%% Copyright: (c) wxWindows team
%% Licence: wxWindows licence
+% NB: please keep the subsections in alphabetic order!
\section{wxWindows samples}\label{samples}
features of wxWindows are they supposed to test.
There are currently more than 50 different samples as part of wxWindows and
-this list is not complete.
+this list is not complete. You should start your tour of wxWindows with the
+\helpref{minimal sample}{sampleminimal} which is the wxWindows version of
+"Hello, world!". It shows the basic structure of wxWindows program and is the
+most commented sample of all - looking at its source code is recommended.
+The next most useful sample is probably the \helpref{controls}{samplecontrols}
+one which shows many of wxWindows standard controls, such as buttons,
+listboxes, checkboxes, comboboxes etc.
+Other, more complicated controls, have their own samples. In this category you
+may find the following samples showing the corresponding controls:
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxCalendarCtrl}{samplecalendar}}{Calendar a.k.a. date picker control}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxListCtrl}{samplelistctrl}}{List view control}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxTreeCtrl}{sampletreectrl}}{Tree view control}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxGrid}{samplegrid}}{Grid control}
+Finally, it might be helpful to do a search in the entire sample directory if
+you can't find the sample you showing the control you are interested in by
+name. Most of wxWindows classes, occur in at least one of the samples.
\subsection{Minimal sample}\label{sampleminimal}
See \helpref{wxConfig overview}{wxconfigoverview} for the descriptions of all
features of this class.
+\subsection{Controls sample}\label{samplecontrols}
+The controls sample is the main test program for most simple controls used in
+wxWindows. The sample tests their basic functionality, events, placement,
+modification in terms of colour and font as well as the possibility to change
+the controls programmatically, such as adding item to a list box etc. Apart
+from that, the sample uses a \helpref{wxNotebook}{wxnotebook} and tests most
+fetaures of this special control (using bitmap in the tabs, using
+\helpref{wxSizers}{wxsizer} and \helpref{constraints}{wxlayoutconstraints} within
+notebook pages, advanving pages programmatically and vetoing a page change
+by intercepting the \helpref{wxNotebookEvent}{wxnotebookevent}.
+The various controls tested are listed here:
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxButton}{wxbutton}}{Push button control, displaying text}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxBitmapButton}{wxbitmapbutton}}{Push button control, displaying a bitmap}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxCheckBox}{wxcheckbox}}{Checkbox control}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxChoice}{wxchoice}}{Choice control (a combobox without the editable area)}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxComboBox}{wxcombobox}}{A choice with an editable area}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxGauge}{wxgauge}}{A control to represent a varying quantity, such as time remaining}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxStaticBox}{wxstaticbox}}{A static, or group box for visually grouping related controls}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxListBox}{wxlistbox}}{A list of strings for single or multiple selection}
+\twocolitem{wxSpinCtrl}{A spin ctrl with a text field and a `up-down' control}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxSpinButton}{wxspinbutton}}{A spin or `up-down' control}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxStaticText}{wxstatictext}}{One or more lines of non-editable text}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxStaticBitmap}{wxstaticbitmap}}{A control to display a bitmap}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxRadioBox}{wxradiobox}}{A group of radio buttons}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxRadioButton}{wxradiobutton}}{A round button to be used with others in a mutually exclusive way}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxSlider}{wxslider}}{A slider that can be dragged by the user}
+\subsection{Database sample}\label{sampledb}
+The database sample is a small test program showing how to use the ODBC
+classes written by Remstar Intl. These classes are documented in a separate
+manual available from the wxWindows homepage. Obviously, this sample
+requires a database with ODBC support to be correctly installed on your
\subsection{Dialogs sample}\label{sampledialogs}
This sample shows how to use the common dialogs available from wxWindows. These
the aim to prevent unnecessary drawing in the window and thus reducing or removing
flicker on screen.
+\subsection{Rotate sample}\label{samplerotate}
+This is a simple example which demonstrates how to rotate an image with
+the \helpref{wxImage::Rotate}{wximagerotate} method. The rotation can
+be done without interpolation (left mouse button) which will be faster,
+or with interpolation (right mouse button) which is slower but gives
+better results.
\subsection{Font sample}\label{samplefont}
The font sample demonstrates \helpref{wxFont}{wxfont},
Take a look at DnDShapeDataObject class to see how you may use
\helpref{wxDataObject}{wxdataobject} to achieve this.
+\subsection{Grid sample}\label{samplegrid}
\subsection{HTML samples}\label{samplehtml}
Eight HTML samples (you can find them in directory {\tt samples/html})
while {\it Helpview} is simple tool that only pops up help window and
displays help books given at command line.
+\subsection{Image sample}\label{sampleimage}
+The image sample demonstrates the use of the \helpref{wxImage}{wximage} class
+and shows how to download images in a variety of formats, currently PNG, GIF,
+TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PNM and PCX. The top of the sample shows to rectangles, one
+of which is drawn directly in the window, the other one is drawn into a
+\helpref{wxBitmap}{wxbitmap}, converted to a wxImage, saved as a PNG image
+and then reloaded from the PNG file again so that conversions between wxImage
+and wxBitmap as well as loading and save PNG files are tested.
+At the bottom of the main frame is a test for using a monochrome bitmap by
+drawing into a \helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}. The bitmap is then drawn
+specifying the foreground and background colours with
+\helpref{wxDC::SetTextForeground}{wxdcsettextforeground} and
+\helpref{wxDC::SetTextBackground}{wxdcsettextbackground} (on the left). The
+bitmap is then converted to a wxImage and the foreground colour (black) is
+replaced with red using \helpref{wxImage::Replace}{wximagereplace}.
