#include "wx/dialog.h"
#include "wx/settings.h"
#include "wx/dcclient.h"
+ #include "wx/mdi.h"
#endif // WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/os2/private.h"
extern wxWindowList wxModelessWindows;
extern wxList WXDLLEXPORT wxPendingDelete;
-extern wxChar wxFrameClassName[];
extern wxMenu *wxCurrentPopupMenu;
void wxFrame::Init()
- m_bIconized = FALSE;
- m_hWndToolTip = 0;
- // Data to save/restore when calling ShowFullScreen
- m_lFsStyle = 0L;
- m_lFsOldWindowStyle = 0L;
m_nFsStatusBarFields = 0;
m_nFsStatusBarHeight = 0;
m_nFsToolBarHeight = 0;
- m_bFsIsMaximized = FALSE;
+ m_hWndToolTip = 0L;
m_bWasMinimized = FALSE;
- m_bFsIsShowing = FALSE;
- m_bIsShown = FALSE;
- m_pWinLastFocused = (wxWindow *)NULL;
+ m_pWinLastFocused = NULL;
+ m_frameMenuBar = NULL;
+ m_frameToolBar = NULL;
+ m_frameStatusBar = NULL;
- m_hFrame = NULL;
- m_hTitleBar = NULL;
- m_hHScroll = NULL;
- m_hVScroll = NULL;
+ m_hTitleBar = NULLHANDLE;
+ m_hHScroll = NULLHANDLE;
+ m_hVScroll = NULLHANDLE;
// Initialize SWP's
- memset(&m_vSwp, 0, sizeof(SWP));
- memset(&m_vSwpClient, 0, sizeof(SWP));
memset(&m_vSwpTitleBar, 0, sizeof(SWP));
memset(&m_vSwpMenuBar, 0, sizeof(SWP));
memset(&m_vSwpHScroll, 0, sizeof(SWP));
memset(&m_vSwpVScroll, 0, sizeof(SWP));
memset(&m_vSwpStatusBar, 0, sizeof(SWP));
memset(&m_vSwpToolBar, 0, sizeof(SWP));
+ m_bIconized = FALSE;
} // end of wxFrame::Init
bool wxFrame::Create(
, const wxString& rsTitle
, const wxPoint& rPos
, const wxSize& rSize
-, long lulStyle
+, long lStyle
, const wxString& rsName
- int nX = rPos.x;
- int nY = rPos.y;
- int nWidth = rSize.x;
- int nHeight = rSize.y;
- bool bOk = FALSE;
- SetName(rsName);
- m_windowStyle = lulStyle;
- m_frameMenuBar = NULL;
- m_frameToolBar = NULL;
-#endif //wxUSE_TOOLBAR
- m_frameStatusBar = NULL;
-#endif //wxUSE_STATUSBAR
- SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE));
- if (vId > -1 )
- m_windowId = vId;
- else
- m_windowId = (int)NewControlId();
- if (pParent)
- pParent->AddChild(this);
- m_bIconized = FALSE;
- if ((m_windowStyle & wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT) == 0)
- pParent = NULL;
- bOk = OS2Create( m_windowId
- ,pParent
- ,wxFrameClassName
- ,this
- ,rsTitle
- ,nX
- ,nY
- ,nWidth
- ,nHeight
- ,lulStyle
- );
- if (bOk)
- {
- if (!pParent)
- wxTopLevelWindows.Append(this);
- wxModelessWindows.Append(this);
- }
- return(bOk);
+ if (!wxTopLevelWindow::Create( pParent
+ ,vId
+ ,rsTitle
+ ,rPos
+ ,rSize
+ ,lStyle
+ ,rsName
+ ))
+ return FALSE;
+ wxModelessWindows.Append(this);
+ return TRUE;
} // end of wxFrame::Create
m_isBeingDeleted = TRUE;
- wxTopLevelWindows.DeleteObject(this);
- if (wxTheApp && (wxTopLevelWindows.Number() == 0))
- {
- wxTheApp->SetTopWindow(NULL);
- if (wxTheApp->GetExitOnFrameDelete())
- {
- ::WinPostMsg(NULL, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- wxModelessWindows.DeleteObject(this);
- //
- // For some reason, wxWindows can activate another task altogether
- // when a frame is destroyed after a modal dialog has been invoked.
