDataViewControl::SetCurrentItem(const wxDataViewItem& item)
+ // We can't have unselected current item in a NSTableView, as the
+ // documentation of its deselectRow method explains, the control will
+ // automatically change the current item to the closest still selected item
+ // if the current item is deselected. So we have no choice but to select
+ // the item in the same time as making it current.
+ Select(item);
int wxCocoaDataViewControl::GetSelections(wxDataViewItemArray& sel) const
NSIndexSet* selectedRowIndexes([m_OutlineView selectedRowIndexes]);
if (item.IsOk())
[m_OutlineView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[m_OutlineView rowForItem:[m_DataSource getDataViewItemFromBuffer:item]]]
- byExtendingSelection:NO];
+ byExtendingSelection:GetDataViewCtrl()->HasFlag(wxDV_MULTIPLE) ? YES : NO];
void wxCocoaDataViewControl::SelectAll()
[cell release];
+// This method returns 'true' if
+// - the passed bitmap is valid and it could be assigned to the native data
+// browser;
+// - the passed bitmap is invalid (or is not initialized); this case
+// simulates a non-existing bitmap.
+// In all other cases the method returns 'false'.
bool wxDataViewBitmapRenderer::MacRender()
- // This method returns 'true' if
- // - the passed bitmap is valid and it could be assigned to the native data browser;
- // - the passed bitmap is invalid (or is not initialized); this case simulates a non-existing bitmap.
- // In all other cases the method returns 'false'.
wxCHECK_MSG(GetValue().GetType() == GetVariantType(),false,wxString("Bitmap renderer cannot render value; value type: ") << GetValue().GetType());
if (GetValue().GetDateTime().IsValid())
// -- find best fitting style to show the date --
- // as the style should be identical for all cells a reference date instead of the actual cell's date
- // value is used for all cells; this reference date is stored in the renderer's native data section
- // for speed purposes; otherwise, the reference date's string has to be recalculated for each item that
- // may become timewise long if a lot of rows using dates exist;
- // the algorithm has the preference to display as much information as possible in the first instance;
- // but as this is often impossible due to space restrictions the style is shortened per loop; finally,
- // if the shortest time and date format does not fit into the cell the time part is dropped;
- // remark: the time part itself is not modified per iteration loop and only uses the short style,
- // means that only the hours and minutes are being shown
- [GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() setObjectValue:GetNativeData()->GetObject()]; // GetObject() returns a date for testing the size of a date object
+ // as the style should be identical for all cells a reference date
+ // instead of the actual cell's date value is used for all cells;
+ // this reference date is stored in the renderer's native data
+ // section for speed purposes; otherwise, the reference date's
+ // string has to be recalculated for each item that may become
+ // timewise long if a lot of rows using dates exist; the algorithm
+ // has the preference to display as much information as possible
+ // in the first instance; but as this is often impossible due to
+ // space restrictions the style is shortened per loop; finally, if
+ // the shortest time and date format does not fit into the cell
+ // the time part is dropped; remark: the time part itself is not
+ // modified per iteration loop and only uses the short style,
+ // means that only the hours and minutes are being shown
+ // GetObject() returns a date for testing the size of a date object
+ [GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() setObjectValue:GetNativeData()->GetObject()];
[[GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() formatter] setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];
for (int dateFormatterStyle=4; dateFormatterStyle>0; --dateFormatterStyle)
[[GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() formatter] setDateStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)dateFormatterStyle];
if (dateFormatterStyle == 1)
- // if the shortest style for displaying the date and time is too long to be fully visible remove the time part of the date:
+ // if the shortest style for displaying the date and time
+ // is too long to be fully visible remove the time part of
+ // the date:
if ([GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() cellSize].width > [GetNativeData()->GetColumnPtr() width])
[[GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() formatter] setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle];
- break; // basically not necessary as the loop would end anyway but let's save the last comparison
+ {
+ // basically not necessary as the loop would end anyway
+ // but let's save the last comparison
+ break;
+ }
else if ([GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() cellSize].width <= [GetNativeData()->GetColumnPtr() width])
- // set data (the style is set by the previous loop);
- // on OSX the date has to be specified with respect to UTC; in wxWidgets the date is always entered in the local timezone; so, we have to do a conversion
- // from the local to UTC timezone when adding the seconds to 1970-01-01 UTC:
+ // set data (the style is set by the previous loop); on OSX the
+ // date has to be specified with respect to UTC; in wxWidgets the
+ // date is always entered in the local timezone; so, we have to do
+ // a conversion from the local to UTC timezone when adding the
+ // seconds to 1970-01-01 UTC:
[GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() setObjectValue:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:GetValue().GetDateTime().ToUTC().Subtract(wxDateTime(1,wxDateTime::Jan,1970)).GetSeconds().ToDouble()]];
return true;
void wxDataViewColumn::SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap)
- // bitmaps and titles cannot exist at the same time - if the bitmap is set the title is removed:
+ // bitmaps and titles cannot exist at the same time - if the bitmap is set
+ // the title is removed:
m_title = wxEmptyString;
[[m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() headerCell] setImage:[[bitmap.GetNSImage() retain] autorelease]];
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetHidden(bool hidden)
+ // How to set flag here?
+ [m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() setHidden:hidden];
+bool wxDataViewColumn::IsHidden() const
+ return [m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() isHidden];
void wxDataViewColumn::SetResizeable(bool resizeable)
void wxDataViewColumn::SetTitle(const wxString& title)
- // bitmaps and titles cannot exist at the same time - if the title is set the bitmap is removed:
+ // bitmaps and titles cannot exist at the same time - if the title is set
+ // the bitmap is removed:
m_title = title;
[[m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() headerCell] setStringValue:[[wxCFStringRef(title).AsNSString() retain] autorelease]];