\subsection{Layout sample}\label{samplelayout}
The layout sample demonstrates the two different layout systems offered
class. See also \helpref{wxNotebookSizer}{wxnotebooksizer} and
+\subsection{Listctrl sample}\label{samplelistctrl}
+This sample shows \helpref{wxListCtrl}{wxlistctrl} control. Different modes
+supported by the control (list, icons, small icons, report) may be chosen from
+the menu.
+The sample also provides some timings for adding/deleting/sorting a lot of
+(several thousands) controls into the control.
+\subsection{Sockets sample}\label{samplesockets}
+The sockets sample demonstrates how to use the communication facilities
+provided by \helpref{wxSocket}{wxsocketbase}. There are two different
+applications in this sample: a server, which is implemented using a
+\helpref{wxSocketServer}{wxsocketserver} object, and a client, which
+is implemented as a \helpref{wxSocketClient}{wxsocketclient}.
+The server binds to the local address, using TCP port number 3000,
+sets up an event handler to be notified of incoming connection requests
+({\bf wxSOCKET\_CONNECTION} events), and stands there, waiting for clients
+({\it listening} in the socket parlance). For each accepted connection,
+a new \helpref{wxSocketBase}{wxsocketbase} object is created. These
+socket objects are independent from the server that created them, so
+they set up their own event handler, and then request to be notified
+of {\bf wxSOCKET\_INPUT} (incoming data) or {\bf wxSOCKET\_LOST}
+(connection closed at the remote end) events. In the sample, the event
+handler is the same for all connections; to find out which socket the
+event is addressed to, the \helpref{GetSocket}{wxsocketeventgetsocket}
+function is used.
+Although it might take some time to get used to the event-oriented
+system upon which wxSocket is built, the benefits are many. See, for
+example, that the server application, while being single-threaded
+(and of course without using fork() or ugly select() loops) can handle
+an arbitrary number of connections.
+The client starts up unconnected, so you can use the Connect... option
+to specify the address of the server you are going to connect to (the
+TCP port number is hard-coded as 3000). Once connected, a number of
+tests are possible. Currently, three tests are implemented. They show
+how to use the basic IO calls in \helpref{wxSocketBase}{wxsocketbase},
+such as \helpref{Read}{wxsocketbaseread}, \helpref{Write}{wxsocketbasewrite},
+\helpref{ReadMsg}{wxsocketbasereadmsg} and \helpref{WriteMsg}{wxsocketbasewritemsg},
+and how to set up the correct IO flags depending on what you are going to
+do. See the comments in the code for more information. Note that because
+both clients and connection objects in the server set up an event handler
+to catch {\bf wxSOCKET\_LOST} events, each one is immediately notified
+if the other end closes the connection.
+There is also an URL test which shows how to use the \helpref{wxURL}{wxurl}
+class to fetch data from a given URL.
+The sockets sample is work in progress. Some things to do:
+\item More tests for basic socket functionality.
+\item More tests for protocol classes (wxProtocol and its descendants).
+\item Tests for the recently added (and still in alpha stage) datagram sockets.
+\item New samples which actually do something useful (suggestions accepted).
+\subsection{Statbar sample}\label{samplestatbar}
+This sample shows how to create and use wxStatusBar. Although most of the
+samples have a statusbar, they usually only create a default one and only
+do it once.
+Here you can see how to recreate the statusbar (with possibly different number
+of fields) and how to use it to show icons/bitmaps and/or put arbitrary
+controls into it.
\subsection{Text sample}\label{sampletext}
This sample demonstrates four features: firstly the use and many variants of
password, ignoring TAB, ignoring ENTER).
Secondly it shows how to intercept a \helpref{wxKeyEvent}{wxkeyevent} in both
-the raw form using the {\tt EVT_KEY_UP} and {\tt EVT_KEY_DOWN} macros and the
-higherlevel from using the {\tt EVT_CHAR} macro. All characters will be logged
+the raw form using the {\tt EVT\_KEY\_UP} and {\tt EVT\_KEY\_DOWN} macros and the
+higherlevel from using the {\tt EVT\_CHAR} macro. All characters will be logged
in a log window at the bottom of the main window. By pressing some of the function
keys, you can test some actions in the text ctrl as well as get statitics on the
text ctrls, which is useful for testing if these statitics actually are correct.
The following things are demonstrated:
-\item Creating the toolbar using \helpref{wxToolBar::AddTool}{wxtoolbaraddtool}
+\item Creating the toolbar using \helpref{wxToolBar::AddTool}{wxtoolbaraddtool}
and \helpref{wxToolBar::AddControl}{wxtoolbaraddcontrol}: see
MyApp::InitToolbar in the sample.
\item Using {\tt EVT\_UPDATE\_UI} handler for automatically enabling/disabling
toolbar buttons without having to explicitly call EnableTool. This is is done
in MyFrame::OnUpdateCopyAndCut.
\item Using \helpref{wxToolBar::DeleteTool}{wxtoolbardeletetool} and
\helpref{wxToolBar::InsertTool}{wxtoolbarinserttool} to dynamically update the
+\subsection{Treectrl sample}\label{sampletreectrl}
+This sample demonstrates using \helpref{wxTreeCtrl}{wxtreectrl} class. Here
+you may see how to process various notification messages sent by this control
+and also when they occur (by looking at the messages in the text control in
+the bottom part of the frame).
+Adding, inserting and deleting items and branches from the tree as well as
+sorting (in default alphabetical order as well as in custom one) is
+demonstrated here as well - try the corresponding menu entries.