- // Try to bring the parent to the top.
- //
- // MT:Only do this if this frame is currently the active window, else weird
- // things start to happen.
- //
- if (wxGetActiveWindow() == this)
- {
- if (GetParent() && GetParent()->GetHWND())
- {
- ::WinSetWindowPos( (HWND) GetParent()->GetHWND()
- ,0
- ,0
- ,0
- ,0
- );
- }
- }
} // end of wxFrame::~wxFrame
-// IF we have child controls in the Frame's client we need to alter
-// the y position, because, OS/2 controls are positioned relative to
-// wxWindows orgin (top left) not the OS/2 origin (bottom left)
-void wxFrame::AlterChildPos()
- //
- // OS/2 is the only OS concerned about this
- //
- wxWindow* pChild = NULL;
- wxControl* pCtrl = NULL;
- RECTL vRect;
- SWP vSwp;
- ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect);
- for (wxWindowList::Node* pNode = GetChildren().GetFirst();
- pNode;
- pNode = pNode->GetNext())
- {
- wxWindow* pChild = pNode->GetData();
- ::WinQueryWindowPos(pChild->GetHWND(), &vSwp);
- vSwp.y += (vRect.yTop - m_vSwpClient.cy);
- if (pChild->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)))
- {
- pCtrl = wxDynamicCast(pChild, wxControl);
- //
- // Must deal with controls that have margins like ENTRYFIELD. The SWP
- // struct of such a control will have and origin offset from its intended
- // position by the width of the margins.
- //
- vSwp.y -= pCtrl->GetYComp();
- vSwp.x -= pCtrl->GetXComp();
- }
- ::WinSetWindowPos( pChild->GetHWND()
- ,vSwp.x
- ,vSwp.y
- ,vSwp.cx
- ,vSwp.cy
- );
- ::WinQueryWindowPos(pChild->GetHWND(), &vSwp);
- pChild = NULL;
- }
-} // end of wxFrame::AlterChildPos
// Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar, toolbar etc.
, int* pY
) const
- RECTL vRect;
- ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect);
+ wxTopLevelWindow::DoGetClientSize( pX
+ ,pY
+ );
// No need to use statusbar code as in WIN32 as the FORMATFRAME
// window procedure ensures PM knows about the new frame client
- // size internally. A ::WinQueryWindowRect is all that is needed!
+ // size internally. A ::WinQueryWindowRect (that is called in
+ // wxWindow's GetClient size from above) is all that is needed!
- if (pX)
- *pX = vRect.xRight - vRect.xLeft;
- if (pY)
- *pY = vRect.yTop - vRect.yBottom;
} // end of wxFrame::DoGetClientSize
, int nHeight
- HWND hWnd = GetHwnd();
- RECTL vRect;
- RECTL vRect2;
- ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect);
- ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect2);
+ wxStatusBar* pStatusBar = GetStatusBar();
- // Find the difference between the entire window (title bar and all)
- // and the client area; add this to the new client size to move the
- // window. Remember OS/2's backwards y coord system!
+ // Statusbars are not part of the OS/2 Client but parent frame
+ // so no statusbar consideration
- int nActualWidth = vRect2.xRight - vRect2.xLeft - vRect.xRight;
- int nActualHeight = vRect2.yTop + vRect2.yTop - vRect.yTop;
- wxStatusBar* pStatusBar = GetStatusBar();
- if (pStatusBar && pStatusBar->IsShown())
- {
- nActualHeight += pStatusBar->GetSize().y;
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
- wxPoint vPoint(GetClientAreaOrigin());
- nActualWidth += vPoint.x;
- nActualHeight += vPoint.y;
- POINTL vPointl;
- vPointl.x = vRect2.xLeft;
- vPointl.y = vRect2.yTop;
- ::WinSetWindowPos( hWnd
- ,vPointl.x
- ,vPointl.y
- ,nActualWidth
- ,nActualHeight
- );
- wxSizeEvent vEvent( wxSize( nWidth
- ,nHeight
- )
- ,m_windowId
- );
- vEvent.SetEventObject(this);
- GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent);
+ wxTopLevelWindow::DoSetClientSize( nWidth
+ ,nHeight
+ );
} // end of wxFrame::DoSetClientSize
-void wxFrame::DoGetSize(
- int* pWidth
-, int* pHeight
-) const
- RECTL vRect;
- ::WinQueryWindowRect(m_hFrame, &vRect);
- *pWidth = vRect.xRight - vRect.xLeft;
- *pHeight = vRect.yTop - vRect.yBottom;
-} // end of wxFrame::DoGetSize
-void wxFrame::DoGetPosition(
- int* pX
-, int* pY
-) const
- RECTL vRect;
- POINTL vPoint;
- ::WinQueryWindowRect(m_hFrame, &vRect);
- *pX = vRect.xRight - vRect.xLeft;
- *pY = vRect.yTop - vRect.yBottom;
-} // end of wxFrame::DoGetPosition
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// variations around ::ShowWindow()
+// wxFrame: various geometry-related functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxFrame::DoShowWindow(
- int bShowCmd
+void wxFrame::Raise()
- ::WinShowWindow(m_hFrame, (BOOL)bShowCmd);
- m_bIconized = bShowCmd == SWP_MINIMIZE;
-} // end of wxFrame::DoShowWindow
+ wxFrameBase::Raise();
+ ::WinSetWindowPos( (HWND) GetParent()->GetHWND()
+ ,0
+ ,0
+ ,0
+ ,0
+ );
-bool wxFrame::Show(
- bool bShow
+// generate an artificial resize event
+void wxFrame::SendSizeEvent()
- int nShowCmd;
- SWP vSwp;
- if (bShow)
- {
- nShowCmd = SWP_SHOW;
- }
- else // hide
- {
- nShowCmd = SWP_HIDE;
- }
- DoShowWindow(nShowCmd);
- if (bShow)
- {
- wxActivateEvent vEvent(wxEVT_ACTIVATE, TRUE, m_windowId);
- ::WinQueryWindowPos(m_hFrame, &vSwp);
- m_bIconized = vSwp.fl & SWP_MINIMIZE;
- ::WinQueryWindowPos(m_hWnd, &m_vSwpClient);
- ::WinSendMsg(m_hFrame, WM_UPDATEFRAME, (MPARAM)~0, 0);
- ::WinEnableWindow(m_hFrame, TRUE);
- vEvent.SetEventObject(this);
- GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent);
- }
- else
+ if (!m_bIconized)
- //
- // Try to highlight the correct window (the parent)
- //
- if (GetParent())
- {
- HWND hWndParent = GetHwndOf(GetParent());
- ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWndParent, &vSwp);
- m_bIconized = vSwp.fl & SWP_MINIMIZE;
- if (hWndParent)
- ::WinSetWindowPos( hWndParent
- ,vSwp.x
- ,vSwp.y
- ,vSwp.cx
- ,vSwp.cy
- );
- ::WinEnableWindow(hWndParent, TRUE);
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-} // end of wxFrame::Show
-void wxFrame::Iconize(
- bool bIconize
- DoShowWindow(bIconize ? SWP_MINIMIZE : SWP_RESTORE);
-} // end of wxFrame::Iconize
-void wxFrame::Maximize(
- bool bMaximize)
- DoShowWindow(bMaximize ? SWP_MAXIMIZE : SWP_RESTORE);
-} // end of wxFrame::Maximize
-void wxFrame::Restore()
- DoShowWindow(SWP_RESTORE);
-} // end of wxFrame::Restore
-bool wxFrame::IsIconized() const
- SWP vSwp;
- ::WinQueryWindowPos(m_hFrame, &vSwp);
- if (vSwp.fl & SWP_MINIMIZE)
- ((wxFrame*)this)->m_bIconized = TRUE;
- else
- ((wxFrame*)this)->m_bIconized = FALSE;
- return m_bIconized;
-} // end of wxFrame::IsIconized
-// Is it maximized?
-bool wxFrame::IsMaximized() const
- SWP vSwp;
- bool bIconic;
+ RECTL vRect = wxGetWindowRect(GetHwnd());
- ::WinQueryWindowPos(m_hFrame, &vSwp);
- return (vSwp.fl & SWP_MAXIMIZE);
-} // end of wxFrame::IsMaximized
-void wxFrame::SetIcon(
- const wxIcon& rIcon
- wxFrameBase::SetIcon(rIcon);
- if ((m_icon.GetHICON()) != NULLHANDLE)
- {
- ::WinSendMsg( m_hFrame
- ,(MPARAM)((HPOINTER)m_icon.GetHICON())
- );
- ::WinSendMsg( m_hFrame
- ,(MPARAM)0
- );
+ (void)::WinPostMsg( m_hFrame
+ ,MPFROM2SHORT(vRect.xRight - vRect.xLeft, vRect.yTop - vRect.yBottom)
+ ,MPFROM2SHORT(vRect.xRight - vRect.xLeft, vRect.yTop - vRect.yBottom)
+ );
-} // end of wxFrame::SetIcon
wxStatusBar* wxFrame::OnCreateStatusBar(
if( !pStatusBar )
return NULL;
+ wxClientDC vDC(pStatusBar);
+ int nY;
+ //
+ // Set the height according to the font and the border size
+ //
+ vDC.SetFont(pStatusBar->GetFont()); // Screws up the menues for some reason
+ vDC.GetTextExtent( "X"
+ ,&nY
+ );
+ int nHeight = ((11 * nY) / 10 + 2 * pStatusBar->GetBorderY());
+ pStatusBar->SetSize( -1
+ ,-1
+ ,-1
+ ,nHeight
+ );
::WinSetParent( pStatusBar->GetHWND()
wxSysColourChangedEvent& rEvent
- SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE));
+ SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE));
// Frame window
-bool wxFrame::OS2Create(
- int nId
-, wxWindow* pParent
-, const wxChar* zWclass
-, wxWindow* pWxWin
-, const wxChar* zTitle
-, int nX
-, int nY
-, int nWidth
-, int nHeight
-, long ulStyle
- ULONG ulCreateFlags = 0L;
- ULONG ulStyleFlags = 0L;
- ULONG ulExtraFlags = 0L;
- FRAMECDATA vFrameCtlData;
- HWND hTitlebar = NULLHANDLE;
- SWP vSwp[10];
- RECTL vRect[10];
- USHORT uCtlCount;
- ERRORID vError;
- wxString sError;
- if (pParent)
- hParent = GetWinHwnd(pParent);
- else
- hParent = HWND_DESKTOP;
- if (ulStyle == wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE)
- else
- {
- if ((ulStyle & wxCAPTION) == wxCAPTION)
- ulCreateFlags = FCF_TASKLIST;
- else
- if ((ulStyle & wxVSCROLL) == wxVSCROLL)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_VERTSCROLL;
- if ((ulStyle & wxHSCROLL) == wxHSCROLL)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_HORZSCROLL;
- if (ulStyle & wxMINIMIZE_BOX)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_MINBUTTON;
- if (ulStyle & wxMAXIMIZE_BOX)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_MAXBUTTON;
- if (ulStyle & wxTHICK_FRAME)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_DLGBORDER;
- if (ulStyle & wxSYSTEM_MENU)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_SYSMENU;
- if (ulStyle & wxCAPTION)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_TASKLIST;
- if (ulStyle & wxCLIP_CHILDREN)
- {
- // Invalid for frame windows under PM
- }
- if (ulStyle & wxTINY_CAPTION_VERT)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_TASKLIST;
- if (ulStyle & wxTINY_CAPTION_HORIZ)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_TASKLIST;
- if ((ulStyle & wxTHICK_FRAME) == 0)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_BORDER;
- if (ulStyle & wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW)
- ulExtraFlags = kFrameToolWindow;
- if (ulStyle & wxSTAY_ON_TOP)
- ulCreateFlags |= FCF_SYSMODAL;
- }
- if ((ulStyle & wxMINIMIZE) || (ulStyle & wxICONIZE))
- ulStyleFlags |= WS_MINIMIZED;
- if (ulStyle & wxMAXIMIZE)
- ulStyleFlags |= WS_MAXIMIZED;
- //
- // Clear the visible flag, we always call show
- //
- ulStyleFlags &= (unsigned long)~WS_VISIBLE;
- m_bIconized = FALSE;
- //
- // Set the frame control block
- //
- vFrameCtlData.cb = sizeof(vFrameCtlData);
- vFrameCtlData.flCreateFlags = ulCreateFlags;
- vFrameCtlData.hmodResources = 0L;
- vFrameCtlData.idResources = 0;
- //
- // Create the frame window: We break ranks with other ports now
- // and instead of calling down into the base wxWindow class' OS2Create
- // we do all our own stuff here. We will set the needed pieces
- // of wxWindow manually, here.
- //
- hFrame = ::WinCreateStdWindow( hParent
- ,ulStyleFlags // frame-window style
- ,&ulCreateFlags // window style
- ,(PSZ)zWclass // class name
- ,(PSZ)zTitle // window title
- ,0L // default client style
- ,NULLHANDLE // resource in executable file
- ,0 // resource id
- ,&hClient // receives client window handle
- );
- if (!hFrame)
- {
- vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain);
- sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError);
- wxLogError("Error creating frame. Error: %s\n", sError);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //
- // wxWindow class' m_hWnd set here and needed associations
- //
- m_hFrame = hFrame;
- m_hWnd = hClient;
- wxAssociateWinWithHandle(m_hWnd, this);
- wxAssociateWinWithHandle(m_hFrame, this);
- m_backgroundColour.Set(wxString("GREY"));
- LONG lColor = (LONG)m_backgroundColour.GetPixel();
- if (!::WinSetPresParam( m_hWnd
- ,sizeof(LONG)
- ,(PVOID)&lColor
- ))
- {
- vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain);
- sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError);
- wxLogError("Error creating frame. Error: %s\n", sError);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //
- // Now need to subclass window. Instead of calling the SubClassWin in wxWindow
- // we manually subclass here because we don't want to use the main wxWndProc
- // by default
- //
- m_fnOldWndProc = (WXFARPROC) ::WinSubclassWindow(m_hFrame, (PFNWP)wxFrameMainWndProc);
- //
- // Now size everything. If adding a menu the client will need to be resized.
- //
- if (pParent)
- {
- nY = pParent->GetSize().y - (nY + nHeight);
- }
- else
- {
- RECTL vRect;
- ::WinQueryWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP, &vRect);
- nY = vRect.yTop - (nY + nHeight);
- }
- if (!::WinSetWindowPos( m_hFrame
- ,nX
- ,nY
- ,nWidth
- ,nHeight
- ))
- {
- vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain);
- sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError);
- wxLogError("Error sizing frame. Error: %s\n", sError);
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-} // end of wxFrame::OS2Create
// Default activation behaviour - set the focus for the first child
// subwindow found.
} // end of wxFrame::IconizeChildFrames
+WXHICON wxFrame::GetDefaultIcon() const
// ===========================================================================
// message processing
// ===========================================================================